Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Ophthalmia------continued - metastatic H44.0 - neonatorum, newborn P39.1 - - gonococcal A54.3† H13.1* - nodosa H16.2 - purulent H10.0 - spring H10.1 - sympathetic H44.1 Ophthalmitis — see Ophthalmia Ophthalmocele (congenital) Q15.8 Ophthalmoneuromyelitis G36.0 Ophthalmoplegia (see also Strabismus, paralytic) H49.9 - diabetic (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .3) E14.3† H58.8* - external NEC H49.8 - internal (complete) (total) H52.5 - internuclear H51.2 - migraine G43.8 - Parinaud's H49.8 - progressive external H49.4 - supranuclear, progressive G23.1 - total (external) H49.3 Opioid(s) - dependence syndrome F11.2 - harmful use F11.1 - intoxication (acute) F11.0 - withdrawal state F11.3 Opisthorchiasis (O. felineus) (O. viverrini) B66.0 Opitz' disease D73.2 Opiumism F11.2 Oppenheim's disease G70.2 Oppenheim-Urbach disease L92.1 Optic nerve — see condition Orbit — see condition Orchioblastoma (M9071/3) C62.9 Orchitis (nonspecific) (septic) (suppurative) N45.9 - with abscess N45.0 - blennorrhagic (acute) (chronic) (gonococcal) A54.2† N51.1* - chlamydial A56.1† N51.1* - gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.1* - mumps B26.0† N51.1* - syphilitic A52.7† N51.1* - tuberculous A18.1† N51.1* Orf (virus disease) B08.0 Organ of Morgagni (persistence of) - female Q50.5 - male (epididymal) Q55.4 - - testicular Q55.2 Organic — see condition Orientation, sexual, egodystonic (bisexual) (heterosexual) (homosexual) (prepubertal) F66.1 Orifice — see condition Ormond's disease (with ureteral obstruction) N13.5 - with infection N13.6 Ornithine metabolism disorder E72.4 Ornithinemia (type I) (type II) E72.4 Ornithosis A70 - with pneumonia A70† J17.8* Orotic aciduria (congenital) (hereditary) (pyrimidine deficiency) E79.8 - anemia D53.0 Orthodontics Z51.8 - adjustment Z46.4 - fitting Z46.4 Orthopnea R06.0 Orthoptic training Z50.6 Os, uterus — see condition Osgood-Schlatter disease or osteochondrosis M92.5 Osler-Rendu disease I78.0 Osler's nodes I33.0 Osmidrosis L75.0 Osseous — see condition Ossification - artery — see Arteriosclerosis - auricle (ear) H61.1 - bronchial J98.0 - cardiac (see also Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5 - cartilage (senile) M94.8 - coronary (artery) I25.1 - diaphragm J98.6 - falx cerebri G96.1 - fontanel, premature Q75.0 - heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5 - - valve — see Endocarditis - larynx J38.7 - ligament M67.8 - - posterior longitudinal M48.8 - meninges (cerebral) (spinal) G96.1 - multiple, eccentric centers M89.2 - muscle M61.9 - - due to burns M61.3 - - paralytic M61.2 - - specified NEC M61.5 - myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5 - penis N48.8 - periarticular M25.8 - pinna H61.1 - rider's bone M61.5 - sclera H15.8 - subperiosteal, post-traumatic M89.8 - tendon M67.8 - trachea J39.8 - tympanic membrane H73.8 - vitreous (humor) H43.2 428

