Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Infection, infected------continued - - central nervous system A89 - - - atypical A81.9 - - - - specified NEC A81.8 - - - enterovirus NEC A88.8 - - - - meningitis A87.0† G02.0* - - - slow virus A81.9 - - - - specified NEC A81.8 - - - specified NEC A88.8 - - chest J98.8 - - coxsackie(virus) (see also Infection, coxsackie(virus)) B34.1 - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 - - echo(virus) - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 - - - unspecified nature or site B34.1 - - enterovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 - - intestine (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4 - - respiratory syncytial, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.4 - - rhinovirus - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.8 - - - unspecified nature or site B34.8 - - slow A81.9 - - - specified NEC A81.8 - - specified type NEC B33.8 - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.8 - - - resulting from HIV disease B20.3 - - - unspecified site B34.8 - - unspecified site B34.9 - vulva (acute) (see also Vulvitis) N76.2 - West Nile (viral) A92.3 - whipworm B79 - worms B83.9 - - specified type NEC B83.8 - wound (local) (post-traumatic) NEC T79.3 - - open — see Wound, open - - surgical T81.4 - Wuchereria (bancrofti) B74.0 - - malayi B74.1 - yeast (see also Candidiasis) B37.9 - Yersinia - - enterocolitica (intestinal) A04.6 - - pestis (see also Plague) A20.9 - - pseudotuberculosis A28.2 - Zeis' gland H00.0 Infectious, infective — see condition Infertility - female N97.9 - - associated with - - - anovulation N97.0 - - - cervical (mucus) disease or anomaly N97.3 - - - congenital anomaly Infertility------continued - - - - cervix N97.3 - - - - fallopian tube N97.1 - - - - uterus N97.2 - - - - vagina N97.8 - - - fallopian tube disease or anomaly N97.1 - - - male factors N97.4 - - - pituitary-hypothalamic origin E23.0 - - - specified origin NEC N97.8 - - - Stein-Leventhal syndrome E28.2 - - - uterine disease or anomaly N97.2 - - - vaginal disease or anomaly N97.8 - - nonimplantation N97.2 - - previous, requiring supervision of pregnancy Z35.0 - male N46 - relative N96 Infestation B88.9 Note: Parasitic diseases may be described as either 'infections' or 'infestations'; both lead terms should therefore be consulted. - Acanthocheilonema (perstans) (streptocerca) B74.4 - Ancylostoma (braziliense) (caninum) (ceylanicum) (duodenal) B76.0 - anisakiasis, Anisakis larvae B81.0 - arthropod NEC B88.2 - Ascaris lumbricoides (see also Ascariasis) B77.9 - Balantidium coli A07.0 - beef tapeworm B68.1 - Bothriocephalus (latus) B70.0 - - larval B70.1 - broad tapeworm B70.0 - - larval B70.1 - Brugia (malayi) B74.1 - - timori B74.2 - candiru B88.8 - Capillaria — see Infection, Capillaria - cat liver fluke B66.0 - cestodes NEC B71.9 - - specified type NEC B71.8 - chigger B88.0 - chigo, chigoe B88.1 - Clonorchis (sinensis) (liver) B66.1 - coccidial A07.3 - crab-lice B85.3 - Cysticercus cellulosae (see also Cysticercosis) B69.9 - Demodex (folliculorum) B88.0 - - eyelid B88.0† H03.0* - Dermanyssus gallinae B88.0 - Dermatobia (hominis) (see also Myiasis) B87.9 - Dibothriocephalus (latus) B70.0 - - larval B70.1 - Dicrocoelium dendriticum B66.2 - Diphyllobothrium (adult) (intestinal) (latum) (pacificum) B70.0 - - larval B70.1 314

