Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Psychosis, psychotic F29 - acute (transient) F23.9 - - hysterical F44.9 - - specified NEC F23.8 - affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O99.3 - affective (see also Disorder, affective) F39 - - senile NEC F03 - - specified type NEC F38.8 - alcoholic F10.5 - - with - - - delirium tremens F10.4 - - - dementia F10.7 - - - hallucinosis F10.5 - - - jealousy F10.5 - - - paranoia F10.5 - - amnestic confabulatory F10.6 - - Korsakov's F10.6 - - late-onset F10.7 - - paranoid type F10.5 - - polyneuritic F10.6 - - specified NEC F10.5 - arteriosclerotic F01.9 - childhood F84.0 - - atypical F84.1 - climacteric (see also Psychosis, involutional) F28 - confusional F29 - - acute or subacute F05.9 - - reactive F23.0 - cycloid (without symptoms of schizophrenia) F23.0 - - with symptoms of schizophrenia F23.1 - depressive (single episode) F32.3 - - psychogenic F32.3 - - - recurrent F33.3 - - reactive (from emotional stress, psychological trauma) F32.3 - - - recurrent F33.3 - disintegrative (childhood) F84.3 - drug-induced — code to F11–F19 with fourth character .5 - - late onset — code to F11–F19 with fourth character .7 - - paranoid and hallucinatory states — code to F11–F19 with fourth character .5 - due to or associated with - - addiction, drug (see also Psychosis, drug-induced) - - dependence - - - alcohol (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) F10.5 - - - drug — code to F11–F19 with fourth character .5 - - epilepsy F06.8 - - Huntington's chorea F06.8 - - ischemia, cerebrovascular (generalized) F06.8 - - multiple sclerosis F06.8 Psychosis, psychotic------continued - - physical disease F06.8 - - presenile dementia F03 - - senile dementia F03 - - vascular disease (arteriosclerotic) (cerebral) F01.9 - epileptic F06.8 - episode F23.9 - - due to or associated with physical condition F06.8 - exhaustive F43.0 - hallucinatory, chronic F28 - hypomanic F30.0 - hysterical (acute) F44.9 - induced F24 - infantile F84.0 - - atypical F84.1 - infective F05.9 - - acute F05.9 - - subacute (see also Delirium) F05.8 - involutional F28 - - paranoid (state) F22.8 - Korsakov's (alcoholic) F10.6 - - induced by other psychoactive substance — code to F11–F19 with fourth character .6 - late-onset (after alcohol or drug use) — code to F10–F19 with fourth character .7 - mania, manic (single episode) F30.2 - - recurrent type F31.8 - manic-depressive (see also Disorder, bipolar, affective) F31.9 - - depressed type (without psychotic symptoms) F33.2 - - - with psychotic symptoms F33.3 - menopausal (see also Psychosis, involutional) F28 - mixed schizophrenic and affective F25.2 - nonorganic F29 - - specified NEC F28 - organic F09 - - due to or associated with - - - childbirth — see Psychosis, puerperal - - - Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome A81.0† F02.1* - - - disease - - - - cerebrovascular F01.9 - - - - Creutzfeldt-Jakob A81.0† F02.1* - - - - endocrine or metabolic F06.8 - - - - - acute or subacute F05.8 - - - - liver, alcoholic (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) F10.5 - - - epilepsy, transient (acute) F05.8 - - - infection - - - - brain (intracranial) F06.8 - - - - - acute or subacute F05.8 - - - intoxication - - - - alcoholic (acute) F10.5 - - - - drug (see also Psychosis, drug-induced) - - - puerperium — see Psychosis, puerperal 474

