Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Inoculation — see also Vaccination - complication or reaction — see Complications, vaccination Insanity, insane — (see also condition) F99 Insect - bite — see Injury, superficial - venomous, poisoning NEC T63.4 Insemination, artificial Z31.1 Insertion - cord (umbilical) lateral or velamentous O43.1 - intrauterine contraceptive device Z30.1 - placenta, vicious — see Placenta, previa Insolation (sunstroke) T67.0 Insomnia (organic) G47.0 - nonorganic origin F51.0 - primary F51.0 Inspiration - food or foreign body (see also Asphyxia, food) T17.9 - mucus (see also Asphyxia, mucus) T17.9 Inspissated bile syndrome (newborn) P59.1 Instability - emotional (excessive) F60.3 - joint (post-traumatic) M25.3 - - due to old ligament injury M24.2 - - lumbosacral M53.2 - - sacroiliac M53.2 - - secondary to removal of joint prosthesis M96.8 - - specified NEC M25.3 - knee (chronic) M23.5 - lumbosacral M53.2 - nervous F48.8 - personality (emotional) F60.3 - spine M53.2 - vasomotor R55 Institutional syndrome (childhood) F94.2 Institutionalization, affecting child Z62.2 - disinhibited attachment F94.2 Insufficiency, insufficient - accommodation H52.5 - - old age H52.4 - adrenal (gland) E27.4 - - primary E27.1 - adrenocortical E27.4 - - drug-induced E27.3 - - iatrogenic E27.3 - - primary E27.1 - anus K62.8 - aortic (valve) I35.1 - - with - - - mitral (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.0 - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - - stenosis I35.2 Insufficiency, insufficient------continued - - - tricuspid (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.2 - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.3 - - congenital Q23.1 - - rheumatic (with) I06.1 - - - mitral (valve) disease I08.0 - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3 - - - stenosis I06.2 - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.0 - - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3 - - - tricuspid (valve) disease I08.2 - - - - with mitral (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - specified cause NEC I35.1 - - syphilitic A52.0† I39.1* - arterial I77.1 - - basilar G45.0 - - carotid (hemispheric) G45.1 - - cerebral I67.8 - - mesenteric K55.1 - - peripheral I73.9 - - precerebral (bilateral) (multiple) G45.2 - - vertebral G45.0 - arteriovenous I99 - biliary K83.8 - cardiac (see also Insufficiency, myocardial) I50.9 - - complicating surgery T81.8 - - due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis I97.1 - - postoperative I97.8 - - - long term effect of cardiac surgery I97.1 - - specified during or due to a procedure T81.8 - cardiorenal, hypertensive (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.2 - cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) I51.6 - - renal (hypertensive) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.2 - cerebrovascular (acute) I67.8 - - with transient focal neurological signs and symptoms G45.8 - circulatory NEC I99 - - fetus or newborn P29.8 - convergence H51.1 - coronary (acute) (subacute) I24.8 - - chronic or with a stated duration of over 4 weeks I25.8 - corticoadrenal E27.4 - - primary E27.1 - dietary E63.9 - divergence H51.8 - food T73.0 - gonadal - - ovary E28.3 - - testis E29.1 - heart (see also Insufficiency, myocardial) I50.9 - - newborn P29.0 - - valve (see also Endocarditis) I38 330

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Insufficiency, insufficient------continued - hepatic — see Failure, hepatic - idiopathic autonomic G90.0 - kidney (see also Failure, renal) N19 - lacrimal (secretion) H04.1 - - passages H04.5 - liver (see also Failure, hepatic) K72.9 - lung (see also Insufficiency, pulmonary) J98.4 - - newborn P28.5 - mental (congenital) (see also Retardation, mental) F79.- - mitral I34.0 - - with - - - aortic valve disease (unspecified origin) I08.0 - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - - obstruction or stenosis I05.2 - - - - with aortic valve disease (unspecified origin) I08.0 - - - tricuspid (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.1 - - - - with aortic (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - congenital Q23.3 - - rheumatic I05.1 - - - with - - - - aortic valve disease I08.0 - - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3 - - - - obstruction or stenosis I05.2 - - - - - with aortic valve disease I08.0 - - - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3 - - - - tricuspid (valve) disease I08.1 - - - - - with aortic (valve) disease I08.3 - - - active or acute I01.1 - - - - with chorea, rheumatic (Sydenham's) I02.0 - - specified cause, except rheumatic I34.0 - muscle (see also Disease, muscle) - - heart — see Insufficiency, myocardial - - ocular NEC H50.9 - myocardial, myocardium I50.9 - - with - - - rheumatic fever (conditions in I00) I09.0 - - - - active, acute or subacute I01.2 - - - - - with chorea I02.0 - - - - inactive or quiescent (with chorea) I09.0 - - congenital Q24.8 - - hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) I11.9 - - newborn P29.0 - - rheumatic I09.0 - - - active, acute or subacute I01.2 - - syphilitic A52.0† I52.0* - nourishment T73.0 - organic R68.8 - ovary E28.3 - pancreatic K86.8 - parathyroid (gland) E20.9 Insufficiency, insufficient------continued - peripheral vascular I73.9 - pituitary E23.0 - placental (mother) O36.5 - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.2 - prenatal care affecting management of pregnancy Z35.3 - progressive pluriglandular E31.0 - pulmonary J98.4 - - acute, following surgery (nonthoracic) J95.2 - - - thoracic J95.1 - - chronic, following surgery J95.3 - - following - - - shock J80 - - - trauma J80 - - newborn P28.5 - - valve I37.1 - - - with stenosis I37.2 - - - congenital Q22.2 - - - rheumatic I09.8 - - - - with aortic, mitral or tricuspid (valve) disease I08.8 - pyloric K31.8 - renal (see also Failure, renal) N19 - - postprocedural N99.0 - respiratory R06.8 - - newborn P28.5 - rotation — see Malrotation - social insurance Z59.7 - suprarenal E27.4 - - primary E27.1 - tarso-orbital fascia, congenital Q10.3 - testis E29.1 - thyroid (gland) (acquired) E03.9 - - congenital E03.1 - tricuspid (valve) (rheumatic) I07.1 - - with - - - aortic (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.2 - - - - with mitral (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - - mitral (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.1 - - - - with aortic (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - - obstruction or stenosis I07.2 - - - - with aortic (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.2 - - - - - with mitral (valve) disease (unspecified origin) I08.3 - - congenital Q22.8 - - nonrheumatic I36.1 - - - with stenosis I36.2 - urethral sphincter R32 - valve, valvular (heart) (see also Endocarditis) I38 - - congenital Q24.8 - vascular I99 - - intestine K55.9 - - mesenteric K55.1 331

