Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Syphilis, syphilitic------continued - - - symptomatic A50.0 - - interstitial keratitis A50.3† H19.2* - - juvenile neurosyphilis A50.4 - - late, or 2 years or more after birth NEC A50.7 - - - chorioretinitis, choroiditis A50.3† H32.0* - - - interstitial keratitis A50.3† H19.2* - - - juvenile neurosyphilis A50.4 - - - latent (without manifestations) A50.6 - - - - negative spinal fluid test A50.6 - - - - serology positive A50.6 - - - symptomatic or with manifestations NEC A50.5 - conjugal A53.9 - - tabes A52.1 - conjunctiva (late) A52.7† H13.1* - cord bladder A52.1 - cornea, late A52.7† H19.2* - coronary (artery) (sclerosis) A52.0† I52.0* - cranial nerve A52.1† G53.8* - - multiple palsies A52.1† G53.1* - cutaneous — see Syphilis, skin - dacryocystitis (late) A52.7† H06.0* - degeneration, spinal cord A52.1 - dementia paralytica A52.1 - - juvenilis A50.4 - destruction of bone A52.7† M90.2* - dilatation, aorta A52.0† I79.0* - due to blood transfusion A53.9 - dura mater A52.1† G01* - ear A52.7† H94.8* - - inner A52.7† H94.8* - - - nerve (eighth) A52.1† H94.0* - - - neurorecurrence A52.1† H94.0* - early NEC A51.9 - - cardiovascular A52.0† I98.0* - - latent (less than 2 years after infection) (without manifestations) A51.5 - - - negative spinal fluid test A51.5 - - - serological relapse after treatment A51.5 - - - serology positive A51.5 - - relapse (treated, untreated) A51.9 - - skin A51.3 - - symptomatic A51.9 - - - extragenital chancre A51.2 - - - primary, except extragenital chancreA51.0 - - - secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) A51.3 - - - - relapse (treated, untreated) A51.4 - - ulcer A51.3 - eighth nerve (neuritis) A52.1† H94.0* - endemic A65 - endocarditis A52.0† I39.8* - - aortic A52.0† I39.1* - - pulmonary A52.0† I39.3* - epididymis (late) A52.7† N51.1* - epiglottis (late) A52.7† J99.8* - epiphysitis (congenital) (early) A50.0† M90.2* Syphilis, syphilitic------continued - episcleritis (late) A52.7† H19.0* - esophagus A52.7† K23.8* - eustachian tube A52.7† J99.8* - eye A52.7† H58.8* - eyelid (late) (with gumma) A52.7† H03.1* - fallopian tube (late) A52.7† N74.2* - fracture A52.7† M90.2* - gallbladder (late) A52.7† K87.0* - gastric (late) (polyposis) A52.7† K93.8* - general A53.9 - - paralysis A52.1 - - - juvenile A50.4 - genital (primary) A51.0 - glaucoma A52.7† H42.8* - gumma NEC A52.7 - - cardiovascular system A52.0† I98.0* - - central nervous system A52.3 - - congenital A50.5 - heart (block) (decompensation) (disease) (failure) A52.0† I52.0* - - valve NEC A52.0† I39.8* - hemianesthesia A52.1 - hemianopsia A52.7† H58.1* - hemiparesis A52.1 - hemiplegia A52.1 - hepatic artery A52.0† I79.8* - hepatis A52.7† K77.0* - hereditaria tarda (see also Syphilis, congenital, late) A50.7 - hereditary (see also Syphilis, congenital) A50.9 - hyalitis A52.7† H45.8* - inactive — see Syphilis, latent - infantum — see Syphilis, congenital - inherited — see Syphilis, congenital - internal ear A52.7† H94.8* - intestine (late) A52.7† K93.8* - iris, iritis (secondary) A51.4† H22.0* - - late A52.7† H22.0* - joint (late) A52.7† M14.8* - keratitis (congenital) (interstitial) (late) A50.3† H19.2* - kidney (late) A52.7† N29.0* - lacrimal passages (late) A52.7† H06.0* - larynx (late) A52.7† J99.8* - late A52.9 - - cardiovascular A52.0† I98.0* - - central nervous system A52.3 - - kidney A52.7† N29.0* - - latent (2 years or more after infection) (without manifestations) A52.8 - - - negative spinal fluid test A52.8 - - - serology positive A52.8 - - paresis A52.1 - - specified site NEC A52.7 - - symptomatic or with manifestations A52.7 - - tabes A52.1 534

