Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Stewart-Morel syndrome M85.2 Sticker's disease B08.3 Sticky eye H10.0 Stiff neck (see also Torticollis) M43.6 Stiff-man syndrome G25.8 Stiffness, joint M25.6 - ankle M25.6 - arthrodesis status Z98.1 - elbow M25.6 - finger M25.6 - hip M25.6 - knee M25.6 - multiple sites NEC M25.6 - sacroiliac M53.3 - shoulder M25.6 - specified NEC M25.6 - spine M53.8 - surgical fusion, status Z98.1 - wrist M25.6 Stigmata, congenital syphilis A50.5 Stillbirth NEC P95 Stilling's syndrome H50.8 Still's disease or syndrome (juvenile) M08.2 - adult-onset M06.1 Sting (venomous) (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) T63.9 - arthropod NEC T63.4 - fish T63.5 - insect, venomous NEC (bee) (hornet) (wasp) T63.4 - - nonvenomous — see Injury, superficial - jellyfish (Portuguese man-of-war) T63.6 - marine animal NEC T63.6 - plant L24.7 - scorpion T63.2 - sea anemone T63.6 - shellfish T63.6 - starfish T63.6 Stippled epiphyses Q78.8 Stitch - abscess T81.4 - burst (in operation wound) T81.3 Stokes-Adams disease or syndrome I45.9 Stokvis(-Talma) disease D74.8 Stomach — see condition Stomatitis (denture) (ulcerative) K12.1 - angular K13.0 - aphthous K12.0 - candidal B37.0 - diphtheritic A36.8 - due to vitamin deficiency - - B group NEC E53.9† K93.8* - - B 2 (riboflavin) E53.0† K93.8* - epidemic B08.8 - epizootic B08.8 - gangrenous A69.0 - Geotrichum B48.3† K93.8* Stomatitis------continued - herpesviral B00.2 - herpetiformis K12.0 - membranous, acute K12.1 - monilial B37.0 - mycotic B37.0 - necrotizing ulcerative A69.0 - spirochetal A69.1 - suppurative (acute) K12.2 - ulceromembranous A69.1 - vesicular K12.1 - - with exanthem (enteroviral) B08.4 - - virus disease A93.8 - Vincent's A69.1 Stomatocytosis D58.8 Stomatomycosis B37.0 Stomatorrhagia K13.7 Stone(s) — see also Calculus - bladder (diverticulum) N21.0 - kidney N20.0 - prostate N42.0 - pulpal (dental) K04.2 - renal N20.0 - salivary gland or duct (any) K11.5 - urethra (impacted) N21.1 - urinary (duct) (impacted) (passage) N20.9 - - bladder (diverticulum) N21.0 - - lower tract NEC N21.9 - - - specified NEC N21.8 - xanthine E79.8† N22.8* Stonecutter's lung J62.8 Stonemason's asthma, disease, lung or pneumoconiosis J62.8 Stoppage - heart (see also Arrest, cardiac) I46.9 - urine R33 Storm, thyroid E05.5 Strabismus (alternating) (congenital) (nonparalytic) H50.9 - concomitant NEC H50.4 - - convergent H50.0 - - divergent H50.1 - convergent H50.0 - divergent H50.1 - due to adhesions, scars H50.6 - intermittent H50.3 - latent H50.5 - mechanical H50.6 - paralytic H49.9 - - specified NEC H49.8 - specified NEC H50.8 - vertical H50.2 Strain — see also Sprain - eye NEC H53.1 - heart — see Disease, heart - low back M54.5 - mental NEC Z73.3 - - work-related Z56.6 520

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Strain------continued - muscle M62.6 - physical NEC Z73.3 - - work-related Z56.6 - postural M70.9 - psychological NEC Z73.3 Strand, vitreous H43.3 Strangulation, strangulated T71 - appendix K38.8 - asphyxiation or suffocation by T71 - bladder-neck N32.0 - bowel or colon K56.2 - hernia (see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction) K46.0 - - with gangrene (see also Hernia, by site, with gangrene) K46.1 - intestine K56.2 - - with hernia (see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction) K46.0 - - - with gangrene (see also Hernia, by site, with gangrene) K46.1 - mesentery K56.2 - mucus (see also Asphyxia, mucus) T17.9 - omentum K56.2 - organ or site, congenital NEC — see Atresia, by site - ovary N83.5 - stomach due to hernia (see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction) K46.0 - - with gangrene (see also Hernia, by site, with gangrene) K46.1 - umbilical cord — see also Compression, umbilical cord - - fetus or newborn P02.5 - vesicourethral orifice N32.0 Strangury R30.0 Strawberry gallbladder K82.4 Streak(s) - macula, angioid H35.3 - ovarian Q50.3 Strephosymbolia F81.0 - secondary to organic lesion R48.8 Streptobacillosis A25.1 Streptococcemia (see also Septicemia, streptococcal) A40.9 Streptococcus, streptococcal — see also condition - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.5 - group - - A, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.0 - - B, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.1 - - D, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.2 - pneumoniae, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.3 Streptococcus, streptococcal ------cont. - specified NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.4 Streptomycosis B47.1 Streptotrichosis A48.8 Stress - fetal — see Distress, fetal - mental NEC Z73.3 - - work-related Z56.6 - physical NEC Z73.3 - - work-related Z56.6 - reaction (see also Reaction, stress) F43.9 - work schedule Z56.3 Stretching, nerve — see Injury, nerve Striae albicantes, atrophicae or distensae (cutis) L90.6 Stricture (see also Stenosis) R68.8 - anus (sphincter) K62.4 - - congenital Q42.3 - - - with fistula Q42.2 - - infantile Q42.3 - - - with fistula Q42.2 - aorta (ascending) (congenital) (see also Stenosis, aorta) Q25.3 - - supravalvular, congenital Q25.3 - aortic (valve) (see also Stenosis, aortic) I35.0 - - congenital Q23.0 - aqueduct of Sylvius (congenital) Q03.0 - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 - - acquired G91.1 - artery I77.1 - - basilar (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) I65.1 - - carotid (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) I65.2 - - congenital (peripheral) Q27.8 - - - cerebral Q28.3 - - - coronary Q24.5 - - - retinal Q14.1 - - coronary I25.1 - - precerebral (see also Occlusion, artery, precerebral) I65.9 - - pulmonary (congenital) Q25.6 - - - acquired I28.8 - - vertebral (see also Occlusion, artery, vertebral) I65.0 - auditory canal (external) (congenital) Q16.1 - - acquired H61.3 - bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.1 - - congenital Q44.3 - - postoperative K91.8 - bladder N32.8 - - neck N32.0 - bowel (see also Obstruction, intestine) K56.6 - bronchus J98.0 - - congenital Q32.3 - - syphilitic A52.7† J99.8* 521

