Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Pregnancy------continued - - nephropathy NEC O26.8 - - nutritional diseases NEC O99.2 - - oblique lie or presentation O32.2 - - oligohydramnios NEC O41.0 - - onset of contractions before 37 weeks' gestation - - - with - - - - pre-term delivery O60.1 - - -- term delivery O60.2 - - - without delivery O60.0 - - oophoritis O23.5 - - oversize fetus O33.5 - - papyraceous fetus O31.0 - - peripheral neuritis O26.8 - - phlebothrombosis (superficial) O22.2 - - - deep O22.3 - - placenta, placental - - - abnormality O43.1 - - - abruptio or ablatio (see also Abruptio placentae) O45.9 - - - detachment (see also Abruptio placentae) O45.9 - - - disease O43.9 - - - dysfunction O43.8 - - - infarction O43.8 - - - low implantation (with hemorrhage) O44.1 - - - - without hemorrhage O44.0 - - - malformation O43.1 - - - malposition (with hemorrhage) O44.1 - - - - without hemorrhage O44.0 - - - previa (with hemorrhage) O44.1 - - - - without hemorrhage O44.0 - - - separation, premature (see also Abruptio placentae) O45.9 - - - transfusion syndrome O43.0 - - placentitis O41.1 - - polyhydramnios O40 - - postmaturity O48 - - pre-eclampsia O14.9 - - - mild O13 - - - moderate O14.0 - - - severe O14.1 - - premature rupture of membranes — see Rupture, membranes, premature - - previous - - - nonobstetric condition Z35.8 - - - poor obstetric history Z35.2 - - - premature delivery Z35.2 - - - trophoblastic disease (conditions in O01.-) Z35.1 - - primigravida - - - elderly (supervision only) Z35.5 - - - very young (supervision only) Z35.6 - - prolapse, uterus O34.5 - - proteinuria O12.1 - - - with - - - - edema O12.2 Pregnancy------continued - - - - hypertension (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - - protozoal diseases O98.6 - - pruritus (neurogenic) O26.8 - - psychosis or psychoneurosis O99.3 - - ptyalism O26.8 - - pyelitis O23.0 - - renal disease or failure NEC O26.8 - - - with secondary hypertension, preexisting O10.4 - - - hypertensive, pre-existing O10.2 - - retention, retained - - - dead ovum O02.0 - - - intrauterine contraceptive device O26.3 - - retroversion, uterus O34.5 - - Rh immunization, incompatibility or sensitization O36.0 - - rupture - - - amnion (premature) — see Rupture, membranes, premature - - - membranes (premature) — see Rupture, membranes, premature - - - uterus (during labor) O71.1 - - - - before onset of labor O71.0 - - salivation (excessive) O26.8 - - salpingitis O23.5 - - salpingo-oophoritis O23.5 - - septicemia (conditions in A40.-, A41.-) O98.8 - - signs of fetal hypoxia (unrelated to labor or delivery) O36.3 - - social problem Z35.7 - - spurious labor pains (see also Labor, false) O47.9 - - superfecundation O30.8 - - superfetation O30.8 - - syphilis (conditions in A50–A53) O98.1 - - threatened - - - abortion O20.0 - - - delivery O47.9 - - - - at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation O47.1 - - - - before 37 completed weeks of gestation O47.0 - - thrombophlebitis (superficial) O22.2 - - thrombosis O22.9 - - - venous (superficial) O22.9 - - - - deep O22.3 - - torsion of uterus O34.5 - - toxemia (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - - transverse lie or presentation O32.2 - - tuberculosis (conditions in A15–A19) O98.0 - - tumor - - - ovary O34.8 - - - pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8 - - - uterus (body) O34.1 - - - - cervix O34.4 - - unstable lie O32.0 - - urethritis O23.2 464

