Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Palsy (see also Paralysis) G83.9 - atrophic diffuse (progressive) G12.2 - Bell's (see also Palsy, facial) G51.0 - brachial plexus NEC G54.0 - - fetus or newborn (birth injury) P14.3 - brain — see Palsy, cerebral - bulbar (chronic) (progressive) G12.2 - - of childhood (Fazio-Londe) G12.1 - - pseudo- NEC G12.2 - - supranuclear NEC G12.2 - cerebral (congenital) G80.9 - - ataxic G80.4 - - athetoid G80.3 - - choreathetoid G80.3 - - diplegic G80.8 - - - spastic G80.1 - - dyskinetic G80.3 - - - athetoid G80.3 - - - choreathetoid G80.3 - - - dystonic G80.3 - - dystonic G80.3 - - hemiplegic G80.8 - - - spastic G80.2 - - mixed G80.8 - - monoplegic G80.8 - - - spastic G80.1 - - not congenital, acute I64 - - paraplegic G80.8 - - - spastic G80.1 - - quadriplegic G80.8 - - - spastic G80.0 - - spastic G80.1 - - - diplegic G80.1 - - - hemiplegic G80.2 - - - monoplegic G80.1 - - - quadriplegic G80.0 - - - specified NEC G80.1 - - - tetraplegic G80.0 - - specified NEC G80.8 - - syphilitic A52.1 - - - congenital A50.4 - - tetraplegic G80.8 - - - spastic G80.0 - cranial nerve — see also Disorder, nerve, cranial - - multiple (in) G52.7 - - - infectious disease NEC B99† G53.1* - - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) (see also Neoplasm) D48.9† G53.3* - - - parasitic disease NEC B89† G53.1* - - - sarcoidosis D86.8† G53.2* - creeping G12.2 - diver's T70.3 - Erb's P14.0 - facial G51.0 - - newborn (birth injury) P11.3 - glossopharyngeal G52.1 - Klumpke(-Déjerine) P14.1 - lead T56.0 Palsy------continued - median nerve (tardy) G56.1 - nerve G58.9 - - specified NEC G58.8 - peroneal nerve (acute) (tardy) G57.3 - pseudobulbar NEC G12.2 - radial nerve (acute) G56.3 - seventh nerve (see also Palsy, facial) G51.0 - shaking (see also Parkinsonism) G20 - ulnar nerve (tardy) G56.2 - wasting G12.2 Paludism — see Malaria Panangiitis M30.0 Panaris, panaritium (with lymphangitis) L03.0 Panarteritis nodosa M30.0 - brain or cerebral I67.7 Pancarditis (acute) (chronic) I51.8 - rheumatic I09.8 - - active or acute I01.8 Pancoast's syndrome or tumor (M8010/3) C34.1 Pancreas, pancreatic — see condition Pancreatitis - acute (edematous) (hemorrhagic) (recurrent) - - alcohol-induced K85.2 - - biliary K85.1 - - drug-induced K85.3 - - gallstone K85.1 - - idiopathic K85.0 - - specified NEC K85.8 - annular (acute) K85.- - chronic (infectious) K86.1 - - alcohol-induced K86.0 - - recurrent K86.1 - - relapsing K86.1 - cystic (chronic) K86.1 - cytomegaloviral B25.2† K87.1* - edematous (acute) K85.- - fibrous (chronic) K86.1 - gangrenous K85.- - hemorrhagic (acute) K85.- - interstitial (chronic) K86.1 - - acute K85.- - malignant K85.- - mumps B26.3† K87.1* - recurrent (chronic) K86.1 - relapsing, chronic K86.1 - subacute K85.- - suppurative K85.- - syphilitic A52.7† K87.1* Pancreatoblastoma (M8971/3) — see Neoplasm, pancreas, malignant Pancreolithiasis K86.8 Pancytolysis D75.8 Pancytopenia (acquired) D61.9 - with malformations D61.0 - congenital D61.0 Panencephalitis, subacute, sclerosing A81.1 436

