Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Pregnancy------continued - - - difficult delivery Z35.2 - - - forceps delivery Z35.2 - - - hemorrhage, antepartum or postpartum Z35.2 - - - hydatidiform mole Z35.1 - - - infertility Z35.0 - - - malignancy NEC Z35.8 - - - nonobstetrical condition Z35.8 - - - premature delivery Z35.2 - - - trophoblastic disease (conditions in O01.-) Z35.1 - - - vesicular mole Z35.1 - - prolonged pregnancy O48 - - small-for-dates fetus O36.5 - - social problem Z35.7 - - very young primigravida (supervision only) Z35.6 - mesometric (mural) O00.8 - molar NEC O02.0 - - hydatidiform (M9100/0) (see also Mole, hydatidiform) O01.9 - multiple NEC O30.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5 - - complicated NEC O31.8 - mural O00.8 - - fetus or newborn P01.4 - ovarian O00.2 - - fetus or newborn P01.4 - postmature O48 - post-term O48 - prolonged O48 - quadruplet O30.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5 - quintuplet O30.8 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5 - sextuplet O30.8 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5 - spurious F45.8 - supervision (of) (for)— see also Pregnancy, management affected by - - high-risk Z35.9 - - - specified NEC Z35.8 - - multiparity Z35.4 - - normal NEC Z34.9 - - - first Z34.0 - - - specified NEC Z34.8 - - previous - - - infertility Z35.0 - - - neonatal death Z35.2 - - - stillbirth Z35.2 - - specified problem NEC Z35.8 - triplet O30.1 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5 - tubal (with abortion) (with rupture) O00.1 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.4 - twin O30.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5 - unwanted Z64.0 Preiser's disease M87.2 Preleukemia (syndrome) (M9989/1) D46.9 Preluxation, hip, congenital Q65.6 Premature — see also condition - adrenarche E27.0 - aging E34.8 - beats I49.4 - - atrial I49.1 - birth NEC P07.3 - closure, foramen ovale Q21.8 - contraction - - atrial I49.1 - - atrioventricular I49.2 - - heart (extrasystole) I49.4 - - junctional I49.2 - - ventricular I49.3 - delivery O60.1 - ejaculation F52.4 - infant NEC P07.3 - - light-for-dates P05.0 - lungs P28.0 - menopause E28.3 - newborn — see Prematurity - puberty E30.1 - rupture, membranes or amnion (see also Rupture, membranes, premature) O42.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.1 - senility E34.8 - separation, placenta (partial) (see also Abruptio placentae) O45.9 - thelarche E30.8 - ventricular systole I49.3 Prematurity NEC (less than 37 completed weeks) P07.3 - extreme (less than 28 completed weeks) P07.2 Premenstrual tension (syndrome) N94.3 Premolarization, cuspids K00.2 Prenatal - care, normal pregnancy Z34.9 - - first Z34.0 - - specified NEC Z34.8 - death, cause unknown — see Death, fetus - screening — see Antenatal, screening Preparatory care for subsequent treatment NEC Z51.4 - for dialysis Z49.0 Prepartum — see condition Prepuce — see condition Presbycardia R54 Presbycusis, presbyacusia H91.1 Presbyophrenia F03 Presbyopia H52.4 Prescription of contraceptives (initial) Z30.0 - repeat Z30.4 Presence (of) - aortocoronary (bypass) graft Z95.1 - arteriovenous shunt for dialysis Z99.2 466