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Infestation------continued - Diplogonoporus (grandis) B71.8 - Dipylidium caninum B71.1 - Distoma hepaticum B66.3 - dog tapeworm B71.1 - Dracunculus medinensis B72 - dwarf tapeworm B71.0 - Echinococcus (see also Echinococcus) B67.9 - Echinostoma ilocanum B66.8 - Entamoeba (histolytica) — see Amebiasis - Enterobius vermicularis B80 - eyelid - - in (due to) - - - leishmaniasis B55.1† H03.0* - - - loiasis B74.3† H03.0* - - - onchocerciasis B73† H03.0* - - - phthiriasis B85.3† H03.0* - - parasitic NEC B89† H03.0* - Fasciola (gigantica) (hepatica) (indica) B66.3 - Fasciolopsis (buski) (intestine) B66.5 - filarial B74.9 - - conjunctiva B74.-† H13.0* - - specified type NEC B74.8 - fish tapeworm B70.0 - - larval B70.1 - fluke B66.9 - - blood NEC (see also Schistosomiasis)B65.9 - - cat liver B66.0 - - intestinal B66.5 - - liver (sheep) B66.3 - - - Chinese B66.1 - - - due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1 - - - oriental B66.1 - - lung (oriental) B66.4 - - sheep liver B66.3 - fly larvae (see also Myiasis) B87.9 - Gasterophilus (intestinalis) (see also Myiasis) B87.9 - Gastrodiscoides hominis B66.8 - Giardia lamblia A07.1 - Gongylonema B83.8 - guinea worm B72 - helminth B83.9 - - intestinal B82.0 - - - mixed (types classifiable to more than one of the rubrics B65.0–B81.3 and B81.8) B81.4 - - - specified type NEC B81.8 - - specified type NEC B83.8 - Heterophyes (heterophyes) B66.8 - hookworm B76.9 - - specified type NEC B76.8 - Hymenolepis (diminuta) (nana) B71.0 - intestinal NEC B82.9 - leeches (aquatic) (land) (see also Hirudiniasis) B88.3 - Leishmania — see Leishmaniasis - lice, louse — see Infestation, Pediculus - Linguatula B88.8 - Liponyssoides sanguineus B88.0 Infestation------continued - Loa loa B74.3 - - conjunctival B74.3† H13.0* - maggots (see also Myiasis) B87.9 - Mansonella (ozzardi) (perstans) (streptocerca) B74.4 - Medina (worm) B72 - Metagonimus (yokogawai) B66.8 - mites B88.9 - - scabic B86 - Necator americanus B76.1 - nematode NEC (intestinal) B82.0 - - Ancylostoma (species) B76.0 - - specified NEC B81.8 - Oesophagostomum (apiostomum) B81.8 - Oestrus ovis (see also Myiasis) B87.9 - Onchocerca (volvulus) B73 - Opisthorchis (felineus) (viverrini) B66.0 - orbit, parasitic NEC B89† H06.1* - Oxyuris vermicularis B80 - Paragonimus (westermani) B66.4 - parasite, parasitic B89 - - eyelid B89† H03.0* - - intestinal NEC B82.9 - - skin B88.9 - Parastrongylus - - cantonensis B83.2 - - costaricensis B81.3 - Pediculus B85.2 - - capitis (humanus) (any site) B85.0 - - corporis (humanus) (any site) B85.1 - - mixed (classifiable to more than one of the rubrics B85.0–B85.3) B85.4 - - pubis (any site) B85.3 - Pentastoma B88.8 - Phthirus (pubis) (any site) B85.3 - - with any infestation classifiable to B85.0– B85.2 B85.4 - pinworm B80 - pork tapeworm (adult) B68.0 - protozoal NEC B64 - - intestinal A07.9 - - - specified NEC A07.8 - - specified NEC B60.8 - Pthirus — see Infestation, Phthirus - rat tapeworm B71.0 - roundworm (large) NEC B82.0 - - Ascariasis B77.- - sandflea B88.1 - Sarcoptes scabiei B86 - scabies B86 - Schistosoma, schistosome B65.9 - - bovis B65.8 - - cercariae B65.3 - - haematobium B65.0 - - intercalatum B65.8 - - japonicum B65.2 - - mansoni B65.1 - - mattheei B65.8 315

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Infestation------continued<br />

- Diplogonoporus (gr<strong>and</strong>is) B71.8<br />

- Dipylidium caninum B71.1<br />

- Distoma hepaticum B66.3<br />

- dog tapeworm B71.1<br />

- Dracunculus medinensis B72<br />

- dwarf tapeworm B71.0<br />

- Echinococcus (see also Echinococcus) B67.9<br />

- Echinostoma ilocanum B66.8<br />

- Entamoeba (histolytica) — see Amebiasis<br />

- Enterobius vermicularis B80<br />

- eyelid<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - leishmaniasis B55.1† H03.0*<br />

