Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Infarct, infarction------continued - pituitary (gland) E23.6 - placenta (complicating pregnancy) O43.8 - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.2 - prostate N42.8 - pulmonary (artery) (vein) (hemorrhagic) (see also Embolism, pulmonary) I26.9 - - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium — see Embolism, obstetric - renal (embolic) (thrombotic) N28.0 - retina, retinal (artery) H34.2 - spinal (cord) (acute) (embolic) (nonembolic) G95.1 - spleen D73.5 - - embolic or thrombotic I74.8 - subchorionic — see Infarct, placenta - subendocardial (acute) (nontransmural) I21.4 - suprarenal (capsule) (gland) E27.4 - thrombotic (see also Thrombosis) I82.9 - - artery, arterial — see Embolism - thyroid (gland) E07.8 - ventricle (heart) (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 Infecting — see condition Infection, infected (opportunistic) B99 Note: Parasitic diseases may be described as either 'infections' or 'infestations'; both lead terms should therefore be consulted. - with - - antibiotic-resistant bacterial agent (resistant to) U89.9 - - - methicillin U80.1 - - - multiple antibiotics U88 - - - penicillin U80.0 - - - penicillin-related antibiotic U80.8 - - - specified antibiotic (single) NEC U89.8 - - - - multiple antibiotics U88 - - - vancomycin U81.0 - - - vancomycin-related antibiotic U81.8 - - lymphangitis – see Lymphangitis - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.0 - - current episode — see Abortion - abscess (skin) — see Abscess, by site - Absidia (see also Mucormycosis) B46.5 - Acanthocheilonema (perstans) (streptocerca) B74.4 - accessory sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis) J32.9 - achorion — see Dermatophytosis - Acremonium falciforme B47.0 - acromioclavicular M00.9 - Actinobacillus (actinomycetem-comitans) A28.8 - Actinomadura B47.1 - Actinomyces (israelii) (see also Actinomycosis) A42.9 Infection, infected------continued - - actinomycetoma B47.1 - Actinomycetales — see Actinomycosis - actinomycotic NEC (see also Actinomycosis) A42.9 - adenoid (and tonsil) J03.9 - - chronic J35.0 - adenovirus NEC - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.0 - - unspecified nature or site B34.0 - alimentary canal NEC (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - Allescheria boydii B48.2 - Alternaria B48.7 - alveolus, alveolar (process) K04.7 - amebic — see Amebiasis - amniotic fluid, sac or cavity O41.1 - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.7 - Amoeba (histolytica), amoebiasis — see Amebiasis - amputation stump (surgical) T87.4 - Ancylostoma (duodenale) B76.0 - anisakiasis, Anisakis larvae B81.0 - anthrax (see also Anthrax) A22.9 - antrum (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) J32.0 - anus, anal (papillae) (sphincter) K62.8 - arbovirus (arborvirus) A94 - - specified type NEC A93.8 - artificial insemination N98.0 - Ascaris lumbricoides (see also Ascariasis) B77.9 - Ascomycetes B47.0 - Aspergillus (flavus) (fumigatus) (terreus) (see also Aspergillosis) B44.9 - atypical mycobacteria — see Mycobacterium, atypical - auditory meatus (diffuse) (external) H60.3 - auricle (ear) H60.3 - axillary gland (lymph) L04.2 - Bacillus, bacillus NEC A49.9 - - anthracis (see also Anthrax) A22.9 - - Ducrey's (any location) A57 - - Flexner's A03.1 - - fragilis, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.6 - - Friedländer's NEC A49.8 - - gas (gangrene) A48.0 - - Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0 - - welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) A48.0 - bacterial NEC A49.9 - - agent NEC - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.8 - - - resistant to antibiotic – see Resistance (to), antibiotic(s) by bacterial agent - - resulting from HIV disease B20.1 - - specified NEC A48.8 - Bacteroides NEC A49.8 306

