Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Proteinuria R80 - Bence Jones NEC R80 - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O12.1 - - significant, with gestational hypertension (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - - superimposed on pre-existing hypertensive disorder O11 - gestational O12.1 - - with edema O12.2 - isolated R80 - - with glomerular lesion N06.9 - - - focal and segmental hyalinosis or sclerosis N06.1 - - - membranous (diffuse) N06.2 - - - mesangial proliferative (diffuse) N06.3 - - - minimal change N06.0 - - - specified pathology NEC N06.8 - orthostatic N39.2 - - with glomerular lesion — see Proteinuria, isolated, with glomerular lesion - persistent N39.1 - - with glomerular lesion — see Proteinuria, isolated, with glomerular lesion - postural N39.2 - pre-eclamptic (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.0 Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii), as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.4 Protoporphyria, erythropoietic E80.0 Protozoal — see also condition - disease B64 - - specified NEC B60.8 Protrusion, protrusio - acetabulum (into pelvis) M24.7 - device, implant or graft (see also Complications, by site and type, mechanical) T85.6 - - arterial graft NEC T82.3 - - - coronary (bypass) T82.2 - - breast (implant) T85.4 - - catheter NEC T85.6 - - - dialysis (renal) T82.4 - - - - intraperitoneal T85.6 - - - infusion NEC T82.5 - - - - spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.6 - - - urinary (indwelling) T83.0 - - electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator) - - - bone T84.3 - - - nervous system (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.1 - - fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC T84.2 - - - bones of limb T84.1 - - gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.5 - - genital NEC T83.4 - - - intrauterine contraceptive device T83.3 Protrusion, protrusio------continued - - heart NEC T82.5 - - - valve (prosthesis) T82.0 - - - - graft T82.2 - - joint prosthesis T84.0 - - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.3 - - - intraocular lens T85.2 - - orthopedic NEC T84.4 - - - bone graft T84.3 - - specified NEC T85.6 - - urinary NEC T83.1 - - - graft T83.2 - - vascular NEC T82.5 - - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.0 - intervertebral disk — see Displacement, intervertebral disk - nucleus pulposus — see Displacement, intervertebral disk Prune belly (syndrome) Q79.4 Prurigo L28.2 - Besnier's L20.0 - estivalis L56.4 - Hebra's L28.2 - mitis L28.2 - nodularis L28.1 - psychogenic F45.8 Pruritus, pruritic L29.9 - ani, anus L29.0 - - psychogenic F45.8 - anogenital L29.3 - - psychogenic F45.8 - gravidarum O26.8 - neurogenic (any site) F45.8 - psychogenic (any site) F45.8 - scroti, scrotum L29.1 - - psychogenic F45.8 - senile L29.8 - specified NEC L29.8 - - psychogenic F45.8 - Trichomonas A59.9 - vulva, vulvae L29.2 - - psychogenic F45.8 Pseudarthrosis, pseudoarthrosis (bone) M84.1 - clavicle, congenital Q74.0 - joint, following fusion or arthrodesis M96.0 Pseudoaneurysm — see Aneurysm Pseudoangina (pectoris) — see Angina Pseudoarthrosis — see Pseudarthrosis Pseudochromhidrosis L67.8 Pseudocirrhosis, liver, pericardial I31.1 Pseudocowpox B08.0 Pseudocoxalgia M91.3 Pseudocroup J38.5 Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome, alcohol-induced E24.4 Pseudocyesis F45.8 472

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Pseudocyst - lung J98.4 - pancreas K86.3 - retina H33.1 Pseudoexfoliation, capsule (lens) H26.8 Pseudofolliculitis barbae L73.1 Pseudoglioma H44.8 Pseudohemophilia (Bernuth's) (hereditary) (type B) D68.0 - type A D69.8 - vascular D69.8 Pseudohermaphroditism Q56.3 - adrenal E25.8 - female Q56.2 - - with adrenocortical disorder E25.8 - - adrenal, congenital E25.0 - - without adrenocortical disorder Q56.2 - male Q56.1 - - with - - - adrenocortical disorder E25.8 - - - androgen resistance E34.5 - - - cleft scrotum Q56.1 - - - feminizing testis E34.5 - - - 5-alpha-reductase deficiency E29.1 - - adrenal E25.8 - - without gonadal disorder Q56.1 Pseudo-Hurler's polydystrophy E77.0 Pseudohypoparathyroidism E20.1 Pseudomembranous — see condition Pseudomeningocele (postprocedural) (spinal) G97.8 - post-traumatic G96.1 Pseudomenses (newborn) P54.6 Pseudomenstruation (newborn) P54.6 Pseudomonas - aeruginosa, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.5 - mallei infection A24.0 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.5 - pseudomallei, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.5 Pseudomyotonia G71.1 Pseudomyxoma peritonei (M8480/6) C78.6 Pseudoneuritis, optic (disk) (nerve), congenital Q14.2 Pseudopapilledema H47.3 - congenital Q14.2 Pseudoparalysis - arm or leg R29.8 - atonic, congenital P94.2 Pseudopelade L66.0 Pseudophakia Z96.1 Pseudopolycythemia D75.1 Pseudopolyposis of colon K51.4 Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism E20.1 Pseudopterygium H11.8 Pseudopuberty, precocious - female heterosexual E25.8 - male isosexual E25.8 Pseudorickets (renal) N25.0 Pseudorubella B08.2 Pseudosclerema, newborn P83.8 Pseudosclerosis (brain) - of Westphal E83.0† G99.8* - spastic, with dementia A81.0† F02.1* Pseudotetanus (see also Convulsions) R56.8 Pseudotetany R29.0 - hysterical F44.5 Pseudotruncus arteriosus Q25.4 Pseudotuberculosis A28.2 - enterocolitis A04.8 Pseudotumor - cerebri G93.2 - orbital H05.1 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Q82.8 Psilosis K90.1 Psittacosis A70 - with pneumonia A70† J17.8* Psoitis M60.8 Psoriasis L40.9 - arthropathic L40.5† M07.3* - flexural L40.8 - guttate L40.4 - nummular L40.0 - plaque L40.0 - pustular (generalized) L40.1 - - palmaris et plantaris L40.3 - specified NEC L40.8 - vulgaris L40.0 Psychalgia F45.4 Psychasthenia F48.8 Psychiatric disorder or problem NEC F99 Psychoanalysis (therapy) Z50.4 Psychogenic — see also condition - factors associated with physical conditions F54 Psychological and behavioral factors affecting medical condition F59 Psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) F48.9 - anxiety (state) F41.1 - hysteria F44.9 - personality NEC F60.8 Psychopathy, psychopathic - affectionless F94.2 - autistic F84.5 - personality (see also Disorder, personality) F60.9 - sexual (see also Deviation, sexual) F65.9 - state F60.2 Psychosexual identity disorder of childhood F64.2 473

