Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Short, shortening, shortness------continued - femur (acquired) M21.7 - - congenital Q72.4 - frenum, frenulum, linguae (congenital) Q38.1 - hip (acquired) M21.7 - - congenital Q65.8 - leg (acquired) M21.7 - - congenital Q72.8 - limbed stature, with immunodeficiency D82.2 - metatarsus (congenital) Q66.8 - - acquired M21.8 - organ or site, congenital NEC—see Distortion - palate, congenital Q38.5 - radius (acquired) M21.7 - - congenital Q71.4 - rib syndrome Q77.2 - stature NEC (see also Dwarfism) E34.3 - - constitutional E34.3 - - hypochondroplastic Q77.4 - - hypophyseal E23.0 - - Laron-type E34.3 - - Lorain-Levi E23.0 - - nutritional E45 - - pituitary E23.0 - - psychosocial E34.3 - - renal N25.0 - - thanatophoric Q77.1 - tendon M67.1 - - with contracture of joint M24.5 - - Achilles (acquired) M67.0 - - - congenital Q66.8 - - congenital Q79.8 - thigh (acquired) M21.7 - - congenital Q72.4 - tibialis anterior (tendon) M67.1 - umbilical cord - - complicating delivery O69.3 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - urethra N36.8 - uvula, congenital Q38.5 - vagina (congenital) Q52.4 Shortsightedness H52.1 Shoulder — see condition Shovel-shaped incisors K00.2 Shower, thromboembolic — see Embolism Shunt - arteriovenous (dialysis) Z99.2 - - pulmonary (acquired) NEC I28.0 - - - congenital Q25.7 - cerebral ventricle (communicating) in situ Z98.2 - surgical, prosthetic, with complications — see Complications, graft, arterial Shutdown, renal (see also Failure, renal) N19 - following - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.4 - - - current episode — see Abortion - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.4 Shy-Drager syndrome G90.3 Sialadenitis, sialitis, sialoadenitis (any gland) (chronic) (suppurative) K11.2 Sialectasia K11.8 Sialidosis E77.1 Sialoadenopathy K11.9 Sialodochitis (fibrinosa) K11.2 Sialodocholithiasis K11.5 Sialolithiasis K11.5 Sialometaplasia, necrotizing K11.8 Sialorrhea (see also Ptyalism) K11.7 Sialosis K11.7 Siamese twin Q89.4 Sibling rivalry, affecting child Z61.2 Sicard's syndrome G52.7 Sicca syndrome M35.0 - with - - keratoconjunctivitis M35.0† H19.3* - - lung involvement M35.0† J99.1* - - myopathy M35.0† G73.7* - - renal tubulo-interstitial disorders M35.0† N16.4* Sick R69 - or handicapped person in family Z63.7 - - needing care at home Z63.6 - sinus (syndrome) I49.5 Sick-euthyroid syndrome E07.8 Sickle-cell anemia (see also Disease, sickle-cell) D57.1 - with crisis D57.0 Sicklemia (see also Disease, sickle-cell) D57.1 Sickness - air (travel) T75.3 - alpine T70.2 - altitude T70.2 - aviator's T70.2 - balloon T70.2 - car T75.3 - catheter NEC T85.8 - compressed air T70.3 - decompression T70.3 - motion T75.3 - mountain T70.2 - protein T80.6 - radiation NEC T66 - roundabout (motion) T75.3 - sea T75.3 - serum NEC T80.6 - sleeping (African) (see also Trypanosomiasis, African) B56.9 - swing (motion) T75.3 - train (railway) (travel) T75.3 - travel (any vehicle) T75.3 Siderosilicosis J62.8 Siderosis (lung) J63.4 - eye (globe) H44.3 508

