Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Melanoma------continued - - perineum C43.5 - - pinna C43.2 - - popliteal fossa or space C43.7 - - prepuce C60.0 - - pubes C43.5 - - pudendum C51.9 - - retina C69.2 - - retrobulbar C69.6 - - scalp C43.4 - - scrotum C63.2 - - shoulder C43.6 - - skin NEC C43.9 - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, malignant - - submammary fold C43.5 - - temple C43.3 - - thigh C43.7 - - toe C43.7 - - trunk NEC C43.5 - - umbilicus C43.5 - - upper limb NEC C43.6 - - vulva C51.9 - spindle cell (M8772/3) - - with epithelioid, mixed (M8770/3) - - type A (M8773/3) C69.4 - - type B (M8774/3) C69.4 - superficial spreading (M8743/3) Melanosarcoma (M8720/3) — see also Melanoma - epithelioid cell (M8771/3) — see Melanoma Melanosis L81.4 - addisonian E27.1 - - tuberculous A18.7† E35.1* - adrenal E27.1 - colon K63.8 - conjunctiva H11.1 - - congenital Q13.8 - cornea (presenile) (senile) H18.0 - - congenital Q13.4 - eye NEC H57.8 - - congenital Q15.8 - lenticularis progressiva Q82.1 - liver K76.8 - precancerous (M8741/2) — see also Melanoma, in situ - - malignant melanoma in (M8741/3) — see Melanoma - Riehl's L81.4 - sclera H15.8 - - congenital Q13.8 - suprarenal E27.1 - tar L81.4 - toxic L81.4 Melanuria R82.9 Melasma L81.1 - adrenal (gland) E27.1 - suprarenal (gland) E27.1 Melena K92.1 - with ulcer (see also Ulcer, by site, with hemorrhage) K27.4 - newborn, neonatal P54.1 - - due to swallowed maternal blood P78.2 Meleney's - gangrene (cutaneous) L98.4 - ulcer (chronic undermining) L98.4 Melioidosis A24.4 - acute A24.1 - chronic A24.2 - fulminating A24.1 - pneumonia A24.1 - pulmonary (chronic) A24.2 - - acute A24.1 - - subacute A24.2 - septicemia A24.1 - specified NEC A24.3 - subacute A24.2 Melkersson(-Rosenthal) syndrome G51.2 Mellitus, diabetes — see Diabetes Melorheostosis (bone) M85.8 Melotia Q17.4 Membrana capsularis lentis posterior Q13.8 Membranacea placenta O43.1 Membranaceous uterus N85.8 Membrane(s), membranous — see also condition - cyclitic H21.4 - folds, congenital — see Web - Jackson's Q43.3 - premature rupture — see Rupture, membranes, premature - pupillary H21.4 - - persistent Q13.8 - retained (complicating delivery) (with hemorrhage) O72.2 - - without hemorrhage O73.1 - secondary cataract H26.4 - unruptured (causing asphyxia) — see Asphyxia, newborn - vitreous H43.3 Membranitis O41.1 - affecting fetus or newborn P02.7 Memory disturbance, lack or loss (see also Amnesia) R41.3 - mild, following organic brain damage F06.7 Menarche - delayed E30.0 - precocious E30.1 Mendacity, pathologic F60.2 Mendelson's syndrome (due to anesthesia) J95.4 - in labor and delivery O74.0 - in pregnancy O29.0 - postpartum, puerperal O89.0 Ménétrier's disease or syndrome K29.6 Ménière's disease, syndrome or vertigo H81.0 366

