Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Infection, infected------continued - intrauterine (complicating pregnancy) O23.5 - - puerperal (postpartum) (with sepsis) O85 - - specified infection NEC, fetus P39.2 - Isospora belli or hominis A07.3 - jaw (bone) (lower) (upper) K10.2 - joint — see Arthritis, infectious - kidney (cortex) (hematogenous) N15.9 - - with calculus N20.0 - - - with hydronephrosis N13.6 - - complicating pregnancy O23.0 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.1 - - following - - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.8 - - - - current episode — see Abortion - - - ectopic gestation O08.8 - - pelvis and ureter (cystic) N28.8 - - puerperal (postpartum) O86.2 - - specified NEC N15.8 - Klebsiella (K.) pneumoniae NEC A49.8 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.1 - knee (skin) NEC L08.9 - - joint M00.9 - Koch's (see also Tuberculosis) A16.9 - labia (majora) (minora) (acute) (see also Vulvitis) N76.2 - lacrimal - - gland H04.0 - - passages (duct) (sac) H04.3 - lancet fluke B66.2 - larynx NEC J38.7 - leg (skin) NEC L08.9 - Legionella pneumophila A48.1 - - nonpneumonic A48.2 - Leishmania (see also Leishmaniasis) B55.9 - - aethiopica B55.1 - - braziliensis B55.2 - - chagasi B55.0 - - donovani B55.0 - - infantum B55.0 - - major B55.1 - - mexicana B55.1 - - tropica B55.1 - lentivirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.3 - Leptosphaeria senegalensis B47.0 - Leptospira interrogans A27.9 - - autumnalis A27.8 - - canicola A27.8 - - hebdomadis A27.8 - - icterohaemorrhagiae A27.0 - - pomona A27.8 - - specified type NEC A27.8 - leptospirochetal NEC (see also Leptospirosis) A27.9 - Listeria monocytogenes (see also Listeriosis) A32.9 - - congenital P37.2 Infection, infected------continued - Loa loa B74.3 - - with conjunctival infestation B74.3† H13.0* - Loboa loboi B48.0 - local, skin (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) L08.9 - - abscess — see Abscess, by site - - cellulitis — see Cellulitis, by site - - specified NEC L08.8 - - ulcer (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4 - lung NEC J98.4 - - atypical mycobacterium A31.0 - - tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) A16.2 - - virus — see Pneumonia, viral - lymph gland (see also Lymphadenitis, acute) L04.9 - - mesenteric I88.0 - lymphoid tissue, base of tongue or posterior pharynx, NEC (chronic) J35.0 - Madurella (grisea) (mycetomatis) B47.0 - major - - following - - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.0 - - - - current episode — see Abortion - - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0 - - puerperal, postpartum, childbirth O85 - Malassezia furfur B36.0 - Malleomyces pseudomallei (see also Melioidosis) A24.4 - mammary gland (see also Mastitis) N61 - Mansonella (ozzardi) (perstans) (streptocerca) B74.4 - mastoid — see Mastoiditis - maxilla, maxillary K10.2 - - sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) J32.0 - mediastinum J98.5 - Medina (worm) B72 - meibomian cyst or gland H00.0 - meninges (see also Meningitis) G00.9 - meningococcal (see also condition) A39.9 - - brain A39.8† G05.0* - - cerebrospinal A39.0† G01* - - endocardium A39.5† I39.8* - - meninges A39.0† G01* - - myocardium A39.5† I41.0* - - pericardium A39.5† I32.0* - - specified site NEC A39.8 - mesenteric lymph nodes or glands NEC I88.0 - Metagonimus B66.8 - metatarsophalangeal M00.9 - Microsporum, microsporic — see Dermatophytosis - mixed flora (bacterial) NEC A49.8 - Monilia (see also Candidiasis) B37.9 - - neonatal P37.5 - Mucor (see also Mucormycosis) B46.5 - multiple, resulting from HIV disease B20.7 310