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Osteitis (see also Osteomyelitis) M86.9 - alveolar K10.3 - condensans M85.3 - deformans M88.9 - - in (due to) - - - malignant neoplasm of bone (M8000/3) C41.9† M90.6* - - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) (see also Neoplasm) D48.9† M90.6* - - skull M88.0 - - specified NEC M88.8 - due to yaws A66.6† M90.2* - fibrosa NEC M85.6 - - circumscripta M85.0 - - cystica (generalisata) E21.0 - - disseminata Q78.1 - - osteoplastica E21.0 - fragilitans Q78.0 - Garré's (sclerosing) M86.8 - jaw (acute) (chronic) (lower) (suppurative) (upper) K10.2 - parathyroid E21.0 - petrous bone (acute) (chronic) H70.2 - sclerotic, nonsuppurative M86.8 - tuberculosa A18.0† M90.0* - - cystica D86.8 - - multiplex cystoides D86.8 Osteoarthritis (see also Arthrosis) M19.9 - generalized M15.9 - interphalangeal - - distal (Heberden) M15.1 - - proximal (Bouchard) M15.2 Osteoarthropathy (see also Osteoarthrosis) M19.9 - hypertrophic M19.9 - - pulmonary M89.4 - - specified NEC M89.4 - secondary hypertrophic M89.4 Osteoarthrosis (degenerative) (hypertrophic) (see also Arthrosis) M19.9 - deformans alkaptonurica E70.2† M36.8* - erosive M15.4 - generalized M15.9 - - primary M15.0 - joint NEC M19.9 - - primary M19.0 - - secondary M19.2 - localized M19.9 - polyarticular M15.9 - spine (see also Spondylosis) M47.9 Osteoblastoma (M9200/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign - aggressive (M9200/1) — see Neoplasm, bone, uncertain behavior Osteochondritis (see also Osteochondrosis) M93.9 - Brailsford's M92.1 - dissecans M93.2 Osteochondritis------continued - juvenile M92.9 - - patellar M92.4 - syphilitic (congenital) (early) A50.0† M90.2* Osteochondrodysplasia Q78.9 - with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine Q77.9 - - specified NEC Q77.8 - specified NEC Q78.8 Osteochondrodystrophy E78.9 - deformans E76.2 - familial E76.2 Osteochondroma (M9210/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign Osteochondromatosis (M9210/1) D48.0 - syndrome Q78.4 Osteochondromyxosarcoma (M9180/3) — see Neoplasm, bone, malignant Osteochondropathy M93.9 - specified NEC M93.8 - syphilitic, congenital - - early A50.0† M90.2* - - late A50.5† M90.2* Osteochondrosarcoma (M9180/3) — see Neoplasm, bone, malignant Osteochondrosis M93.9 - acetabulum (juvenile) M91.0 - adult NEC M93.8 - - carpal lunate (Kienböck's) M93.1 - astragalus (juvenile) M92.6 - Blount's M92.5 - Buchanan's M91.0 - Burns' M92.1 - calcaneus (juvenile) M92.6 - capitular epiphysis (femur) (juvenile) M91.1 - carpal (juvenile) (lunate) (scaphoid) M92.2 - coxae juvenilis M91.1 - deformans juvenilis, coxae M91.1 - Diaz's M92.6 - dissecans (knee) (shoulder) M93.2 - femoral capital epiphysis (juvenile) M91.1 - femur (head), juvenile M91.1 - fibula (juvenile) M92.5 - foot NEC (juvenile) M92.8 - Freiberg's M92.7 - Haas' (juvenile) M92.0 - Haglund's M92.6 - hip (juvenile) M91.1 - humerus (capitulum) (head) (juvenile) M92.0 - ilium, iliac crest (juvenile) M91.0 - ischiopubic synchondrosis M91.0 - Iselin's M92.7 - juvenile, juvenilis M92.9 - - after reduction of congenital dislocation of hip M91.8 - - arm M92.3 - - capitular epiphysis (femur) M91.1 - - clavicle, sternal epiphysis M92.3 - - coxae M91.1 429

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Osteitis (see also Osteomyelitis) M86.9<br />

- alveolar K10.3<br />

- condensans M85.3<br />

- deformans M88.9<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - malignant neoplasm of bone<br />

