Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury I Ichthyoparasitism due to Vandellia cirrhosa B88.8 Ichthyosis (congenital) Q80.9 - acquired L85.0 - fetalis Q80.4 - hystrix Q80.8 - lamellar Q80.2 - palmaris and plantaris Q82.8 - simplex Q80.0 - vera Q80.8 - vulgaris Q80.0 - X-linked Q80.1 Ichthyotoxism T61.2 - bacterial (see also Intoxication, foodborne) A05.9 - due to - - ciguatera T61.0 - - scombroid T61.1 - - seafood NEC T61.8 - - shellfish NEC T61.2 Icteroanemia, hemolytic (acquired) D59.9 - congenital (see also Spherocytosis) D58.0 Icterus (see also Jaundice) R17 - hematogenous (acquired) D59.9 - hemolytic (acquired) D59.9 - - congenital (see also Spherocytosis) D58.0 - hemorrhagic (acute) (leptospiral) (spirochetal) A27.0 - neonatorum (see also Jaundice, fetus or newborn) P59.9 Ictus solaris, solis T67.0 Ideation, suicidal R45.8 - constituting part of a mental disorder — see condition Id reaction (due to bacteria) L30.2 Idioglossia F80.0 Idiopathic — see condition Idiosyncrasy (see also Allergy) T78.4 - drug, medicament and biological — see Allergy, drug Idiot, idiocy (congenital) F73.- - amaurotic (Bielschowsky(-Jansky)) (familial) (infantile (late)) (juvenile (late)) (Vogt-Spielmeyer) E75.4 Ileitis (see also Enteritis) A09 - regional or terminal (ulcerative) K50.0 Ileocolitis (see also Enteritis) A09 - ulcerative (chronic) K51.1 Ileostomy - attention to Z43.2 - malfunctioning K91.4 - status Z93.2 Ileotyphus A01.0 Ileum — see condition Ileus (bowel) (colon) (inhibitory) (intestine) K56.7 - adynamic K56.0 - due to gallstone (in intestine) K56.3 - duodenal (chronic) K31.5 - mechanical NEC K56.6 - meconium E84.1† P75* - - meaning meconium plug (without cystic fibrosis) P76.0 - newborn - - due to meconium E84.1† P75* - - - meaning meconium plug (without cystic fibrosis) P76.0 - - transitory P76.1 - neurogenic K56.0 - - Hirschsprung’s disease or megacolon Q43.1 - obstructive NEC K56.6 - paralytic K56.0 Iliac — see condition Illegitimacy (unwanted pregnancy) Z64.0 - supervision of high-risk pregnancy Z35.7 Illiteracy Z55.0 Illness (see also Disease) R69 Imbalance R26.8 - autonomic G90.8 - constituents of food intake E63.1 - electrolyte E87.8 - - due to hyperemesis gravidarum O21.1 - - following abortion O08.5 - - neonatal, transitory NEC P74.4 - - - potassium P74.3 - - - sodium P74.2 - endocrine E34.9 - eye muscle NEC H50.9 - hormone E34.9 - hysterical F44.4 - labyrinth H83.2 - posture R29.3 - protein-energy (see also Malnutrition) E46 - sympathetic G90.8 Imbecile, imbecility (I.Q. 35–49) F71.- Imbrication, teeth K07.3 Imerslund(-Gräsbeck) syndrome D51.1 300

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Immature — see also Immaturity - birth (28 completed weeks or more but less than 37 completed weeks) P07.3 - - extremely (less than 28 completed weeks) P07.2 - personality F60.8 Immaturity (28 completed weeks or more but less than 37 completed weeks) P07.3 - extreme (less than 28 completed weeks) P07.2 - fetus or infant light-for-dates — see Light-for-dates - organ or site NEC — see Hypoplasia - pulmonary, fetus or newborn P28.0 - reaction F61 - sexual (female) (male), after puberty E30.0 Immersion T75.1 - foot or hand T69.0 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) M62.3 Immunization (see also Vaccination) Z26.9 - ABO (see also Isoimmunization, ABO) - - affecting management of pregnancy O36.1 - - - in fetus or newborn P55.1 - complication — see Complications, vaccination - Rh factor — see also Isoimmunization, Rh - - affecting management of pregnancy O36.0 - - from transfusion T80.4 Immunocytoma (M9671/3) C83.0 Immunodeficiency D84.9 - with - - antibody defects D80.9 - - - specified type NEC D80.8 - - increased immunoglobulin in M (IgM) D80.5 - - major defect D82.9 - - - specified type NEC D82.8 - - partial albinism D82.8 - - short-limbed stature D82.2 - - thrombocytopenia and eczema D82.0 - antibody with - - hyperimmunoglobulinemia D80.6 - - near-normal immunoglobulins D80.6 - combined D81.9 - - severe (SCID) D81.9 - - - with - - - - low or normal B-cell numbers D81.2 - - - - low T- and B-cell numbers D81.1 - - - - reticular dysgenesis D81.0 - - specified type NEC D81.8 - common variable D83.9 - - with - - - abnormalities of B-cell numbers and function D83.0 - - - autoantibodies to B-or T-cells D83.2 - - - immunoregulatory T-cell disorders D83.1 - - specified type NEC D83.8 - following hereditary defective response to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) D82.3 Immunodeficiency------continued - selective, immunoglobulin - - A (IgA) D80.2 - - G (IgG) (subclasses) D80.3 - - M (IgM) D80.4 - specified type NEC D84.8 Immunotherapy, prophylactic Z29.1 Impaction, impacted - bowel, colon or rectum (fecal) K56.4 - calculus — see Calculus - cerumen (ear) (external) H61.2 - dental K01.1 - fecal, feces K56.4 - fracture — see Fracture, by site - gallbladder (see also Cholelithiasis) K80.2 - gallstone(s) (see also Cholelithiasis) K80.2 - - bile duct (common) (hepatic) K80.5 - - cystic duct K80.2 - - in intestine, with obstruction (any part) K56.3 - intestine (calculous) (fecal) NEC K56.4 - - gallstone, with ileus K56.3 - molar — see Impaction, tooth - shoulder O66.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - causing obstructed labor O66.0 - tooth, teeth K01.1 - - with abnormal position (same or adjacent tooth) K07.3 - turbinate J34.8 Impaired, impairment (function) - auditory discrimination H93.2 - cognitive, persisting (due to) - - mild F06.7 - - persisting (due to) - - - alcohol F10.7 - - - hallucinogen use F16.7 - - - sedatives F13.7 - glucose tolerance R73.0 - hearing — see Deafness - heart — see Disease, heart - kidney (see also Failure, renal)N19 - - acute N17.- - - disorder resulting from N25.9 - liver K72.9 - mastication K08.8 - mobility - - ear ossicles H74.3 - - requiring care provider Z74.0 - myocardium, myocardial (see also Insufficiency, myocardial) I50.9 - rectal sphincter R19.8 - renal (see also Failure, renal) N19 - - acute N17.- - - disorder resulting from N25.9 - tolerance, glucose R73.0 - vision NEC H54.7 Impediment, speech NEC R47.8 - psychogenic (childhood) F98.8 301