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Infection, infected------continued - muscle NEC M60.0 - mycelium NEC B49 - mycetoma - - actinomycotic NEC B47.1 - - mycotic NEC B47.0 - Mycobacterium, mycobacterial (see also Mycobacterium) A31.9 - - extrapulmonary systemic A31.8 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.0 - Mycoplasma NEC A49.3 - - pneumoniae, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.0 - mycotic NEC B49 - - pathogenic to compromised host only B48.7 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.5 - - skin NEC B36.9 - myocardium NEC I40.0 - nail (chronic) (with lymphangitis) L03.0 - - ingrowing L60.0 - nasal sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis)J32.9 - nasopharynx — see Nasopharyngitis - navel L08.9 - - newborn P38 - Necator americanus B76.1 - Neisseria — see Gonococcus - Neotestudina rosatii B47.0 - newborn P39.9 - - skin P39.4 - - specified type NEC P39.8 - nipple N61 - - puerperal, postpartum or gestational O91.0 - Nocardia (see also Nocardiosis) A43.9 - obstetric surgical wound (puerperal) O86.0 - Oesophagostomum (apiostomum) B81.8 - Oestrus ovis (see also Myiasis) B87.9 - Onchocerca (volvulus) B73 - oncovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.3 - operation wound T81.4 - Opisthorchis (felineus) (viverrini) B66.0 - orbit, orbital H05.0 - orthopoxvirus NEC B08.0 - ovary (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 - Oxyuris vermicularis B80 - pancreas (acute) K85.- - papillomavirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.7 - papovavirus NEC B34.4 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.3 - Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (see also Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9 - Paragonimus (westermani) B66.4 - parainfluenza virus B34.8 - parasitic B89 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.8 - Parastrongylus - - cantonensis B83.2 - - costaricensis B81.3 Infection, infected------continued - paraurethral ducts N34.2 - parotid gland K11.2 - parvovirus NEC B34.3 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.6 - Pasteurella NEC A28.0 - - multocida A28.0 - - pestis (see also Plague) A20.9 - - tularensis (see also Tularemia) A21.9 - pelvic, female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) N73.9 - Penicillium (marneffei) B48.4 - penis (glans) (retention) NEC N48.2 - periapical K04.5 - peridental K05.2 - perinatal period P39.9 - - specified type NEC P39.8 - perineal repair (puerperal) O86.0 - periodontal K05.2 - periorbital H05.0 - perirectal K62.8 - perirenal (see also Infection, kidney) N15.9 - peritoneal (see also Peritonitis) K65.9 - periureteral N28.8 - Petriellidium boydii B48.2 - pharynx (see also Pharyngitis) J02.9 - - coxsackievirus B08.5 - - posterior, lymphoid (chronic) J35.0 - Phialophora - - gougerotii (subcutaneous abscess or cyst) B43.2† L99.8* - - jeanselmei (subcutaneous abscess or cyst) B43.2† L99.8* - - verrucosa (skin) B43.0† L99.8* - Piedraia hortae B36.3 - pinworm B80 - pleuro-pneumonia-like organism (PPLO) NEC A49.3 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.0 - pneumococcus, pneumococcal NEC A49.1 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B95.3 - - generalized (purulent) A40.3 - - - with pneumonia J13 - Pneumocystis carinii (pneumonia) B59† J17.3* - - resulting from HIV disease B20.6 - postoperative wound T81.4 - post-traumatic NEC T79.3 - postvaccinal T88.0 - prepuce NEC N48.1 - prion — see Disease, prion, central nervous system - prostate (capsule) (see also Prostatitis) N41.9 - Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii) (vulgaris) NEC A49.8 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.4 - protozoal B64 - - intestinal A07.9 - - - specified NEC A07.8 - - specified NEC B60.8 311

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- intrauterine (complicating pregnancy) O23.5<br />

- - puerperal (postpartum) (with sepsis) O85<br />

- - specified infection NEC, fetus P39.2<br />

- Isospora belli or hominis A07.3<br />

- jaw (bone) (lower) (upper) K10.2<br />

- joint — see Arthritis, <strong>infectious</strong><br />

- kidney (cortex) (hematogenous) N15.9<br />

- - with calculus N20.0<br />

- - - with hydronephrosis N13.6<br />

- - complicating pregnancy O23.0<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.1<br />

