Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Infection, infected------continued - Pseudallescheria boydii B48.2 - Pseudomonas, pseudomonad NEC A49.8 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.5 - - mallei A24.0 - - pseudomallei (see also Melioidosis) A24.4 - puerperal O86.4 - - genitourinary tract NEC O86.3 - - major or generalized O85 - - minor O86.4 - - specified NEC O86.8 - pulmonary — see Infection, lung - purulent — see Abscess - pyemic — see Septicemia - Pyrenochaeta romeroi B47.0 - rectum (sphincter) K62.8 - renal (see also Infection, kidney) N15.9 - - pelvis and ureter (cystic) N28.8 - reovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.5 - respiratory (tract) NEC J98.8 - - acute J22 - - chronic J98.8 - - influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - - lower (acute) J22 - - - chronic (see also Bronchitis, chronic) J42 - - rhinovirus J00 - - syncytial virus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.4 - - upper (acute) NEC J06.9 - - - chronic J39.8 - - - multiple sites NEC J06.8 - - - streptococcal J06.9 - - - viral NEC J06.9 - resulting from - - HIV disease B20.9 - - presence of internal prosthetic device, implant or graft — see Complications, by site and type - retortamoniasis A07.8 - retrovirus NEC B33.3 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.3 - Rhinosporidium seeberi B48.1 - rhinovirus - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.8 - - unspecified nature or site B34.8 - Rhizopus (see also Mucormycosis) B46.5 - rickettsial NEC A79.9 - roundworm (large) NEC) B82.0 - - Ascariasis B77.- - rubella (see also Rubella) B06.9 - - congenital P35.0 - salivary duct or gland (any) K11.2 - Salmonella (arizonae) (cholerae-suis) (enteritidis) (typhimurium) A02.9 Infection, infected------continued - - with - - - (gastro)enteritis A02.0 - - - septicemia A02.1 - - - specified manifestation NEC A02.8 - - congenital P39.8 - - due to food (poisoning) A02.9 - - hirschfeldii A01.3 - - localized NEC A02.2 - - paratyphi A01.4 - - - A A01.1 - - - B A01.2 - - - C A01.3 - - schottmuelleri A01.2 - - typhi A01.0 - Sarcocystis A07.8 - Schistosoma — see Infestation, Schistosoma - scrotum (acute) NEC N49.2 - seminal vesicle (see also Vesiculitis) N49.0 - septic - - generalized — see Septicemia - - localized, skin (see also Abscess) L02.9 - septicemic — see Septicemia - sheep liver fluke B66.3 - Shigella A03.9 - - boydii A03.2 - - dysenteriae A03.0 - - flexneri A03.1 - - group - - - A A03.0 - - - B A03.1 - - - C A03.2 - - - D A03.3 - - schmitzii A03.0 - - shigae A03.0 - - sonnei A03.3 - - specified NEC A03.8 - sinus (accessory) (chronic) (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) J32.9 - - pilonidal L05.9 - - - with abscess L05.0 - - skin NEC L08.8 - Skene's duct or gland (see also Urethritis) N34.2 - skin (local) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) L08.9 - - abscess — see Abscess, by site - - cellulitis — see Cellulitis, by site - - due to fungus B36.9 - - - specified type NEC B36.8 - - mycotic B36.9 - - - specified type NEC B36.8 - - newborn P39.4 - - ulcer (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4 - slow virus A81.9 - - specified NEC A81.8 - Sparganum (baxteri) (mansoni) (proliferum) B70.1 - specified NEC, resulting from HIV disease B20.8 312

