Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Polycystic (disease)------continued - liver Q44.6 - lung J98.4 - - congenital Q33.0 - ovary, ovaries E28.2 Polycythemia (primary) (rubra) (vera) (M9950/1) D45 - acquired D75.1 - benign (familial) D75.0 - due to - - erythropoietin D75.1 - - fall in plasma volume D75.1 - - high altitude D75.1 - - stress D75.1 - emotional D75.1 - familial (benign) D75.0 - hypertonica D75.1 - hypoxemic D75.1 - neonatorum P61.1 - nephrogenous D75.1 - relative D75.1 - secondary D75.1 Polydactylism, polydactyly Q69.9 Polydipsia R63.1 Polydystrophy, pseudo-Hurler E77.0 Polyembryoma (M9072/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Polyglandular - deficiency E31.0 - dyscrasia E31.9 - dysfunction E31.9 Polyhydramnios O40 - affecting fetus or newborn P01.3 Polymastia Q83.1 Polymenorrhea N92.0 Polymyalgia M35.3 - arteritica, giant cell M31.5 - rheumatica M35.3 - - with giant cell arteritis M31.5 Polymyositis (acute) (chronic) (hemorrhagic) M33.2 - with involvement of - - lung M33.2† J99.1* - - skin M33.9 - ossificans (generalisata) (progressiva) M61.1 Polyneuritis, polyneuritic (see also Polyneuropathy) G62.9 - acute (post-) infective G61.0 - cranialis G52.7 - diabetic (see also E10–E14 with fourth character .4) E14.4† G63.2* - diphtheritic A36.8† G63.0* - due to lack of vitamin NEC E56.9† G63.4* - endemic E51.1† G63.4* - erythredema T56.1 - febrile, acute G61.0 - infective (acute) G61.0 Polyneuritis, polyneuritic------continued - nutritional E63.9† G63.4* - postinfective (acute) G61.0 - specified NEC G62.8 Polyneuropathy (peripheral) G62.9 - alcoholic G62.1 - amyloid (Portuguese) E85.1† G63.3* - arsenical G62.2 - diabetic (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .4) E14.4† G63.2* - drug-induced G62.0 - hereditary G60.9 - - specified NEC G60.8 - idiopathic progressive G60.3 - in (due to) - - alcohol G62.1 - - amyloidosis, familial (Portuguese) E85.1† G63.3* - - antitetanus serum G61.1 - - arsenic G62.2 - - avitaminosis NEC E56.9† G63.4* - - beriberi E51.1† G63.4* - - collagen vascular disease NEC M35.9† G63.5* - - deficiency of B vitamins E53.9† G63.4* - - diabetes (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .4) E14.4† G63.2* - - diphtheria A36.8† G63.0* - - drug or medicament G62.0 - - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T50.9 - - - - specified drug — see Table of drugs and chemicals - - endocrine disease NEC E34.9† G63.3* - - herpes zoster B02.2† G63.0* - - hypoglycemia E16.2† G63.3* - - infectious - - - disease NEC B99† G63.0* - - - mononucleosis B27.-† G63.0* - - lack of vitamin NEC E56.9† G63.4* - - lead G62.2 - - leprosy A30.-† G63.0* - - Lyme disease A69.2† G63.0* - - malignant neoplasm NEC (M8000/3)(see also Neoplasm, malignant) C80† G63.1* - - metabolic disease NEC E88.9† G63.3* - - microscopic polyangiitis M31.7+ G63.5* - - mumps B26.8† G63.0* - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) (see also Neoplasm) D48.9† G63.1* - - nutritional deficiency NEC E63.9† G63.4* - - organophosphate compounds G62.2 - - parasitic disease NEC B89† G63.0* - - pellagra E52† G63.4* - - polyarteritis nodosa M30.0† G63.5* - - porphyria E80.2† G63.3* - - radiation G62.8 - - rheumatoid arthritis M05.3† G63.6* - - sarcoidosis D86.8† G63.8* - - serum G61.1 458