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Infection, infected------continued - Balantidium coli A07.0 - Bartholin's gland N75.8 - Basidiobolus B46.8 - bile duct (common) (hepatic) (see also Cholangitis) K83.0 - bladder (see also Cystitis) N30.9 - Blastomyces, blastomycotic (see also Blastomycosis) B40.9 - - brasiliensis (see also Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9 - - dermatitidis (see also Blastomycosis) B40.9 - - European (see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9 - - North American B40.9 - - South American (see also Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9 - bloodstream — see Septicemia - bone NEC M86.9 - Bordetella (see also Whooping cough) - - pertussis A37.0 - brain (see also Encephalitis) G04.9 - - membranes (see also Meningitis) G03.9 - - septic G06.0 - - - meninges (see also Meningitis) G00.9 - branchial cyst Q18.0 - breast — see Mastitis - bronchus (see also Bronchitis) J40 - Brucella A23.9 - - abortus A23.1 - - canis A23.3 - - melitensis A23.0 - - mixed A23.8 - - specified NEC A23.8 - - suis A23.2 - Brugia (malayi) B74.1 - - timori B74.2 - bursa — see Bursitis, infective - buttocks (skin) L08.9 - Campylobacter, intestinal A04.5 - Candida (albicans) (tropicalis) (see also Candidiasis) B37.9 - - neonatal P37.5 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.4 - candiru B88.8 - Capillaria (intestinal) B81.1 - - hepatica B83.8 - - philippinensis B81.1 - cartilage M94.8 - cat liver fluke B66.0 - cellulitis — see Cellulitis, by site - Cephalosporium falciforme B47.0 - cervical gland (lymph) L04.0 - cervix (see also Cervicitis) N72 - cesarean section wound (puerperal) O86.0 - cestodes — see Infestation, cestodes - Chilomastix (intestinal) A07.8 - Chlamydia, chlamydial A74.9 - - anus A56.3 - - genitourinary tract A56.2 Infection, infected------continued - - - lower A56.0 - - - specified NEC A56.1 - - lymphogranuloma A55 - - pharynx A56.4 - - psittaci A70 - - rectum A56.3 - - sexually transmitted NEC A56.8 - Cladosporium - - bantianum (brain abscess) B43.1† G07* - - carrionii B43.0† L99.8* - - castellanii B36.1 - - trichoides (brain abscess) B43.1† G07* - - werneckii B36.1 - Clonorchis (sinensis) (liver) B66.1 - Clostridium, clostridium - - bifermentans A48.0 - - botulinum A05.1 - - congenital P39.8 - - difficile - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.8 - - - foodborne (disease) A05.8 - - - gas gangrene A48.0 - - - necrotizing enterocolitis A05.8 - - - septicemia A41.4 - - gas-forming NEC A48.0 - - histolyticum A48.0 - - novyi, causing gas gangrene A48.0 - - perfringens - - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.7 - - - foodborne (disease) A05.2 - - - gas gangrene A48.0 - - - septicemia A41.4 - - septicum, causing gas gangrene A48.0 - - sordellii, causing gas gangrene A48.0 - - welchii — see Infection, Clostridium perfringens - Coccidioides (immitis) (see also Coccidioidomycosis) B38.9 - colon (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - common duct (see also Cholangitis) K83.0 - congenital NEC P39.9 - - Candida (albicans) P37.5 - - clostridium, other than Clostridium tetani P39.8 - - cytomegalovirus P35.1 - - Escherichia coli P39.8 - - - sepsis P36.4 - - hepatitis, viral P35.3 - - herpes simplex P35.2 - - infectious or parasitic disease P37.9 - - - specified NEC P37.8 - - listeriosis (disseminated) P37.2 - - malaria NEC P37.4 - - - falciparum P37.3 - - Plasmodium falciparum P37.3 - - poliomyelitis P35.8 - - rubella P35.0 - - salmonella P39.8 307

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- Balantidium coli A07.0<br />

