Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Mastopathy, mastopathia N64.9 - chronica cystica N60.1 - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3 - cystic (chronic) (diffuse) N60.1 - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3 - diffuse cystic N60.1 - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3 - estrogenic, oestrogenica N64.8 - ovarian origin N64.8 Mastoplastia N62 Masturbation (excessive) F98.8 Maternal care (for) (known) (suspected) - abnormality — see also condition - - cervix uteri NEC O34.4 - - gravid uterus NEC O34.5 - - pelvic organs O34.9 - - - specified NEC O34.8 - - vagina O34.6 - - vulva and perineum O34.7 - breech presentation O32.1 - central nervous system malformation, fetus O35.0 - cervical incompetence O34.3 - chromosomal abnormality, fetus O35.1 - compound presentation O32.6 - congenital malformation, uterus O34.0 - damage to fetus from - - alcohol O35.4 - - drugs O35.5 - - maternal - - - alcohol addiction O35.4 - - - cytomegalovirus infection O35.3 - - - drug addiction O35.5 - - - listeriosis O35.8 - - - rubella O35.3 - - - toxoplasmosis O35.8 - - - viral disease O35.3 - - medical procedure NEC O35.7 - - radiation O35.6 - disproportion (fetopelvic) (due to) O33.9 - - deformity of maternal pelvic bones O33.0 - - fetal deformity NEC O33.7 - - generally contracted maternal pelvis O33.1 - - hydrocephalic fetus O33.6 - - inlet contraction, maternal pelvis O33.2 - - mixed maternal and fetal origin O33.4 - - origin NEC O33.8 - - outlet contraction, maternal pelvis O33.3 - - unusually large fetus O33.5 - excessive fetal growth O36.6 - face, brow and chin presentation O32.3 - fetal - - abnormality O35.9 - - - specified NEC O35.8 - - anencephaly O35.0 - - damage O35.9 - - - specified NEC O35.8 - - hypoxia (unrelated to labor and delivery) O36.3 Maternal care------continued - - problem O36.9 - - - specified NEC O36.8 - - spina bifida O35.0 - habitual aborter (during pregnancy) O26.2 - hereditary disease, fetus O35.2 - high head at term (pregnancy) O32.4 - hydrops fetalis NEC (not due to isoimmunization) O36.2 - intrauterine death (late) O36.4 - isoimmunization (ABO) O36.1 - - Rh (rhesus) (anti-D) O36.0 - malpresentation (fetus) O32.9 - - specified NEC O32.8 - multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more O32.5 - placental insufficiency O36.5 - poor fetal growth O36.5 - transverse and oblique lie O32.2 - tumor, corpus uteri O34.1 - unstable lie O32.0 - uterine scar from previous surgery O34.2 - viable fetus in abdominal pregnancy O36.7 Maternal condition, affecting fetus or newborn P00.9 - acute yellow atrophy of liver P00.8 - alcohol use P04.3 - anesthesia or analgesia P04.0 - blood loss (gestational) P02.1 - cancer chemotherapy P04.1 - chorioamnionitis P02.7 - circulatory disease (conditions in I00–I99, Q20–Q28) P00.3 - complication of pregnancy NEC P01.9 - congenital heart disease (conditions in Q20–Q24) P00.3 - cortical necrosis of kidney P00.1 - cytotoxic drug P04.1 - death P01.6 - diabetes mellitus (conditions in E10–E14) P70.1 - disease NEC P00.9 - eclampsia P00.0 - exposure to environmental chemical substances P04.6 - genital tract infections NEC P00.8 - glomerular diseases(conditions in N00–N08)P00.1 - hemorrhage, gestational P02.1 - hepatitis, acute, malignant or subacute P00.8 - hyperemesis (gravidarum) P01.8 - hypertension (conditions in O10–O11, O13–O16) P00.0 - infectious and parasitic diseases (conditions in A00–B99, J09–J11) P00.2 - influenza P00.2 - - manifest influenza in the infant P35.8 - injury (conditions in S00–T79) P00.5 - malaria P00.2 - - manifest malaria NEC in infant or fetus P37.4 - - - falciparum P37.3 362

