Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury U Uhl's disease Q24.8 Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative L98.4 - amebic (intestine) (see also Amebiasis)A06.1 - - skin A06.7 - anastomotic — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - anorectal K62.6 - antral — see Ulcer, stomach - anus (sphincter) (solitary) K62.6 - - varicose — see Varicose, ulcer, anus - aphthous (oral) (recurrent) K12.0 - - genital organ(s) - - - female N76.6 - - - male N50.8 - artery I77.2 - atrophic NEC — see Ulcer, skin - Barrett's K22.1 - bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.8 - bladder (sphincter) (solitary) NEC N32.8 - - in schistosomiasis (bilharzial) B65.0† N33.8* - - submucosal N30.1 - - tuberculous A18.1† N33.0* - bleeding NEC K27.4 - bone M86.8 - bowel (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3 - breast N61 - bronchus J98.0 - buccal (cavity) (traumatic) K12.1 - Buruli A31.1 - cancerous (M8000/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - cardia K22.1 - cardioesophageal (peptic) K22.1 - cecum (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3 - cervix (uteri) (decubitus) (trophic) N86 - - with cervicitis N72 - chancroidal A57 - chiclero B55.1 - chronic (cause unknown) — see Ulcer, skin - Cochin-China B55.1 - colon (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3 - conjunctiva H10.8 - cornea (annular) (catarrhal) (central) (infectional) (marginal) (ring) (serpent) (serpiginous) (with perforation) H16.0 - - dendritic (herpes simplex) B00.5† H19.1* - - tuberculous (phlyctenular) A18.5† H19.2* - corpus cavernosum (chronic) N48.5 - crural — see Ulcer, lower limb - Curling's — see Ulcer, peptic, acute - Cushing's — see Ulcer, peptic, acute - cystic duct K82.8 Ulcer ------continued - decubitus (skin, any site) L89 - - cervix N86 - dendritic, cornea (herpes simplex) B00.5† H19.1* - diabetes, diabetic (mellitus) (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .5) E14.5 - Dieulafoy's K25.0 - due to - - infection NEC — see Ulcer, skin - - radiation NEC L59.8 - - trophic disturbance (any region) — see Ulcer, skin - - X-ray L58.1 - duodenum, duodenal (eroded) (peptic) K26.9 - - with - - - hemorrhage K26.4 - - - - and perforation K26.6 - - - perforation K26.5 - - acute K26.3 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K26.0 - - - - - and perforation K26.2 - - - - perforation K26.1 - - chronic K26.7 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K26.4 - - - - - and perforation K26.6 - - - - perforation K26.5 - dysenteric NEC A09 - elusive N30.1 - epiglottis J38.7 - esophagus (peptic) K22.1 - - due to - - - gastrointestinal reflux disease K21.0 - - - ingestion of chemical or medicament K22.1 - - fungal K22.1 - - infective K22.1 - - varicose I85.9 - - - bleeding I85.0 - eyelid (region) H01.8 - fauces J39.2 - fistulous NEC — see Ulcer, skin - foot (indolent) (see also Ulcer, lower limb) L97 - - perforating L97 - - - leprous A30.1 - - - syphilitic A52.1 - - varicose I83.0 - - - inflamed or infected I83.2 - frambesial, initial A66.0 - frenum (tongue) K14.0 - gallbladder K82.8 - gangrenous (see also Gangrene) R02 562

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Ulcer ------continued - gastric — see Ulcer, stomach - gastrocolic — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - gastroduodenal — see Ulcer, peptic - gastroesophageal — see Ulcer, stomach - gastrointestinal — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - gastrojejunal (peptic) K28.9 - - with - - - hemorrhage K28.4 - - - - and perforation K28.6 - - - perforation K28.5 - - acute K28.3 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K28.0 - - - - - and perforation K28.2 - - - - perforation K28.1 - - chronic K28.7 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K28.4 - - - - - and perforation K28.6 - - - - perforation K28.5 - gastrojejunocolic — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - gingiva K06.8 - gingivitis K05.1 - glottis J38.7 - gum K06.8 - heel (see also Ulcer, lower limb) L97 - Hunner's N30.1 - hypopharynx J39.2 - hypopyon (chronic) (subacute) H16.0 - hypostaticum — see Ulcer, varicose - ileum (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3 - intestine, intestinal K63.3 - - amebic (see also Amebiasis) A06.1 - - duodenal — see Ulcer, duodenum - - marginal(see also Ulcer,gastrojejunal)K28.9 - - perforating K63.1 - - - fetus or newborn P78.0 - - primary, small intestine K63.3 - - rectum K62.6 - - stercoraceous, stercoral K63.3 - - tuberculous A18.3† K93.0* - - typhoid (fever) A01.0 - - varicose I86.8 - jejunum, jejunal — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - keratitis H16.0 - knee — see Ulcer, lower limb - labium (majus) (minus) N76.6 - laryngitis (see also Laryngitis) J04.0 - larynx (aphthous) (contact) J38.7 - - diphtheritic A36.2 - leg — see Ulcer, lower limb - lip K13.0 - lower limb (atrophic) (chronic) (neurogenic) (perforating) (pyogenic) (trophic)(tropical)L97 - - varicose I83.0 - - - inflamed or infected I83.2 Ulcer ------continued - luetic — see Ulcer, syphilitic - lung J98.4 - - tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) A16.2 - malignant (M8000/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - marginal NEC — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal - meatus (urinarius) N34.2 - Meckel's diverticulum Q43.0 - Meleney's (chronic undermining) L98.4 - Mooren's (cornea) H16.0 - nasopharynx J39.2 - neurogenic NEC — see Ulcer, skin - nose, nasal (passage) (infective) (septum) J34.0 - - skin — see Ulcer, skin - - varicose (bleeding) I86.8 - oesophagus — see Ulcer, esophagus - oral mucosa (traumatic) K12.1 - palate (soft) K12.1 - penis (chronic) N48.5 - peptic (site unspecified) K27.9 - - with - - - hemorrhage K27.4 - - - - and perforation K27.6 - - - perforation K27.5 - - acute K27.3 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K27.0 - - - - - and perforation K27.2 - - - - perforation K27.1 - - chronic K27.7 - - - with - - - - hemorrhage K27.4 - - - - - and perforation K27.6 - - - - perforation K27.5 - - newborn P78.8 - perforating NEC K27.5 - - skin L98.4 - peritonsillar J35.8 - phagedenic (tropical) NEC — see Ulcer, skin - pharynx J39.2 - phlebitis — see Phlebitis - plaster L89 - popliteal space — see Ulcer, lower limb - postpyloric — see Ulcer, duodenum - prepuce N48.1 - prepyloric — see Ulcer, stomach - pressure L89 - pyloric — see Ulcer, stomach - rectosigmoid K63.3 - rectum (sphincter) (solitary) K62.6 - - stercoraceous, stercoral K62.6 - - varicose — see Varicose, ulcer, anus - retina H30.0 - rodent (M8090/3) — see also Neoplasm, skin, malignant - sclera H15.0 563

