Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Torticollis (intermittent) (spastic) M43.6<br />

- congenital (sternomastoid) Q68.0<br />

- due to birth injury P15.2<br />

- hysterical F44.4<br />

- psychogenic F45.8<br />

- - conversion reaction F44.4<br />

- rheumatoid M06.8<br />

- spasmodic G24.3<br />

- traumatic, current NEC S13.4<br />

Tortipelvis G24.1<br />

Tortuous<br />

- artery I77.1<br />

- organ or site, congenital NEC<br />

— see Distortion<br />

- retinal vessel, congenital Q14.1<br />

- urethra N36.8<br />

- vein — see Varicose vein<br />

Torture, victim of Z65.4<br />

Torula, torular (histolytica) (infection)<br />

(see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9<br />

Torulosis (see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9<br />

Torus (m<strong>and</strong>ibularis) (palatinus) K10.0<br />

Tourette's syndrome F95.2<br />

Tower skull Q75.0<br />

- with exophthalmos Q87.0<br />

Toxemia R68.8<br />

- bacterial — see Septicemia<br />

- burn — see Burn<br />

- eclamptic (see also Eclampsia) O15.9<br />

- fatigue R68.8<br />

- kidney (see also Uremia) N19<br />

- maternal (of pregnancy), affecting fetus<br />

or newborn P00.0<br />

- myocardial — see Myocarditis, toxic<br />

- of pregnancy (see also Pre-eclampsia)<br />

O14.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P00.0<br />

- pre-eclamptic (see also Pre-eclampsia)<br />

O14.9<br />

- septic (see also Septicemia) A41.9<br />

- stasis R68.8<br />

- uremic (see also Uremia) N19<br />

- urinary (see also Uremia) N19<br />

Toxic (poisoning) — see also condition<br />

- from drug or nonmedicinal substance<br />

— see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

- shock syndrome A48.3<br />

- thyroid (gl<strong>and</strong>) (see also Thyrotoxicosis)<br />

E05.9<br />

Toxicemia — see Toxemia<br />

Toxicity T65.9<br />

- fava bean D55.0<br />

- from drug or nonmedicinal substance<br />

— see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

Toxicosis (see also Toxemia) R68.8<br />

- capillary, hemorrhagic D69.0<br />

Toxocariasis B83.0<br />

Toxoplasma, toxoplasmosis (acquired) B58.9<br />

- with<br />

- - hepatitis B58.1† K77.0*<br />

- - meningoencephalitis B58.2† G05.2*<br />

- - ocular involvement B58.0† H58.8*<br />

- - other organ involvement B58.8<br />

- - pneumonia, pneumonitis B58.3† J17.3*<br />

- congenital (acute) (chronic) (subacute) P37.1<br />

- maternal, affecting fetus or newborn P00.2<br />

- - manifest toxoplasmosis in infant or fetus<br />

(acute) (chronic) (subacute) P37.1<br />

- resulting from HIV disease B20.8<br />

- suspected damage to fetus affecting<br />

management of pregnancy O35.8<br />

Trabeculation, bladder N32.8<br />

Trachea — see condition<br />

Tracheitis (acute) (catarrhal) (infantile)<br />

(membranous) (plastic) (pneumococcal)<br />

(viral) J04.1<br />

- with<br />

- - bronchitis (15 years of age <strong>and</strong> above) J40<br />

- - - acute or subacute (see also Bronchitis,<br />

acute) J20.9<br />

- - - chronic J42<br />

- - - tuberculous NEC A16.4<br />

- - - under 15 years of age J20.-<br />

- - laryngitis (acute) J04.2<br />

- - - chronic J37.1<br />

- - - tuberculous NEC A16.4<br />

- chronic J42<br />

- - with<br />

- - - bronchitis (chronic) J42<br />

- - - laryngitis (chronic) J37.1<br />

- diphtheritic A36.8<br />

- due to external agent — see Inflammation,<br />

respiratory, upper, due to<br />

- streptococcal J04.1<br />

- syphilitic A52.7† J99.8*<br />

- tuberculous A16.4<br />

- - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.5<br />

Trachelitis (nonvenereal) (see also Cervicitis) N72<br />

Tracheobronchial — see condition<br />

Tracheobronchitis (15 years of age <strong>and</strong> above)<br />

(see also Bronchitis) J40<br />

- acute or subacute(see also Bronchitis, acute)J20.9<br />

- chronic J42<br />

- due to<br />

- - Bordetella bronchiseptica A37.8<br />

- - Francisella tularensis A21.8<br />

- influenzal (see also Influenza, with,<br />

respiratory manifestations) J11.1<br />

- senile (chronic) J42<br />

- under 15 years of age J20.-<br />

Tracheobronchopneumonitis<br />

— see Pneumonia, broncho<br />

Tracheocele (external) (internal) J39.8<br />

- congenital Q32.1<br />


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