Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Hypertrichosis L68.9<br />

- congenital Q84.2<br />

- eyelid H02.8<br />

- lanuginosa Q84.2<br />

- - acquired L68.1<br />

- localized L68.2<br />

- specified NEC L68.8<br />

Hypertriglyceridemia, essential E78.1<br />

Hypertrophy, hypertrophic<br />

- adenofibromatous, prostate N40<br />

- adenoids (infective) J35.2<br />

- - with tonsils J35.3<br />

- adrenal cortex E27.8<br />

- alveolar process or ridge K08.8<br />

- anal papillae K62.8<br />

- artery I77.8<br />

- - congenital NEC Q27.8<br />

- arthritis (see also Arthrosis) M19.9<br />

- auricular — see Hypertrophy, cardiac<br />

- Bartholin's gl<strong>and</strong> N75.8<br />

- bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.8<br />

- bladder (sphincter) (trigone) N32.8<br />

- bone M89.3<br />

- brain G93.8<br />

- breast N62<br />

- - cystic N60.1<br />

- - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3<br />

- - fetus or newborn P83.4<br />

- - pubertal, massive N62<br />

- - puerperal, postpartum O92.2<br />

- - senile (parenchymatous) N62<br />

- cardiac (chronic) (idiopathic) I51.7<br />

- - with rheumatic fever (conditions in I00)<br />

- - - active I01.8<br />

- - - inactive or quiescent (with chorea) I09.8<br />

- - congenital NEC Q24.8<br />

- - fatty (see also Degeneration, myocardial)<br />

I51.5<br />

- - hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart)<br />

I11.9<br />

- - rheumatic (with chorea) I09.8<br />

- - - active or acute I01.8<br />

- - - - with chorea I02.0<br />

- - valve (see also Endocarditis) I38<br />

- cartilage M94.8<br />

- cecum (see also Megacolon) K59.3<br />

- cervix (uteri) N88.8<br />

- - congenital Q51.8<br />

- - elongation N88.4<br />

- clitoris (cirrhotic) N90.8<br />

- - congenital Q52.6<br />

- colon (see also Megacolon) K59.3<br />

- - congenital Q43.2<br />

- conjunctiva, lymphoid H11.8<br />

- corpora cavernosa N48.8<br />

- cystic duct K82.8<br />

- duodenum K31.8<br />

- endometrium (gl<strong>and</strong>ular) N85.0<br />

- - atypical (adenomatous) N85.1<br />

Hypertrophy, hypertrophic------continued<br />

- - cervix N88.8<br />

- epididymis N50.8<br />

- esophageal hiatus (congenital) Q79.1<br />

- - with hernia — see Hernia, hiatal<br />

- eyelid H02.8<br />

- fat pad M79.4<br />

- - knee (infrapatellar) (popliteal) (prepatellar)<br />

(retropatellar) M79.4<br />

- foot (congenital) Q74.2<br />

- frenulum, frenum (tongue) K14.8<br />

- - lip K13.0<br />

- gallbladder K82.8<br />

- gastric mucosa K29.6<br />

- gl<strong>and</strong>, gl<strong>and</strong>ular R59.9<br />

- - generalized R59.1<br />

- - localized R59.0<br />

- gum (mucous membrane) K06.1<br />

- heart (idiopathic) — see also Hypertrophy,<br />

cardiac<br />

- - valve — see Endocarditis<br />

- hemifacial Q67.4<br />

- hepatic — see Hypertrophy, liver<br />

- hiatus (esophageal) Q79.1<br />

- hilus gl<strong>and</strong> R59.0<br />

- hymen, congenital Q52.4<br />

- ileum K63.8<br />

- intestine NEC K63.8<br />

- jejunum K63.8<br />

- kidney (compensatory) N28.8<br />

- - congenital Q63.3<br />

- labium (majus) (minus) N90.6<br />

- ligament M24.2<br />

- lingual tonsil (infective) J35.1<br />

- - with adenoids J35.3<br />

- lip K13.0<br />

- - congenital Q18.6<br />

- liver R16.0<br />

- - acute K76.8<br />

- - cirrhotic — see Cirrhosis, liver<br />

- - fatty — see Fatty, liver<br />

- lymph, lymphatic gl<strong>and</strong> R59.9<br />

- - generalized R59.1<br />

- - localized R59.0<br />

- - tuberculous — see Tuberculosis, lymph gl<strong>and</strong><br />

- mammary gl<strong>and</strong> — see Hypertrophy, breast<br />

- Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) Q43.0<br />

- median bar N40<br />

- meibomian gl<strong>and</strong> H00.1<br />

- meniscus, knee, congenital Q74.1<br />

- metatarsal head M89.3<br />

- metatarsus M89.3<br />

- mucous membrane<br />

- - alveolar ridge K06.2<br />

- - gum K06.1<br />

- - nose (turbinate) J34.3<br />

- muscle M62.8<br />

- muscular coat, artery I77.8<br />


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