Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury P Pachyderma, pachydermia L85.9 - larynx (verrucosa) J38.7 Pachydermatocele (congenital) Q82.8 Pachydermoperiostosis M89.4 - clubbed nail M89.4† L62.0* Pachygyria Q04.3 Pachymeningitis (adhesive) (basal) (cerebral) (spinal) (see also Meningitis) G03.9 Pachyonychia (congenital) Q84.5 Pacinian tumor (M9507/0) — see Neoplasm, skin, benign Pad, knuckle or Garrod's M72.1 Paget's disease - with infiltrating duct carcinoma (M8541/3) — see Neoplasm, breast, malignant - bone M88.9 - - osteosarcoma in (M9184/3) — see Neoplasm, bone, malignant - - skull M88.0 - - specified NEC M88.8 - breast (M8540/3) C50.0 - extramammary (M8542/3) — see also Neoplasm, skin, malignant - - anus (M8542/3) C21.0 - - - margin (M8542/3) C44.5 - - - skin (M8542/3) C44.5 - intraductal carcinoma (M8543/3) — see Neoplasm, breast, malignant - malignant (M8540/3) - - breast C50.0 - - specified site NEC (M8542/3) — see Neoplasm, skin, malignant - - unspecified site C50.0 - mammary (M8540/3) C50.0 - nipple (M8540/3) C50.0 - osteitis deformans M88.9 Pain(s) R52.9 - abdominal R10.4 - - lower abdomen R10.3 - - - pelvic or perineal R10.2 - - severe R10.0 - - upper abdomen R10.1 - acute NEC R52.0 - anus K62.8 - arm M79.6 - back (postural) M54.9 - - low M54.5 - - psychogenic F45.4 - - specified NEC M54.8 - bladder R39.8 - bone M89.8 - breast N64.4 Pain(s)------continued - - psychogenic F45.4 - cecum R10.3 - chest R07.4 - - anterior wall R07.3 - - ischemic I20.9 - - on breathing R07.1 - chronic NEC R52.2 - - intractable R52.1 - - specified NEC R52.2 - coccyx M53.3 - colon R10.4 - coronary — see Angina - due to device, implant or graft (see also Complications, by site and type) T85.8 - - arterial graft NEC T82.8 - - breast (implant) T85.8 - - catheter NEC T85.8 - - - dialysis (renal) T82.8 - - - - intraperitoneal T85.8 - - - infusion NEC T82.8 - - - - spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.8 - - - urinary (indwelling) T83.8 - - electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator) - - - bone T84.8 - - - cardiac T82.8 - - - nervous system (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.8 - - - urinary T83.8 - - fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC T84.8 - - gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.8 - - genital NEC T83.8 - - heart NEC T82.8 - - infusion NEC T85.8 - - joint prosthesis T84.8 - - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.8 - - orthopedic NEC T84.8 - - specified NEC T85.8 - - urinary NEC T83.8 - - vascular NEC T82.8 - - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.8 - ear H92.0 - epigastric, epigastrium R10.1 - eye H57.1 - face, facial R51 - - atypical G50.1 - false (labor) — see Labor, false - female genital organs NEC N94.8 - finger M79.6 - flank R10.4 - foot M79.6 434

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Pain(s)------continued - gas (intestinal) R14 - gastric R10.1 - generalized R52.9 - genital organ - - female N94.8 - - male N50.8 - - psychogenic F45.4 - groin R10.3 - hand M79.6 - head (see also Headache) R51 - heart (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2 - infra-orbital (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - intermenstrual N94.0 - jaw K10.8 - joint M25.5 - - psychogenic F45.4 - kidney N23 - labor, false or spurious — see Labor, false - leg M79.6 - limb (lower) (upper) M79.6 - loin M54.5 - low back M54.5 - lower abdomen R10.3 - - pelvic or perineal R10.2 - lumbar region M54.5 - mastoid H92.0 - maxilla K10.8 - metacarpophalangeal (joint) M25.5 - metatarsophalangeal (joint) M25.5 - mouth K13.7 - muscle M79.1 - nasal J34.8 - nasopharynx J39.2 - neck NEC M54.2 - - psychogenic F45.4 - nerve NEC M79.2 - neuromuscular M79.2 - nose J34.8 - ocular H57.1 - ophthalmic H57.1 - orbital region H57.1 - ovary N94.8 - over heart (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2 - ovulation N94.0 - pelvic R10.2 - penis N48.8 - - psychogenic F45.4 - pericardial (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2 - perineal R10.2 - pharynx J39.2 - pleura, pleural, pleuritic R07.3 - precordial (region) R07.2 - - psychogenic F45.4 - psychogenic (any site) (persistent) F45.4 - radicular (spinal) (see also Radiculitis) M54.1 - rectum K62.8 - respiration R07.1 Pain(s)------continued - rheumatoid, muscular M79.1 - rib R07.3 - root (spinal) (see also Radiculitis) M54.1 - sciatic M54.3 - scrotum N50.8 - - psychogenic F45.4 - seminal vesicle N50.8 - shoulder M75.8 - spermatic cord N50.8 - spinal root (see also Radiculitis) M54.1 - stomach R10.1 - - psychogenic F45.4 - testis N50.8 - - psychogenic F45.4 - thoracic spine M54.6 - - with radicular and visceral pain M54.1 - throat R07.0 - tibia M89.8 - toe M79.6 - tongue K14.6 - tooth K08.8 - trigeminal (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - ureter N23 - uterus NEC N94.8 - - psychogenic F45.4 - vertebrogenic (syndrome) M54.8 - vesical R39.8 Painful — see also Pain - coitus - - female N94.1 - - male N48.8 - - psychogenic F52.6 - ejaculation (semen) N48.8 - - psychogenic F52.6 - erection N48.3 - menstruation (see also Dysmenorrhea) N94.6 - - psychogenic F45.8 - micturition R30.9 - respiration R07.1 Painter's colic T56.0 Palate — see condition Palatoplegia K13.7 Palatoschisis (see also Cleft, palate) Q35.9 Palilalia R48.8 Palliative care Z51.5 Pallor R23.1 - optic disk, temporal H47.2 Palmar — see also condition - fascia — see condition Palpable - cecum K63.8 - kidney N28.8 - ovary N83.8 - spleen (see also Splenomegaly) R16.1 Palpitations (heart) R00.2 - psychogenic F45.3 435

