Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Kink------continued - - congenital Q62.3 - vein(s) I87.8 Kinking hair (acquired) L67.8 Kissing spine M48.2 Klatskin's tumor (M8162/3) C22.1 Klauder's disease A26.8 Klebs' disease (see also Glomerulonephritis) N05.- Klebsiella (K.) pneumoniae, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.1 Kleine-Levin syndrome G47.8 Kleptomania F63.2 Klinefelter's syndrome Q98.4 - karyotype 47,XXY Q98.0 - male with - - karyotype 46,XX Q98.2 - - more than two X chromosomes Q98.1 Klippel-Feil deficiency or syndrome Q76.1 Klippel's disease I67.2 Klippel-Trenaunay(-Weber) syndrome Q87.2 Klumpke(-Déjerine) palsy, paralysis (birth) (newborn) P14.1 Knee — see condition Knock knee (acquired) M21.0 - congenital Q74.1 Knot (true), umbilical cord O69.2 - affecting fetus or newborn P02.5 Knotting of hair L67.8 Knuckle pad (Garrod's) M72.1 Koch's infection (see also Tuberculosis) A16.9 Koch-Weeks' conjunctivitis H10.0 Koebner's syndrome Q81.8 Köhler's disease - patellar M92.4 - tarsal navicular M92.6 Koilonychia L60.3 - congenital Q84.6 Kojevnikov's, Kozhevnikof's epilepsy G40.5 Koplik's spots B05.9 Korsakov's disease, psychosis or syndrome (alcoholic) F10.6 - drug-induced — see F11–F19 with fourth character .6 - nonalcoholic F04 Kostmann's disease D70 Krabbe's disease E75.2 Kraepelin-Morel disease (see also Schizophrenia) F20.9 Kraft-Weber-Dimitri disease Q85.8 Kraurosis - anus K62.8 - penis N48.0 - vagina N89.8 - vulva N90.4 Krukenberg's - spindle H18.0 - tumor (M8490/6) C79.6 Kufs' disease E75.4 Kugelberg-Welander disease G12.1 Kuhnt-Junius degeneration H35.3 Kümmell's disease or spondylitis M48.3 Kupffer cell sarcoma (M9124/3) C22.3 Kuru A81.8 Kussmaul's - disease M30.0 - respiration E87.2 - - in diabetic acidosis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .1 Kwashiorkor E40 - marasmic, marasmus type E42 Kyasanur Forest disease A98.2 Kyphoscoliosis, kyphoscoliotic (acquired) (see also Scoliosis) M41.9 - congenital Q67.5 - heart (disease) I27.1 - late effect of rickets E64.3 - tuberculous A18.0† M49.0* Kyphosis, kyphotic (acquired) M40.2 - congenital Q76.4 - late effect of rickets E64.3 - Morquio-Brailsford type (spinal) E76.2† M49.8* - postlaminectomy M96.3 - postradiation therapy M96.2 - postural (adolescent) M40.0 - secondary NEC M40.1 - syphilitic, congenital A50.5† M49.3* - tuberculous A18.0† M49.0* Kyrle's disease L87.0 340

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 L Labia, labium — see condition Labile - blood pressure R09.8 - vasomotor system I73.9 Labioglossal paralysis G12.2 Labium leporinum (see also Cleft, lip) Q36.9 Labor (see also Delivery) - abnormal NEC O75.8 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - arrested active phase O62.1 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - desultory O62.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - dyscoordinate O62.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - early onset (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) - - with - - - pre-term delivery O60.1 - - - term delivery O60.2 - - without delivery O60.0 - false O47.9 - - at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation O47.1 - - before 37 completed weeks of gestation O47.0 - forced or induced, affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - hypertonic O62.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - hypotonic O62.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - - primary O62.0 - - secondary O62.1 - incoordinate O62.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - irregular O62.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - long — see Labor, prolonged - missed O36.4 - obstructed O66.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - by or due to - - - abnormal - - - - cervix O65.5 - - - - pelvic organs or tissues O65.5 - - - - pelvis (bony) O65.9 - - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - - - specified NEC O65.8 - - - - presentation or position O64.9 - - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - - size, fetus O66.2 Labor------continued - - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - - soft parts (of pelvis) O65.5 - - - - uterus O65.5 - - - - vagina O65.5 - - - acromion presentation O64.4 - - - anteversion, cervix or uterus O65.5 - - - bicornis or bicornate uterus O65.5 - - - breech presentation O64.1 - - - brow presentation O64.3 - - - cephalopelvic disproportion (normally formed fetus) O65.4 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - chin presentation O64.2 - - - cicatrix of cervix O65.5 - - - compound presentation O64.5 - - - conditions in O32.- O64.9 - - - conditions in O34.- O65.5 - - - contracted pelvis (general) O65.1 - - - - inlet O65.2 - - - - mid-cavity O65.3 - - - - outlet O65.3 - - - cystocele O65.5 - - - deep transverse arrest O64.0 - - - deformity (acquired) (congenital) - - - - pelvic organs or tissues NEC O65.5 - - - - pelvis (bony) NEC O65.0 - - - displacement, uterus NEC O65.5 - - - disproportion, fetopelvic NEC O65.4 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - double uterus (congenital) O65.5 - - - face presentation O64.2 - - - - to pubes O64.0 - - - failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim O64.8 - - - fibroid (tumor) (uterus) O65.5 - - - hydrocephalic fetus O66.3 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - impacted shoulders O66.0 - - - incarceration of uterus O65.5 - - - lateroversion, uterus or cervix O65.5 - - - locked twins O66.1 - - - mal lie O64.9 - - - malposition - - - - fetus NEC O64.9 - - - - pelvic organs or tissues NEC O65.5 - - - malpresentation O64.9 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - - specified NEC O64.8 - - - nonengagement of fetal head O64.8 - - - oblique presentation O64.4 - - - oversize fetus O66.2 - - - pelvic tumor NEC O65.5 341

