Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Hyperplasia, hyperplastic------continued - suprarenal capsule (gland) E27.8 - thymus (gland) (persistent) E32.0 - thyroid (gland) (see also Goiter) E04.9 - tonsils (faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid) J35.1 - - with adenoids J35.3 - unilateral condylar K10.8 - uterus, uterine N85.2 - - endometrium (glandular) N85.0 - - - adenomatous N85.1 - - - atypical (adenomatous) N85.1 - vulva N90.6 - - epithelial N90.3 Hyperpnea (see also Hyperventilation) R06.4 Hyperpotassemia E87.5 Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia (familial) E78.1 Hyperprolactinemia E22.1 Hyperprolinemia (type I) (type II) E72.5 Hyperproteinemia E88.0 Hyperprothrombinemia, causing coagulation factor deficiency D68.4 Hyperpyrexia R50.9 - heat (effects) T67.0 - malignant, due to anesthetic T88.3 - rheumatic — see Fever, rheumatic - unknown origin R50.9 Hyper-reflexia R29.2 Hypersalivation K11.7 Hypersecretion - ACTH (not associated with Cushing's syndrome) E27.0 - - pituitary E24.0 - adrenaline E27.5 - adrenomedullary E27.5 - androgen (testicular) E29.0 - - ovarian (drug-induced) (iatrogenic) E28.1 - calcitonin E07.0 - catecholamine E27.5 - corticoadrenal E24.9 - cortisol E24.9 - epinephrine E27.5 - estrogen E28.0 - gastric K31.8 - - psychogenic F45.3 - gastrin E16.4 - glucagon E16.3 - hormone(s) - - ACTH (not associated with Cushing's syndrome) E27.0 - - - pituitary E24.0 - - antidiuretic E22.2 - - growth E22.0 - - intestinal NEC E34.1 - - ovarian androgen E28.1 - - pituitary E22.9 - - testicular E29.0 - - thyroid stimulating E05.8 Hypersecretion------continued - insulin — see Hyperinsulinism - lacrimal glands H04.2 - medulloadrenal E27.5 - milk O92.6 - ovarian androgens E28.1 - salivary gland (any) K11.7 - thyrocalcitonin E07.0 - upper respiratory J39.8 Hypersegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary D72.0 Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity — see also Allergy - carotid sinus G90.0 - drug (see also Allergy, drug) T88.7 - gastrointestinal K52.2 - - psychogenic F45.3 - labyrinth H83.2 - pain R20.8 - pneumonitis (see also Pneumonitis, allergic) J67.9 - reaction T78.4 - - upper respiratory tract NEC J39.3 Hypersomnia (organic) G47.1 - nonorganic origin F51.1 - primary F51.1 Hypersplenia, hypersplenism D73.1 Hyperstimulation, ovaries (associated with induced ovulation) N98.1 Hypersusceptibility — see Allergy Hypertelorism (ocular) (orbital) Q75.2 Hypertension, hypertensive (accelerated) (benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (malignant) (primary) (systemic) I10 - with - - heart involvement (conditions in I51.4–I51.9 due to hypertension) (see also Hypertension, heart) I11.9 - - kidney involvement (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - - renal sclerosis (conditions in N26.-) (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - - - with - - - - failure (conditions in N18.-, N19.-) I12.0 - - - - heart involvement (conditions in I51.4– I51.9) — see Hypertension, cardiorenal - benign, intracranial G93.2 - cardiorenal (disease) I13.9 - - with - - - renal failure I13.1 - - - - and heart failure (congestive) I13.2 - cardiovascular - - disease (arteriosclerotic) (sclerotic) (see also Hypertension, heart) I11.9 - - - with heart failure (congestive) (see also Hypertension, heart) I11.0 - - - - with renal failure I13.2 - - renal (disease) (sclerosis) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 292