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Psychosis, psychotic------continued - - - trauma, brain (birth) (from electric current) (surgical) F06.8 - - - - acute or subacute F05.8 - - infective F06.8 - - - acute or subacute F05.9 - - post-traumatic F06.8 - - - acute or subacute F05.9 - paranoiac F22.0 - paranoid F22.0 - - alcoholic F10.5 - - climacteric F22.8 - - involutional F22.8 - - menopausal F22.8 - - psychogenic (acute) F23.3 - - schizophrenic F20.0 - - senile F03 - polyneuritic, alcoholic F10.6 - postpartum F53.1 - presbyophrenic (type) F03 - presenile F03 - psychogenic F23.9 - - depressive F32.3 - - paranoid (acute) F23.3 - puerperal F53.1 - - specified type — see Psychosis, by type - reactive (brief) (transient) (emotional stress) (psychological trauma) F23.9 - - brief with schizophrenia-like features F23.2 - - confusion F23.0 - - depressive F32.3 - - - recurrent F33.3 - - excitative type F30.8 - residual (after alcohol or drug use) — code to F10–F19 with fourth character .7 - schizoaffective F25.9 - - depressive type F25.1 - - manic type F25.0 - schizophrenia, schizophrenic (see also Schizophrenia) F20.9 - schizophrenia-like, in epilepsy F06.2 - schizophreniform F20.8 - - affective type F25.9 - - brief F23.2 - - confusional type F23.1 - - depressive type F25.1 - - manic type F25.0 - - mixed type F25.2 - senile NEC F03 - - depressed or paranoid type F03 - - simple deterioration F03 - - specified type — see Psychosis, by type - situational (reactive) F23.9 - symbiotic (childhood) F84.3 - symptomatic F09 Psychosomatic — see Disorder, psychosomatic Psychosyndrome, organic F07.9 Psychotherapy Z50.4 Psychotic episode due to or associated with physical condition F06.9 Pterygium (eye) H11.0 - colli Q18.3 Ptilosis (eyelid) H02.7 Ptomaine (poisoning) T62.9 Ptosis H02.4 - adiposa (false) H02.4 - cecum K63.4 - colon K63.4 - congenital (eyelid) Q10.0 - - specified site NEC — see Anomaly, by site - eyelid (paralytic) H02.4 - - congenital Q10.0 - gastric K31.8 - intestine K63.4 - kidney N28.8 - liver K76.8 - renal N28.8 - splanchnic K63.4 - spleen D73.8 - stomach K31.8 - viscera K63.4 Ptyalism (periodic) K11.7 - hysterical F45.3 - pregnancy O26.8 - psychogenic F45.3 Pubertas praecox E30.1 Puberty (development state) Z00.3 - bleeding (excessive) N92.2 - delayed E30.0 - precocious E30.1 - - central E22.8 - premature E30.1 - - due to - - - adrenal cortical hyperfunction E25.8 - - - pineal tumor E34.8 - - - pituitary (anterior) hyperfunction E22.8 Puckering, macula H35.3 Pudenda, pudendum — see condition Puerperal, puerperium - abscess - - areola O91.0 - - Bartholin's gland O86.1 - - breast O91.1 - - cervix (uteri) O86.1 - - genital organ O86.1 - - kidney O86.2 - - mammary O91.1 - - nipple O91.0 - - peritoneum O85 - - subareolar O91.1 - - urinary tract NEC O86.2 - - uterus O86.1 - - vagina (wall) O86.1 - - vaginorectal O86.1 - - vulvovaginal gland O86.1 - adnexitis O86.1 475

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Psychosis, psychotic------continued<br />