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Kink------continued<br />

- - congenital Q62.3<br />

- vein(s) I87.8<br />

Kinking hair (acquired) L67.8<br />

Kissing spine M48.2<br />

Klatskin's tumor (M8162/3) C22.1<br />

Klauder's disease A26.8<br />

Klebs' disease (see also Glomerulonephritis)<br />

N05.-<br />

Klebsiella (K.) pneumoniae, as cause of<br />

disease classified elsewhere B96.1<br />

Kleine-Levin syndrome G47.8<br />

Kleptomania F63.2<br />

Klinefelter's syndrome Q98.4<br />

- karyotype 47,XXY Q98.0<br />

- male with<br />

- - karyotype 46,XX Q98.2<br />

- - more than two X chromosomes Q98.1<br />

Klippel-Feil deficiency or syndrome Q76.1<br />

Klippel's disease I67.2<br />

Klippel-Trenaunay(-Weber) syndrome Q87.2<br />

Klumpke(-Déjerine) palsy, paralysis<br />

(birth) (newborn) P14.1<br />

Knee — see condition<br />

Knock knee (acquired) M21.0<br />

- congenital Q74.1<br />

Knot (true), umbilical cord O69.2<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P02.5<br />

Knotting of hair L67.8<br />

Knuckle pad (Garrod's) M72.1<br />

Koch's infection (see also Tuberculosis)<br />

A16.9<br />

Koch-Weeks' conjunctivitis H10.0<br />

Koebner's syndrome Q81.8<br />

Köhler's disease<br />

- patellar M92.4<br />

- tarsal navicular M92.6<br />

Koilonychia L60.3<br />

- congenital Q84.6<br />

Kojevnikov's, Kozhevnikof's epilepsy G40.5<br />

Koplik's spots B05.9<br />

Korsakov's disease, psychosis or<br />

syndrome (alcoholic) F10.6<br />

- drug-induced — see F11–F19 with fourth<br />

character .6<br />

- nonalcoholic F04<br />

Kostmann's disease D70<br />

Krabbe's disease E75.2<br />

Kraepelin-Morel disease (see also<br />

Schizophrenia) F20.9<br />

Kraft-Weber-Dimitri disease Q85.8<br />

Kraurosis<br />

- anus K62.8<br />

- penis N48.0<br />

- vagina N89.8<br />

- vulva N90.4<br />

Krukenberg's<br />

- spindle H18.0<br />

- tumor (M8490/6) C79.6<br />

Kufs' disease E75.4<br />

Kugelberg-Wel<strong>and</strong>er disease G12.1<br />

Kuhnt-Junius degeneration H35.3<br />

Kümmell's disease or spondylitis M48.3<br />

Kupffer cell sarcoma (M9124/3) C22.3<br />

Kuru A81.8<br />

Kussmaul's<br />

- disease M30.0<br />

- respiration E87.2<br />

- - in diabetic acidosis — code to E10-E14<br />

with fourth character .1<br />

Kwashiorkor E40<br />

- marasmic, marasmus type E42<br />

Kyasanur Forest disease A98.2<br />

Kyphoscoliosis, kyphoscoliotic (acquired)<br />

(see also Scoliosis) M41.9<br />

- congenital Q67.5<br />

- heart (disease) I27.1<br />

- late effect of rickets E64.3<br />

- tuberculous A18.0† M49.0*<br />

Kyphosis, kyphotic (acquired) M40.2<br />

- congenital Q76.4<br />

- late effect of rickets E64.3<br />

- Morquio-Brailsford type (spinal) E76.2† M49.8*<br />

- postlaminectomy M96.3<br />

- postradiation therapy M96.2<br />

- postural (adolescent) M40.0<br />

- secondary NEC M40.1<br />

- syphilitic, congenital A50.5† M49.3*<br />

- tuberculous A18.0† M49.0*<br />

Kyrle's disease L87.0<br />


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