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Presence------continued - artificial - - eye (globe) Z97.0 - - heart (mechanical) Z95.8 - - - valve Z95.2 - - larynx Z96.3 - - lens (intraocular) Z96.1 - - limb (complete) (partial) Z97.1 - audiological implant (functional) Z96.2 - bladder implant (functional) Z96.0 - bone - - conduction hearing device Z96.2 - - implant (functional) NEC Z96.7 - - joint (prosthesis) Z96.6 - cardiac - - defibrillator (functional) Z95.0 - - implant or graft NEC Z95.9 - - - specified type NEC Z95.8 - - pacemaker Z95.0 - cerebrospinal fluid drainage device Z98.2 - cochlear implant (functional) Z96.2 - contact lens(es) Z97.3 - coronary artery graft or prosthesis Z95.5 - dental prosthetic device Z97.2 - device (external) NEC Z97.8 - - implanted (functional) Z96.9 - - - specified NEC Z96.8 - - prosthetic Z97.8 - endocrine implant (functional) Z96.4 - eustachian tube stent or device (functional) Z96.2 - external hearing-aid or device Z97.4 - finger-joint implant (functional) (prosthetic) Z96.6 - functional implant Z96.9 - - specified NEC Z96.8 - hearing-aid or device (external) Z97.4 - - implant (bone) (cochlear) (functional) Z96.2 - heart valve implant (functional) NEC Z95.4 - - prosthetic Z95.2 - - specified type NEC Z95.4 - - xenogenic Z95.3 - hip-joint implant (functional) (prosthesis) Z96.6 - implanted device (artificial) (functional) (prosthetic) Z96.9 - - specified NEC Z96.8 - insulin pump (functional) Z96.4 - intestinal bypass or anastomosis Z98.0 - intraocular lens (functional) Z96.1 - intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) Z97.5 - intravascular implant (functional) (prosthetic) NEC Z95.8 - - coronary artery Z95.5 - - peripheral vessel Z95.8 - joint implant (prosthetic) (any) Z96.6 - knee-joint implant (prosthetic) Z96.6 - laryngeal implant (functional) Z96.3 - mandibular implant (dental) Z96.5 Presence------continued - myringotomy tube(s) Z96.2 - orthopedic-joint implant (prosthetic) (any) Z96.6 - otological implant (functional) Z96.2 - skull-plate implant Z96.7 - spectacles Z97.3 - stapes implant (functional) Z96.2 - tendon implant (functional) (graft) Z96.7 - tooth root(s) implant Z96.5 - ureteral stent Z96.0 - urethral stent Z96.0 - urogenital implant (functional) Z96.0 - vascular implant or device Z95.9 - - access port device Z95.8 - - specified type NEC Z95.8 Presenile — see also condition - dementia F03 - premature aging E34.8 Presentation, fetal - abnormal O32.9 - - before labor, affecting fetus or newborn P01.7 - - causing obstructed labor O64.9 - - - affecting fetus or newborn (any, except breech) P03.1 - - - - breech P03.0 - - - specified NEC O64.8 - - in multiple gestation (one or more) O32.5 - - specified NEC O32.8 - arm (mother) O32.2 - - causing obstructed labor O64.4 - breech (mother) O32.1 - - with external version before labor, affecting fetus or newborn P01.7 - - before labor, affecting fetus or newborn P01.7 - - causing obstructed labor O64.1 - - - fetus or newborn P03.0 - brow (mother) O32.3 - - causing obstructed labor O64.3 - chin (mother) O32.3 - - causing obstructed labor O64.2 - compound O32.6 - - causing obstructed labor O64.5 - cord O69.0 - extended head (mother) O32.3 - - causing obstructed labor O64.3 - face (mother) O32.3 - - causing obstructed labor O64.2 - - to pubes O32.8 - - - causing obstructed labor O64.0 - hand (mother) O32.2 - - causing obstructed labor O64.4 - leg or foot, NEC (mother) O32.1 - - causing obstructed labor O64.1 - mentum (mother) O32.3 - - causing obstructed labor O64.2 - oblique (mother) O32.2 467

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Pregnancy------continued<br />