(M8000/3) C41.9† M90.6*<br />

- - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1)<br />

(see also Neoplasm) D48.9† M90.6*<br />

- - skull M88.0<br />

- - specified NEC M88.8<br />

- due to yaws A66.6† M90.2*<br />

- fibrosa NEC M85.6<br />

- - circumscripta M85.0<br />

- - cystica (generalisata) E21.0<br />

- - disseminata Q78.1<br />

- - osteoplastica E21.0<br />

- fragilitans Q78.0<br />

- Garré's (sclerosing) M86.8<br />

- jaw (acute) (chronic) (lower) (suppurative)<br />

(upper) K10.2<br />

- parathyroid E21.0<br />

- petrous bone (acute) (chronic) H70.2<br />

- sclerotic, nonsuppurative M86.8<br />

- tuberculosa A18.0† M90.0*<br />

- - cystica D86.8<br />

- - multiplex cystoides D86.8<br />

Osteoarthritis (see also Arthrosis) M19.9<br />

- generalized M15.9<br />

- interphalangeal<br />

- - distal (Heberden) M15.1<br />

- - proximal (Bouchard) M15.2<br />

Osteoarthropathy (see also Osteoarthrosis)<br />

M19.9<br />

- hypertrophic M19.9<br />

- - pulmonary M89.4<br />

- - specified NEC M89.4<br />

- secondary hypertrophic M89.4<br />

Osteoarthrosis (degenerative) (hypertrophic)<br />

(see also Arthrosis) M19.9<br />

- deformans alkaptonurica E70.2† M36.8*<br />

- erosive M15.4<br />

- generalized M15.9<br />

- - primary M15.0<br />

- joint NEC M19.9<br />

- - primary M19.0<br />

- - secondary M19.2<br />

- localized M19.9<br />

- polyarticular M15.9<br />

- spine (see also Spondylosis) M47.9<br />

Osteoblastoma (M9200/0) — see Neoplasm,<br />

bone, benign<br />

- aggressive (M9200/1) — see Neoplasm,<br />

bone, uncertain behavior<br />

Osteochondritis (see also Osteochondrosis)<br />

M93.9<br />

- Brailsford's M92.1<br />

- dissecans M93.2<br />

Osteochondritis------continued<br />

- juvenile M92.9<br />

- - patellar M92.4<br />

- syphilitic (congenital) (early) A50.0† M90.2*<br />

Osteochondrodysplasia Q78.9<br />

- with defects of growth of tubular bones<br />

<strong>and</strong> spine Q77.9<br />

- - specified NEC Q77.8<br />

- specified NEC Q78.8<br />

Osteochondrodystrophy E78.9<br />

- deformans E76.2<br />

- familial E76.2<br />

Osteochondroma (M9210/0) — see Neoplasm,<br />

bone, benign<br />

Osteochondromatosis (M9210/1) D48.0<br />

- syndrome Q78.4<br />

Osteochondromyxosarcoma (M9180/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, bone, malignant<br />

Osteochondropathy M93.9<br />

- specified NEC M93.8<br />

- syphilitic, congenital<br />

- - early A50.0† M90.2*<br />

- - late A50.5† M90.2*<br />

Osteochondrosarcoma (M9180/3)<br />

— see Neoplasm, bone, malignant<br />

Osteochondrosis M93.9<br />

- acetabulum (juvenile) M91.0<br />

- adult NEC M93.8<br />

- - carpal lunate (Kienböck's) M93.1<br />

- astragalus (juvenile) M92.6<br />

- Blount's M92.5<br />

- Buchanan's M91.0<br />

- Burns' M92.1<br />

- calcaneus (juvenile) M92.6<br />

- capitular epiphysis (femur) (juvenile) M91.1<br />

- carpal (juvenile) (lunate) (scaphoid) M92.2<br />

- coxae juvenilis M91.1<br />

- deformans juvenilis, coxae M91.1<br />

- Diaz's M92.6<br />

- dissecans (knee) (shoulder) M93.2<br />

- femoral capital epiphysis (juvenile) M91.1<br />

- femur (head), juvenile M91.1<br />

- fibula (juvenile) M92.5<br />

- foot NEC (juvenile) M92.8<br />

- Freiberg's M92.7<br />

- Haas' (juvenile) M92.0<br />

- Haglund's M92.6<br />

- hip (juvenile) M91.1<br />

- humerus (capitulum) (head) (juvenile) M92.0<br />

- ilium, iliac crest (juvenile) M91.0<br />

- ischiopubic synchondrosis M91.0<br />

- Iselin's M92.7<br />

- juvenile, juvenilis M92.9<br />

- - after reduction of congenital dislocation of hip M91.8<br />

- - arm M92.3<br />

- - capitular epiphysis (femur) M91.1<br />

- - clavicle, sternal epiphysis M92.3<br />

- - coxae M91.1<br />


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