- Bartholin's gl<strong>and</strong> N75.8<br />

- Basidiobolus B46.8<br />

- bile duct (common) (hepatic) (see also<br />

Cholangitis) K83.0<br />

- bladder (see also Cystitis) N30.9<br />

- Blastomyces, blastomycotic (see also<br />

Blastomycosis) B40.9<br />

- - brasiliensis (see also<br />

Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9<br />

- - dermatitidis (see also Blastomycosis) B40.9<br />

- - European (see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9<br />

- - North American B40.9<br />

- - South American (see also<br />

Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9<br />

- bloodstream — see Septicemia<br />

- bone NEC M86.9<br />

- Bordetella (see also Whooping cough)<br />

- - pertussis A37.0<br />

- brain (see also Encephalitis) G04.9<br />

- - membranes (see also Meningitis) G03.9<br />

- - septic G06.0<br />

- - - meninges (see also Meningitis) G00.9<br />

- branchial cyst Q18.0<br />

- breast — see Mastitis<br />

- bronchus (see also Bronchitis) J40<br />

- Brucella A23.9<br />

- - abortus A23.1<br />

- - canis A23.3<br />

- - melitensis A23.0<br />

- - mixed A23.8<br />

- - specified NEC A23.8<br />

- - suis A23.2<br />

- Brugia (malayi) B74.1<br />

- - timori B74.2<br />

- bursa — see Bursitis, infective<br />

- buttocks (skin) L08.9<br />

- Campylobacter, intestinal A04.5<br />

- C<strong>and</strong>ida (albicans) (tropicalis) (see also<br />

C<strong>and</strong>idiasis) B37.9<br />

- - neonatal P37.5<br />

- - resulting from HIV disease B20.4<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>iru B88.8<br />

- Capillaria (intestinal) B81.1<br />

- - hepatica B83.8<br />

- - philippinensis B81.1<br />

- cartilage M94.8<br />

- cat liver fluke B66.0<br />

- cellulitis — see Cellulitis, by site<br />

- Cephalosporium falciforme B47.0<br />

- cervical gl<strong>and</strong> (lymph) L04.0<br />

- cervix (see also Cervicitis) N72<br />

- cesarean section wound (puerperal) O86.0<br />

- cestodes — see Infestation, cestodes<br />

- Chilomastix (intestinal) A07.8<br />

- Chlamydia, chlamydial A74.9<br />

- - anus A56.3<br />

- - genitourinary tract A56.2<br />

Infection, infected------continued<br />

- - - lower A56.0<br />

- - - specified NEC A56.1<br />

- - lymphogranuloma A55<br />

- - pharynx A56.4<br />

- - psittaci A70<br />

- - rectum A56.3<br />

- - sexually transmitted NEC A56.8<br />

- Cladosporium<br />

- - bantianum (brain abscess) B43.1† G07*<br />

- - carrionii B43.0† L99.8*<br />

- - castellanii B36.1<br />

- - trichoides (brain abscess) B43.1† G07*<br />

- - werneckii B36.1<br />

- Clonorchis (sinensis) (liver) B66.1<br />

- Clostridium, clostridium<br />

- - bifermentans A48.0<br />

- - botulinum A05.1<br />

- - congenital P39.8<br />

- - difficile<br />

- - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere<br />

B96.8<br />

- - - foodborne (disease) A05.8<br />

- - - gas gangrene A48.0<br />

- - - necrotizing enterocolitis A05.8<br />

- - - septicemia A41.4<br />

- - gas-forming NEC A48.0<br />

- - histolyticum A48.0<br />

- - novyi, causing gas gangrene A48.0<br />

- - perfringens<br />

- - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.7<br />

- - - foodborne (disease) A05.2<br />

- - - gas gangrene A48.0<br />

- - - septicemia A41.4<br />

- - septicum, causing gas gangrene A48.0<br />

- - sordellii, causing gas gangrene A48.0<br />

- - welchii — see Infection, Clostridium<br />

perfringens<br />

- Coccidioides (immitis) (see also<br />

Coccidioidomycosis) B38.9<br />

- colon (see also Enteritis, <strong>infectious</strong>) A09<br />

- common duct (see also Cholangitis) K83.0<br />

- congenital NEC P39.9<br />

- - C<strong>and</strong>ida (albicans) P37.5<br />

- - clostridium, other than Clostridium tetani P39.8<br />

- - cytomegalovirus P35.1<br />

- - Escherichia coli P39.8<br />

- - - sepsis P36.4<br />

- - hepatitis, viral P35.3<br />

- - herpes simplex P35.2<br />

- - <strong>infectious</strong> or <strong>parasitic</strong> disease P37.9<br />

- - - specified NEC P37.8<br />

- - listeriosis (disseminated) P37.2<br />

- - malaria NEC P37.4<br />

- - - falciparum P37.3<br />

- - Plasmodium falciparum P37.3<br />

- - poliomyelitis P35.8<br />

- - rubella P35.0<br />

- - salmonella P39.8<br />


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