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Hypertension, hypertensive------continued - - - with renal failure I13.1 - - - - with heart failure I13.2 - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O16 - - with - - - albuminuria (and edema) (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - - - - severe O14.1 - - - edema (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - - - - severe O14.1 - - - heart disease O10.1 - - - - and renal disease, pre-existing O10.3 - - - renal disease, pre-existing O10.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.0 - - essential (benign), pre-existing O10.0 - - - with superimposed proteinuria O11 - - - malignant, pre-existing O10.0 - - malignant, pre-existing O10.0 - - - with superimposed proteinuria O11 - - pre-existing O10.9 - - - with superimposed proteinuria O11 - - - malignant O10.0 - - pregnancy-induced (see also Hypertension, gestational) O13 - - secondary to renal disease, pre-existing O10.4 - - transient — see Hypertension, gestational - due to - - endocrine disorders I15.2 - - pheochromocytoma I15.2 - - renal disorders NEC I15.1 - - - arterial I15.0 - - renovascular disorders I15.0 - - specified disease NEC I15.8 - encephalopathy I67.4 - gestational (pregnancy-induced) (without significant proteinuria) O13 - - with significant proteinuria or albuminuria (and edema) (see also Pre-eclampsia) O14.9 - Goldblatt's I70.1 - heart (disease) (conditions in I51.4–I51.9 due to hypertension) I11.9 - - with - - - heart failure (congestive) (see also Hypertension, heart) I11.0 - - - hypertensive kidney disease (conditions in I12) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - - - renal sclerosis (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - intracranial (benign) G93.2 - kidney I12.9 - - with - - - heart involvement (conditions in I51.4– I51.9 due to Hypertension) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - - - - with heart failure (congestive) I13.0 Hypertension, hypertensive------continued - - - - - with renal failure I13.2 - - - hypertensive heart disease (conditions in I11.-) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - - - - with heart failure (congestive) I13.0 - - - - - with renal failure I13.2 - - - renal failure I12.0 - lesser circulation I27.0 - maternal (of pregnancy) NEC (see also Hypertension, complicating pregnancy) O16 - newborn P29.2 - - pulmonary (persistent) P29.3 - ocular H40.0 - portal (due to chronic liver disease) (idiopathic) K76.6 - - in (due to) schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) B65.-† K77.0* - psychogenic F45.3 - pulmonary (artery) (secondary) NEC I27.2 - - of newborn (persistent) P29.3 - - primary (idiopathic) I27.0 - renal (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - renovascular I15.0 - secondary NEC I15.9 - - due to - - - endocrine disorders I15.2 - - - pheochromocytoma I15.2 - - - renal disorders NEC I15.1 - - - - arterial I15.0 - - - renovascular disorders I15.0 - - specified NEC I15.8 Hyperthecosis ovary E28.8 Hyperthermia (of unknown origin) (see also Hyperpyrexia) R50.9 - malignant, due to anesthesia T88.3 - newborn, environmental P81.0 Hyperthyroid (recurrent) — see Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism (latent) (pre-adult) (recurrent) E05.9 - with - - goiter (diffuse) E05.0 - - - adenomatous E05.2 - - - multinodular E05.2 - - - nodular E05.2 - - - uninodular E05.1 - - thyroid nodule (single) E05.1 - neonatal, transitory P72.1 Hypertony, hypertonia, hypertonicity - bladder N31.8 - congenital P94.1 - stomach K31.8 - - psychogenic F45.3 - uterus, uterine (contractions) (complicating delivery) O62.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 293

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Hyperplasia, hyperplastic------continued<br />