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Stewart-Morel syndrome M85.2<br />

Sticker's disease B08.3<br />

Sticky eye H10.0<br />

Stiff neck (see also Torticollis) M43.6<br />

Stiff-man syndrome G25.8<br />

Stiffness, joint M25.6<br />

- ankle M25.6<br />

- arthrodesis status Z98.1<br />

- elbow M25.6<br />

- finger M25.6<br />

- hip M25.6<br />

- knee M25.6<br />

- multiple sites NEC M25.6<br />

- sacroiliac M53.3<br />

- shoulder M25.6<br />

- specified NEC M25.6<br />

- spine M53.8<br />

- surgical fusion, status Z98.1<br />

- wrist M25.6<br />

Stigmata, congenital syphilis A50.5<br />

Stillbirth NEC P95<br />

Stilling's syndrome H50.8<br />

Still's disease or syndrome (juvenile) M08.2<br />

- adult-onset M06.1<br />

Sting (venomous) (with allergic or<br />

anaphylactic shock) T63.9<br />

- arthropod NEC T63.4<br />

- fish T63.5<br />

- insect, venomous NEC (bee) (hornet)<br />

(wasp) T63.4<br />

- - nonvenomous — see Injury, superficial<br />

- jellyfish (Portuguese man-of-war) T63.6<br />

- marine animal NEC T63.6<br />

- plant L24.7<br />

- scorpion T63.2<br />

- sea anemone T63.6<br />

- shellfish T63.6<br />

- starfish T63.6<br />

Stippled epiphyses Q78.8<br />

Stitch<br />

- abscess T81.4<br />

- burst (in operation wound) T81.3<br />

Stokes-Adams disease or syndrome I45.9<br />

Stokvis(-Talma) disease D74.8<br />

Stomach — see condition<br />

Stomatitis (denture) (ulcerative) K12.1<br />

- angular K13.0<br />

- aphthous K12.0<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>idal B37.0<br />

- diphtheritic A36.8<br />

- due to vitamin deficiency<br />

- - B group NEC E53.9† K93.8*<br />

- - B 2 (riboflavin) E53.0† K93.8*<br />

- epidemic B08.8<br />

- epizootic B08.8<br />

- gangrenous A69.0<br />

- Geotrichum B48.3† K93.8*<br />

Stomatitis------continued<br />

- herpesviral B00.2<br />

- herpetiformis K12.0<br />

- membranous, acute K12.1<br />

- monilial B37.0<br />

- mycotic B37.0<br />

- necrotizing ulcerative A69.0<br />

- spirochetal A69.1<br />

- suppurative (acute) K12.2<br />

- ulceromembranous A69.1<br />

- vesicular K12.1<br />

- - with exanthem (enteroviral) B08.4<br />

- - virus disease A93.8<br />

- Vincent's A69.1<br />

Stomatocytosis D58.8<br />

Stomatomycosis B37.0<br />

Stomatorrhagia K13.7<br />

Stone(s) — see also Calculus<br />

- bladder (diverticulum) N21.0<br />

- kidney N20.0<br />

- prostate N42.0<br />

- pulpal (dental) K04.2<br />

- renal N20.0<br />

- salivary gl<strong>and</strong> or duct (any) K11.5<br />

- urethra (impacted) N21.1<br />

- urinary (duct) (impacted) (passage) N20.9<br />

- - bladder (diverticulum) N21.0<br />

- - lower tract NEC N21.9<br />

- - - specified NEC N21.8<br />

- xanthine E79.8† N22.8*<br />

Stonecutter's lung J62.8<br />

Stonemason's asthma, disease, lung or<br />

pneumoconiosis J62.8<br />

Stoppage<br />

- heart (see also Arrest, cardiac) I46.9<br />

- urine R33<br />

Storm, thyroid E05.5<br />

Strabismus (alternating) (congenital)<br />

(nonparalytic) H50.9<br />

- concomitant NEC H50.4<br />

- - convergent H50.0<br />

- - divergent H50.1<br />

- convergent H50.0<br />

- divergent H50.1<br />

- due to adhesions, scars H50.6<br />

- intermittent H50.3<br />

- latent H50.5<br />

- mechanical H50.6<br />

- paralytic H49.9<br />

- - specified NEC H49.8<br />

- specified NEC H50.8<br />

- vertical H50.2<br />

Strain — see also Sprain<br />

- eye NEC H53.1<br />

- heart — see Disease, heart<br />

- low back M54.5<br />

- mental NEC Z73.3<br />

- - work-related Z56.6<br />


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