Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Infection, infected------continued - - skin P39.4 - - streptococcal NEC P39.8 - - - sepsis P36.1 - - - - group B P36.0 - - toxoplasmosis (acute) (chronic) (subacute) P37.1 - - tuberculosis P37.0 - - urinary (tract) P39.3 - - vaccinia P35.8 - - virus P35.9 - - - specified type NEC P35.8 - Conidiobolus B46.8 - coronavirus NEC B34.2 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.2 - corpus luteum (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 - Corynebacterium diphtheriae — see Diphtheria - Coxiella burnetii A78 - coxsackie(virus) (see also Coxsackie) B34.1 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 - - meningitis A87.0† G02.0* - - myocardium B33.2† I41.1* - - pericardium B33.2† I32.1* - - pharynx B08.5 - - specified disease NEC B33.8 - - unspecified nature or site B34.1 - Cryptococcus neoformans (see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9 - Cryptosporidium A07.2 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.8 - Cunninghamella (see also Mucormycosis) B46.5 - cyst — see Cyst - cystic duct (see also Cholecystitis) K81.9 - Cysticercus cellulosae (see also Cysticercosis) B69.9 - cytomegalovirus, cytomegaloviral B25.9 - - congenital P35.1 - - maternal, maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus O35.3 - - mononucleosis B27.1 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.2 - delta-agent (acute), in hepatitis B carrier B17.0 - dental K04.7 - Deuteromycetes B47.0 - Dicrocoelium dendriticum B66.2 - Dipetalonema (perstans) (streptocerca) B74.4 - diphtherial — see Diphtheria - Diphyllobothrium (adult) (latum) (pacificum) B70.0 - - larval B70.1 - Diplogonoporus (grandis) B71.8 - Dipylidium caninum B71.1 - Dirofilaria B74.8 Infection, infected------continued - Dracunculus medinensis B72 - Drechslera (hawaiiensis) B43.8 - Ducrey's (bacillus) (any location) A57 - due to or resulting from - - artificial insemination N98.0 - - device, implant or graft (see also Complications, by site and type) T85.7 - - - arterial graft NEC T82.7 - - - breast (implant) T85.7 - - - catheter NEC T85.7 - - - - dialysis (renal) T82.7 - - - - - intraperitoneal T85.7 - - - - infusion NEC T82.7 - - - - - spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.7 - - - - urinary (indwelling) T83.5 - - - electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator) - - - - bone T84.7 - - - - cardiac T82.7 - - - - nervous system (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.7 - - - - urinary T83.5 - - - fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC T84.6 - - - gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.7 - - - genital NEC T83.6 - - - heart NEC T82.7 - - - - valve prosthesis T82.6 - - - joint prosthesis T84.5 - - - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.7 - - - orthopedic NEC T84.7 - - - specified NEC T85.7 - - - urinary NEC T83.5 - - - vascular NEC T82.7 - - - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.7 - - immunization or vaccination T88.0 - - infusion, injection or transfusion NEC T80.2 - - injury NEC — see Injury, by site and type - during labor NEC O75.3 - ear (middle) (see also Otitis media) H66.9 - - external H60.3 - - inner H83.0 - Echinococcus (see also Echinococcus) B67.9 - echovirus - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 - - unspecified nature or site B34.1 - endocardium — see Endocarditis, bacterial - endocervix (see also Cervicitis) N72 - Entamoeba — see Amebiasis - enteric (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - Enterobius vermicularis B80 - enterovirus NEC B34.1 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 - Entomophthora B46.8 - Epidermophyton — see Dermatophytosis 308

