Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Stanton's disease (see also Melioidosis) A24.4 Staphylitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative) K12.2 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome L00 Staphylococcaemia A41.2 Staphylococcus, staphylococcal — see also condition - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.8 - aureus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.6 - specified NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.7 Staphyloma (anterior) (ciliary) (equatorial) (posterior) (sclera) H15.8 - cornea H18.7 Stargardt's disease H35.5 Starvation T73.0 - edema (see also Malnutrition, severe) E43 Stasis - bile (noncalculous) K83.1 - bronchus J98.0 - - with infection (see also Bronchitis) J40 - cardiac (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0 - cecum or colon K59.8 - dermatitis I83.1 - duodenal K31.5 - eczema I83.1 - ileum K59.8 - intestinal K59.8 - jejunum K59.8 - liver (cirrhotic) — see Cirrhosis, cardiac - lymphatic I89.8 - pulmonary (see also Edema, lung) J81 - ulcer I83.0 - urine R33 - venous I87.8 State (of) - affective and paranoid, mixed, organic psychotic F06.8 - agitated R45.1 - - acute reaction to stress F43.0 - anxiety (neurotic) F41.1 - apprehension F41.1 - burn-out Z73.0 - climacteric, female N95.1 - clouded epileptic or paroxysmal G40.8 - compulsive F42.1 - - mixed with obsessional thoughts F42.2 - confusional (psychogenic) F44.8 - - acute or subacute (see also Delirium)F05.9 - - - with senility or dementia F05.1 - - epileptic F05.8 - - reactive (from emotional stress, psychological trauma) F44.8 - convulsive (see also Convulsions) R56.8 State------continued - crisis F43.0 - depressive NEC F32.9 - - neurotic F34.1 - dissociative F44.9 - emotional shock (stress) R45.7 - hallucinatory, induced by drug — see F11–F19 with fourth character .5 - menopausal N95.1 - - artificial N95.3 - neurotic NEC F48.9 - - with depersonalization F48.1 - obsessional F42.0 - - mixed with compulsive acts F42.2 - oneiroid (schizophrenia-like) F23.2 - organic - - hallucinatory (nonalcoholic) F06.0 - - paranoid(-hallucinatory) F06.2 - panic F41.0 - paranoid F22.0 - - climacteric F22.8 - - induced by drug — code to F10–F19 with fourth character .5 - - involutional F22.8 - - menopausal F22.8 - - organic F06.2 - - senile F03 - - simple F22.0 - phobic F40.9 - postleukotomy F07.0 - pregnant (see also Pregnancy) Z33 - psychogenic, twilight F44.8 - psychopathic (constitutional) F60.2 - psychotic, organic F06.8 - - mixed paranoid and affective F06.8 - - senile or presenile NEC F03 - residual schizophrenic F20.5 - restlessness R45.1 - stress (emotional) R45.7 - tension (mental) F48.9 - - specified NEC F48.8 - twilight - - epileptic F05.8 - - psychogenic F44.8 - vital exhaustion Z73.0 - withdrawal – see Withdrawal, state Status (post) - absence, epileptic G41.1 - adrenalectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) E89.6 - anastomosis Z98.0 - angioplasty (peripheral) NEC Z95.8 - - coronary artery NEC Z95.5 - aortocoronary bypass Z95.1 - arthrodesis Z98.1 - artificial opening (of) Z93.9 - - gastrointestinal tract NEC Z93.4 - - specified NEC Z93.8 - - urinary tract NEC Z93.6 - - vagina Z93.8 516

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Status------continued - asthmaticus J46 - cholecystectomy Z90.4 - colectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.4 - colostomy Z93.3 - convulsivus idiopathicus G41.0 - coronary artery angioplasty Z95.5 - cystectomy (urinary bladder) Z90.6 - cystostomy Z93.5 - epilepticus G41.9 - - complex partial G41.2 - - focal motor G41.8 - - grand mal G41.0 - - partial G41.8 - - petit mal G41.1 - - psychomotor G41.2 - - specified NEC G41.8 - - temporal lobe G41.2 - - tonic-clonic G41.0 - gastrectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.3 - gastrostomy Z93.1 - grand mal G41.0 - human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection, asymptomatic Z21 - hysterectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.7 - ileostomy Z93.2 - intestinal bypass Z98.0 - laryngectomy Z90.0 - marmoratus G80.3 - mastectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.1 - medicament regimen for a long term (current) NEC Z92.2 - - anticoagulants Z92.1 - - aspirin Z92.2 - migrainosus G43.2 - nephrectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.5 - nephrostomy Z93.6 - oophorectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.7 - pacemaker - - brain Z96.8 - - cardiac Z95.0 - - specified NEC Z96.8 - pancreatectomy Z90.4 - petit mal G41.1 - pneumonectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.2 - postcommotio cerebri F07.2 - postoperative NEC Z98.8 - postpartum NEC (routine follow-up) Z39.2 - - care immediately after delivery Z39.0 - postsurgical NEC Z98.8 - renal dialysis Z99.2 - salpingo-oophorectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.7 - shunt, cerebrospinal fluid Z98.2 - splenectomy D73.0 - thyroidectomy (hypothyroidism) E89.0 - tracheostomy Z93.0 - transplant — see Transplant - ureterostomy Z93.6 Status------continued - urethrostomy Z93.6 Stave fracture S62.4 Stealing - child problem F91.8 - - in company with others F91.2 - pathological (compulsive) F63.2 Steam burn — see Burn Steatocystoma multiplex L72.2 Steatoma L72.1 - eyelid (cystic) H01.1 - - infected H00.0 Steatorrhea (chronic) K90.4 - idiopathic (adult) (infantile) K90.0 - pancreatic K90.3 - tropical K90.1 Steatosis E88.8 - heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5 - kidney N28.8 - liver NEC K76.0 Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease or syndrome G23.1 Steinbrocker's syndrome G90.8 Steinert's disease G71.1 Stein-Leventhal syndrome E28.2 Stenocardia I20.8 Stenocephaly Q75.8 Stenosis (cicatricial) — see also Stricture - anus, anal (canal) (sphincter) K62.4 - - and rectum K62.4 - - congenital Q42.3 - - - with fistula Q42.2 - aorta (ascending) (supraventricular) (congenital) Q25.3 - - arteriosclerotic I70.0 - - calcified I70.0 - aortic (valve) I35.0 - - with insufficiency I35.2 - - congenital Q23.0 - - rheumatic I06.0 - - - with - - - - incompetence, insufficiency or regurgitation I06.2 - - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.0 - - - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3 - - - - mitral (valve) disease I08.0 - - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3 - - - - tricuspid (valve) disease I08.2 - - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.3 - - specified cause NEC I35.0 - - syphilitic A52.0† I39.1* - aqueduct of Sylvius (congenital) Q03.0 - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 - - acquired G91.1 517