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

U<br />

Uhl's disease Q24.8<br />

Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration,<br />

ulcerative L98.4<br />

- amebic (intestine) (see also Amebiasis)A06.1<br />

- - skin A06.7<br />

- anastomotic — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal<br />

- anorectal K62.6<br />

- antral — see Ulcer, stomach<br />

- anus (sphincter) (solitary) K62.6<br />

- - varicose — see Varicose, ulcer, anus<br />

- aphthous (oral) (recurrent) K12.0<br />

- - genital organ(s)<br />

- - - female N76.6<br />

- - - male N50.8<br />

- artery I77.2<br />

- atrophic NEC — see Ulcer, skin<br />

- Barrett's K22.1<br />

- bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.8<br />

- bladder (sphincter) (solitary) NEC N32.8<br />

- - in schistosomiasis (bilharzial)<br />

B65.0† N33.8*<br />

- - submucosal N30.1<br />

- - tuberculous A18.1† N33.0*<br />

- bleeding NEC K27.4<br />

- bone M86.8<br />

- bowel (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3<br />

- breast N61<br />

- bronchus J98.0<br />

- buccal (cavity) (traumatic) K12.1<br />

- Buruli A31.1<br />

- cancerous (M8000/3) — see Neoplasm,<br />

malignant<br />

- cardia K22.1<br />

- cardioesophageal (peptic) K22.1<br />

- cecum (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3<br />

- cervix (uteri) (decubitus) (trophic) N86<br />

- - with cervicitis N72<br />

- chancroidal A57<br />

- chiclero B55.1<br />

- chronic (cause unknown) — see Ulcer, skin<br />

- Cochin-China B55.1<br />

- colon (see also Ulcer, intestine) K63.3<br />

- conjunctiva H10.8<br />

- cornea (annular) (catarrhal) (central)<br />

(infectional) (marginal) (ring) (serpent)<br />

(serpiginous) (with perforation) H16.0<br />

- - dendritic (herpes simplex) B00.5† H19.1*<br />

- - tuberculous (phlyctenular) A18.5† H19.2*<br />

- corpus cavernosum (chronic) N48.5<br />

- crural — see Ulcer, lower limb<br />

- Curling's — see Ulcer, peptic, acute<br />

- Cushing's — see Ulcer, peptic, acute<br />

- cystic duct K82.8<br />

Ulcer ------continued<br />

- decubitus (skin, any site) L89<br />

- - cervix N86<br />

- dendritic, cornea (herpes simplex)<br />

B00.5† H19.1*<br />

- diabetes, diabetic (mellitus) (see also<br />

E10-E14 with fourth character .5) E14.5<br />

- Dieulafoy's K25.0<br />

- due to<br />

- - infection NEC — see Ulcer, skin<br />

- - radiation NEC L59.8<br />

- - trophic disturbance (any region)<br />

— see Ulcer, skin<br />

- - X-ray L58.1<br />

- duodenum, duodenal (eroded) (peptic) K26.9<br />

- - with<br />

- - - hemorrhage K26.4<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> perforation K26.6<br />

- - - perforation K26.5<br />

- - acute K26.3<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - hemorrhage K26.0<br />

- - - - - <strong>and</strong> perforation K26.2<br />

- - - - perforation K26.1<br />

- - chronic K26.7<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - hemorrhage K26.4<br />

- - - - - <strong>and</strong> perforation K26.6<br />

- - - - perforation K26.5<br />

- dysenteric NEC A09<br />

- elusive N30.1<br />

- epiglottis J38.7<br />

- esophagus (peptic) K22.1<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - gastrointestinal reflux disease K21.0<br />

- - - ingestion of chemical or medicament K22.1<br />

- - fungal K22.1<br />

- - infective K22.1<br />

- - varicose I85.9<br />

- - - bleeding I85.0<br />

- eyelid (region) H01.8<br />

- fauces J39.2<br />

- fistulous NEC — see Ulcer, skin<br />

- foot (indolent) (see also Ulcer, lower limb) L97<br />

- - perforating L97<br />

- - - leprous A30.1<br />

- - - syphilitic A52.1<br />

- - varicose I83.0<br />

- - - inflamed or infected I83.2<br />

- frambesial, initial A66.0<br />

- frenum (tongue) K14.0<br />

- gallbladder K82.8<br />

- gangrenous (see also Gangrene) R02<br />


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