Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Nephroblastoma (epithelial) (mesenchymal) (M8960/3) C64 Nephrocalcinosis E83.5† N29.8* Nephrocystitis, pustular (see also Nephritis, tubulo-interstitial) N12 Nephrolithiasis(congenital)(pelvis) (recurrent) (see also Calculus, kidney) N20.0 - gouty M10.0† N22.8* - uric acid M10.0† N22.8* Nephroma (M8960/3) C64 - mesoblastic (M8960/1) D41.0 Nephropathia epidemica (Puumala hantavirus) A98.5† N08.0* Nephropathy (see also Nephritis) N28.9 Note: Where a term is indexed only at the three-character level, e.g. N07.-, reference should be made to the list of fourth-character subdivisions in Volume 1 at N00-N08. - with - - edema — see Nephrosis - - glomerular lesion — see Glomerulonephritis - amyloid, hereditary E85.0 - analgesic N14.0 - Balkan (endemic) N15.0 - chemical — see Nephropathy, toxic - diabetic (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .2) E14.2† N08.3* - drug-induced N14.2 - - specified NEC N14.1 - heavy metal-induced N14.3 - hereditary NEC N07.- - hypertensive (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - IgA N02.8 - - with glomerular lesion N02.- - - - focal and segmental hyalinosis or sclerosis N02.1 - - - membranoproliferative (diffuse) N02.5 - - - membranous (diffuse) N02.2 - - - mesangial proliferative (diffuse) N02.3 - - - mesangiocapillary (diffuse) N02.5 - - - proliferative NEC N02.8 - - - specified pathology NEC N02.8 - lead N14.3 - mesangial (IgA/IgG) — see Nephropathy, IgA - obstructive N13.8 - pregnancy-related O26.8 - proliferative NEC — code to N00–N07 with fourth character .8 - saturnine N14.3 - sickle-cell (see also Disease, sickle-cell) D57.1† N08.2* - toxic NEC (due to) N14.4 - - drugs N14.2 - - - analgesic N14.0 - - - specified NEC N14.1 Nephropathy------continued - - heavy metals N14.3 Nephroptosis N28.8 Nephropyosis (see also Abscess, kidney) N15.1 Nephrorrhagia N28.8 Nephrosclerosis (arteriolar) (arteriosclerotic) (chronic) (hyaline) (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - senile (see also Sclerosis, renal) N26 Nephrosis, nephrotic (congenital) (Epstein's) (syndrome) N04.- Note: Where a term is indexed only at the three-character level, e.g. N04.-, reference should be made to the list of fourth-character subdivisions in Volume 1 at N00-N08. - with glomerular lesion N04.- - - foot process disease N04.- - - hypocomplementemic N04.5 - acute N04.- - anoxic — see Nephrosis, tubular - chemical — see Nephrosis, tubular - complicating pregnancy O26.8 - diabetic (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .2) E14.2 N08.3* - hemoglobinuric — see Nephrosis, tubular - in - - amyloidosis E85.4† N08.4* - - diabetes mellitus (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .2) E14.2† N08.3* - - epidemic hemorrhagic fever A98.5† N08.0* - - malaria (malariae) B52.0† N08.0* - ischemic — see Nephrosis, tubular - lipoid N04.- - lower nephron — see Nephrosis, tubular - malarial (malariae) B52.0† N08.0* - necrotizing — see Nephrosis, tubular - syphilitic (late) A52.7† N08.0* - toxic — see Nephrosis, tubular - tubular (acute) N17.0 - - postprocedural N99.0 Nephrosonephritis, hemorrhagic (endemic) A98.5† N08.0* Nephrostomy - attention to Z43.6 - status Z93.6 Nerve — see condition Nervous (see also condition) R45.0 - heart F45.3 - stomach F45.3 - tension R45.0 Nervousness R45.0 Nesidioblastoma (M8150/0) - pancreas D13.7 - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, benign - unspecified site D13.7 414