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Polyneuropathy------continued - - syphilis (late) A52.1† G63.0* - - - congenital A50.4† G63.0* - - systemic - - - connective tissue disorder M35.9† G63.5* - - - lupus erythematosus M32.1† G63.5* - - toxic agent NEC G62.2 - - triorthocresyl phosphate G62.2 - - tuberculosis A17.8† G63.0* - - uremia N18.8† G63.8* - - vitamin B 12 deficiency E53.8† G63.4* - - - with anemia (pernicious) D51.0† G63.4* - - - - due to dietary deficiency D51.3† G63.4* - - zoster B02.2† G63.0* - inflammatory G61.9 - - specified NEC G61.8 - nutritional NEC E63.9† G63.4* - postherpetic (zoster) B02.2† G63.0* - radiation-induced G62.8 - sensory (hereditary) (idiopathic) G60.8 - specified NEC G62.8 - syphilitic (late) A52.1† G63.0* - - congenital A50.4† G63.0* Polyopia H53.8 Polyorchism, polyorchidism Q55.2 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia Q78.1 Polyotia Q17.0 Polyp, polypus Note: Polyps of organs or sites that do not appear in the list below should be coded to the residual category for diseases of the organ or site concerned. - accessory sinus J33.8 - adenocarcinoma in (M8210/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - adenocarcinoma in situ in (M8210/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - adenoid tissue J33.0 - adenomatous (M8210/0) — see also Neoplasm, benign - - adenocarcinoma in (M8210/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - - adenocarcinoma in situ in (M8210/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - - carcinoma in (M8210/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - - carcinoma in situ in (M8210/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - - multiple (M8221/0) — see Neoplasm, benign - - - adenocarcinoma in (M8221/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - adenocarcinoma in situ in (M8221/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - antrum J33.8 - anus, anal (canal) K62.0 - bladder (M8120/1) D41.4 Polyp, polypus------continued - carcinoma in (M8210/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - carcinoma in situ in (M8210/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - cervix (uteri) N84.1 - - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.4 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 - - mucous N84.1 - choanal J33.0 - colon K63.5 - - adenomatous (M8210/0) — see Polyp, adenomatous - corpus uteri N84.0 - dental K04.0 - duodenum K31.7 - ear (middle) H74.4 - endometrium N84.0 - ethmoidal (sinus) J33.8 - fallopian tube N84.8 - female genital tract N84.9 - - specified NEC N84.8 - frontal (sinus) J33.8 - gingiva, gum K06.8 - labium (majus) (minus) N84.3 - larynx (mucous) J38.1 - malignant (M8000/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - maxillary (sinus) J33.8 - middle ear H74.4 - nasal (mucous) J33.9 - - cavity J33.0 - nasopharyngeal J33.0 - nose (mucous) J33.9 - oviduct N84.8 - pharynx J39.2 - placenta O90.8 - pudendum N84.3 - pulpal (dental) K04.0 - rectum (nonadenomatous) K62.1 - - adenomatous — see Polyp, adenomatous - septum (nasal) J33.0 - sinus (accessory) (ethmoidal) (frontal) (maxillary) (sphenoidal) J33.8 - sphenoidal (sinus) J33.8 - stomach K31.7 - - adenomatous (M8210/0) — see Polyp, adenomatous - tube, fallopian N84.8 - turbinate, mucous membrane J33.8 - umbilical, newborn P83.6 - ureter N28.8 - urethra N36.2 - uterus (body) (corpus) (mucous) N84.0 - - cervix N84.1 - - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.1 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 459

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Polyneuropathy------continued<br />

- - syphilis (late) A52.1† G63.0*<br />

- - - congenital A50.4† G63.0*<br />

- - systemic<br />

- - - connective tissue disorder M35.9† G63.5*<br />

- - - lupus erythematosus M32.1† G63.5*<br />

- - toxic agent NEC G62.2<br />

- - triorthocresyl phosphate G62.2<br />

- - tuberculosis A17.8† G63.0*<br />

- - uremia N18.8† G63.8*<br />

- - vitamin B 12 deficiency E53.8† G63.4*<br />

- - - with anemia (pernicious) D51.0† G63.4*<br />

- - - - due to dietary deficiency D51.3† G63.4*<br />

- - zoster B02.2† G63.0*<br />

- inflammatory G61.9<br />

- - specified NEC G61.8<br />

- nutritional NEC E63.9† G63.4*<br />

- postherpetic (zoster) B02.2† G63.0*<br />

- radiation-induced G62.8<br />

- sensory (hereditary) (idiopathic) G60.8<br />

- specified NEC G62.8<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.1† G63.0*<br />