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Syphilis, syphilitic------continued - latent A53.0 - - with signs or symptoms — code as Syphilis, by site and stage - - central nervous system A52.2 - - early, or less than 2 years after infection A51.5 - - follow-up of latent syphilis A53.0 - - - date of infection unspecified A53.0 - - - late, or 2 years or more after infection A52.8 - - late, or 2 years or more after infection A52.8 - - positive serology A53.0 - - - date of infection unspecified A53.0 - - - early, or less than 2 years after infection A51.5 - - - late, or 2 years or more after infection A52.8 - lens (late) A52.7† H28.8* - leukoderma A51.3† L99.8* - - late A52.7† L99.8* - lienitis A52.7† D77* - lip A51.3 - - chancre (primary) A51.2 - - late A52.7† K93.8* - Lissauer's paralysis A52.1 - liver A52.7† K77.0* - locomotor ataxia A52.1 - lung A52.7† J99.8* - lymph gland (early) (secondary) A51.4 - - late A52.7† I98.8* - lymphadenitis (secondary) A51.4 - macular atrophy of skin A51.3† L99.8* - - striated A52.7† L99.8* - maternal, affecting fetus or newborn P00.2 - - manifest syphilis in infant — see Syphilis, congenital - mediastinum (late) A52.7† J99.8* - meninges (adhesive) (brain) (spinal cord) A52.1† G01* - meningitis A52.1† G01* - - acute (secondary) A51.4† G01* - - congenital A50.4† G01* - meningoencephalitis A52.1† G05.0* - meningovascular A52.1† G01* - - congenital A50.4† G01* - mesarteritis A52.0† I79.8* - - brain A52.0† I68.1* - middle ear A52.7† H75.8* - mitral stenosis A52.0† I39.0* - monoplegia A52.1 - mouth (secondary) A51.3 - - late A52.7† K93.8* - mucocutaneous (secondary) A51.3 - - late A52.7 - mucous - - membrane (secondary) A51.3 - - - late A52.7 Syphilis, syphilitic------continued - - patches A51.3 - - - congenital A50.0 - muscle A52.7† M63.0* - myocardium A52.0† I41.0* - nasal sinus (late) A52.7† J99.8* - neonatorum — see Syphilis, congenital - nephrotic syndrome (secondary) A52.7† N08.0* - nerve palsy (any cranial nerve) A52.1† G53.8* - - multiple A52.1† G53.1* - nervous system, central A52.3 - neuritis A52.1† G59.8* - - acoustic A52.1† H94.0* - neurorecidive of retina A52.1† H36.8* - neuroretinitis A52.1† H36.8* - nodular superficial (late) A52.7 - nonvenereal A65 - nose (late) A52.7† J99.8* - - saddle back deformity A50.5 - occlusive arterial disease A52.0† I79.8* - oculopathy A52.7† H58.8* - oesophagus (late) A52.7† K23.8* - ophthalmic (late) A52.7† H58.8* - optic nerve (atrophy) (neuritis) (papilla) A52.1† H48.0* - orbit (late) A52.7† H06.3* - organic A53.9 - osseous (late) A52.7† M90.2* - osteochondritis (congenital) (early) A50.0† M90.2* - osteoporosis A52.7† M90.2* - ovary (late) A52.7† N74.2* - oviduct (late) A52.7† N74.2* - palate (late) A52.7† K93.8* - pancreas (late) A52.7† K87.1* - paralysis A52.1 - - general A52.1 - - - juvenile A50.4 - paresis (general) A52.1 - - juvenile A50.4 - paresthesia A52.1 - Parkinson's disease or syndrome A52.1† G22* - paroxysmal tachycardia A52.0† I52.0* - pemphigus (congenital) A50.0 - penis (chancre) A51.0 - - late A52.7† N51.8* - pericardium A52.0† I32.0* - perichondritis, larynx (late) A52.7† J99.8* - periosteum (late) A52.7† M90.1* - - congenital (early) A50.0† M90.1* - - early (secondary) A51.4† M90.1* - peripheral nerve A52.7† G59.8* - petrous bone (late) A52.7† M90.2* - pharynx (late) A52.7† J99.8* - - secondary A51.3 - pituitary (gland) A52.7† E35.8* - placenta O98.1 - pleura (late) A52.7† J99.8* - pontine lesion A52.1† G94.8* - portal vein A52.0† I98.0* 535

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Syphilis, syphilitic------continued<br />