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

I<br />

Ichthyoparasitism due to V<strong>and</strong>ellia<br />

cirrhosa B88.8<br />

Ichthyosis (congenital) Q80.9<br />

- acquired L85.0<br />

- fetalis Q80.4<br />

- hystrix Q80.8<br />

- lamellar Q80.2<br />

- palmaris <strong>and</strong> plantaris Q82.8<br />

- simplex Q80.0<br />

- vera Q80.8<br />

- vulgaris Q80.0<br />

- X-linked Q80.1<br />

Ichthyotoxism T61.2<br />

- bacterial (see also Intoxication, foodborne)<br />

A05.9<br />

- due to<br />

- - ciguatera T61.0<br />

- - scombroid T61.1<br />

- - seafood NEC T61.8<br />

- - shellfish NEC T61.2<br />

Icteroanemia, hemolytic (acquired) D59.9<br />

- congenital (see also Spherocytosis) D58.0<br />

Icterus (see also Jaundice) R17<br />

- hematogenous (acquired) D59.9<br />

- hemolytic (acquired) D59.9<br />

- - congenital (see also Spherocytosis) D58.0<br />

- hemorrhagic (acute) (leptospiral)<br />

(spirochetal) A27.0<br />

- neonatorum (see also Jaundice, fetus or<br />

newborn) P59.9<br />

Ictus solaris, solis T67.0<br />

Ideation, suicidal R45.8<br />

- constituting part of a mental disorder<br />

— see condition<br />

Id reaction (due to bacteria) L30.2<br />

Idioglossia F80.0<br />

Idiopathic — see condition<br />

Idiosyncrasy (see also Allergy) T78.4<br />

- drug, medicament <strong>and</strong> biological — see<br />

Allergy, drug<br />

Idiot, idiocy (congenital) F73.-<br />

- amaurotic (Bielschowsky(-Jansky))<br />

(familial) (infantile (late)) (juvenile (late))<br />

(Vogt-Spielmeyer) E75.4<br />

Ileitis (see also Enteritis) A09<br />

- regional or terminal (ulcerative) K50.0<br />

Ileocolitis (see also Enteritis) A09<br />

- ulcerative (chronic) K51.1<br />

Ileostomy<br />

- attention to Z43.2<br />

- malfunctioning K91.4<br />

- status Z93.2<br />

Ileotyphus A01.0<br />

Ileum — see condition<br />

Ileus (bowel) (colon) (inhibitory) (intestine) K56.7<br />

- adynamic K56.0<br />

- due to gallstone (in intestine) K56.3<br />

- duodenal (chronic) K31.5<br />

- mechanical NEC K56.6<br />

- meconium E84.1† P75*<br />

- - meaning meconium plug (without cystic<br />

fibrosis) P76.0<br />

- newborn<br />

- - due to meconium E84.1† P75*<br />

- - - meaning meconium plug (without<br />

cystic fibrosis) P76.0<br />

- - transitory P76.1<br />

- neurogenic K56.0<br />

- - Hirschsprung’s disease or megacolon Q43.1<br />

- obstructive NEC K56.6<br />

- paralytic K56.0<br />

Iliac — see condition<br />

Illegitimacy (unwanted pregnancy) Z64.0<br />

- supervision of high-risk pregnancy Z35.7<br />

Illiteracy Z55.0<br />

Illness (see also Disease) R69<br />

Imbalance R26.8<br />

- autonomic G90.8<br />

- constituents of food intake E63.1<br />

- electrolyte E87.8<br />

- - due to hyperemesis gravidarum O21.1<br />

- - following abortion O08.5<br />

- - neonatal, transitory NEC P74.4<br />

- - - potassium P74.3<br />

- - - sodium P74.2<br />

- endocrine E34.9<br />

- eye muscle NEC H50.9<br />

- hormone E34.9<br />

- hysterical F44.4<br />

- labyrinth H83.2<br />

- posture R29.3<br />

- protein-energy (see also Malnutrition) E46<br />

- sympathetic G90.8<br />

Imbecile, imbecility (I.Q. 35–49) F71.-<br />

Imbrication, teeth K07.3<br />

Imerslund(-Gräsbeck) syndrome D51.1<br />


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