Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Otitis------continued - - - - scarlet fever A38† H67.0* - - - nonsuppurative NEC H65.1 - - - purulent H66.0 - - - sanguinous H65.1 - - - secretory H65.0 - - - seromucinous H65.1 - - - serous H65.0 - - - suppurative H66.0 - - allergic H65.9 - - catarrhal H65.9 - - chronic H66.9 - - - with effusion (nonpurulent) H65.4 - - - allergic H65.4 - - - catarrhal H65.2 - - - exudative H65.4 - - - mucinous H65.3 - - - mucoid H65.3 - - - nonsuppurative NEC H65.4 - - - purulent H66.3 - - - secretory H65.3 - - - seromucinous H65.4 - - - serous H65.2 - - - suppurative H66.3 - - - - atticoantral H66.2 - - - - benign H66.1 - - - - specified NEC H66.3 - - - - tubotympanic H66.1 - - - transudative H65.3 - - exudative H65.9 - - in (due to) - - - influenza (specific virus not identified) J11.8† H67.1* - - - - avian virus identified J09† H67.1* - - - - other virus identified J10.8† H67.1* - - - measles B05.3† H67.1* - - - scarlet fever A38† H67.0* - - - tuberculosis A18.6† H67.0* - - - viral disease NEC B34.9† H67.1* - - mucoid H65.9 - - nonsuppurative H65.9 - - postmeasles B05.3† H67.1* - - purulent H66.4 - - secretory H65.9 - - seromucinous H65.9 - - serous H65.9 - - suppurative H66.4 - - transudative H65.9 - - tuberculous A18.6† H67.0* Otocephaly Q18.2 Otolith syndrome H81.8 Otomycosis (diffuse) (in) B36.9† H62.2* - aspergillosis B44.8† H62.2* - candidiasis B37.8† H62.2* - moniliasis B37.8† H62.2* Otorrhagia (nontraumatic) H92.2 - traumatic — see Injury, by type Otorrhea H92.1 - cerebrospinal G96.0 Otosclerosis H80.9 - cochlear H80.2 - involving - - otic capsule H80.2 - - oval window - - - nonobliterative H80.0 - - - obliterative H80.1 - - round window H80.2 - nonobliterative H80.0 - obliterative H80.1 - specified NEC H80.8 Otospongiosis (see also Otosclerosis) H80.9 Otto's disease or pelvis M24.7 Outcome of delivery Z37.9 - multiple (births) Z37.9 - - all liveborn Z37.5 - - all stillborn Z37.7 - - some liveborn Z37.6 - single Z37.9 - - liveborn Z37.0 - - stillborn Z37.1 - twins Z37.9 - - both liveborn Z37.2 - - both stillborn Z37.4 - - one liveborn, one stillborn Z37.3 Outlet — see also condition - double, right ventricle (congenital) Q20.1 Outstanding ears (bilateral) Q17.5 Ovalocytosis (congenital) (hereditary) (see also Elliptocytosis) D58.1 Ovariocele N83.4 Ovaritis (cystic) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 Ovary, ovarian — see also condition - resistant syndrome E28.3 Overactive - adrenal cortex NEC E27.0 - bladder N32.8 - disorder, associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements F84.4 - hypothalmus E23.3 - thyroid (see also Hyperthyroidism) E05.9 Overactivity R46.3 Overbite (deep) (excessive) (horizontal) (vertical) K07.2 Overbreathing (see also Hyperventilation) R06.4 Overdevelopment — see Hypertrophy Overdistension — see Distension Overdose, overdosage (drug) T50.9 - specified drug or substance — see Table of drugs and chemicals Overeating R63.2 - nonorganic origin F50.4 - psychogenic F50.4 Overexertion (effects) (exhaustion) T73.3 432

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Overexposure (effects) T73.9 - exhaustion T73.2 Overfeeding R63.2 - newborn P92.4 Overgrowth, bone NEC M89.3 Overheated (places) — see Heat Overjet K07.2 Overlapping toe (acquired) M20.5 - congenital (fifth toe) Q66.8 Overload - fluid E87.7 - potassium (K) E87.5 - sodium (Na) E87.0 Overnutrition (see also Hyperalimentation) R63.2 Overproduction — see also Hypersecretion - catecholamine E27.5 - growth hormone E22.0 Overprotection, child by parent Z62.1 Overriding - aorta Q25.4 - finger (acquired) M20.0 - - congenital Q68.1 - toe (acquired) M20.5 - - congenital Q66.8 Oversize fetus P08.1 - affecting management of pregnancy O36.6 - causing disproportion O33.5 - - with obstructed labor O66.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - exceptionally large (more than 4500 g) P08.0 Overweight (see also Obesity) E66.9 Oviduct — see condition Ovotestis Q56.0 Ovulation (cycle) - failure or lack of N97.0 - pain N94.0 Ovum — see condition Owren's disease D68.2 Ox heart — see Hypertrophy, cardiac Oxalosis E74.8 Oxaluria E74.8 Oxycephaly Q75.0 - syphilitic, congenital A50.0 Oxyuriasis B80 Oxyuris vermicularis (infection) (infestation) B80 Ozena J31.0 433

