Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Landouzy's disease (icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis) A27.0 Landry-Guillain-Barré syndrome or paralysis G61.0 Lane's - kink (see also Obstruction, intestine) K56.6 - syndrome K90.2 Langdon Down's syndrome (see also Trisomy, 21) Q90.9 Large - ear, congenital Q17.1 - fetus — see Oversize fetus Large-for-dates NEC (fetus or infant) P08.1 - affecting management of pregnancy O36.6 - exceptionally (4500 g or more) P08.0 Larsen-Johansson disease or osteochondrosis M92.4 Larsen's syndrome Q74.8 Larva migrans - cutaneous NEC B76.9 - - Ancylostoma (species) B76.0 - visceral NEC B83.0 Laryngismus (stridulus) J38.5 - congenital P28.8 - diphtheritic A36.2 Laryngitis (acute) (edematous) (subglottic) (suppurative) (ulcerative) J04.0 - with - - influenza, flu, or grippe (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - - tracheitis (acute) (see also Laryngotracheitis) J04.2 - - - chronic J37.1 - - - obstructive J05.0 - atrophic J37.0 - catarrhal J37.0 - chronic J37.0 - - with tracheitis (chronic) J37.1 - diphtheritic A36.2 - due to external agent (chronic) J37.0 - Haemophilus influenzae J04.0 - hypertrophic J37.0 - influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - obstructive J05.0 - sicca J37.0 - spasmodic J05.0 - - acute J04.0 - streptococcal J04.0 - stridulous J05.0 - syphilitic (late) A52.7† J99.8* - - congenital A50.5† J99.8* - - - early A50.0† J99.8* - tuberculous A16.4 - - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.5 - Vincent's A69.1 Laryngocele (congenital) (ventricular) Q31.3 Laryngofissure J38.7 Laryngomalacia (congenital) Q31.5 Laryngopharyngitis (acute) J06.0 - chronic J37.0 Laryngoplegia J38.0 Laryngoptosis J38.7 Laryngospasm J38.5 Laryngostenosis J38.6 Laryngotracheitis (acute) (infective) J04.2 - atrophic J37.1 - catarrhal J37.1 - chronic J37.1 - diphtheritic A36.2 - due to external agent (chronic) J37.1 - Haemophilus influenzae J04.2 - hypertrophic J37.1 - influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - pachydermic J38.7 - sicca J37.1 - spasmodic J38.5 - - acute J05.0 - streptococcal J04.2 - stridulous J38.5 - syphilitic (late) A52.7† J99.8* - - congenital A50.5† J99.8* - - - early A50.0† J99.8* - tuberculous A16.4 - Vincent's A69.1 Laryngotracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) J40 - acute (see also Bronchitis, acute) J20.9 - chronic J42 Larynx, laryngeal — see condition Lassa fever A96.2 Lassitude — see Weakness Late - talker R62.0 - walker R62.0 Late effect(s) — see Sequelae Latent — see condition Laterocession — see Lateroversion Lateroflexion — see Lateroversion Lateroversion - cervix — see Lateroversion, uterus - uterus, uterine (cervix) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) N85.4 - - congenital Q51.8 - - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.5 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 Lathyrism T62.2 Launois' syndrome E22.0 Launois-Bensaude adenolipomatosis E88.8 Laurence-Moon(-Bardet)-Biedl syndrome Q87.8 344

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Lax, laxity — see also Relaxation - ligament(ous) M24.2 - - familial M35.7 - - knee M23.8 - skin (acquired) L57.4 - - congenital Q82.8 Laxative habit F55 Lead miner's lung J63.8 Leak, leakage - amniotic fluid (see also Rupture, membranes, premature) O42.9 - - with delayed delivery O75.6 - blood (microscopic), fetal, into maternal circulation, affecting management of pregnancy or puerperium O43.0 - cerebrospinal fluid G96.0 - - from spinal (lumbar) puncture G97.0 - device, implant or graft (see also Complications, by site and type) T85.6 - - arterial graft NEC T82.3 - - - coronary (bypass) T82.2 - - breast (implant) T85.4 - - catheter NEC T85.6 - - - dialysis (renal) T82.4 - - - - intraperitoneal T85.6 - - - infusion NEC T82.5 - - - - spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.6 - - - urinary (indwelling) T83.0 - - gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.5 - - genital NEC T83.4 - - heart NEC T82.5 - - - valve (prosthesis) T82.0 - - - - graft T82.2 - - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.3 - - - intraocular lens T85.2 - - orthopedic NEC T84.4 - - specified NEC T85.6 - - urinary NEC T83.1 - - - graft T83.2 - - vascular NEC T82.5 - - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.0 Leaky heart — see Endocarditis Learning defect (specific) F81.9 Leather bottle stomach (M8142/3) C16.9 Leber's - congenital amaurosis H35.5 - optic atrophy (hereditary) H47.2 Lederer's anemia D59.1 Leeches (external) (see also Hirudiniasis) B88.3 - internal B83.4 Leg — see condition Legg(-Calvé)-Perthes disease, syndrome or osteochondrosis M91.1 Legionellosis A48.1 - nonpneumonic A48.2 Legionnaire's - disease A48.1 - - nonpneumonic A48.2 - pneumonia A48.1 Leigh's disease G31.8 Leiner's disease L21.1 Leiofibromyoma (M8890/0) — see also Leiomyoma - uterus (cervix) (corpus) — see Leiomyoma, uterus Leiomyoblastoma (M8891/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Leiomyofibroma (M8890/0) — see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - uterus (cervix) (corpus) D25.9 Leiomyoma (M8890/0) — see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - bizarre (M8893/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - cellular (M8892/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - epithelioid (M8891/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - uterus (cervix) (corpus) D25.9 - - intramural D25.1 - - submucous D25.0 - - subserosal D25.2 - vascular (M8894/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Leiomyomatosis (intravascular) (M8890/1) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior Leiomyosarcoma (M8890/3) — see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant - epithelioid (M8891/3) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant - myxoid (M8896/3) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Leishmaniasis B55.9 - American (mucocutaneous) B55.2 - - cutaneous B55.1 - Asian desert B55.1 - Brazilian B55.2 - cutaneous (any type) B55.1 - - eyelid B55.1† H03.0* - dermal (see also Leishmaniasis, cutaneous) B55.1 - - post-kala-azar B55.0 - eyelid B55.1† H03.0* - infantile B55.0 - mucocutaneous (American) (New World) B55.2 - naso-oral B55.2 - nasopharyngeal B55.2 - Old World B55.1 - tegumentaria diffusa B55.1 - visceral B55.0 345