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Infection, infected------continued - epididymis — see condition - episiotomy (puerperal) O86.0 - Erysipelothrix (insidiosa) (rhusiopathiae) (see also Erysipeloid) A26.9 - Escherichia (E.) coli NEC A49.8 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.2 - - congenital P39.8 - - - sepsis P36.4 - - generalized A41.5 - - intestinal (see also Enteritis, infectious) A04.4 - ethmoidal (chronic) (sinus) (see also Sinusitis, ethmoidal) J32.2 - eustachian tube (ear) H68.0 - external auditory canal (meatus) NEC H60.3 - eye (purulent) H44.0 - eyelid H01.9 - fallopian tube (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 - Fasciola (gigantica) (hepatica) (indica) B66.3 - Fasciolopsis (buski) B66.5 - fetus P39.9 - - intra-amniotic NEC P39.2 - filarial — see Filaria, filarial, filariasis - finger (skin) L08.9 - fish tapeworm B70.0 - - larval B70.1 - flagellate, intestinal A07.9 - fluke — see Infestation, fluke - focal, teeth K04.7 - Fonsecaea (compacta) (pedrosoi) B43.0† L99.8* - food (see also Intoxication, foodborne) A05.9 - foot (skin) L08.9 - - dermatophytic fungus B35.3 - Francisella tularensis (see also Tularemia) A21.9 - fungus NEC B49 - - beard B35.0 - - dermatophytic — see Dermatophytosis - - foot B35.3 - - groin B35.6 - - hand B35.2 - - nail B35.1 - - pathogenic to compromised host only B48.7 - - perianal (area) B35.6 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.5 - - scalp B35.0 - - skin B36.9 - Fusarium B48.7 - gallbladder (see also Cholecystitis) K81.9 - gastrointestinal (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - generalized NEC (see also Septicemia)A41.9 - genital organ or tract - - complicating pregnancy O23.5 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.8 Infection, infected------continued - - female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) N73.9 - - following - - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.0 - - - - current episode — see Abortion - - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0 - - male N49.9 - - - multiple sites N49.8 - - - specified NEC N49.8 - - puerperal, postpartum, childbirth NEC O86.1 - - - major or generalized O85 - - - minor or localized O86.1 - genitourinary tract NEC - - in pregnancy O23.9 - - puerperal O86.3 - Ghon tubercle, primary A16.7 - - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.7 - Giardia lamblia A07.1 - gingiva K05.1 - Gnathostoma (spinigerum) B83.1 - Gongylonema B83.8 - gonococcal NEC (see also Gonococcus) A54.9 - Gram-negative bacilli NEC A49.9 - guinea worm B72 - gum K05.1 - Haemophilus - - aegyptius, systemic A48.4 - - ducreyi (any location) A57 - - influenzae NEC A49.2 - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.3 - heart (see also Carditis) I51.8 - Helicobacter pylori, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.8 - helminths B83.9 - - intestinal B82.0 - - - mixed (types classifiable to more than one of the rubrics B65.0–B81.3 and B81.8) B81.4 - - - specified type NEC B81.8 - - specified type NEC B83.8 - herpes (simplex) (see also Herpes) B00.9 - - congenital P35.2 - - disseminated B00.7 - herpesvirus, herpesviral (see also Herpes) B00.9 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.3 - Heterophyes (heterophyes) B66.8 - Histoplasma (see also Histoplasmosis) B39.9 - hookworm B76.9 - human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) B33.3 - Hymenolepis (nana) B71.0 - hypopharynx (see also Pharyngitis) J02.9 - inguinal (lymph) glands L04.1 - - due to soft chancre A57 - intervertebral disk, pyogenic M46.3 - intestine, intestinal (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - intra-amniotic, fetus P39.2 309