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Maternal condition, affecting fetus or newborn------continued - malnutrition P00.4 - necrosis of liver P00.8 - nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (conditions in N00–N08) P00.1 - noxious influence transmitted via breast milk or placenta P04.9 - - specified NEC P04.8 - nutritional disorder (conditions in E40–E64) P00.4 - operation unrelated to current pregnancy P00.6 - pre-eclampsia P00.0 - previous surgery, uterus or pelvic organs P03.8 - proteinuria P00.1 - pyelitis or pyelonephritis P00.1 - renal disease or failure P00.1 - respiratory disease (conditions in J00–J99, Q30–Q34) P00.3 - rheumatic heart disease (chronic) (conditions in I05–I09) P00.3 - rubella (conditions in B06) P00.2 - - manifest rubella in the infant or fetus P35.0 - septate vagina P03.8 - stenosis or stricture of vagina P03.8 - surgery unrelated to current pregnancy P00.6 - - to uterus or pelvic organs P03.8 - syphilis (conditions in A50–A53) P00.2 - - manifest syphilis in the infant or fetus A50.0 - thrombophlebitis P00.3 - tobacco use P04.2 - toxemia (of pregnancy) P00.0 - toxoplasmosis (conditions in B58.-) P00.2 - - manifest toxoplasmosis (acute) (chronic) (subacute) in the infant or fetus P37.1 - transmission of chemical substance through the placenta (see also Absorption, chemical, through placenta) P04.8 - tumor, vagina O34.6 - uremia P00.1 - urinary tract conditions (conditions in N00–N39) P00.1 - vomiting (pernicious) (persistent) (vicious) P01.8 Mauclaire's disease or osteochondrosis M92.2 Maxilla, maxillary — see condition May(-Hegglin) anomaly or syndrome D72.0 McArdle(-Schmid)(-Pearson) disease (glycogen storage) E74.0 McCune-Albright syndrome Q78.1 Meadow's syndrome Q86.1 Measles (black) (hemorrhagic) (suppressed) B05.9 - with - - complications NEC B05.8 Measles------continued - - encephalitis B05.0† G05.1* - - intestinal complications B05.4† K93.8* - - keratitis (keratoconjunctivitis) B05.8† H19.2* - - meningitis B05.1† G02.0* - - otitis media B05.3† H67.1* - - pneumonia B05.2† J17.1* - German (see also Rubella) B06.9 Meatitis, urethral (see also Urethritis) N34.2 Meatus, meatal — see condition Meckel-Gruber syndrome Q61.9 Meckel's diverticulitis, diverticulum (displaced) (hypertrophic) Q43.0 Meconium - ileus, fetus or newborn E84.1† P75* - in liquor —see also Distress, fetal - - complicating labor and delivery O68.1 - obstruction, fetus or newborn P76.0 - - in mucoviscidosis E84.1† P75* - passage of — see Distress, fetal - peritonitis P78.0 - plug syndrome (newborn) NEC P76.0 Median — see also condition - bar (prostate) (vesical orifice) N40 Mediastinitis (acute) (chronic) J98.5 - syphilitic A52.7† J99.8* - tuberculous A16.8 - - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.8 Mediastinopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) I31.9 - chronic rheumatic I09.2 Mediastinum, mediastinal — see condition Medicine poisoning (by overdose) (wrong substance given or taken in error) T50.9 - specified drug or substance — see Table of drugs and chemicals Mediterranean - disease or syndrome (hemipathic) D56.9 - fever A23.9 - - familial E85.0 Medulla — see condition Medullary cystic kidney Q61.5 Medullated fibers - optic (nerve) Q14.8 - retina Q14.1 Medulloblastoma (M9470/3) - desmoplastic (M9471/3) C71.6 - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - unspecified site C71.6 Medulloepithelioma (M9501/3) — see also Neoplasm, malignant - teratoid (M9502/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Medullomyoblastoma (M9472/3) - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - unspecified site C71.6 363

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Mastopathy, mastopathia N64.9<br />