- - congenital A50.4† G63.0*<br />

Polyopia H53.8<br />

Polyorchism, polyorchidism Q55.2<br />

Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia Q78.1<br />

Polyotia Q17.0<br />

Polyp, polypus<br />

Note: Polyps of organs or sites that do not<br />

appear in the list below should be coded<br />

to the residual category for <strong>diseases</strong> of<br />

the organ or site concerned.<br />

- accessory sinus J33.8<br />

- adenocarcinoma in (M8210/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- adenocarcinoma in situ in (M8210/2)<br />

— see Neoplasm, in situ<br />

- adenoid tissue J33.0<br />

- adenomatous (M8210/0)<br />

— see also Neoplasm, benign<br />

- - adenocarcinoma in (M8210/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- - adenocarcinoma in situ in (M8210/2)<br />

— see Neoplasm, in situ<br />

- - carcinoma in (M8210/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- - carcinoma in situ in (M8210/2)<br />

— see Neoplasm, in situ<br />

- - multiple (M8221/0)<br />

— see Neoplasm, benign<br />

- - - adenocarcinoma in (M8221/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- - - adenocarcinoma in situ in (M8221/2)<br />

— see Neoplasm, in situ<br />

- antrum J33.8<br />

- anus, anal (canal) K62.0<br />

- bladder (M8120/1) D41.4<br />

Polyp, polypus------continued<br />

- carcinoma in (M8210/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- carcinoma in situ in (M8210/2)<br />

— see Neoplasm, in situ<br />

- cervix (uteri) N84.1<br />

- - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.4<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

- - - causing obstructed labor O65.5<br />

- - mucous N84.1<br />

- choanal J33.0<br />

- colon K63.5<br />

- - adenomatous (M8210/0) — see Polyp,<br />

adenomatous<br />

- corpus uteri N84.0<br />

- dental K04.0<br />

- duodenum K31.7<br />

- ear (middle) H74.4<br />

- endometrium N84.0<br />

- ethmoidal (sinus) J33.8<br />

- fallopian tube N84.8<br />

- female genital tract N84.9<br />

- - specified NEC N84.8<br />

- frontal (sinus) J33.8<br />

- gingiva, gum K06.8<br />

- labium (majus) (minus) N84.3<br />

- larynx (mucous) J38.1<br />

- malignant (M8000/3) — see Neoplasm,<br />

malignant<br />

- maxillary (sinus) J33.8<br />

- middle ear H74.4<br />

- nasal (mucous) J33.9<br />

- - cavity J33.0<br />

- nasopharyngeal J33.0<br />

- nose (mucous) J33.9<br />

- oviduct N84.8<br />

- pharynx J39.2<br />

- placenta O90.8<br />

- pudendum N84.3<br />

- pulpal (dental) K04.0<br />

- rectum (nonadenomatous) K62.1<br />

- - adenomatous — see Polyp, adenomatous<br />

- septum (nasal) J33.0<br />

- sinus (accessory) (ethmoidal) (frontal)<br />

(maxillary) (sphenoidal) J33.8<br />

- sphenoidal (sinus) J33.8<br />

- stomach K31.7<br />

- - adenomatous (M8210/0) — see Polyp,<br />

adenomatous<br />

- tube, fallopian N84.8<br />

- turbinate, mucous membrane J33.8<br />

- umbilical, newborn P83.6<br />

- ureter N28.8<br />

- urethra N36.2<br />

- uterus (body) (corpus) (mucous) N84.0<br />

- - cervix N84.1<br />

- - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.1<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

- - - causing obstructed labor O65.5<br />


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