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Otitis------continued<br />

- - - - scarlet fever A38† H67.0*<br />

- - - nonsuppurative NEC H65.1<br />

- - - purulent H66.0<br />

- - - sanguinous H65.1<br />

- - - secretory H65.0<br />

- - - seromucinous H65.1<br />

- - - serous H65.0<br />

- - - suppurative H66.0<br />

- - allergic H65.9<br />

- - catarrhal H65.9<br />

- - chronic H66.9<br />

- - - with effusion (nonpurulent) H65.4<br />

- - - allergic H65.4<br />

- - - catarrhal H65.2<br />

- - - exudative H65.4<br />

- - - mucinous H65.3<br />

- - - mucoid H65.3<br />

- - - nonsuppurative NEC H65.4<br />

- - - purulent H66.3<br />

- - - secretory H65.3<br />

- - - seromucinous H65.4<br />

- - - serous H65.2<br />

- - - suppurative H66.3<br />

- - - - atticoantral H66.2<br />

- - - - benign H66.1<br />

- - - - specified NEC H66.3<br />

- - - - tubotympanic H66.1<br />

- - - transudative H65.3<br />

- - exudative H65.9<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - influenza (specific virus not identified)<br />

J11.8† H67.1*<br />

- - - - avian virus identified J09† H67.1*<br />

- - - - other virus identified J10.8† H67.1*<br />

- - - measles B05.3† H67.1*<br />

- - - scarlet fever A38† H67.0*<br />

- - - tuberculosis A18.6† H67.0*<br />

- - - viral disease NEC B34.9† H67.1*<br />

- - mucoid H65.9<br />

- - nonsuppurative H65.9<br />

- - postmeasles B05.3† H67.1*<br />

- - purulent H66.4<br />

- - secretory H65.9<br />

- - seromucinous H65.9<br />

- - serous H65.9<br />

- - suppurative H66.4<br />

- - transudative H65.9<br />

- - tuberculous A18.6† H67.0*<br />

Otocephaly Q18.2<br />

Otolith syndrome H81.8<br />

Otomycosis (diffuse) (in) B36.9† H62.2*<br />

- aspergillosis B44.8† H62.2*<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>idiasis B37.8† H62.2*<br />

- moniliasis B37.8† H62.2*<br />

Otorrhagia (nontraumatic) H92.2<br />

- traumatic — see Injury, by type<br />

Otorrhea H92.1<br />

- cerebrospinal G96.0<br />

Otosclerosis H80.9<br />

- cochlear H80.2<br />

- involving<br />

- - otic capsule H80.2<br />

- - oval window<br />

- - - nonobliterative H80.0<br />

- - - obliterative H80.1<br />

- - round window H80.2<br />

- nonobliterative H80.0<br />

- obliterative H80.1<br />

- specified NEC H80.8<br />

Otospongiosis (see also Otosclerosis) H80.9<br />

Otto's disease or pelvis M24.7<br />

Outcome of delivery Z37.9<br />

- multiple (births) Z37.9<br />

- - all liveborn Z37.5<br />

- - all stillborn Z37.7<br />

- - some liveborn Z37.6<br />

- single Z37.9<br />

- - liveborn Z37.0<br />

- - stillborn Z37.1<br />

- twins Z37.9<br />

- - both liveborn Z37.2<br />

- - both stillborn Z37.4<br />

- - one liveborn, one stillborn Z37.3<br />

Outlet — see also condition<br />

- double, right ventricle (congenital) Q20.1<br />

Outst<strong>and</strong>ing ears (bilateral) Q17.5<br />

Ovalocytosis (congenital) (hereditary)<br />

(see also Elliptocytosis) D58.1<br />

Ovariocele N83.4<br />

Ovaritis (cystic) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis)<br />

N70.9<br />

Ovary, ovarian — see also condition<br />

- resistant syndrome E28.3<br />

Overactive<br />

- adrenal cortex NEC E27.0<br />

- bladder N32.8<br />

- disorder, associated with mental retardation<br />

<strong>and</strong> stereotyped movements F84.4<br />

- hypothalmus E23.3<br />

- thyroid (see also Hyperthyroidism) E05.9<br />

Overactivity R46.3<br />

Overbite (deep) (excessive) (horizontal)<br />

(vertical) K07.2<br />

Overbreathing (see also<br />

Hyperventilation) R06.4<br />

Overdevelopment — see Hypertrophy<br />

Overdistension — see Distension<br />

Overdose, overdosage (drug) T50.9<br />

- specified drug or substance — see<br />

Table of drugs <strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

Overeating R63.2<br />

- nonorganic origin F50.4<br />

- psychogenic F50.4<br />

Overexertion (effects) (exhaustion) T73.3<br />


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