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Panhematopenia D61.9 - constitutional D61.0 - splenic, primary D73.1 Panhemocytopenia D61.9 - constitutional D61.0 Panhypopituitarism E23.0 - prepubertal E23.0 Panic (attack) (state) F41.0 - reaction to exceptional stress(transient)F43.0 Panmyelophthisis D61.9 Panmyelosis (acute) (M9931/3) C94.4 Panner's disease M92.0 Panneuritis endemica E51.1† G63.4* Panniculitis M79.3 - back M54.0 - lupus L93.2 - neck M54.0 - nodular, nonsuppurative M79.3 - relapsing M35.6 - sacral M54.0 Panniculus adiposus (abdominal) E65 Pannus (cornea) H16.4 - allergic H16.4 - degenerativus H16.4 - keratic H16.4 - trachomatosus, trachomatous (active) A71.1 Panophthalmitis H44.0 Pansinusitis (chronic) (hyperplastic) (nonpurulent) (purulent) J32.4 - acute J01.4 - tuberculous A16.8 - - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.8 Panuveitis (sympathetic) H44.1 Panvalvular disease (unspecified origin) I08.9 - specified NEC (unspecified origin) I08.8 Papanicolaou smear, cervix Z12.4 - as part of routine gynecological examination Z01.4 - for suspected neoplasm Z12.4 - - no disease found Z03.1 - routine Z01.4 Papilledema (choked disk) H47.1 Papillitis H46 - anus K62.8 - optic H46 - rectum K62.8 - tongue K14.0 Papilloma (M8050/0) — see also Neoplasm, benign Note: Except where otherwise indicated, the morphological varieties of papilloma in the list below should be coded by site as for ”Neoplasm, benign”. - acuminatum (anogenital)(female)(male)A63.0 Papilloma------continued - bladder (urinary) (transitional cell) (M8120/1) D41.4 - - benign (M8120/0) D30.3 - choroid plexus (lateral ventricle) (third ventricle) (M9390/0) D33.0 - - anaplastic (M9390/3) C71.5 - - fourth ventricle D33.1 - - malignant (M9390/3) C71.5 - ductal (M8503/0) - dyskeratotic (M8052/0) - epidermoid (M8052/0) - hyperkeratotic (M8052/0) - intracystic (M8504/0) - intraductal (M8503/0) - inverted (M8053/0) - keratotic (M8052/0) - parakeratotic (M8052/0) - renal pelvis (transitional cell) (M8120/1) D41.1 - - benign (M8120/0) D30.1 - Schneiderian (M8121/0) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign - - unspecified site D14.0 - serous surface (M8461/0) - - borderline malignancy (M8461/1) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - - - unspecified site D39.1 - - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign - - unspecified site D27 - squamous (cell) (M8052/0) - transitional (cell) (M8120/0) - - bladder (urinary) (M8120/1) D41.4 - - inverted type (M8121/1) — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - - renal pelvis (M8120/1) D41.1 - - ureter (M8120/1) D41.2 - ureter (transitional cell) (M8120/1) D41.2 - - benign (M8120/0) D30.2 - urothelial (M8120/1) — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - verrucous (M8051/0) - villous (M8261/1) — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - - adenocarcinoma in (M8261/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - in situ (M8261/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - yaws, plantar or palmar A66.1 Papillomata, multiple, of yaws A66.1 Papillomatosis (M8060/0) — see also Neoplasm, benign - confluent and reticulated L83 - cystic, breast N60.1 - intraductal (diffuse) (M8505/0) — see Neoplasm, benign - subareolar duct (M8506/0) D24 Papillomavirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.7 Papillon-Leage and Psaume syndrome Q87.0 437