- - following<br />

- - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.8<br />

- - - - current episode — see Abortion<br />

- - - ectopic gestation O08.8<br />

- - pelvis <strong>and</strong> ureter (cystic) N28.8<br />

- - puerperal (postpartum) O86.2<br />

- - specified NEC N15.8<br />

- Klebsiella (K.) pneumoniae NEC A49.8<br />

- - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B96.1<br />

- knee (skin) NEC L08.9<br />

- - joint M00.9<br />

- Koch's (see also Tuberculosis) A16.9<br />

- labia (majora) (minora) (acute) (see also<br />

Vulvitis) N76.2<br />

- lacrimal<br />

- - gl<strong>and</strong> H04.0<br />

- - passages (duct) (sac) H04.3<br />

- lancet fluke B66.2<br />

- larynx NEC J38.7<br />

- leg (skin) NEC L08.9<br />

- Legionella pneumophila A48.1<br />

- - nonpneumonic A48.2<br />

- Leishmania (see also Leishmaniasis) B55.9<br />

- - aethiopica B55.1<br />

- - braziliensis B55.2<br />

- - chagasi B55.0<br />

- - donovani B55.0<br />

- - infantum B55.0<br />

- - major B55.1<br />

- - mexicana B55.1<br />

- - tropica B55.1<br />

- lentivirus, as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B97.3<br />

- Leptosphaeria senegalensis B47.0<br />

- Leptospira interrogans A27.9<br />

- - autumnalis A27.8<br />

- - canicola A27.8<br />

- - hebdomadis A27.8<br />

- - icterohaemorrhagiae A27.0<br />

- - pomona A27.8<br />

- - specified type NEC A27.8<br />

- leptospirochetal NEC (see also Leptospirosis)<br />

A27.9<br />

- Listeria monocytogenes (see also Listeriosis)<br />

A32.9<br />

- - congenital P37.2<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- Loa loa B74.3<br />

- - with conjunctival infestation B74.3† H13.0*<br />

- Loboa loboi B48.0<br />

- local, skin (staphylococcal) (streptococcal)<br />

L08.9<br />

- - abscess — see Abscess, by site<br />

- - cellulitis — see Cellulitis, by site<br />

- - specified NEC L08.8<br />

- - ulcer (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4<br />

- lung NEC J98.4<br />

- - atypical mycobacterium A31.0<br />

- - tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis,<br />

pulmonary) A16.2<br />

- - virus — see Pneumonia, viral<br />

- lymph gl<strong>and</strong> (see also Lymphadenitis,<br />

acute) L04.9<br />

- - mesenteric I88.0<br />

- lymphoid tissue, base of tongue or<br />

posterior pharynx, NEC (chronic) J35.0<br />

- Madurella (grisea) (mycetomatis) B47.0<br />

- major<br />

- - following<br />

- - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.0<br />

- - - - current episode — see Abortion<br />

- - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0<br />

- - puerperal, postpartum, childbirth O85<br />

- Malassezia furfur B36.0<br />

- Malleomyces pseudomallei (see also<br />

Melioidosis) A24.4<br />

- mammary gl<strong>and</strong> (see also Mastitis) N61<br />

- Mansonella (ozzardi) (perstans)<br />

(streptocerca) B74.4<br />

- mastoid — see Mastoiditis<br />

- maxilla, maxillary K10.2<br />

- - sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, maxillary)<br />

J32.0<br />

- mediastinum J98.5<br />

- Medina (worm) B72<br />

- meibomian cyst or gl<strong>and</strong> H00.0<br />

- meninges (see also Meningitis) G00.9<br />

- meningococcal (see also condition) A39.9<br />

- - brain A39.8† G05.0*<br />

- - cerebrospinal A39.0† G01*<br />

- - endocardium A39.5† I39.8*<br />

- - meninges A39.0† G01*<br />

- - myocardium A39.5† I41.0*<br />

- - pericardium A39.5† I32.0*<br />

- - specified site NEC A39.8<br />

- mesenteric lymph nodes or gl<strong>and</strong>s NEC I88.0<br />

- Metagonimus B66.8<br />

- metatarsophalangeal M00.9<br />

- Microsporum, microsporic<br />

— see Dermatophytosis<br />

- mixed flora (bacterial) NEC A49.8<br />

- Monilia (see also C<strong>and</strong>idiasis) B37.9<br />

- - neonatal P37.5<br />

- Mucor (see also Mucormycosis) B46.5<br />

- multiple, resulting from HIV disease B20.7<br />


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