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Siemens' syndrome Q82.8 Sighing R06.8 - psychogenic F45.3 Sigmoid — see also condition - flexure — see condition - kidney Q63.1 Sigmoiditis (see also Enteritis) A09 - noninfectious (presumed) K52.9 Silicosiderosis J62.8 Silicosis, silicotic (complicated) (simple) J62.8 - with tuberculosis J65 Silicotuberculosis J65 Silo-filler's disease J68.8 Silver's syndrome Q87.1 Simian malaria B53.1 Simmonds' cachexia or disease E23.0 Simons' disease or syndrome E88.1 Simple, simplex — see condition Simulation, conscious (of illness) Z76.5 Sin Nombre virus disease (Hantavirus (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome) B33.4† J17.1* Sinding-Larsen disease or osteochondrosis M92.4 Singer's node or nodule J38.2 Single - atrium Q21.2 - umbilical artery Q27.0 - ventricle Q20.4 Singultus R06.6 - epidemicus B33.0 Sinus — see also Fistula - arrest I45.5 - arrhythmia I49.8 - bradycardia R00.1 - branchial cleft (external) (internal) Q18.0 - coccygeal L05.9 - - with abscess L05.0 - dental K04.6 - dermal (congenital) L05.9 - - with abscess L05.0 - - coccygeal, pilonidal —see Sinus, coccygeal - infected, skin NEC L08.8 - marginal, ruptured or bleeding O46.8 - - with placenta previa O44.1 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.1 - medial, face and neck Q18.8 - pause I45.5 - pericranii Q01.9 - pilonidal (infected) (rectum) L05.9 - - with abscess L05.0 - preauricular Q18.1 - rectovaginal N82.3 Sinus------continued - Rokitansky-Aschoff (gallbladder) K82.8 - tachycardia R00.0 - - paroxysmal I47.1 - testis N50.8 - tract (postinfective) — see Fistula Sinusitis (accessory) (chronic) (hyperplastic) (nasal) (nonpurulent) (purulent) J32.9 - acute J01.9 - - ethmoidal J01.2 - - frontal J01.1 - - involving more than one sinus but not pansinusitis J01.8 - - maxillary J01.0 - - specified NEC J01.8 - - sphenoidal J01.3 - allergic (see also Rhinitis, allergic) J30.3 - due to high altitude T70.1 - ethmoidal J32.2 - - acute J01.2 - frontal J32.1 - - acute J01.1 - influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - involving more than one sinus but not pansinusitis J32.8 - maxillary J32.0 - - acute J01.0 - sphenoidal J32.3 - - acute J01.3 - tuberculous, any sinus A16.8 - - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.8 Sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus (syndrome) (triad) Q89.3 Sirenomelia (syndrome) Q87.2 Siriasis T67.0 Siti A65 Situational - disturbance (transient) (see also Reaction, adjustment) F43.2 - - acute F43.0 - maladjustment (see also Reaction, adjustment) F43.2 - reaction (see also Reaction, adjustment) F43.2 - - acute F43.0 Situs inversus or transversus (abdominalis) (thoracis) Q89.3 Sixth disease B08.2 Sjögren-Larsson syndrome Q87.1 Sjögren's syndrome or disease (see also Sicca syndrome) M35.0 Skeletal — see condition Skene's gland — see condition Skenitis (see also Urethritis) N34.2 Skerljevo A65 Skevas-Zerfus disease T63.6 509

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Short, shortening, shortness------continued<br />