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Infection, infected------continued - spermatic cord NEC N49.1 - sphenoidal (sinus) (see also Sinusitis, sphenoidal) J32.3 - spinal cord NEC (see also Encephalitis) G04.9 - - abscess G06.1 - - meninges — see Meningitis - - streptococcal G04.8 - Spirillum A25.0 - spirochetal NEC A69.9 - - specified NEC A69.8 - Spirometra larvae B70.1 - spleen D73.8 - Sporotrichum, Sporothrix (schenckii) (see also Sporotrichosis) B42.9 - staphylococcal NEC A49.0 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.8 - - generalized (purulent) A41.2 - Stellantchasmus falcatus B66.8 - streptococcal NEC A49.1 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.5 - - congenital P39.8 - - - sepsis P36.1 - - - - group B P36.0 - - generalized (purulent) A40.9 - Streptomyces B47.1 - Strongyloides (stercoralis) (see also Strongyloidiasis) B78.9 - stump (amputation) (surgical) T87.4 - subcutaneous tissue, local L08.9 - systemic — see Septicemia - Taenia — see Infestation, Taenia - tapeworm — see Infestation, tapeworm - tendon (sheath) M65.1 - Ternidens diminutus B81.8 - testis (see also Orchitis) N45.9 - threadworm B80 - throat (see also Pharyngitis) J02.9 - thyroglossal duct K14.8 - toe (skin) L08.9 - tongue NEC K14.0 - tonsil (faucial) (lingual) (pharyngeal) J03.9 - - acute or subacute J03.9 - - chronic J35.0 - tooth, teeth K04.7 - - periapical K04.7 - - peridental, periodontal K05.2 - - socket K10.3 - Torula histolytica (see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9 - Toxocara (canis) (cati) (felis) B83.0 - Toxoplasma gondii (see also Toxoplasma) B58.9 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.8 - trachea, chronic J42 Infection, infected------continued - trematode NEC (see also Infestation, fluke) B66.9 - Treponema pallidum — see Syphilis - Trichinella (spiralis) B75 - Trichomonas, trichomonad A59.9 - - cervix A59.0† N74.8* - - intestine A07.8 - - prostate A59.0† N51.0* - - specified site NEC A59.8 - - urethra A59.0† N37.0* - - urogenitalis A59.0 - - vagina A59.0† N77.1* - - vulva A59.0† N77.1* - Trichophyton, trichophytic — see Dermatophytosis - Trichosporon (beigelii) cutaneum B36.2 - Trichostrongylus B81.2 - Trichuris (trichiura) B79 - Trombicula (irritans) B88.0 - Trypanosoma - - brucei - - - gambiense B56.0 - - - rhodesiense B56.1 - - cruzi (see also Chagas' disease) B57.2 - tubal (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 - tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) A16.9 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.0 - tubo-ovarian (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 - tunica vaginalis N49.1 - tympanic membrane NEC H73.8 - typhoid (abortive) (ambulant) (bacillus) A01.0 - umbilicus L08.9 - - newborn P38 - ureter N28.8 - urethra (see also Urethritis) N34.2 - urinary (tract) NEC N39.0 - - complicating pregnancy O23.4 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.1 - - newborn P39.3 - - puerperal (postpartum) O86.2 - - tuberculous A18.1 - uterus, uterine (see also Endometritis) N71.9 - vaccination T88.0 - vagina (acute) (see also Vaginitis) N76.0 - varicose veins — see Varicose vein - vas deferens NEC N49.1 - vesical (see also Cystitis) N30.9 - Vincent's (gum) (mouth) (tonsil) A69.1 - virus NEC B34.9 - - adenovirus - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.0 - - - unspecified nature or site B34.0 - - arborvirus, arbovirus (arthropod-borne) A94 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.8 313

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- Pseudallescheria boydii B48.2<br />

