Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Ulcer ------continued - scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2 - scrotum N50.8 - - tuberculous A18.1† N51.8* - - varicose I86.1 - seminal vesicle N50.8 - sigmoid (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3 - skin (atrophic) (chronic) (neurogenic) (perforating) (pyogenic) (trophic) L98.4 - - with gangrene (see also Gangrene) R02 - - amebic A06.7 - - decubitus L89 - - lower limb L97 - - tuberculous (primary) A18.4 - - varicose — see Ulcer, varicose - sloughing NEC — see Ulcer, skin - solitary, anus or rectum (sphincter) K62.6 - sore throat J02.9 - - streptococcal J02.0 - spermatic cord N50.8 - spine (tuberculous) A18.0† M49.0* - stasis (venous) I83.0 - - inflamed or infected I83.2 - stercoraceous, stercoral K63.3 - - anus or rectum K62.6 - stoma, stomal — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - stomach (eroded) (peptic) (round) K25.9 - - with - - - hemorrhage K25.4 - - - - and perforation K25.6 - - - perforation K25.5 - - acute K25.3 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K25.0 - - - - - and perforation K25.2 - - - - perforation K25.1 - - chronic K25.7 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K25.4 - - - - - and perforation K25.6 - - - - perforation K25.5 - stomatitis K12.1 - stress — see Ulcer, peptic - strumous (tuberculous) A18.2 - syphilitic (any site) (early) (secondary) A51.3 - - late A52.7 - - perforating A52.7 - - - foot A52.1 - testis N50.8 - thigh — see Ulcer, lower limb - throat J39.2 - toe — see Ulcer, lower limb - tongue (traumatic) K14.0 - tonsil J35.8 - trachea J39.8 - trophic — see Ulcer, skin - tropical NEC L98.4 - tuberculous — see Tuberculosis, ulcer - tunica vaginalis N50.8 Ulcer ------continued - turbinate J34.8 - typhoid (perforating) A01.0 - urethra (meatus) (see also Urethritis) N34.2 - uterus N85.8 - - cervix N86 - - - with cervicitis N72 - - neck N86 - - - with cervicitis N72 - vagina N76.5 - - pessary N89.8 - valve, heart I33.0 - varicose (lower limb, any part) I83.0 - - anus — see Varicose, ulcer, anus - - esophagus I85.9 - - - bleeding I85.0 - - inflamed or infected I83.2 - - nasal septum I86.8 - - rectum — see Varicose, ulcer, anus - - scrotum I86.1 - - specified site NEC I86.8 - vas deferens N50.8 - vulva (acute) (infectional) N76.6 - - in (due to) - - - Behçet's disease M35.2† N77.8* - - - herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection A60.0† N77.0* - - - tuberculosis A18.1† N77.0* - X-ray L58.1 - yaws A66.4 Ulcus — see also Ulcer - cutis tuberculosum A18.4 - duodeni — see Ulcer, duodenum - durum (syphilitic) A51.0 - - extragenital A51.2 - gastrojejunale — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - hypostaticum — see Ulcer, varicose - molle (cutis) (skin) A57 - serpens corneae H16.0 - ventriculi — see Ulcer, stomach Ulegyria Q04.8 Ulerythema - ophryogenes, congenital Q84.2 - sycosiforme L73.8 Ullrich(-Bonnevie)(-Turner) syndrome Q87.1 Ullrich-Feichtiger syndrome Q87.0 Ulnar — see condition Ulorrhagia, ulorrhea K06.8 Unavailability (of) - bed at medical facility Z75.1 - health service-related agencies NEC Z75.4 - medical facilities (at) Z75.3 - - due to - - - investigation by social service agency Z75.2 - - - lack of services at home Z75.0 - - - remoteness from facility Z75.3 - - - waiting list Z75.1 564

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Unavailability------continued - - home Z75.0 - - outpatient clinic Z75.3 - schooling Z55.1 - social service agencies Z75.4 Uncinariasis B76.9 Uncongenial work Z56.5 Unconscious(ness) R40.2 Under observation (see also Observation) Z03.9 Underachievement in school Z55.3 Underdevelopment — see also Undeveloped - nose Q30.1 - sexual E30.0 Underfeeding, newborn P92.3 Undernourishment (see also Malnutrition) E46 Undernutrition see also Malnutrition Underweight R62.8 - for gestational age P05.0 Underwood's disease P83.0 Undescended — see also Malposition, congenital - cecum Q43.3 - colon Q43.3 - testicle Q53.9 - - bilateral Q53.2 - - unilateral Q53.1 Undetermined cause R69 Undeveloped, undevelopment — see also Hypoplasia - brain (congenital) Q02 - cerebral (congenital) Q02 - heart Q24.8 - lung Q33.6 - testis E29.1 - uterus E30.0 Undiagnosed (disease) R69 Unemployment, anxiety concerning Z56.0 - threatened Z56.2 Unequal length (acquired) (arm) (leg) (limb) M21.7 Unextracted dental root K08.3 Unguis incarnatus L60.0 Unhappiness R45.2 Unicornate uterus Q51.4 Unilateral — see also condition - development, breast N64.8 - organ or site, congenital NEC — see Agenesis, by site Unilocular heart Q20.8 Union, abnormal — see also Fusion - larynx and trachea Q34.8 Universal mesentery Q43.3 Unknown cause of - morbidity R69 - mortality R99 Unsatisfactory - surroundings NEC Z59.1 - - physical environment Z58.9 - - - specified NEC Z58.8 - - work NEC Z56.5 Unspecified cause - morbidity R69 - mortality R99 Unstable - back NEC M53.2 - hip (congenital) Q65.6 - - acquired M24.8 - joint (see also Instability, joint) M25.3 - - secondary to removal of joint prosthesis M96.8 - lie (mother) O32.0 - - fetus or newborn, before labor P01.7 - lumbosacral joint (congenital) Q76.4 - - acquired M53.2 - sacroiliac M53.2 - spine NEC M53.2 Unsteadiness on feet R26.8 Untruthfulness, child problem F91.8 Unverricht(-Lundborg) disease or epilepsy G40.3 Unwanted pregnancy Z64.0 Upbringing, institutional Z62.2 Upper respiratory — see condition Upset - gastrointestinal K30 - - psychogenic F45.3 - intestinal (large) (small) K59.9 - - psychogenic F45.3 - mental F48.9 - stomach K30 - - psychogenic F45.3 Urachus — see also condition - patent or persistent Q64.4 Urbach-Oppenheim disease L92.1 Urbach's lipoid proteinosis E78.8 Urbach-Wiethe disease E78.8 Urea - blood, high (see also Uremia) N19 - cycle metabolism disorder E72.2 Uremia, uremic (coma) N19 - chronic (see also Failure, renal, chronic) N18.9 - complicating hypertension (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.0 - congenital P96.0 - extrarenal R39.2 - following - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.4 - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.4 565

