Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Therapy------continued - occupational Z50.7 - physical NEC Z50.1 - psychodynamic NEC Z50.4 - speech Z50.5 - vocational Z50.7 Thermic — see condition Thermoplegia T67.0 Thesaurismosis, glycogen (see also Disease, glycogen storage) E74.0 Thiamin deficiency E51.9 - specified NEC E51.8 Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome M34.8 Thickening - bone M89.3 - breast N64.5 - epidermal L85.9 - - specified NEC L85.8 - hymen N89.6 - larynx J38.7 - nail L60.2 - - congenital Q84.5 - periosteal M89.3 - pleura J92.9 - - with asbestos J92.0 - skin R23.4 - subepiglottic J38.7 - tongue K14.8 - valve, heart — see Endocarditis Thigh — see condition Thinning vertebra M48.8 Thirst, excessive R63.1 - due to deprivation of water T73.1 Thomsen's disease G71.1 Thoracogastroschisis (congenital) Q79.8 Thoracopagus Q89.4 Thorax, thoracic — see also condition - kidney Q63.2 Thorn's syndrome N28.8 Threadworm infection or infestation B80 Threatened - abortion O20.0 - - with subsequent abortion O03.- - - affecting fetus P01.8 - job loss, anxiety concerning Z56.2 - labor (see also Labor, false) O47.9 - - affecting fetus P01.8 - loss of job, anxiety concerning Z56.2 - miscarriage O20.0 - - affecting fetus P01.8 - premature delivery, affecting fetus P01.8 - unemployment, anxiety concerning Z56.2 Thresher's lung J67.0 Thrix annulata (congenital) Q84.1 Throat — see condition Thromboangiitis obliterans (general) I73.1 Thromboarteritis — see Arteritis Thromboasthenia (Glanzmann) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary) D69.1 Thrombocytasthenia (Glanzmann) D69.1 Thrombocythemia (essential) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (primary) (M9962/1) D47.3 Thrombocytopathy D69.1 - dystrophic D69.1 - granulopenic D69.1 Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic D69.6 - with absent radius (TAR) Q87.2 - congenital D69.4 - dilutional D69.5 - due to - - drugs D69.5 - - extracorporeal circulation of blood D69.5 - - massive blood transfusion D69.5 - - platelet alloimmunization D69.5 - essential D69.3 - hereditary D69.4 - idiopathic D69.3 - neonatal, transitory P61.0 - - due to - - - exchange transfusion P61.0 - - - idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia P61.0 - - - isoimmunization P61.0 - primary NEC D69.4 - puerperal, postpartum O72.3 - secondary D69.5 - transient neonatal P61.0 Thrombocytosis, essential D75.2 Thromboembolism (see also Embolism) I74.9 - coronary (artery) (vein) (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 - - not resulting in infarction I24.0 - following infusion, therapeutic injection or transfusion T80.1 Thrombopathy (Bernard-Soulier) D69.1 - constitutional D68.0 - Willebrand-Jurgens D68.0 Thrombopenia (see also Thrombocytopenia) D69.6 Thrombophlebitis I80.9 - antepartum (superficial) O22.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.3 - - deep O22.3 - cavernous (venous) sinus G08 - - nonpyogenic I67.6 - cerebral (sinus) (vein) G08 - - nonpyogenic I67.6 - due to implanted device — see Complications, by site and type, specified NEC - during or resulting from a procedure NEC T81.7 - femoral (superficial) I80.1 - following infusion, therapeutic injection or transfusion T80.1 - hepatic (vein) I80.8 - idiopathic, recurrent I82.1 542