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- - skin P39.4<br />

- - streptococcal NEC P39.8<br />

- - - sepsis P36.1<br />

- - - - group B P36.0<br />

- - toxoplasmosis (acute) (chronic) (subacute)<br />

P37.1<br />

- - tuberculosis P37.0<br />

- - urinary (tract) P39.3<br />

- - vaccinia P35.8<br />

- - virus P35.9<br />

- - - specified type NEC P35.8<br />

- Conidiobolus B46.8<br />

- coronavirus NEC B34.2<br />

- - as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B97.2<br />

- corpus luteum (see also Salpingo-oophoritis)<br />

N70.9<br />

- Corynebacterium diphtheriae — see<br />

Diphtheria<br />

- Coxiella burnetii A78<br />

- coxsackie(virus) (see also Coxsackie) B34.1<br />

- - as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B97.1<br />

- - meningitis A87.0† G02.0*<br />

- - myocardium B33.2† I41.1*<br />

- - pericardium B33.2† I32.1*<br />

- - pharynx B08.5<br />

- - specified disease NEC B33.8<br />

- - unspecified nature or site B34.1<br />

- Cryptococcus neoformans (see also<br />

Cryptococcosis) B45.9<br />

- Cryptosporidium A07.2<br />

- - resulting from HIV disease B20.8<br />

- Cunninghamella (see also Mucormycosis)<br />

B46.5<br />

- cyst — see Cyst<br />

- cystic duct (see also Cholecystitis) K81.9<br />

- Cysticercus cellulosae (see also<br />

Cysticercosis) B69.9<br />

- cytomegalovirus, cytomegaloviral B25.9<br />

- - congenital P35.1<br />

- - maternal, maternal care for<br />

(suspected) damage to fetus O35.3<br />

- - mononucleosis B27.1<br />

- - resulting from HIV disease B20.2<br />

- delta-agent (acute), in hepatitis B carrier<br />

B17.0<br />

- dental K04.7<br />

- Deuteromycetes B47.0<br />

- Dicrocoelium dendriticum B66.2<br />

- Dipetalonema (perstans) (streptocerca) B74.4<br />

- diphtherial — see Diphtheria<br />

- Diphyllobothrium (adult) (latum) (pacificum)<br />

B70.0<br />

- - larval B70.1<br />

- Diplogonoporus (gr<strong>and</strong>is) B71.8<br />

- Dipylidium caninum B71.1<br />

- Dirofilaria B74.8<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- Dracunculus medinensis B72<br />

- Drechslera (hawaiiensis) B43.8<br />

- Ducrey's (bacillus) (any location) A57<br />

- due to or resulting from<br />

- - artificial insemination N98.0<br />

- - device, implant or graft (see also<br />

Complications, by site <strong>and</strong> type) T85.7<br />

- - - arterial graft NEC T82.7<br />

- - - breast (implant) T85.7<br />

- - - catheter NEC T85.7<br />

- - - - dialysis (renal) T82.7<br />

- - - - - intraperitoneal T85.7<br />

- - - - infusion NEC T82.7<br />

- - - - - spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.7<br />

- - - - urinary (indwelling) T83.5<br />

- - - electronic (electrode) (pulse generator)<br />

(stimulator)<br />

- - - - bone T84.7<br />

- - - - cardiac T82.7<br />

- - - - nervous system (brain) (peripheral<br />

nerve) (spinal) T85.7<br />

- - - - urinary T83.5<br />

- - - fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC T84.6<br />

- - - gastrointestinal (bile duct)<br />

(esophagus) T85.7<br />

- - - genital NEC T83.6<br />

- - - heart NEC T82.7<br />

- - - - valve prosthesis T82.6<br />

- - - joint prosthesis T84.5<br />

- - - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC<br />

T85.7<br />

- - - orthopedic NEC T84.7<br />

- - - specified NEC T85.7<br />

- - - urinary NEC T83.5<br />

- - - vascular NEC T82.7<br />

- - - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.7<br />

- - immunization or vaccination T88.0<br />

- - infusion, injection or transfusion NEC T80.2<br />

- - injury NEC — see Injury, by site <strong>and</strong> type<br />

- during labor NEC O75.3<br />

- ear (middle) (see also Otitis media) H66.9<br />

- - external H60.3<br />

- - inner H83.0<br />

- Echinococcus (see also Echinococcus) B67.9<br />

- echovirus<br />

- - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B97.1<br />

- - unspecified nature or site B34.1<br />

- endocardium — see Endocarditis, bacterial<br />

- endocervix (see also Cervicitis) N72<br />

- Entamoeba — see Amebiasis<br />

- enteric (see also Enteritis, <strong>infectious</strong>) A09<br />

- Enterobius vermicularis B80<br />

- enterovirus NEC B34.1<br />

- - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B97.1<br />

- Entomophthora B46.8<br />

- Epidermophyton — see Dermatophytosis<br />


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