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Pseudocyst<br />

- lung J98.4<br />

- pancreas K86.3<br />

- retina H33.1<br />

Pseudoexfoliation, capsule (lens) H26.8<br />

Pseudofolliculitis barbae L73.1<br />

Pseudoglioma H44.8<br />

Pseudohemophilia (Bernuth's) (hereditary)<br />

(type B) D68.0<br />

- type A D69.8<br />

- vascular D69.8<br />

Pseudohermaphroditism Q56.3<br />

- adrenal E25.8<br />

- female Q56.2<br />

- - with adrenocortical disorder E25.8<br />

- - adrenal, congenital E25.0<br />

- - without adrenocortical disorder Q56.2<br />

- male Q56.1<br />

- - with<br />

- - - adrenocortical disorder E25.8<br />

- - - <strong>and</strong>rogen resistance E34.5<br />

- - - cleft scrotum Q56.1<br />

- - - feminizing testis E34.5<br />

- - - 5-alpha-reductase deficiency E29.1<br />

- - adrenal E25.8<br />

- - without gonadal disorder Q56.1<br />

Pseudo-Hurler's polydystrophy E77.0<br />

Pseudohypoparathyroidism E20.1<br />

Pseudomembranous — see condition<br />

Pseudomeningocele (postprocedural)<br />

(spinal) G97.8<br />

- post-traumatic G96.1<br />

Pseudomenses (newborn) P54.6<br />

Pseudomenstruation (newborn) P54.6<br />

Pseudomonas<br />

- aeruginosa, as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B96.5<br />

- mallei infection A24.0<br />

- - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B96.5<br />

- pseudomallei, as cause of disease<br />

classified elsewhere B96.5<br />

Pseudomyotonia G71.1<br />

Pseudomyxoma peritonei (M8480/6) C78.6<br />

Pseudoneuritis, optic (disk) (nerve),<br />

congenital Q14.2<br />

Pseudopapilledema H47.3<br />

- congenital Q14.2<br />

Pseudoparalysis<br />

- arm or leg R29.8<br />

- atonic, congenital P94.2<br />

Pseudopelade L66.0<br />

Pseudophakia Z96.1<br />

Pseudopolycythemia D75.1<br />

Pseudopolyposis of colon K51.4<br />

Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism E20.1<br />

Pseudopterygium H11.8<br />

Pseudopuberty, precocious<br />

- female heterosexual E25.8<br />

- male isosexual E25.8<br />

Pseudorickets (renal) N25.0<br />

Pseudorubella B08.2<br />

Pseudosclerema, newborn P83.8<br />

Pseudosclerosis (brain)<br />

- of Westphal E83.0† G99.8*<br />

- spastic, with dementia A81.0† F02.1*<br />

Pseudotetanus (see also Convulsions) R56.8<br />

Pseudotetany R29.0<br />

- hysterical F44.5<br />

Pseudotruncus arteriosus Q25.4<br />

Pseudotuberculosis A28.2<br />

- enterocolitis A04.8<br />

Pseudotumor<br />

- cerebri G93.2<br />

- orbital H05.1<br />

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Q82.8<br />

Psilosis K90.1<br />

Psittacosis A70<br />

- with pneumonia A70† J17.8*<br />

Psoitis M60.8<br />

Psoriasis L40.9<br />

- arthropathic L40.5† M07.3*<br />

- flexural L40.8<br />

- guttate L40.4<br />

- nummular L40.0<br />

- plaque L40.0<br />

- pustular (generalized) L40.1<br />

- - palmaris et plantaris L40.3<br />

- specified NEC L40.8<br />

- vulgaris L40.0<br />

Psychalgia F45.4<br />

Psychasthenia F48.8<br />

Psychiatric disorder or problem NEC F99<br />

Psychoanalysis (therapy) Z50.4<br />

Psychogenic — see also condition<br />

- factors associated with physical conditions F54<br />

Psychological <strong>and</strong> behavioral factors<br />

affecting medical condition F59<br />

Psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic (see also<br />

Neurosis) F48.9<br />

- anxiety (state) F41.1<br />

- hysteria F44.9<br />

- personality NEC F60.8<br />

Psychopathy, psychopathic<br />

- affectionless F94.2<br />

- autistic F84.5<br />

- personality (see also Disorder, personality)<br />

F60.9<br />

- sexual (see also Deviation, sexual) F65.9<br />

- state F60.2<br />

Psychosexual identity disorder of childhood<br />

F64.2<br />


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