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Pain(s)------continued<br />

- gas (intestinal) R14<br />

- gastric R10.1<br />

- generalized R52.9<br />

- genital organ<br />

- - female N94.8<br />

- - male N50.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- groin R10.3<br />

- h<strong>and</strong> M79.6<br />

- head (see also Headache) R51<br />

- heart (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2<br />

- infra-orbital (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal)<br />

G50.0<br />

- intermenstrual N94.0<br />

- jaw K10.8<br />

- joint M25.5<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- kidney N23<br />

- labor, false or spurious — see Labor, false<br />

- leg M79.6<br />

- limb (lower) (upper) M79.6<br />

- loin M54.5<br />

- low back M54.5<br />

- lower abdomen R10.3<br />

- - pelvic or perineal R10.2<br />

- lumbar region M54.5<br />

- mastoid H92.0<br />

- maxilla K10.8<br />

- metacarpophalangeal (joint) M25.5<br />

- metatarsophalangeal (joint) M25.5<br />

- mouth K13.7<br />

- muscle M79.1<br />

- nasal J34.8<br />

- nasopharynx J39.2<br />

- neck NEC M54.2<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- nerve NEC M79.2<br />

- neuromuscular M79.2<br />

- nose J34.8<br />

- ocular H57.1<br />

- ophthalmic H57.1<br />

- orbital region H57.1<br />

- ovary N94.8<br />

- over heart (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2<br />

- ovulation N94.0<br />

- pelvic R10.2<br />

- penis N48.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- pericardial (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2<br />

- perineal R10.2<br />

- pharynx J39.2<br />

- pleura, pleural, pleuritic R07.3<br />

- precordial (region) R07.2<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- psychogenic (any site) (persistent) F45.4<br />

- radicular (spinal) (see also Radiculitis) M54.1<br />

- rectum K62.8<br />

- respiration R07.1<br />

Pain(s)------continued<br />

- rheumatoid, muscular M79.1<br />

- rib R07.3<br />

- root (spinal) (see also Radiculitis) M54.1<br />

- sciatic M54.3<br />

- scrotum N50.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.8<br />

- shoulder M75.8<br />

- spermatic cord N50.8<br />

- spinal root (see also Radiculitis) M54.1<br />

- stomach R10.1<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- testis N50.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- thoracic spine M54.6<br />

- - with radicular <strong>and</strong> visceral pain M54.1<br />

- throat R07.0<br />

- tibia M89.8<br />

- toe M79.6<br />

- tongue K14.6<br />

- tooth K08.8<br />

- trigeminal (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0<br />

- ureter N23<br />

- uterus NEC N94.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.4<br />

- vertebrogenic (syndrome) M54.8<br />

- vesical R39.8<br />

Painful — see also Pain<br />

- coitus<br />

- - female N94.1<br />

- - male N48.8<br />

- - psychogenic F52.6<br />

- ejaculation (semen) N48.8<br />

- - psychogenic F52.6<br />

- erection N48.3<br />

- menstruation (see also Dysmenorrhea) N94.6<br />

- - psychogenic F45.8<br />

- micturition R30.9<br />

- respiration R07.1<br />

Painter's colic T56.0<br />

Palate — see condition<br />

Palatoplegia K13.7<br />

Palatoschisis (see also Cleft, palate) Q35.9<br />

Palilalia R48.8<br />

Palliative care Z51.5<br />

Pallor R23.1<br />

- optic disk, temporal H47.2<br />

Palmar — see also condition<br />

- fascia — see condition<br />

Palpable<br />

- cecum K63.8<br />

- kidney N28.8<br />

- ovary N83.8<br />

- spleen (see also Splenomegaly) R16.1<br />

Palpitations (heart) R00.2<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />


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