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Panhematopenia D61.9<br />

- constitutional D61.0<br />

- splenic, primary D73.1<br />

Panhemocytopenia D61.9<br />

- constitutional D61.0<br />

Panhypopituitarism E23.0<br />

- prepubertal E23.0<br />

Panic (attack) (state) F41.0<br />

- reaction to exceptional stress(transient)F43.0<br />

Panmyelophthisis D61.9<br />

Panmyelosis (acute) (M9931/3) C94.4<br />

Panner's disease M92.0<br />

Panneuritis endemica E51.1† G63.4*<br />

Panniculitis M79.3<br />

- back M54.0<br />

- lupus L93.2<br />

- neck M54.0<br />

- nodular, nonsuppurative M79.3<br />

- relapsing M35.6<br />

- sacral M54.0<br />

Panniculus adiposus (abdominal) E65<br />

Pannus (cornea) H16.4<br />

- allergic H16.4<br />

- degenerativus H16.4<br />

- keratic H16.4<br />

- trachomatosus, trachomatous (active) A71.1<br />

Panophthalmitis H44.0<br />

Pansinusitis (chronic) (hyperplastic)<br />

(nonpurulent) (purulent) J32.4<br />

- acute J01.4<br />

- tuberculous A16.8<br />

- - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.8<br />

Panuveitis (sympathetic) H44.1<br />

Panvalvular disease (unspecified origin)<br />

I08.9<br />

- specified NEC (unspecified origin) I08.8<br />

Papanicolaou smear, cervix Z12.4<br />

- as part of routine gynecological<br />

examination Z01.4<br />

- for suspected neoplasm Z12.4<br />

- - no disease found Z03.1<br />

- routine Z01.4<br />

Papilledema (choked disk) H47.1<br />

Papillitis H46<br />

- anus K62.8<br />

- optic H46<br />

- rectum K62.8<br />

- tongue K14.0<br />

Papilloma (M8050/0) — see also Neoplasm,<br />

benign<br />

Note: Except where otherwise indicated, the<br />

morphological varieties of papilloma in<br />

the list below should be coded by site<br />

as for ”Neoplasm, benign”.<br />

- acuminatum (anogenital)(female)(male)A63.0<br />

Papilloma------continued<br />

- bladder (urinary) (transitional cell)<br />

(M8120/1) D41.4<br />

- - benign (M8120/0) D30.3<br />

- choroid plexus (lateral ventricle) (third<br />

ventricle) (M9390/0) D33.0<br />

- - anaplastic (M9390/3) C71.5<br />

- - fourth ventricle D33.1<br />

- - malignant (M9390/3) C71.5<br />

- ductal (M8503/0)<br />

- dyskeratotic (M8052/0)<br />

- epidermoid (M8052/0)<br />

- hyperkeratotic (M8052/0)<br />

- intracystic (M8504/0)<br />

- intraductal (M8503/0)<br />

- inverted (M8053/0)<br />

- keratotic (M8052/0)<br />

- parakeratotic (M8052/0)<br />

- renal pelvis (transitional cell) (M8120/1) D41.1<br />

- - benign (M8120/0) D30.1<br />

- Schneiderian (M8121/0)<br />

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign<br />

- - unspecified site D14.0<br />

- serous surface (M8461/0)<br />

- - borderline malignancy (M8461/1)<br />

- - - specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain<br />

behavior<br />

- - - unspecified site D39.1<br />

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign<br />

- - unspecified site D27<br />

- squamous (cell) (M8052/0)<br />

- transitional (cell) (M8120/0)<br />

- - bladder (urinary) (M8120/1) D41.4<br />

- - inverted type (M8121/1) — see Neoplasm,<br />

uncertain behavior<br />

- - renal pelvis (M8120/1) D41.1<br />

- - ureter (M8120/1) D41.2<br />

- ureter (transitional cell) (M8120/1) D41.2<br />

- - benign (M8120/0) D30.2<br />

- urothelial (M8120/1) — see Neoplasm,<br />

uncertain behavior<br />

- verrucous (M8051/0)<br />

- villous (M8261/1) — see Neoplasm,<br />

uncertain behavior<br />

- - adenocarcinoma in (M8261/3) — see<br />

Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- - - in situ (M8261/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ<br />

- yaws, plantar or palmar A66.1<br />

Papillomata, multiple, of yaws A66.1<br />

Papillomatosis (M8060/0) — see also<br />

Neoplasm, benign<br />

- confluent <strong>and</strong> reticulated L83<br />

- cystic, breast N60.1<br />

- intraductal (diffuse) (M8505/0) — see<br />

Neoplasm, benign<br />

- subareolar duct (M8506/0) D24<br />

Papillomavirus, as cause of disease<br />

classified elsewhere B97.7<br />

Papillon-Leage <strong>and</strong> Psaume syndrome Q87.0<br />


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