- chronica cystica N60.1<br />

- - with epithelial proliferation N60.3<br />

- cystic (chronic) (diffuse) N60.1<br />

- - with epithelial proliferation N60.3<br />

- diffuse cystic N60.1<br />

- - with epithelial proliferation N60.3<br />

- estrogenic, oestrogenica N64.8<br />

- ovarian origin N64.8<br />

Mastoplastia N62<br />

Masturbation (excessive) F98.8<br />

Maternal care (for) (known) (suspected)<br />

- abnormality — see also condition<br />

- - cervix uteri NEC O34.4<br />

- - gravid uterus NEC O34.5<br />

- - pelvic organs O34.9<br />

- - - specified NEC O34.8<br />

- - vagina O34.6<br />

- - vulva <strong>and</strong> perineum O34.7<br />

- breech presentation O32.1<br />

- central nervous system malformation, fetus<br />

O35.0<br />

- cervical incompetence O34.3<br />

- chromosomal abnormality, fetus O35.1<br />

- compound presentation O32.6<br />

- congenital malformation, uterus O34.0<br />

- damage to fetus from<br />

- - alcohol O35.4<br />

- - drugs O35.5<br />

- - maternal<br />

- - - alcohol addiction O35.4<br />

- - - cytomegalovirus infection O35.3<br />

- - - drug addiction O35.5<br />

- - - listeriosis O35.8<br />

- - - rubella O35.3<br />

- - - toxoplasmosis O35.8<br />

- - - viral disease O35.3<br />

- - medical procedure NEC O35.7<br />

- - radiation O35.6<br />

- disproportion (fetopelvic) (due to) O33.9<br />

- - deformity of maternal pelvic bones O33.0<br />

- - fetal deformity NEC O33.7<br />

- - generally contracted maternal pelvis O33.1<br />

- - hydrocephalic fetus O33.6<br />

- - inlet contraction, maternal pelvis O33.2<br />

- - mixed maternal <strong>and</strong> fetal origin O33.4<br />

- - origin NEC O33.8<br />

- - outlet contraction, maternal pelvis O33.3<br />

- - unusually large fetus O33.5<br />

- excessive fetal growth O36.6<br />

- face, brow <strong>and</strong> chin presentation O32.3<br />

- fetal<br />

- - abnormality O35.9<br />

- - - specified NEC O35.8<br />

- - anencephaly O35.0<br />

- - damage O35.9<br />

- - - specified NEC O35.8<br />

- - hypoxia (unrelated to labor <strong>and</strong> delivery)<br />

O36.3<br />

Maternal care------continued<br />

- - problem O36.9<br />

- - - specified NEC O36.8<br />

- - spina bifida O35.0<br />

- habitual aborter (during pregnancy) O26.2<br />

- hereditary disease, fetus O35.2<br />

- high head at term (pregnancy) O32.4<br />

- hydrops fetalis NEC (not due to<br />

isoimmunization) O36.2<br />

- intrauterine death (late) O36.4<br />

- isoimmunization (ABO) O36.1<br />

- - Rh (rhesus) (anti-D) O36.0<br />

- malpresentation (fetus) O32.9<br />

- - specified NEC O32.8<br />

- multiple gestation with malpresentation<br />

of one fetus or more O32.5<br />

- placental insufficiency O36.5<br />

- poor fetal growth O36.5<br />

- transverse <strong>and</strong> oblique lie O32.2<br />

- tumor, corpus uteri O34.1<br />

- unstable lie O32.0<br />

- uterine scar from previous surgery O34.2<br />

- viable fetus in abdominal pregnancy O36.7<br />

Maternal condition, affecting fetus or newborn<br />

P00.9<br />

- acute yellow atrophy of liver P00.8<br />

- alcohol use P04.3<br />

- anesthesia or analgesia P04.0<br />

- blood loss (gestational) P02.1<br />

- cancer chemotherapy P04.1<br />

- chorioamnionitis P02.7<br />

- circulatory disease (conditions in I00–I99,<br />

Q20–Q28) P00.3<br />

- complication of pregnancy NEC P01.9<br />

- congenital heart disease (conditions in<br />

Q20–Q24) P00.3<br />

- cortical necrosis of kidney P00.1<br />

- cytotoxic drug P04.1<br />

- death P01.6<br />

- diabetes mellitus (conditions in E10–E14) P70.1<br />

- disease NEC P00.9<br />

- eclampsia P00.0<br />

- exposure to environmental chemical<br />

substances P04.6<br />

- genital tract infections NEC P00.8<br />

- glomerular <strong>diseases</strong>(conditions in N00–N08)P00.1<br />

- hemorrhage, gestational P02.1<br />

- hepatitis, acute, malignant or subacute P00.8<br />

- hyperemesis (gravidarum) P01.8<br />

- hypertension (conditions in O10–O11,<br />

O13–O16) P00.0<br />

- <strong>infectious</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>parasitic</strong> <strong>diseases</strong><br />

(conditions in A00–B99, J09–J11) P00.2<br />

- influenza P00.2<br />

- - manifest influenza in the infant P35.8<br />

- injury (conditions in S00–T79) P00.5<br />

- malaria P00.2<br />

- - manifest malaria NEC in infant or fetus P37.4<br />

- - - falciparum P37.3<br />


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