- - - trauma, brain (birth) (from electric current)<br />

(surgical) F06.8<br />

- - - - acute or subacute F05.8<br />

- - infective F06.8<br />

- - - acute or subacute F05.9<br />

- - post-traumatic F06.8<br />

- - - acute or subacute F05.9<br />

- paranoiac F22.0<br />

- paranoid F22.0<br />

- - alcoholic F10.5<br />

- - climacteric F22.8<br />

- - involutional F22.8<br />

- - menopausal F22.8<br />

- - psychogenic (acute) F23.3<br />

- - schizophrenic F20.0<br />

- - senile F03<br />

- polyneuritic, alcoholic F10.6<br />

- postpartum F53.1<br />

- presbyophrenic (type) F03<br />

- presenile F03<br />

- psychogenic F23.9<br />

- - depressive F32.3<br />

- - paranoid (acute) F23.3<br />

- puerperal F53.1<br />

- - specified type — see Psychosis, by type<br />

- reactive (brief) (transient) (emotional<br />

stress) (psychological trauma) F23.9<br />

- - brief with schizophrenia-like features F23.2<br />

- - confusion F23.0<br />

- - depressive F32.3<br />

- - - recurrent F33.3<br />

- - excitative type F30.8<br />

- residual (after alcohol or drug use) — code<br />

to F10–F19 with fourth character .7<br />

- schizoaffective F25.9<br />

- - depressive type F25.1<br />

- - manic type F25.0<br />

- schizophrenia, schizophrenic (see also<br />

Schizophrenia) F20.9<br />

- schizophrenia-like, in epilepsy F06.2<br />

- schizophreniform F20.8<br />

- - affective type F25.9<br />

- - brief F23.2<br />

- - confusional type F23.1<br />

- - depressive type F25.1<br />

- - manic type F25.0<br />

- - mixed type F25.2<br />

- senile NEC F03<br />

- - depressed or paranoid type F03<br />

- - simple deterioration F03<br />

- - specified type — see Psychosis, by type<br />

- situational (reactive) F23.9<br />

- symbiotic (childhood) F84.3<br />

- symptomatic F09<br />

Psychosomatic — see Disorder,<br />

psychosomatic<br />

Psychosyndrome, organic F07.9<br />

Psychotherapy Z50.4<br />

Psychotic episode due to or associated<br />

with physical condition F06.9<br />

Pterygium (eye) H11.0<br />

- colli Q18.3<br />

Ptilosis (eyelid) H02.7<br />

Ptomaine (poisoning) T62.9<br />

Ptosis H02.4<br />

- adiposa (false) H02.4<br />

- cecum K63.4<br />

- colon K63.4<br />

- congenital (eyelid) Q10.0<br />

- - specified site NEC — see Anomaly, by site<br />

- eyelid (paralytic) H02.4<br />

- - congenital Q10.0<br />

- gastric K31.8<br />

- intestine K63.4<br />

- kidney N28.8<br />

- liver K76.8<br />

- renal N28.8<br />

- splanchnic K63.4<br />

- spleen D73.8<br />

- stomach K31.8<br />

- viscera K63.4<br />

Ptyalism (periodic) K11.7<br />

- hysterical F45.3<br />

- pregnancy O26.8<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />

Pubertas praecox E30.1<br />

Puberty (development state) Z00.3<br />

- bleeding (excessive) N92.2<br />

- delayed E30.0<br />

- precocious E30.1<br />

- - central E22.8<br />

- premature E30.1<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - adrenal cortical hyperfunction E25.8<br />

- - - pineal tumor E34.8<br />

- - - pituitary (anterior) hyperfunction E22.8<br />

Puckering, macula H35.3<br />

Pudenda, pudendum — see condition<br />

Puerperal, puerperium<br />

- abscess<br />

- - areola O91.0<br />

- - Bartholin's gl<strong>and</strong> O86.1<br />

- - breast O91.1<br />

- - cervix (uteri) O86.1<br />

- - genital organ O86.1<br />

- - kidney O86.2<br />

- - mammary O91.1<br />

- - nipple O91.0<br />

- - peritoneum O85<br />

- - subareolar O91.1<br />

- - urinary tract NEC O86.2<br />

- - uterus O86.1<br />

- - vagina (wall) O86.1<br />

- - vaginorectal O86.1<br />

- - vulvovaginal gl<strong>and</strong> O86.1<br />

- adnexitis O86.1<br />


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