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Thrombophlebitis------continued - iliofemoral I80.1 - intracranial venous sinus (any) G08 - - nonpyogenic I67.6 - intraspinal venous sinus and vein G08 - - nonpyogenic G95.1 - lateral (venous) sinus G08 - - nonpyogenic I67.6 - leg I80.3 - - deep (vessels) NEC I80.2 - - superficial (vessels) I80.0 - longitudinal (venous) sinus G08 - - nonpyogenic I67.6 - lower extremity I80.3 - - deep (vessels) NEC I80.2 - - superficial (vessels) I80.0 - migrans, migrating I82.1 - pelvic - - following - - - abortion O08.0 - - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0 - - puerperal O87.1 - portal (vein) K75.1 - postoperative T81.7 - pregnancy (superficial) O22.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.3 - - deep O22.3 - puerperal, postpartum, childbirth (superficial) O87.0 - - deep O87.1 - - pelvic O87.1 - sinus (intracranial) G08 - - nonpyogenic I67.6 - specified site NEC I80.8 Thrombosis, thrombotic (multiple) (progressive) (septic) (vein) (vessel) I82.9 - antepartum O22.9 - aorta, aortic I74.1 - - abdominal I74.0 - - bifurcation I74.0 - - saddle I74.0 - - thoracic I74.1 - - valve — see Endocarditis, aortic - apoplexy I63.3 - appendix, septic K35.9 - artery, arteries (postinfectional) I74.9 - - auditory, internal I65.8 - - basilar (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) I65.1 - - carotid (common) (internal) (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) I65.2 - - cerebellar (anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior) (see also Occlusion, artery, cerebellar) I66.3 - - cerebral (see also Occlusion, artery, cerebral) I66.9 - - choroidal (anterior) I66.8 - - communicating, posterior I66.8 Thrombosis, thrombotic------continued - - coronary (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 - - - due to syphilis A52.0† I52.0* - - - not resulting in infarction I24.0 - - hepatic I74.8 - - hypophyseal I66.8 - - iliac I74.5 - - limb I74.4 - - - lower I74.3 - - - upper I74.2 - - meningeal, anterior or posterior I66.8 - - mesenteric (with gangrene) K55.0 - - ophthalmic H34.2 - - pontine I66.8 - - precerebral (see also Occlusion, artery, precerebral) I65.9 - - pulmonary (see also Embolism, pulmonary) I26.9 - - renal N28.0 - - retinal H34.2 - - spinal, anterior or posterior G95.1 - - vertebral (see also Occlusion, artery, vertebral) I65.0 - basilar (artery) (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) I65.1 - bland NEC I82.9 - brain (artery) (stem) (see also Occlusion, artery, cerebral) I66.9 - - due to syphilis A52.0† I68.8* - - puerperal, postpartum, childbirth O99.4 - - sinus (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) G08 - capillary I78.8 - cardiac (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 - - due to syphilis A52.0† I52.0* - - not resulting in infarction I24.0 - - valve — see Endocarditis - carotid (artery) (common) (internal) (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) I65.2 - cavernous (venous) sinus (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) G08 - cerebral (artery) (see also Occlusion, artery, cerebral) I66.9 - cerebrovenous sinus (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) G08 - - pregnancy O22.5 - - puerperium O87.3 - coronary (artery) (vein) (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 - - due to syphilis A52.0† I52.0* - - not resulting in infarction I24.0 - corpus cavernosum N48.8 - cortical I66.9 - deep I80.2 - due to device, implant or graft (see also Complications, by site and type, specified NEC) T85.8 - - arterial graft NEC T82.8 - - breast (implant) T85.8 543

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Therapy------continued<br />