- - - loiasis B74.3† H03.0*<br />

- - - onchocerciasis B73† H03.0*<br />

- - - phthiriasis B85.3† H03.0*<br />

- - <strong>parasitic</strong> NEC B89† H03.0*<br />

- Fasciola (gigantica) (hepatica) (indica) B66.3<br />

- Fasciolopsis (buski) (intestine) B66.5<br />

- filarial B74.9<br />

- - conjunctiva B74.-† H13.0*<br />

- - specified type NEC B74.8<br />

- fish tapeworm B70.0<br />

- - larval B70.1<br />

- fluke B66.9<br />

- - blood NEC (see also Schistosomiasis)B65.9<br />

- - cat liver B66.0<br />

- - intestinal B66.5<br />

- - liver (sheep) B66.3<br />

- - - Chinese B66.1<br />

- - - due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1<br />

- - - oriental B66.1<br />

- - lung (oriental) B66.4<br />

- - sheep liver B66.3<br />

- fly larvae (see also Myiasis) B87.9<br />

- Gasterophilus (intestinalis) (see also Myiasis)<br />

B87.9<br />

- Gastrodiscoides hominis B66.8<br />

- Giardia lamblia A07.1<br />

- Gongylonema B83.8<br />

- guinea worm B72<br />

- helminth B83.9<br />

- - intestinal B82.0<br />

- - - mixed (types classifiable to more than one of<br />

the rubrics B65.0–B81.3 <strong>and</strong> B81.8) B81.4<br />

- - - specified type NEC B81.8<br />

- - specified type NEC B83.8<br />

- Heterophyes (heterophyes) B66.8<br />

- hookworm B76.9<br />

- - specified type NEC B76.8<br />

- Hymenolepis (diminuta) (nana) B71.0<br />

- intestinal NEC B82.9<br />

- leeches (aquatic) (l<strong>and</strong>) (see also Hirudiniasis)<br />

B88.3<br />

- Leishmania — see Leishmaniasis<br />

- lice, louse — see Infestation, Pediculus<br />

- Linguatula B88.8<br />

- Liponyssoides sanguineus B88.0<br />

Infestation------continued<br />

- Loa loa B74.3<br />

- - conjunctival B74.3† H13.0*<br />

- maggots (see also Myiasis) B87.9<br />

- Mansonella (ozzardi) (perstans)<br />

(streptocerca) B74.4<br />

- Medina (worm) B72<br />

- Metagonimus (yokogawai) B66.8<br />

- mites B88.9<br />

- - scabic B86<br />

- Necator americanus B76.1<br />

- nematode NEC (intestinal) B82.0<br />

- - Ancylostoma (species) B76.0<br />

- - specified NEC B81.8<br />

- Oesophagostomum (apiostomum) B81.8<br />

- Oestrus ovis (see also Myiasis) B87.9<br />

- Onchocerca (volvulus) B73<br />

- Opisthorchis (felineus) (viverrini) B66.0<br />

- orbit, <strong>parasitic</strong> NEC B89† H06.1*<br />

- Oxyuris vermicularis B80<br />

- Paragonimus (westermani) B66.4<br />

- parasite, <strong>parasitic</strong> B89<br />

- - eyelid B89† H03.0*<br />

- - intestinal NEC B82.9<br />

- - skin B88.9<br />

- Parastrongylus<br />

- - cantonensis B83.2<br />

- - costaricensis B81.3<br />

- Pediculus B85.2<br />

- - capitis (humanus) (any site) B85.0<br />

- - corporis (humanus) (any site) B85.1<br />

- - mixed (classifiable to more than one of<br />

the rubrics B85.0–B85.3) B85.4<br />

- - pubis (any site) B85.3<br />

- Pentastoma B88.8<br />

- Phthirus (pubis) (any site) B85.3<br />

- - with any infestation classifiable to<br />

B85.0– B85.2 B85.4<br />

- pinworm B80<br />

- pork tapeworm (adult) B68.0<br />

- protozoal NEC B64<br />

- - intestinal A07.9<br />

- - - specified NEC A07.8<br />

- - specified NEC B60.8<br />

- Pthirus — see Infestation, Phthirus<br />

- rat tapeworm B71.0<br />

- roundworm (large) NEC B82.0<br />

- - Ascariasis B77.-<br />

- s<strong>and</strong>flea B88.1<br />

- Sarcoptes scabiei B86<br />

- scabies B86<br />

- Schistosoma, schistosome B65.9<br />

- - bovis B65.8<br />

- - cercariae B65.3<br />

- - haematobium B65.0<br />

- - intercalatum B65.8<br />

- - japonicum B65.2<br />

- - mansoni B65.1<br />

- - mattheei B65.8<br />


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