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Pregnancy------continued - - vaginitis or vulvitis O23.5 - - varicose - - - placental vessels O43.8 - - - veins (legs) O22.0 - - - - labia or vulva O22.1 - - venereal disease NEC (conditions in A64) O98.3 - - viral diseases (conditions in A80–B09, B25–B34) O98.5 - - vomiting (see also Hyperemesis, gravidarum) O21.9 - - - due to diseases classified elsewhere O21.8 - complications NEC O26.9 - concealed Z35.3 - confirmed Z32.1 - continuing after - - abortion of one fetus or more O31.1 - - intrauterine death of one fetus or more O31.2 - cornual O00.8 - - fetus or newborn P01.4 - death from NEC O95 - delivered — see Delivery - ectopic (ruptured) O00.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.4 - - specified NEC O00.8 - extrauterine (see also Pregnancy, by site) O00.9 - fallopian O00.1 - false F45.8 - hidden Z35.3 - illegitimate (unwanted) Z64.0 - - supervision of high-risk pregnancy Z35.7 - in double uterus O34.0 - incidental finding Z33 - interstitial O00.8 - intraligamentous O00.8 - intramural O00.8 - intraperitoneal O00.0 - isthmian O00.1 - management affected by - - abnormal, abnormality - - - fetus (suspected) O35.9 - - - - specified NEC O35.8 - - - placenta O43.1 - - antibodies (maternal) - - - anti-D O36.0 - - - blood group (ABO) O36.1 - - - - Rh(esus) O36.0 - - diseases of the nervous system (conditions in G00–G99) O99.3 - - elderly primigravida (supervision only) Z35.5 - - fetal (suspected) - - - abnormality or damage O35.9 - - - - acid-base balance O36.3 - - - - heart rate or rhythm O36.3 Pregnancy------continued - - - - specified NEC O35.8 - - - acidemia O36.3 - - - anencephaly O35.0 - - - bradycardia O36.3 - - - central nervous system malformation O35.0 - - - chromosal abnormality (conditions in Q90–Q99) O35.1 - - - damage from - - - - amniocentesis O35.7 - - - - biopsy procedures O35.7 - - - - drug addiction O35.5 - - - - hematological investigation O35.7 - - - - intrauterine contraceptive device O35.7 - - - - intrauterine surgery O35.7 - - - - maternal - - - - - alcohol addiction O35.4 - - - - - cytomegalovirus infection O35.3 - - - - - disease NEC O35.8 - - - - - drug addiction O35.5 - - - - - listeriosis O35.8 - - - - - rubella O35.3 - - - - - toxoplasmosis O35.8 - - - - - viral infection O35.3 - - - - medical procedure NEC O35.7 - - - - radiation O35.6 - - - distress O36.3 - - - excessive growth O36.6 - - - growth retardation O36.5 - - - hereditary disease O35.2 - - - hydrocephalus O35.0 - - - intrauterine death O36.4 - - - poor growth O36.5 - - - spina bifida O35.0 - - fetomaternal hemorrhage O43.0 - - hereditary disease in family, (possibly) affecting fetus O35.2 - - high-risk pregnancy NEC — see Pregnancy, supervision - - incompatibility, blood groups (ABO) O36.1 - - - Rh(esus) O36.0 - - insufficient prenatal care (supervision only) Z35.3 - - intrauterine death (late) O36.4 - - isoimmunization (ABO) O36.1 - - - Rh(esus) O36.0 - - large-for-dates fetus O36.6 - - light-for-dates fetus O36.5 - - meconium in liquor O36.3 - - mental disorder (conditions in F00–F99) O99.3 - - multiparity (grand) (supervision only) Z35.4 - - poor obstetric history (conditions in O10–O92) Z35.2 - - postmaturity O48 - - previous - - - abortion Z35.1 - - - - habitual O26.2 - - - cesarean section O34.2 465

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Pregnancy------continued<br />

- - nephropathy NEC O26.8<br />

- - nutritional <strong>diseases</strong> NEC O99.2<br />

- - oblique lie or presentation O32.2<br />

- - oligohydramnios NEC O41.0<br />

- - onset of contractions before 37 weeks'<br />

gestation<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - pre-term delivery O60.1<br />