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Meninges, meningeal — see condition Meningioma (M9530/0) — see also Neoplasm, meninges, benign - angioblastic (M9535/0) D32.9 - angiomatous (M9534/0) D32.9 - endotheliomatous (M9531/0) D32.9 - fibroblastic (M9532/0) D32.9 - fibrous (M9532/0) D32.9 - hemangioblastic (M9535/0) D32.9 - hemangiopericytic (M9536/0) D32.9 - malignant (M9530/3) — see Neoplasm, meninges, malignant - meningiothelial (M9531/0) D32.9 - meningotheliomatous (M9531/0) D32.9 - mixed (M9537/0) D32.9 - multiple (M9530/1) — see Neoplasm, meninges, uncertain behavior - papillary (M9538/1) — see Neoplasm, meninges, uncertain behavior - psammomatous (M9533/0) D32.9 - syncytial (M9531/0) D32.9 - transitional (M9537/0) D32.9 Meningiomatosis (diffuse) (M9530/1) — see Neoplasm, meninges, uncertain behavior Meningismus R29.1 - due to serum or vaccine R29.1 - influenzal (specific virus not identified) J11.8 - - avian influenza virus identified J09 - - other influenza virus identified J10.8 Meningitis (basal) (cerebral) (spinal) G03.9 - abacterial NEC G03.0 - actinomycotic A42.8† G01* - adenoviral A87.1† G02.0* - arbovirus A87.8† G02.0* - aseptic (acute) NEC G03.0 - bacterial G00.9 - - Gram-negative NEC G00.9 - - specified organism NEC G00.8 - benign recurrent (Mollaret) G03.2 - candidal B37.5† G02.1* - caseous (tuberculous) A17.0† G01* - cerebrospinal A39.0† G01* - chronic NEC G03.1 - clear cerebrospinal fluid NEC G03.0 - coxsackievirus A87.0† G02.0* - cryptococcal B45.1† G02.1* - diplococcal A39.0† G01* - echovirus A87.0† G02.0* - enteroviral A87.0† G02.0* - eosinophilic B83.2† G05.2* - epidemic NEC A39.0† G01* - Escherichia coli (E. coli) G00.8 - fibrinopurulent G00.9 - - specified organism NEC G00.8 - Friedländer (bacillus) G00.8 - gonococcal A54.8† G01* - Gram-negative cocci NEC G00.9 - Gram-positive cocci NEC G00.9 Meningitis------continued - Haemophilus (influenzae) G00.0 - in (due to) - - adenovirus A87.1† G02.0* - - African trypanosomiasis B56.-† G02.8* - - anthrax A22.8† G01* - - Chagas' disease (chronic) B57.4† G02.8* - - chickenpox B01.0† G02.0* - - coccidioidomycosis B38.4† G02.1* - - enterovirus A87.0† G02.0* - - herpes (simplex) virus B00.3† G02.0* - - - zoster B02.1† G02.0* - - infectious mononucleosis B27.-† G02.0* - - leptospirosis A27.-† G01* - - Listeria monocytogenes A32.1† G01* - - Lyme disease A69.2† G01* - - measles B05.1† G02.0* - - mumps (virus) B26.1† G02.0* - - neurosyphilis (late) A52.1† G01* - - parasitic disease NEC B89† G02.8* - - poliovirus A80.9† G02.0* - - preventive immunization, inoculation or vaccination G03.8 - - rubella B06.0† G02.0* - - salmonella infection A02.2† G01* - - specified cause NEC G03.8 - - typhoid fever A01.0† G01* - - varicella B01.0† G02.0* - - viral disease NEC A87.8 - - zoster B02.1† G02.0* - influenzal (Haemophilus influenzae) G00.0 - Klebsiella G00.8 - leptospiral (aseptic) A27.-† G01* - lymphocytic (acute) (benign) (serous) A87.2† G02.0* - meningococcal A39.0† G01* - Mollaret (benign recurrent) G03.2 - monilial B37.5† G02.1* - mycotic NEC B49† G02.1* - Neisseria meningitidis A39.0† G01* - nonbacterial G03.0 - nonpyogenic NEC G03.0 - nonspecific G03.9 - ossificans G96.1 - pneumococcal G00.1 - poliovirus A80.9† G01* - postmeasles B05.1† G02.0* - purulent G00.9 - - specified organism NEC G00.8 - pyogenic G00.9 - - specified organism NEC G00.8 - Salmonella (arizonae) (cholerae-suis) (enteritidis) (typhimurium) A02.2† G01* - septic G00.9 - - specified organism NEC G00.8 - serosa circumscripta NEC G03.0 - specified organism NEC G00.8 - sporotrichosis B42.8† G02.1* - staphylococcal G00.3 367

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Meninges, meningeal — see condition<br />