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Nettleship's syndrome Q82.2 Neumann's disease or syndrome L10.1 Neuralgia, neuralgic (acute) (see also Neuritis) M79.2 - ciliary G44.0 - cranial - - nerve — see also Disorder, nerve, cranial - - - fifth or trigeminal (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - - postherpetic, postzoster B02.2† G53.0* - ear H92.0 - facialis vera G51.1 - Fothergill's (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - glossopharyngeal (nerve) G52.1 - Hunt's B02.2† G53.0* - hypoglossal (nerve) G52.3 - infraorbital (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - migrainous G44.0 - Morton's G57.6 - nerve, cranial — see Disorder, nerve,cranial - postherpetic NEC B02.2† G53.0* - - trigeminal B02.2† G53.0* - specified nerve NEC G58.8 - sphenopalatine (ganglion) G44.8 - trifacial (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - trigeminal G50.0 - - postherpetic, postzoster B02.2† G53.0* - writer's F48.8 - - organic G25.8 Neurapraxia — see Injury, nerve Neurasthenia F48.0 - cardiac F45.3 - gastric F45.3 - heart F45.3 Neurilemmoma (M9560/0) — see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign - acoustic (nerve) D33.3 - malignant (M9560/3) — see also Neoplasm, nerve, malignant - - acoustic (nerve) C72.4 Neurilemmosarcoma (M9560/3) — see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant Neurinoma (M9560/0) — see Neoplasm, nerve, benign Neurinomatosis (M9560/1) — see Neoplasm, nerve, uncertain behavior Neuritis M79.2 - abducens (nerve) H49.2 - acoustic (nerve) H93.3 - - in (due to) - - - infectious disease NEC B99† H94.0* - - - parasitic disease NEC B89† H94.0* - - syphilitic A52.1† H94.0* - amyloid, any site E85.4† G63.3* - arising during pregnancy O26.8 Neuritis------continued - auditory (nerve) H93.3 - brachial M54.1 - - due to displacement, intervertebral disk M50.1† G55.1* - cranial nerve - - eighth or acoustic or auditory H93.3 - - fourth or trochlear H49.1 - - second or optic H46 - - seventh or facial G51.8 - - - newborn (birth injury) P11.3 - - sixth or abducent H49.2 - - third or oculomotor H49.0 - Déjerine-Sottas G60.0 - diabetic (polyneuropathy) (see also E10-E14 with fourth character .4) E14.4† G63.2* - - mononeuropathy E14.4† G59.0* - due to - - beriberi E51.1† G63.4* - - displacement, prolapse, protrusion or rupture, intervertebral disk M51.1† G55.1* - - - cervical M50.1† G55.1* - - - lumbar, lumbosacral M51.1† G55.1* - - - thoracic, thoracolumbar M51.1† G55.1* - - herniation, nucleus pulposus M51.1† G55.1* - - - cervical M50.1† G55.1* - - - lumbar, lumbosacral M51.1† G55.1* - - - thoracic, thoracolumbar M51.1† G55.1* - endemic E51.1† G63.4* - facial G51.8 - - newborn (birth injury) P11.3 - general — see Polyneuropathy - geniculate ganglion G51.1 - - due to herpes (zoster) B02.2† G53.0* - gouty M10.0† G63.6* - in disease classified elsewhere — see Polyneuropathy - infectious (multiple) NEC G61.0 - interstitial hypertrophic progressive G60.0 - lumbar, lumbosacral M54.1 - multiple (see also Polyneuropathy) G62.9 - - endemic E51.1† G63.4* - - infective, acute G61.0 - multiplex endemica E51.1† G63.4* - nerve root (see also Radiculitis) M54.1 - oculomotor (nerve) H49.0 - olfactory nerve G52.0 - optic (hereditary) (sympathetic) H46 - - with demyelination G36.0 - peripheral (nerve) G62.9 - - complicating pregnancy or puerperium O26.8 - - multiple (see also Polyneuropathy) G62.9 - - single — see Mononeuritis - postherpetic, postzoster B02.2† G53.0* - pregnancy-related O26.8 - progressive hypertrophic interstitial G60.0 - puerperal, postpartum O26.8 415

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Nephroblastoma (epithelial) (mesenchymal)<br />