- suprarenal capsule (gl<strong>and</strong>) E27.8<br />

- thymus (gl<strong>and</strong>) (persistent) E32.0<br />

- thyroid (gl<strong>and</strong>) (see also Goiter) E04.9<br />

- tonsils (faucial) (infective) (lingual)<br />

(lymphoid) J35.1<br />

- - with adenoids J35.3<br />

- unilateral condylar K10.8<br />

- uterus, uterine N85.2<br />

- - endometrium (gl<strong>and</strong>ular) N85.0<br />

- - - adenomatous N85.1<br />

- - - atypical (adenomatous) N85.1<br />

- vulva N90.6<br />

- - epithelial N90.3<br />

Hyperpnea (see also Hyperventilation) R06.4<br />

Hyperpotassemia E87.5<br />

Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia (familial) E78.1<br />

Hyperprolactinemia E22.1<br />

Hyperprolinemia (type I) (type II) E72.5<br />

Hyperproteinemia E88.0<br />

Hyperprothrombinemia, causing<br />

coagulation factor deficiency D68.4<br />

Hyperpyrexia R50.9<br />

- heat (effects) T67.0<br />

- malignant, due to anesthetic T88.3<br />

- rheumatic — see Fever, rheumatic<br />

- unknown origin R50.9<br />

Hyper-reflexia R29.2<br />

Hypersalivation K11.7<br />

Hypersecretion<br />

- ACTH (not associated with Cushing's<br />

syndrome) E27.0<br />

- - pituitary E24.0<br />

- adrenaline E27.5<br />

- adrenomedullary E27.5<br />

- <strong>and</strong>rogen (testicular) E29.0<br />

- - ovarian (drug-induced) (iatrogenic) E28.1<br />

- calcitonin E07.0<br />

- catecholamine E27.5<br />

- corticoadrenal E24.9<br />

- cortisol E24.9<br />

- epinephrine E27.5<br />

- estrogen E28.0<br />

- gastric K31.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- gastrin E16.4<br />

- glucagon E16.3<br />

- hormone(s)<br />

- - ACTH (not associated with Cushing's<br />

syndrome) E27.0<br />

- - - pituitary E24.0<br />

- - antidiuretic E22.2<br />

- - growth E22.0<br />

- - intestinal NEC E34.1<br />

- - ovarian <strong>and</strong>rogen E28.1<br />

- - pituitary E22.9<br />

- - testicular E29.0<br />

- - thyroid stimulating E05.8<br />

Hypersecretion------continued<br />

- insulin — see Hyperinsulinism<br />

- lacrimal gl<strong>and</strong>s H04.2<br />

- medulloadrenal E27.5<br />

- milk O92.6<br />

- ovarian <strong>and</strong>rogens E28.1<br />

- salivary gl<strong>and</strong> (any) K11.7<br />

- thyrocalcitonin E07.0<br />

- upper respiratory J39.8<br />

Hypersegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary D72.0<br />

Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness,<br />

hypersensitivity — see also Allergy<br />

- carotid sinus G90.0<br />

- drug (see also Allergy, drug) T88.7<br />

- gastrointestinal K52.2<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- labyrinth H83.2<br />

- pain R20.8<br />

- pneumonitis (see also Pneumonitis, allergic)<br />

J67.9<br />

- reaction T78.4<br />

- - upper respiratory tract NEC J39.3<br />

Hypersomnia (organic) G47.1<br />

- nonorganic origin F51.1<br />

- primary F51.1<br />

Hypersplenia, hypersplenism D73.1<br />

Hyperstimulation, ovaries (associated<br />

with induced ovulation) N98.1<br />

Hypersusceptibility — see Allergy<br />

Hypertelorism (ocular) (orbital) Q75.2<br />

Hypertension, hypertensive (accelerated)<br />

(benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (malignant)<br />

(primary) (systemic) I10<br />

- with<br />

- - heart involvement (conditions in I51.4–I51.9<br />

due to hypertension) (see also Hypertension,<br />

heart) I11.9<br />

- - kidney involvement (see also Hypertension,<br />

kidney) I12.9<br />

- - renal sclerosis (conditions in N26.-)<br />

(see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - failure (conditions in N18.-, N19.-) I12.0<br />

- - - - heart involvement (conditions in I51.4–<br />

I51.9) — see Hypertension, cardiorenal<br />

- benign, intracranial G93.2<br />

- cardiorenal (disease) I13.9<br />

- - with<br />

- - - renal failure I13.1<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> heart failure (congestive) I13.2<br />

- cardiovascular<br />

- - disease (arteriosclerotic) (sclerotic) (see<br />

also Hypertension, heart) I11.9<br />

- - - with heart failure (congestive) (see also<br />

Hypertension, heart) I11.0<br />

- - - - with renal failure I13.2<br />

- - renal (disease) (sclerosis) (see also<br />

Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9<br />


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