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Ulcer ------continued<br />

- scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2<br />

- scrotum N50.8<br />

- - tuberculous A18.1† N51.8*<br />

- - varicose I86.1<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.8<br />

- sigmoid (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3<br />

- skin (atrophic) (chronic) (neurogenic)<br />

(perforating) (pyogenic) (trophic) L98.4<br />

- - with gangrene (see also Gangrene) R02<br />

- - amebic A06.7<br />

- - decubitus L89<br />

- - lower limb L97<br />

- - tuberculous (primary) A18.4<br />

- - varicose — see Ulcer, varicose<br />

- sloughing NEC — see Ulcer, skin<br />

- solitary, anus or rectum (sphincter) K62.6<br />

- sore throat J02.9<br />

- - streptococcal J02.0<br />

- spermatic cord N50.8<br />

- spine (tuberculous) A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- stasis (venous) I83.0<br />

- - inflamed or infected I83.2<br />

- stercoraceous, stercoral K63.3<br />

- - anus or rectum K62.6<br />

- stoma, stomal — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal<br />

- stomach (eroded) (peptic) (round) K25.9<br />

- - with<br />

- - - hemorrhage K25.4<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> perforation K25.6<br />

- - - perforation K25.5<br />

- - acute K25.3<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - hemorrhage K25.0<br />

- - - - - <strong>and</strong> perforation K25.2<br />

- - - - perforation K25.1<br />

- - chronic K25.7<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - hemorrhage K25.4<br />

- - - - - <strong>and</strong> perforation K25.6<br />

- - - - perforation K25.5<br />

- stomatitis K12.1<br />

- stress — see Ulcer, peptic<br />

- strumous (tuberculous) A18.2<br />

- syphilitic (any site) (early) (secondary) A51.3<br />

- - late A52.7<br />

- - perforating A52.7<br />

- - - foot A52.1<br />

- testis N50.8<br />

- thigh — see Ulcer, lower limb<br />

- throat J39.2<br />

- toe — see Ulcer, lower limb<br />

- tongue (traumatic) K14.0<br />

- tonsil J35.8<br />

- trachea J39.8<br />

- trophic — see Ulcer, skin<br />

- tropical NEC L98.4<br />

- tuberculous — see Tuberculosis, ulcer<br />

- tunica vaginalis N50.8<br />

Ulcer ------continued<br />

- turbinate J34.8<br />

- typhoid (perforating) A01.0<br />

- urethra (meatus) (see also Urethritis) N34.2<br />

- uterus N85.8<br />

- - cervix N86<br />

- - - with cervicitis N72<br />

- - neck N86<br />

- - - with cervicitis N72<br />

- vagina N76.5<br />

- - pessary N89.8<br />

- valve, heart I33.0<br />

- varicose (lower limb, any part) I83.0<br />

- - anus — see Varicose, ulcer, anus<br />

- - esophagus I85.9<br />

- - - bleeding I85.0<br />

- - inflamed or infected I83.2<br />

- - nasal septum I86.8<br />

- - rectum — see Varicose, ulcer, anus<br />

- - scrotum I86.1<br />

- - specified site NEC I86.8<br />

- vas deferens N50.8<br />

- vulva (acute) (infectional) N76.6<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - Behçet's disease M35.2† N77.8*<br />

- - - herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection<br />

A60.0† N77.0*<br />

- - - tuberculosis A18.1† N77.0*<br />

- X-ray L58.1<br />

- yaws A66.4<br />

Ulcus — see also Ulcer<br />

- cutis tuberculosum A18.4<br />

- duodeni — see Ulcer, duodenum<br />

- durum (syphilitic) A51.0<br />

- - extragenital A51.2<br />

- gastrojejunale — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal<br />

- hypostaticum — see Ulcer, varicose<br />

- molle (cutis) (skin) A57<br />

- serpens corneae H16.0<br />

- ventriculi — see Ulcer, stomach<br />

Ulegyria Q04.8<br />

Ulerythema<br />

- ophryogenes, congenital Q84.2<br />

- sycosiforme L73.8<br />

Ullrich(-Bonnevie)(-Turner) syndrome Q87.1<br />

Ullrich-Feichtiger syndrome Q87.0<br />

Ulnar — see condition<br />

Ulorrhagia, ulorrhea K06.8<br />

Unavailability (of)<br />

- bed at medical facility Z75.1<br />

- health service-related agencies NEC Z75.4<br />

- medical facilities (at) Z75.3<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - investigation by social service agency<br />

Z75.2<br />

- - - lack of services at home Z75.0<br />

- - - remoteness from facility Z75.3<br />

- - - waiting list Z75.1<br />


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