- femur (acquired) M21.7<br />

- - congenital Q72.4<br />

- frenum, frenulum, linguae (congenital) Q38.1<br />

- hip (acquired) M21.7<br />

- - congenital Q65.8<br />

- leg (acquired) M21.7<br />

- - congenital Q72.8<br />

- limbed stature, with immunodeficiency D82.2<br />

- metatarsus (congenital) Q66.8<br />

- - acquired M21.8<br />

- organ or site, congenital NEC—see Distortion<br />

- palate, congenital Q38.5<br />

- radius (acquired) M21.7<br />

- - congenital Q71.4<br />

- rib syndrome Q77.2<br />

- stature NEC (see also Dwarfism) E34.3<br />

- - constitutional E34.3<br />

- - hypochondroplastic Q77.4<br />

- - hypophyseal E23.0<br />

- - Laron-type E34.3<br />

- - Lorain-Levi E23.0<br />

- - nutritional E45<br />

- - pituitary E23.0<br />

- - psychosocial E34.3<br />

- - renal N25.0<br />

- - thanatophoric Q77.1<br />

- tendon M67.1<br />

- - with contracture of joint M24.5<br />

- - Achilles (acquired) M67.0<br />

- - - congenital Q66.8<br />

- - congenital Q79.8<br />

- thigh (acquired) M21.7<br />

- - congenital Q72.4<br />

- tibialis anterior (tendon) M67.1<br />

- umbilical cord<br />

- - complicating delivery O69.3<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.6<br />

- urethra N36.8<br />

- uvula, congenital Q38.5<br />

- vagina (congenital) Q52.4<br />

Shortsightedness H52.1<br />

Shoulder — see condition<br />

Shovel-shaped incisors K00.2<br />

Shower, thromboembolic — see Embolism<br />

Shunt<br />

- arteriovenous (dialysis) Z99.2<br />

- - pulmonary (acquired) NEC I28.0<br />

- - - congenital Q25.7<br />

- cerebral ventricle (communicating) in situ<br />

Z98.2<br />

- surgical, prosthetic, with complications<br />

— see Complications, graft, arterial<br />

Shutdown, renal (see also Failure, renal) N19<br />

- following<br />

- - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.4<br />

- - - current episode — see Abortion<br />

- - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.4<br />

Shy-Drager syndrome G90.3<br />

Sialadenitis, sialitis, sialoadenitis (any gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

(chronic) (suppurative) K11.2<br />

Sialectasia K11.8<br />

Sialidosis E77.1<br />

Sialoadenopathy K11.9<br />

Sialodochitis (fibrinosa) K11.2<br />

Sialodocholithiasis K11.5<br />

Sialolithiasis K11.5<br />

Sialometaplasia, necrotizing K11.8<br />

Sialorrhea (see also Ptyalism) K11.7<br />

Sialosis K11.7<br />

Siamese twin Q89.4<br />

Sibling rivalry, affecting child Z61.2<br />

Sicard's syndrome G52.7<br />

Sicca syndrome M35.0<br />

- with<br />

- - keratoconjunctivitis M35.0† H19.3*<br />

- - lung involvement M35.0† J99.1*<br />

- - myopathy M35.0† G73.7*<br />

- - renal tubulo-interstitial disorders<br />

M35.0† N16.4*<br />

Sick R69<br />

- or h<strong>and</strong>icapped person in family Z63.7<br />

- - needing care at home Z63.6<br />

- sinus (syndrome) I49.5<br />

Sick-euthyroid syndrome E07.8<br />

Sickle-cell anemia (see also Disease,<br />

sickle-cell) D57.1<br />

- with crisis D57.0<br />

Sicklemia (see also Disease, sickle-cell) D57.1<br />

Sickness<br />

- air (travel) T75.3<br />

- alpine T70.2<br />

- altitude T70.2<br />

- aviator's T70.2<br />

- balloon T70.2<br />

- car T75.3<br />

- catheter NEC T85.8<br />

- compressed air T70.3<br />

- decompression T70.3<br />

- motion T75.3<br />

- mountain T70.2<br />

- protein T80.6<br />

- radiation NEC T66<br />

- roundabout (motion) T75.3<br />

- sea T75.3<br />

- serum NEC T80.6<br />

- sleeping (African) (see also Trypanosomiasis,<br />

African) B56.9<br />

- swing (motion) T75.3<br />

- train (railway) (travel) T75.3<br />

- travel (any vehicle) T75.3<br />

Siderosilicosis J62.8<br />

Siderosis (lung) J63.4<br />

- eye (globe) H44.3<br />


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