(M8960/3) C64<br />

Nephrocalcinosis E83.5† N29.8*<br />

Nephrocystitis, pustular (see also Nephritis,<br />

tubulo-interstitial) N12<br />

Nephrolithiasis(congenital)(pelvis) (recurrent)<br />

(see also Calculus, kidney) N20.0<br />

- gouty M10.0† N22.8*<br />

- uric acid M10.0† N22.8*<br />

Nephroma (M8960/3) C64<br />

- mesoblastic (M8960/1) D41.0<br />

Nephropathia epidemica (Puumala<br />

hantavirus) A98.5† N08.0*<br />

Nephropathy (see also Nephritis) N28.9<br />

Note: Where a term is indexed only at the<br />

three-character level, e.g. N07.-,<br />

reference should be made to the list<br />

of fourth-character subdivisions in<br />

Volume 1 at N00-N08.<br />

- with<br />

- - edema — see Nephrosis<br />

- - glomerular lesion — see Glomerulonephritis<br />

- amyloid, hereditary E85.0<br />

- analgesic N14.0<br />

- Balkan (endemic) N15.0<br />

- chemical — see Nephropathy, toxic<br />

- diabetic (see also E10-E14 with fourth<br />

character .2) E14.2† N08.3*<br />

- drug-induced N14.2<br />

- - specified NEC N14.1<br />

- heavy metal-induced N14.3<br />

- hereditary NEC N07.-<br />

- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, kidney)<br />

I12.9<br />

- IgA N02.8<br />

- - with glomerular lesion N02.-<br />

- - - focal <strong>and</strong> segmental hyalinosis or sclerosis<br />

N02.1<br />

- - - membranoproliferative (diffuse) N02.5<br />

- - - membranous (diffuse) N02.2<br />

- - - mesangial proliferative (diffuse) N02.3<br />

- - - mesangiocapillary (diffuse) N02.5<br />

- - - proliferative NEC N02.8<br />

- - - specified pathology NEC N02.8<br />

- lead N14.3<br />

- mesangial (IgA/IgG) — see Nephropathy, IgA<br />

- obstructive N13.8<br />

- pregnancy-related O26.8<br />

- proliferative NEC — code to N00–N07 with<br />

fourth character .8<br />

- saturnine N14.3<br />

- sickle-cell (see also Disease, sickle-cell)<br />

D57.1† N08.2*<br />

- toxic NEC (due to) N14.4<br />

- - drugs N14.2<br />

- - - analgesic N14.0<br />

- - - specified NEC N14.1<br />

Nephropathy------continued<br />

- - heavy metals N14.3<br />

Nephroptosis N28.8<br />

Nephropyosis (see also Abscess, kidney) N15.1<br />

Nephrorrhagia N28.8<br />

Nephrosclerosis (arteriolar) (arteriosclerotic)<br />

(chronic) (hyaline) (see also Hypertension,<br />

kidney) I12.9<br />

- senile (see also Sclerosis, renal) N26<br />

Nephrosis, nephrotic (congenital) (Epstein's)<br />

(syndrome) N04.-<br />

Note: Where a term is indexed only at the<br />

three-character level, e.g. N04.-,<br />

reference should be made to the list<br />

of fourth-character subdivisions in<br />

Volume 1 at N00-N08.<br />

- with glomerular lesion N04.-<br />

- - foot process disease N04.-<br />

- - hypocomplementemic N04.5<br />

- acute N04.-<br />

- anoxic — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- chemical — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- complicating pregnancy O26.8<br />

- diabetic (see also E10-E14 with fourth<br />

character .2) E14.2 N08.3*<br />

- hemoglobinuric — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- in<br />

- - amyloidosis E85.4† N08.4*<br />

- - diabetes mellitus (see also E10-E14<br />

with fourth character .2) E14.2† N08.3*<br />

- - epidemic hemorrhagic fever A98.5† N08.0*<br />

- - malaria (malariae) B52.0† N08.0*<br />

- ischemic — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- lipoid N04.-<br />

- lower nephron — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- malarial (malariae) B52.0† N08.0*<br />

- necrotizing — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.7† N08.0*<br />

- toxic — see Nephrosis, tubular<br />

- tubular (acute) N17.0<br />

- - postprocedural N99.0<br />

Nephrosonephritis, hemorrhagic (endemic)<br />

A98.5† N08.0*<br />

Nephrostomy<br />

- attention to Z43.6<br />

- status Z93.6<br />

Nerve — see condition<br />

Nervous (see also condition) R45.0<br />

- heart F45.3<br />

- stomach F45.3<br />

- tension R45.0<br />

Nervousness R45.0<br />

Nesidioblastoma (M8150/0)<br />

- pancreas D13.7<br />

- specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, benign<br />

- unspecified site D13.7<br />


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