Meningioma (M9530/0) — see also Neoplasm,<br />

meninges, benign<br />

- angioblastic (M9535/0) D32.9<br />

- angiomatous (M9534/0) D32.9<br />

- endotheliomatous (M9531/0) D32.9<br />

- fibroblastic (M9532/0) D32.9<br />

- fibrous (M9532/0) D32.9<br />

- hemangioblastic (M9535/0) D32.9<br />

- hemangiopericytic (M9536/0) D32.9<br />

- malignant (M9530/3) — see Neoplasm,<br />

meninges, malignant<br />

- meningiothelial (M9531/0) D32.9<br />

- meningotheliomatous (M9531/0) D32.9<br />

- mixed (M9537/0) D32.9<br />

- multiple (M9530/1) — see Neoplasm,<br />

meninges, uncertain behavior<br />

- papillary (M9538/1) — see Neoplasm,<br />

meninges, uncertain behavior<br />

- psammomatous (M9533/0) D32.9<br />

- syncytial (M9531/0) D32.9<br />

- transitional (M9537/0) D32.9<br />

Meningiomatosis (diffuse) (M9530/1) — see<br />

Neoplasm, meninges, uncertain behavior<br />

Meningismus R29.1<br />

- due to serum or vaccine R29.1<br />

- influenzal (specific virus not identified) J11.8<br />

- - avian influenza virus identified J09<br />

- - other influenza virus identified J10.8<br />

Meningitis (basal) (cerebral) (spinal) G03.9<br />

- abacterial NEC G03.0<br />

- actinomycotic A42.8† G01*<br />

- adenoviral A87.1† G02.0*<br />

- arbovirus A87.8† G02.0*<br />

- aseptic (acute) NEC G03.0<br />

- bacterial G00.9<br />

- - Gram-negative NEC G00.9<br />

- - specified organism NEC G00.8<br />

- benign recurrent (Mollaret) G03.2<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>idal B37.5† G02.1*<br />

- caseous (tuberculous) A17.0† G01*<br />

- cerebrospinal A39.0† G01*<br />

- chronic NEC G03.1<br />

- clear cerebrospinal fluid NEC G03.0<br />

- coxsackievirus A87.0† G02.0*<br />

- cryptococcal B45.1† G02.1*<br />

- diplococcal A39.0† G01*<br />

- echovirus A87.0† G02.0*<br />

- enteroviral A87.0† G02.0*<br />

- eosinophilic B83.2† G05.2*<br />

- epidemic NEC A39.0† G01*<br />

- Escherichia coli (E. coli) G00.8<br />

- fibrinopurulent G00.9<br />

- - specified organism NEC G00.8<br />

- Friedländer (bacillus) G00.8<br />

- gonococcal A54.8† G01*<br />

- Gram-negative cocci NEC G00.9<br />

- Gram-positive cocci NEC G00.9<br />

Meningitis------continued<br />

- Haemophilus (influenzae) G00.0<br />

- in (due to)<br />

- - adenovirus A87.1† G02.0*<br />

- - African trypanosomiasis B56.-† G02.8*<br />

- - anthrax A22.8† G01*<br />

- - Chagas' disease (chronic) B57.4† G02.8*<br />

- - chickenpox B01.0† G02.0*<br />

- - coccidioidomycosis B38.4† G02.1*<br />

- - enterovirus A87.0† G02.0*<br />

- - herpes (simplex) virus B00.3† G02.0*<br />

- - - zoster B02.1† G02.0*<br />

- - <strong>infectious</strong> mononucleosis B27.-† G02.0*<br />

- - leptospirosis A27.-† G01*<br />

- - Listeria monocytogenes A32.1† G01*<br />

- - Lyme disease A69.2† G01*<br />

- - measles B05.1† G02.0*<br />

- - mumps (virus) B26.1† G02.0*<br />

- - neurosyphilis (late) A52.1† G01*<br />

- - <strong>parasitic</strong> disease NEC B89† G02.8*<br />

- - poliovirus A80.9† G02.0*<br />

- - preventive immunization, inoculation or<br />

vaccination G03.8<br />

- - rubella B06.0† G02.0*<br />

- - salmonella infection A02.2† G01*<br />

- - specified cause NEC G03.8<br />

- - typhoid fever A01.0† G01*<br />

- - varicella B01.0† G02.0*<br />

- - viral disease NEC A87.8<br />

- - zoster B02.1† G02.0*<br />

- influenzal (Haemophilus influenzae) G00.0<br />

- Klebsiella G00.8<br />

- leptospiral (aseptic) A27.-† G01*<br />

- lymphocytic (acute) (benign) (serous)<br />

A87.2† G02.0*<br />

- meningococcal A39.0† G01*<br />

- Mollaret (benign recurrent) G03.2<br />

- monilial B37.5† G02.1*<br />

- mycotic NEC B49† G02.1*<br />

- Neisseria meningitidis A39.0† G01*<br />

- nonbacterial G03.0<br />

- nonpyogenic NEC G03.0<br />

- nonspecific G03.9<br />

- ossificans G96.1<br />

- pneumococcal G00.1<br />

- poliovirus A80.9† G01*<br />

- postmeasles B05.1† G02.0*<br />

- purulent G00.9<br />

- - specified organism NEC G00.8<br />

- pyogenic G00.9<br />

- - specified organism NEC G00.8<br />

- Salmonella (arizonae) (cholerae-suis)<br />

(enteritidis) (typhimurium) A02.2† G01*<br />

- septic G00.9<br />

- - specified organism NEC G00.8<br />

- serosa circumscripta NEC G03.0<br />

- specified organism NEC G00.8<br />

- sporotrichosis B42.8† G02.1*<br />

- staphylococcal G00.3<br />


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