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Inoculation — see also Vaccination<br />

- complication or reaction — see Complications,<br />

vaccination<br />

Insanity, insane — (see also condition) F99<br />

Insect<br />

- bite — see Injury, superficial<br />

- venomous, poisoning NEC T63.4<br />

Insemination, artificial Z31.1<br />

Insertion<br />

- cord (umbilical) lateral or velamentous O43.1<br />

- intrauterine contraceptive device Z30.1<br />

- placenta, vicious — see Placenta, previa<br />

Insolation (sunstroke) T67.0<br />

Insomnia (organic) G47.0<br />

- nonorganic origin F51.0<br />

- primary F51.0<br />

Inspiration<br />

- food or foreign body (see also Asphyxia,<br />

food) T17.9<br />

- mucus (see also Asphyxia, mucus) T17.9<br />

Inspissated bile syndrome (newborn) P59.1<br />

Instability<br />

- emotional (excessive) F60.3<br />

- joint (post-traumatic) M25.3<br />

- - due to old ligament injury M24.2<br />

- - lumbosacral M53.2<br />

- - sacroiliac M53.2<br />

- - secondary to removal of joint prosthesis<br />

M96.8<br />

- - specified NEC M25.3<br />

- knee (chronic) M23.5<br />

- lumbosacral M53.2<br />

- nervous F48.8<br />

- personality (emotional) F60.3<br />

- spine M53.2<br />

- vasomotor R55<br />

Institutional syndrome (childhood) F94.2<br />

Institutionalization, affecting child Z62.2<br />

- disinhibited attachment F94.2<br />

Insufficiency, insufficient<br />

- accommodation H52.5<br />

- - old age H52.4<br />

- adrenal (gl<strong>and</strong>) E27.4<br />

- - primary E27.1<br />

- adrenocortical E27.4<br />

- - drug-induced E27.3<br />

- - iatrogenic E27.3<br />

- - primary E27.1<br />

- anus K62.8<br />

- aortic (valve) I35.1<br />

- - with<br />

- - - mitral (valve) disease (unspecified<br />

origin) I08.0<br />

- - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease<br />

(unspecified origin) I08.3<br />

- - - stenosis I35.2<br />

Insufficiency, insufficient------continued<br />

- - - tricuspid (valve) disease (unspecified<br />

origin) I08.2<br />

- - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.3<br />

- - congenital Q23.1<br />

- - rheumatic (with) I06.1<br />

- - - mitral (valve) disease I08.0<br />

- - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3<br />

- - - stenosis I06.2<br />

- - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.0<br />

- - - - - with tricuspid (valve) disease I08.3<br />

- - - tricuspid (valve) disease I08.2<br />

- - - - with mitral (valve) disease (unspecified<br />

origin) I08.3<br />

- - specified cause NEC I35.1<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I39.1*<br />

- arterial I77.1<br />

- - basilar G45.0<br />

- - carotid (hemispheric) G45.1<br />

- - cerebral I67.8<br />

- - mesenteric K55.1<br />

- - peripheral I73.9<br />

- - precerebral (bilateral) (multiple) G45.2<br />

- - vertebral G45.0<br />

- arteriovenous I99<br />

- biliary K83.8<br />

- cardiac (see also Insufficiency,<br />

myocardial) I50.9<br />

- - complicating surgery T81.8<br />

- - due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis I97.1<br />

- - postoperative I97.8<br />

- - - long term effect of cardiac surgery I97.1<br />

- - specified during or due to a procedure T81.8<br />

- cardiorenal, hypertensive (see also<br />

Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.2<br />

- cardiovascular (see also Disease,<br />

cardiovascular) I51.6<br />

- - renal (hypertensive) (see also<br />

Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.2<br />

- cerebrovascular (acute) I67.8<br />

- - with transient focal neurological signs<br />

<strong>and</strong> symptoms G45.8<br />

- circulatory NEC I99<br />

- - fetus or newborn P29.8<br />

- convergence H51.1<br />

- coronary (acute) (subacute) I24.8<br />

- - chronic or with a stated duration of over<br />

4 weeks I25.8<br />

- corticoadrenal E27.4<br />

- - primary E27.1<br />

- dietary E63.9<br />

- divergence H51.8<br />

- food T73.0<br />

- gonadal<br />

- - ovary E28.3<br />

- - testis E29.1<br />

- heart (see also Insufficiency, myocardial) I50.9<br />

- - newborn P29.0<br />

- - valve (see also Endocarditis) I38<br />


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