- - - symptomatic A50.0<br />

- - interstitial keratitis A50.3† H19.2*<br />

- - juvenile neurosyphilis A50.4<br />

- - late, or 2 years or more after birth NEC<br />

A50.7<br />

- - - chorioretinitis, choroiditis A50.3† H32.0*<br />

- - - interstitial keratitis A50.3† H19.2*<br />

- - - juvenile neurosyphilis A50.4<br />

- - - latent (without manifestations) A50.6<br />

- - - - negative spinal fluid test A50.6<br />

- - - - serology positive A50.6<br />

- - - symptomatic or with manifestations<br />

NEC A50.5<br />

- conjugal A53.9<br />

- - tabes A52.1<br />

- conjunctiva (late) A52.7† H13.1*<br />

- cord bladder A52.1<br />

- cornea, late A52.7† H19.2*<br />

- coronary (artery) (sclerosis) A52.0† I52.0*<br />

- cranial nerve A52.1† G53.8*<br />

- - multiple palsies A52.1† G53.1*<br />

- cutaneous — see Syphilis, skin<br />

- dacryocystitis (late) A52.7† H06.0*<br />

- degeneration, spinal cord A52.1<br />

- dementia paralytica A52.1<br />

- - juvenilis A50.4<br />

- destruction of bone A52.7† M90.2*<br />

- dilatation, aorta A52.0† I79.0*<br />

- due to blood transfusion A53.9<br />

- dura mater A52.1† G01*<br />

- ear A52.7† H94.8*<br />

- - inner A52.7† H94.8*<br />

- - - nerve (eighth) A52.1† H94.0*<br />

- - - neurorecurrence A52.1† H94.0*<br />

- early NEC A51.9<br />

- - cardiovascular A52.0† I98.0*<br />

- - latent (less than 2 years after infection)<br />

(without manifestations) A51.5<br />

- - - negative spinal fluid test A51.5<br />

- - - serological relapse after treatment A51.5<br />

- - - serology positive A51.5<br />

- - relapse (treated, untreated) A51.9<br />

- - skin A51.3<br />

- - symptomatic A51.9<br />

- - - extragenital chancre A51.2<br />

- - - primary, except extragenital chancreA51.0<br />

- - - secondary (see also Syphilis,<br />

secondary) A51.3<br />

- - - - relapse (treated, untreated) A51.4<br />

- - ulcer A51.3<br />

- eighth nerve (neuritis) A52.1† H94.0*<br />

- endemic A65<br />

- endocarditis A52.0† I39.8*<br />

- - aortic A52.0† I39.1*<br />

- - pulmonary A52.0† I39.3*<br />

- epididymis (late) A52.7† N51.1*<br />

- epiglottis (late) A52.7† J99.8*<br />

- epiphysitis (congenital) (early) A50.0† M90.2*<br />

Syphilis, syphilitic------continued<br />

- episcleritis (late) A52.7† H19.0*<br />

- esophagus A52.7† K23.8*<br />

- eustachian tube A52.7† J99.8*<br />

- eye A52.7† H58.8*<br />

- eyelid (late) (with gumma) A52.7† H03.1*<br />

- fallopian tube (late) A52.7† N74.2*<br />

- fracture A52.7† M90.2*<br />

- gallbladder (late) A52.7† K87.0*<br />

- gastric (late) (polyposis) A52.7† K93.8*<br />

- general A53.9<br />

- - paralysis A52.1<br />

- - - juvenile A50.4<br />

- genital (primary) A51.0<br />

- glaucoma A52.7† H42.8*<br />

- gumma NEC A52.7<br />

- - cardiovascular system A52.0† I98.0*<br />

- - central nervous system A52.3<br />

- - congenital A50.5<br />

- heart (block) (decompensation)<br />

(disease) (failure) A52.0† I52.0*<br />

- - valve NEC A52.0† I39.8*<br />

- hemianesthesia A52.1<br />

- hemianopsia A52.7† H58.1*<br />

- hemiparesis A52.1<br />

- hemiplegia A52.1<br />

- hepatic artery A52.0† I79.8*<br />

- hepatis A52.7† K77.0*<br />

- hereditaria tarda (see also Syphilis,<br />

congenital, late) A50.7<br />

- hereditary (see also Syphilis, congenital) A50.9<br />

- hyalitis A52.7† H45.8*<br />

- inactive — see Syphilis, latent<br />

- infantum — see Syphilis, congenital<br />

- inherited — see Syphilis, congenital<br />

- internal ear A52.7† H94.8*<br />

- intestine (late) A52.7† K93.8*<br />

- iris, iritis (secondary) A51.4† H22.0*<br />

- - late A52.7† H22.0*<br />

- joint (late) A52.7† M14.8*<br />

- keratitis (congenital) (interstitial) (late)<br />

A50.3† H19.2*<br />

- kidney (late) A52.7† N29.0*<br />

- lacrimal passages (late) A52.7† H06.0*<br />

- larynx (late) A52.7† J99.8*<br />

- late A52.9<br />

- - cardiovascular A52.0† I98.0*<br />

- - central nervous system A52.3<br />

- - kidney A52.7† N29.0*<br />

- - latent (2 years or more after infection)<br />

(without manifestations) A52.8<br />

- - - negative spinal fluid test A52.8<br />

- - - serology positive A52.8<br />

- - paresis A52.1<br />

- - specified site NEC A52.7<br />

- - symptomatic or with manifestations A52.7<br />

- - tabes A52.1<br />


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