- - -- term delivery O60.2<br />

- - - without delivery O60.0<br />

- - oophoritis O23.5<br />

- - oversize fetus O33.5<br />

- - papyraceous fetus O31.0<br />

- - peripheral neuritis O26.8<br />

- - phlebothrombosis (superficial) O22.2<br />

- - - deep O22.3<br />

- - placenta, placental<br />

- - - abnormality O43.1<br />

- - - abruptio or ablatio (see also Abruptio<br />

placentae) O45.9<br />

- - - detachment (see also Abruptio placentae)<br />

O45.9<br />

- - - disease O43.9<br />

- - - dysfunction O43.8<br />

- - - infarction O43.8<br />

- - - low implantation (with hemorrhage) O44.1<br />

- - - - without hemorrhage O44.0<br />

- - - malformation O43.1<br />

- - - malposition (with hemorrhage) O44.1<br />

- - - - without hemorrhage O44.0<br />

- - - previa (with hemorrhage) O44.1<br />

- - - - without hemorrhage O44.0<br />

- - - separation, premature (see also<br />

Abruptio placentae) O45.9<br />

- - - transfusion syndrome O43.0<br />

- - placentitis O41.1<br />

- - polyhydramnios O40<br />

- - postmaturity O48<br />

- - pre-eclampsia O14.9<br />

- - - mild O13<br />

- - - moderate O14.0<br />

- - - severe O14.1<br />

- - premature rupture of membranes<br />

— see Rupture, membranes, premature<br />

- - previous<br />

- - - nonobstetric condition Z35.8<br />

- - - poor obstetric history Z35.2<br />

- - - premature delivery Z35.2<br />

- - - trophoblastic disease (conditions in O01.-)<br />

Z35.1<br />

- - primigravida<br />

- - - elderly (supervision only) Z35.5<br />

- - - very young (supervision only) Z35.6<br />

- - prolapse, uterus O34.5<br />

- - proteinuria O12.1<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - edema O12.2<br />

Pregnancy------continued<br />

- - - - hypertension (see also Pre-eclampsia)<br />

O14.9<br />

- - protozoal <strong>diseases</strong> O98.6<br />

- - pruritus (neurogenic) O26.8<br />

- - psychosis or psychoneurosis O99.3<br />

- - ptyalism O26.8<br />

- - pyelitis O23.0<br />

- - renal disease or failure NEC O26.8<br />

- - - with secondary hypertension, preexisting<br />

O10.4<br />

- - - hypertensive, pre-existing O10.2<br />

- - retention, retained<br />

- - - dead ovum O02.0<br />

- - - intrauterine contraceptive device O26.3<br />

- - retroversion, uterus O34.5<br />

- - Rh immunization, incompatibility or<br />

sensitization O36.0<br />

- - rupture<br />

- - - amnion (premature) — see Rupture,<br />

membranes, premature<br />

- - - membranes (premature) — see Rupture,<br />

membranes, premature<br />

- - - uterus (during labor) O71.1<br />

- - - - before onset of labor O71.0<br />

- - salivation (excessive) O26.8<br />

- - salpingitis O23.5<br />

- - salpingo-oophoritis O23.5<br />

- - septicemia (conditions in A40.-, A41.-) O98.8<br />

- - signs of fetal hypoxia (unrelated to<br />

labor or delivery) O36.3<br />

- - social problem Z35.7<br />

- - spurious labor pains (see also Labor, false)<br />

O47.9<br />

- - superfecundation O30.8<br />

- - superfetation O30.8<br />

- - syphilis (conditions in A50–A53) O98.1<br />

- - threatened<br />

- - - abortion O20.0<br />

- - - delivery O47.9<br />

- - - - at or after 37 completed weeks of<br />

gestation O47.1<br />

- - - - before 37 completed weeks of<br />

gestation O47.0<br />

- - thrombophlebitis (superficial) O22.2<br />

- - thrombosis O22.9<br />

- - - venous (superficial) O22.9<br />

- - - - deep O22.3<br />

- - torsion of uterus O34.5<br />

- - toxemia (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9<br />

- - transverse lie or presentation O32.2<br />

- - tuberculosis (conditions in A15–A19) O98.0<br />

- - tumor<br />

- - - ovary O34.8<br />

- - - pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8<br />

- - - uterus (body) O34.1<br />

- - - - cervix O34.4<br />

- - unstable lie O32.0<br />

- - urethritis O23.2<br />


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