- occupational Z50.7<br />

- physical NEC Z50.1<br />

- psychodynamic NEC Z50.4<br />

- speech Z50.5<br />

- vocational Z50.7<br />

Thermic — see condition<br />

Thermoplegia T67.0<br />

Thesaurismosis, glycogen (see also<br />

Disease, glycogen storage) E74.0<br />

Thiamin deficiency E51.9<br />

- specified NEC E51.8<br />

Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome M34.8<br />

Thickening<br />

- bone M89.3<br />

- breast N64.5<br />

- epidermal L85.9<br />

- - specified NEC L85.8<br />

- hymen N89.6<br />

- larynx J38.7<br />

- nail L60.2<br />

- - congenital Q84.5<br />

- periosteal M89.3<br />

- pleura J92.9<br />

- - with asbestos J92.0<br />

- skin R23.4<br />

- subepiglottic J38.7<br />

- tongue K14.8<br />

- valve, heart — see Endocarditis<br />

Thigh — see condition<br />

Thinning vertebra M48.8<br />

Thirst, excessive R63.1<br />

- due to deprivation of water T73.1<br />

Thomsen's disease G71.1<br />

Thoracogastroschisis (congenital) Q79.8<br />

Thoracopagus Q89.4<br />

Thorax, thoracic — see also condition<br />

- kidney Q63.2<br />

Thorn's syndrome N28.8<br />

Threadworm infection or infestation B80<br />

Threatened<br />

- abortion O20.0<br />

- - with subsequent abortion O03.-<br />

- - affecting fetus P01.8<br />

- job loss, anxiety concerning Z56.2<br />

- labor (see also Labor, false) O47.9<br />

- - affecting fetus P01.8<br />

- loss of job, anxiety concerning Z56.2<br />

- miscarriage O20.0<br />

- - affecting fetus P01.8<br />

- premature delivery, affecting fetus P01.8<br />

- unemployment, anxiety concerning Z56.2<br />

Thresher's lung J67.0<br />

Thrix annulata (congenital) Q84.1<br />

Throat — see condition<br />

Thromboangiitis obliterans (general) I73.1<br />

Thromboarteritis — see Arteritis<br />

Thromboasthenia (Glanzmann)<br />

(hemorrhagic) (hereditary) D69.1<br />

Thrombocytasthenia (Glanzmann) D69.1<br />

Thrombocythemia (essential) (hemorrhagic)<br />

(idiopathic) (primary) (M9962/1) D47.3<br />

Thrombocytopathy D69.1<br />

- dystrophic D69.1<br />

- granulopenic D69.1<br />

Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic D69.6<br />

- with absent radius (TAR) Q87.2<br />

- congenital D69.4<br />

- dilutional D69.5<br />

- due to<br />

- - drugs D69.5<br />

- - extracorporeal circulation of blood D69.5<br />

- - massive blood transfusion D69.5<br />

- - platelet alloimmunization D69.5<br />

- essential D69.3<br />

- hereditary D69.4<br />

- idiopathic D69.3<br />

- neonatal, transitory P61.0<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - exchange transfusion P61.0<br />

- - - idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia P61.0<br />

- - - isoimmunization P61.0<br />

- primary NEC D69.4<br />

- puerperal, postpartum O72.3<br />

- secondary D69.5<br />

- transient neonatal P61.0<br />

Thrombocytosis, essential D75.2<br />

Thromboembolism (see also Embolism) I74.9<br />

- coronary (artery) (vein) (see also Infarct,<br />

myocardium) I21.9<br />

- - not resulting in infarction I24.0<br />

- following infusion, therapeutic injection<br />

or transfusion T80.1<br />

Thrombopathy (Bernard-Soulier) D69.1<br />

- constitutional D68.0<br />

- Willebr<strong>and</strong>-Jurgens D68.0<br />

Thrombopenia (see also Thrombocytopenia)<br />

D69.6<br />

Thrombophlebitis I80.9<br />

- antepartum (superficial) O22.2<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P00.3<br />

- - deep O22.3<br />

- cavernous (venous) sinus G08<br />

- - nonpyogenic I67.6<br />

- cerebral (sinus) (vein) G08<br />

- - nonpyogenic I67.6<br />

- due to implanted device — see Complications,<br />

by site <strong>and</strong> type, specified NEC<br />

- during or resulting from a procedure NEC T81.7<br />

- femoral (superficial) I80.1<br />

- following infusion, therapeutic injection or<br />

transfusion T80.1<br />

- hepatic (vein) I80.8<br />

- idiopathic, recurrent I82.1<br />


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