Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Trypanosomiasis------continued<br />

- East African B56.1<br />

- gambiensis, Gambian B56.0<br />

- rhodesiensis, Rhodesian B56.1<br />

- South American — see Chagas' disease<br />

- West African B56.0<br />

- where<br />

- - African trypanosomiasis is prevalent B56.9<br />

- - Chagas' disease is prevalent B57.2<br />

T-shaped incisors K00.2<br />

Tsutsugamushi (disease) (fever) A75.3<br />

Tube, tubal, tubular — see also condition<br />

- ligation, admission for Z30.2<br />

Tubercle — see also Tuberculosis<br />

- brain, solitary A17.8† G07*<br />

- Darwin's Q17.8<br />

- Ghon, primary infection A16.7<br />

- - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.7<br />

Tuberculid, tuberculide (indurating,<br />

subcutaneous) (lichenoid) (miliary)<br />

(papulonecrotic) (primary) (skin) A18.4<br />

Tuberculoma — see also Tuberculosis<br />

- brain A17.8† G07*<br />

- meninges (cerebral) (spinal) A17.1† G07*<br />

- spinal cord A17.8† G07*<br />

Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous<br />

(caseous) (degeneration) (gangrene)<br />

(necrosis) A16.9<br />

- with pneumoconiosis (any condition in<br />

J60–J64) J65<br />

- abdomen (lymph gl<strong>and</strong>) A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- abscess NEC (respiratory) A16.9<br />

- - bone A18.0† M90.0*<br />

- - - hip A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- - - knee A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- - - sacrum A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - - specified site NEC A18.0† M90.0*<br />

- - - spine A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - - vertebra A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - brain A17.8† G07*<br />

- - breast A18.8<br />

- - Cowper's gl<strong>and</strong> A18.1† N51.8*<br />

- - dura (mater) (cerebral) (spinal) A17.8† G01*<br />

- - epidural (cerebral) (spinal) A17.8† G07*<br />

- - female pelvis A18.1† N74.1*<br />

- - frontal sinus (see also Tuberculosis,<br />

sinus) A16.8<br />

- - - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.8<br />

- - genital organs NEC A18.1<br />

- - genitourinary A18.1<br />

- - gl<strong>and</strong> (lymphatic) — see Tuberculosis,<br />

lymph gl<strong>and</strong><br />

- - hip A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- - intestine A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- - ischiorectal A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- - joint NEC A18.0† M01.1*<br />

Tuberculosis, tubercular ------continued<br />

- - - hip A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- - - knee A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- - - vertebral A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - kidney A18.1† N29.1*<br />

- - knee A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- - lumbar (spine) A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - lung (see also Tuberculosis,<br />

pulmonary) A16.2<br />

- - - primary (progressive) A16.7<br />

- - - - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.7<br />

- - meninges (cerebral) (spinal) A17.0† G01*<br />

- - muscle A18.8† M63.0*<br />

- - perianal (fistula) A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- - perinephritic A18.1† N29.1*<br />

- - perirectal A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- - rectum A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- - retropharyngeal A16.8<br />

- - - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.8<br />

- - sacrum A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - scrofulous A18.2<br />

- - scrotum A18.1† N51.8*<br />

- - skin (primary) A18.4<br />

- - spinal cord A17.8† G07*<br />

- - spine or vertebra (column) A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- - subdiaphragmatic A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- - testis A18.1† N51.1*<br />

- - urinary A18.1<br />

- - uterus A18.1† N74.1*<br />

- accessory sinus — see Tuberculosis,<br />

sinus<br />

- Addison's disease A18.7† E35.1*<br />

- adenitis (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

A18.2<br />

- adenoids A16.8<br />

- - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.8<br />

- adenopathy (see also Tuberculosis, lymph<br />

gl<strong>and</strong>) A18.2<br />

- - tracheobronchial A16.3<br />

- - - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.4<br />

- - - primary (progressive) A16.7<br />

- - - - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.7<br />

- adherent pericardium A18.8† I32.0*<br />

- adnexa (uteri) A18.1† N74.1*<br />

- adrenal (capsule) (gl<strong>and</strong>) A18.7† E35.1*<br />

- alimentary canal A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- anemia A18.8† D63.8*<br />

- ankle (joint) A18.0† M01.1*<br />

- anus A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- apex, apical — see Tuberculosis, pulmonary<br />

- appendix, appendicitis A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- arachnoid A17.0† G01*<br />

- artery, arteritis A18.8† I79.8*<br />

- - cerebral A18.8† I68.1*<br />


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