- - - difficult delivery Z35.2<br />

- - - forceps delivery Z35.2<br />

- - - hemorrhage, antepartum or<br />

postpartum Z35.2<br />

- - - hydatidiform mole Z35.1<br />

- - - infertility Z35.0<br />

- - - malignancy NEC Z35.8<br />

- - - nonobstetrical condition Z35.8<br />

- - - premature delivery Z35.2<br />

- - - trophoblastic disease (conditions in O01.-)<br />

Z35.1<br />

- - - vesicular mole Z35.1<br />

- - prolonged pregnancy O48<br />

- - small-for-dates fetus O36.5<br />

- - social problem Z35.7<br />

- - very young primigravida (supervision only)<br />

Z35.6<br />

- mesometric (mural) O00.8<br />

- molar NEC O02.0<br />

- - hydatidiform (M9100/0) (see also Mole,<br />

hydatidiform) O01.9<br />

- multiple NEC O30.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5<br />

- - complicated NEC O31.8<br />

- mural O00.8<br />

- - fetus or newborn P01.4<br />

- ovarian O00.2<br />

- - fetus or newborn P01.4<br />

- postmature O48<br />

- post-term O48<br />

- prolonged O48<br />

- quadruplet O30.2<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5<br />

- quintuplet O30.8<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5<br />

- sextuplet O30.8<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5<br />

- spurious F45.8<br />

- supervision (of) (for)— see also<br />

Pregnancy, management affected by<br />

- - high-risk Z35.9<br />

- - - specified NEC Z35.8<br />

- - multiparity Z35.4<br />

- - normal NEC Z34.9<br />

- - - first Z34.0<br />

- - - specified NEC Z34.8<br />

- - previous<br />

- - - infertility Z35.0<br />

- - - neonatal death Z35.2<br />

- - - stillbirth Z35.2<br />

- - specified problem NEC Z35.8<br />

- triplet O30.1<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5<br />

- tubal (with abortion) (with rupture) O00.1<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.4<br />

- twin O30.0<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.5<br />

- unwanted Z64.0<br />

Preiser's disease M87.2<br />

Preleukemia (syndrome) (M9989/1) D46.9<br />

Preluxation, hip, congenital Q65.6<br />

Premature — see also condition<br />

- adrenarche E27.0<br />

- aging E34.8<br />

- beats I49.4<br />

- - atrial I49.1<br />

- birth NEC P07.3<br />

- closure, foramen ovale Q21.8<br />

- contraction<br />

- - atrial I49.1<br />

- - atrioventricular I49.2<br />

- - heart (extrasystole) I49.4<br />

- - junctional I49.2<br />

- - ventricular I49.3<br />

- delivery O60.1<br />

- ejaculation F52.4<br />

- infant NEC P07.3<br />

- - light-for-dates P05.0<br />

- lungs P28.0<br />

- menopause E28.3<br />

- newborn — see Prematurity<br />

- puberty E30.1<br />

- rupture, membranes or amnion (see also<br />

Rupture, membranes, premature) O42.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.1<br />

- senility E34.8<br />

- separation, placenta (partial) (see also<br />

Abruptio placentae) O45.9<br />

- thelarche E30.8<br />

- ventricular systole I49.3<br />

Prematurity NEC (less than 37 completed<br />

weeks) P07.3<br />

- extreme (less than 28 completed weeks) P07.2<br />

Premenstrual tension (syndrome) N94.3<br />

Premolarization, cuspids K00.2<br />

Prenatal<br />

- care, normal pregnancy Z34.9<br />

- - first Z34.0<br />

- - specified NEC Z34.8<br />

- death, cause unknown — see Death, fetus<br />

- screening — see Antenatal, screening<br />

Preparatory care for subsequent treatment<br />

NEC Z51.4<br />

- for dialysis Z49.0<br />

Prepartum — see condition<br />

Prepuce — see condition<br />

Presbycardia R54<br />

Presbycusis, presbyacusia H91.1<br />

Presbyophrenia F03<br />

Presbyopia H52.4<br />

Prescription of contraceptives (initial) Z30.0<br />

- repeat Z30.4<br />

Presence (of)<br />

- aortocoronary (bypass) graft Z95.1<br />

- arteriovenous shunt for dialysis Z99.2<br />


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