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Status------continued<br />

- asthmaticus J46<br />

- cholecystectomy Z90.4<br />

- colectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.4<br />

- colostomy Z93.3<br />

- convulsivus idiopathicus G41.0<br />

- coronary artery angioplasty Z95.5<br />

- cystectomy (urinary bladder) Z90.6<br />

- cystostomy Z93.5<br />

- epilepticus G41.9<br />

- - complex partial G41.2<br />

- - focal motor G41.8<br />

- - gr<strong>and</strong> mal G41.0<br />

- - partial G41.8<br />

- - petit mal G41.1<br />

- - psychomotor G41.2<br />

- - specified NEC G41.8<br />

- - temporal lobe G41.2<br />

- - tonic-clonic G41.0<br />

- gastrectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.3<br />

- gastrostomy Z93.1<br />

- gr<strong>and</strong> mal G41.0<br />

- human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)<br />

infection, asymptomatic Z21<br />

- hysterectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.7<br />

- ileostomy Z93.2<br />

- intestinal bypass Z98.0<br />

- laryngectomy Z90.0<br />

- marmoratus G80.3<br />

- mastectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.1<br />

- medicament regimen for a long term<br />

(current) NEC Z92.2<br />

- - anticoagulants Z92.1<br />

- - aspirin Z92.2<br />

- migrainosus G43.2<br />

- nephrectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.5<br />

- nephrostomy Z93.6<br />

- oophorectomy (bilateral) (unilateral) Z90.7<br />

- pacemaker<br />

- - brain Z96.8<br />

- - cardiac Z95.0<br />

- - specified NEC Z96.8<br />

- pancreatectomy Z90.4<br />

- petit mal G41.1<br />

- pneumonectomy (complete) (partial) Z90.2<br />

- postcommotio cerebri F07.2<br />

- postoperative NEC Z98.8<br />

- postpartum NEC (routine follow-up) Z39.2<br />

- - care immediately after delivery Z39.0<br />

- postsurgical NEC Z98.8<br />

- renal dialysis Z99.2<br />

- salpingo-oophorectomy (bilateral)<br />

(unilateral) Z90.7<br />

- shunt, cerebrospinal fluid Z98.2<br />

- splenectomy D73.0<br />

- thyroidectomy (hypothyroidism) E89.0<br />

- tracheostomy Z93.0<br />

- transplant — see Transplant<br />

- ureterostomy Z93.6<br />

Status------continued<br />

- urethrostomy Z93.6<br />

Stave fracture S62.4<br />

Stealing<br />

- child problem F91.8<br />

- - in company with others F91.2<br />

- pathological (compulsive) F63.2<br />

Steam burn — see Burn<br />

Steatocystoma multiplex L72.2<br />

Steatoma L72.1<br />

- eyelid (cystic) H01.1<br />

- - infected H00.0<br />

Steatorrhea (chronic) K90.4<br />

- idiopathic (adult) (infantile) K90.0<br />

- pancreatic K90.3<br />

- tropical K90.1<br />

Steatosis E88.8<br />

- heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial)<br />

I51.5<br />

- kidney N28.8<br />

- liver NEC K76.0<br />

Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease or<br />

syndrome G23.1<br />

Steinbrocker's syndrome G90.8<br />

Steinert's disease G71.1<br />

Stein-Leventhal syndrome E28.2<br />

Stenocardia I20.8<br />

Stenocephaly Q75.8<br />

Stenosis (cicatricial) — see also Stricture<br />

- anus, anal (canal) (sphincter) K62.4<br />

- - <strong>and</strong> rectum K62.4<br />

- - congenital Q42.3<br />

- - - with fistula Q42.2<br />

- aorta (ascending) (supraventricular)<br />

(congenital) Q25.3<br />

- - arteriosclerotic I70.0<br />

- - calcified I70.0<br />

- aortic (valve) I35.0<br />

- - with insufficiency I35.2<br />

- - congenital Q23.0<br />

- - rheumatic I06.0<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - incompetence, insufficiency or<br />

regurgitation I06.2<br />

- - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.0<br />

- - - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3<br />

- - - - mitral (valve) disease I08.0<br />

- - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3<br />

- - - - tricuspid (valve) disease I08.2<br />

- - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.3<br />

- - specified cause NEC I35.0<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I39.1*<br />

- aqueduct of Sylvius (congenital) Q03.0<br />

- - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida,<br />

with hydrocephalus) Q05.4<br />

- - acquired G91.1<br />


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