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

L<strong>and</strong>ouzy's disease (icterohemorrhagic<br />

leptospirosis) A27.0<br />

L<strong>and</strong>ry-Guillain-Barré syndrome or<br />

paralysis G61.0<br />

Lane's<br />

- kink (see also Obstruction, intestine) K56.6<br />

- syndrome K90.2<br />

Langdon Down's syndrome (see also<br />

Trisomy, 21) Q90.9<br />

Large<br />

- ear, congenital Q17.1<br />

- fetus — see Oversize fetus<br />

Large-for-dates NEC (fetus or infant) P08.1<br />

- affecting management of pregnancy O36.6<br />

- exceptionally (4500 g or more) P08.0<br />

Larsen-Johansson disease or<br />

osteochondrosis M92.4<br />

Larsen's syndrome Q74.8<br />

Larva migrans<br />

- cutaneous NEC B76.9<br />

- - Ancylostoma (species) B76.0<br />

- visceral NEC B83.0<br />

Laryngismus (stridulus) J38.5<br />

- congenital P28.8<br />

- diphtheritic A36.2<br />

Laryngitis (acute) (edematous) (subglottic)<br />

(suppurative) (ulcerative) J04.0<br />

- with<br />

- - influenza, flu, or grippe (see also Influenza,<br />

with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1<br />

- - tracheitis (acute) (see also Laryngotracheitis)<br />

J04.2<br />

- - - chronic J37.1<br />

- - - obstructive J05.0<br />

- atrophic J37.0<br />

- catarrhal J37.0<br />

- chronic J37.0<br />

- - with tracheitis (chronic) J37.1<br />

- diphtheritic A36.2<br />

- due to external agent (chronic) J37.0<br />

- Haemophilus influenzae J04.0<br />

- hypertrophic J37.0<br />

- influenzal (see also Influenza, with,<br />

respiratory manifestations) J11.1<br />

- obstructive J05.0<br />

- sicca J37.0<br />

- spasmodic J05.0<br />

- - acute J04.0<br />

- streptococcal J04.0<br />

- stridulous J05.0<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.7† J99.8*<br />

- - congenital A50.5† J99.8*<br />

- - - early A50.0† J99.8*<br />

- tuberculous A16.4<br />

- - with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.5<br />

- Vincent's A69.1<br />

Laryngocele (congenital) (ventricular) Q31.3<br />

Laryngofissure J38.7<br />

Laryngomalacia (congenital) Q31.5<br />

Laryngopharyngitis (acute) J06.0<br />

- chronic J37.0<br />

Laryngoplegia J38.0<br />

Laryngoptosis J38.7<br />

Laryngospasm J38.5<br />

Laryngostenosis J38.6<br />

Laryngotracheitis (acute) (infective) J04.2<br />

- atrophic J37.1<br />

- catarrhal J37.1<br />

- chronic J37.1<br />

- diphtheritic A36.2<br />

- due to external agent (chronic) J37.1<br />

- Haemophilus influenzae J04.2<br />

- hypertrophic J37.1<br />

- influenzal (see also Influenza, with,<br />

respiratory manifestations) J11.1<br />

- pachydermic J38.7<br />

- sicca J37.1<br />

- spasmodic J38.5<br />

- - acute J05.0<br />

- streptococcal J04.2<br />

- stridulous J38.5<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.7† J99.8*<br />

- - congenital A50.5† J99.8*<br />

- - - early A50.0† J99.8*<br />

- tuberculous A16.4<br />

- Vincent's A69.1<br />

Laryngotracheobronchitis (see also<br />

Bronchitis) J40<br />

- acute (see also Bronchitis, acute) J20.9<br />

- chronic J42<br />

Larynx, laryngeal — see condition<br />

Lassa fever A96.2<br />

Lassitude — see Weakness<br />

Late<br />

- talker R62.0<br />

- walker R62.0<br />

Late effect(s) — see Sequelae<br />

Latent — see condition<br />

Laterocession — see Lateroversion<br />

Lateroflexion — see Lateroversion<br />

Lateroversion<br />

- cervix — see Lateroversion, uterus<br />

- uterus, uterine (cervix) (postinfectional)<br />

(postpartal, old) N85.4<br />

- - congenital Q51.8<br />

- - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.5<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

Lathyrism T62.2<br />

Launois' syndrome E22.0<br />

Launois-Bensaude adenolipomatosis E88.8<br />

Laurence-Moon(-Bardet)-Biedl syndrome Q87.8<br />


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