- Pseudomonas, pseudomonad NEC A49.8<br />

- - as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B96.5<br />

- - mallei A24.0<br />

- - pseudomallei (see also Melioidosis) A24.4<br />

- puerperal O86.4<br />

- - genitourinary tract NEC O86.3<br />

- - major or generalized O85<br />

- - minor O86.4<br />

- - specified NEC O86.8<br />

- pulmonary — see Infection, lung<br />

- purulent — see Abscess<br />

- pyemic — see Septicemia<br />

- Pyrenochaeta romeroi B47.0<br />

- rectum (sphincter) K62.8<br />

- renal (see also Infection, kidney) N15.9<br />

- - pelvis <strong>and</strong> ureter (cystic) N28.8<br />

- reovirus, as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B97.5<br />

- respiratory (tract) NEC J98.8<br />

- - acute J22<br />

- - chronic J98.8<br />

- - influenzal (see also Influenza, with,<br />

respiratory manifestations) J11.1<br />

- - lower (acute) J22<br />

- - - chronic (see also Bronchitis, chronic) J42<br />

- - rhinovirus J00<br />

- - syncytial virus, as cause of disease<br />

classified elsewhere B97.4<br />

- - upper (acute) NEC J06.9<br />

- - - chronic J39.8<br />

- - - multiple sites NEC J06.8<br />

- - - streptococcal J06.9<br />

- - - viral NEC J06.9<br />

- resulting from<br />

- - HIV disease B20.9<br />

- - presence of internal prosthetic device,<br />

implant or graft — see Complications,<br />

by site <strong>and</strong> type<br />

- retortamoniasis A07.8<br />

- retrovirus NEC B33.3<br />

- - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B97.3<br />

- Rhinosporidium seeberi B48.1<br />

- rhinovirus<br />

- - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B97.8<br />

- - unspecified nature or site B34.8<br />

- Rhizopus (see also Mucormycosis) B46.5<br />

- rickettsial NEC A79.9<br />

- roundworm (large) NEC) B82.0<br />

- - Ascariasis B77.-<br />

- rubella (see also Rubella) B06.9<br />

- - congenital P35.0<br />

- salivary duct or gl<strong>and</strong> (any) K11.2<br />

- Salmonella (arizonae) (cholerae-suis)<br />

(enteritidis) (typhimurium) A02.9<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- - with<br />

- - - (gastro)enteritis A02.0<br />

- - - septicemia A02.1<br />

- - - specified manifestation NEC A02.8<br />

- - congenital P39.8<br />

- - due to food (poisoning) A02.9<br />

- - hirschfeldii A01.3<br />

- - localized NEC A02.2<br />

- - paratyphi A01.4<br />

- - - A A01.1<br />

- - - B A01.2<br />

- - - C A01.3<br />

- - schottmuelleri A01.2<br />

- - typhi A01.0<br />

- Sarcocystis A07.8<br />

- Schistosoma — see Infestation, Schistosoma<br />

- scrotum (acute) NEC N49.2<br />

- seminal vesicle (see also Vesiculitis) N49.0<br />

- septic<br />

- - generalized — see Septicemia<br />

- - localized, skin (see also Abscess) L02.9<br />

- septicemic — see Septicemia<br />

- sheep liver fluke B66.3<br />

- Shigella A03.9<br />

- - boydii A03.2<br />

- - dysenteriae A03.0<br />

- - flexneri A03.1<br />

- - group<br />

- - - A A03.0<br />

- - - B A03.1<br />

- - - C A03.2<br />

- - - D A03.3<br />

- - schmitzii A03.0<br />

- - shigae A03.0<br />

- - sonnei A03.3<br />

- - specified NEC A03.8<br />

- sinus (accessory) (chronic) (nasal) (see also<br />

Sinusitis) J32.9<br />

- - pilonidal L05.9<br />

- - - with abscess L05.0<br />

- - skin NEC L08.8<br />

- Skene's duct or gl<strong>and</strong> (see also Urethritis)<br />

N34.2<br />

- skin (local) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal)<br />

L08.9<br />

- - abscess — see Abscess, by site<br />

- - cellulitis — see Cellulitis, by site<br />

- - due to fungus B36.9<br />

- - - specified type NEC B36.8<br />

- - mycotic B36.9<br />

- - - specified type NEC B36.8<br />

- - newborn P39.4<br />

- - ulcer (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4<br />

- slow virus A81.9<br />

- - specified NEC A81.8<br />

- Sparganum (baxteri) (mansoni) (proliferum)<br />

B70.1<br />

- specified NEC, resulting from HIV disease B20.8<br />


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