Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Hudson(-Stähli) line (cornea) H18.0 Human - bite (open wound) — see also Wound, open - - intact skin surface — see Contusion - immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (infection) B24 - - asymptomatic status Z21 - - contact Z20.6 - - counseling Z71.7 - - dementia B22.0† F02.4* - - exposure to Z20.6 - - laboratory evidence R75 - - resulting in - - - acute HIV infection syndrome B23.0 - - - bacterial infection NEC B20.1 - - - Burkitt's lymphoma B21.1 - - - candidiasis B20.4 - - - chronic lymphadenopathy, generalized (persistent) B23.1 - - - cryptosporidiosis B20.8 - - - cytomegaloviral disease B20.2 - - - dementia B22.0† F02.4* - - - encephalopathy B22.0 - - - failure to thrive B22.2 - - - generalized lymphadenopathy (persistent) B23.1 - - - hematological abnormality NEC B23.2 - - - herpesviral infections B20.3 - - - immunological abnormality NEC B23.2 - - - infection B20.9 - - - - bacterial NEC B20.1 - - - - candidal B20.4 - - - - Cryptosporidium B20.8 - - - - cytomegaloviral B20.2 - - - - fungus NEC B20.5 - - - - herpesvirus B20.3 - - - - multiple B20.7 - - - - mycobacterial B20.0 - - - - mycotic NEC B20.5 - - - - papovavirus B20.3 - - - - parasitic NEC B20.8 - - - - Pneumocystis carinii (pneumonia) B20.6 - - - - specified NEC B20.8 - - - - tuberculous B20.0 - - - - viral NEC B20.3 - - - infectious disease NEC B20.9 - - - - specified NEC B20.8 - - - Kaposi's sarcoma B21.0 - - - lymphadenopathy - - - - generalized (persistent) B23.1 - - - lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis B22.1 - - - lymphoma (malignant) B21.2 - - - - Burkitt's B21.1 - - - - non-Hodgkin's NEC B21.2 - - - multiple - - - - diseases classified elsewhere B22.7 - - - - infections B20.7 - - - - malignant neoplasms B21.7 - - - mycobacterial infection B20.0 Human------continued - - - mycosis NEC B20.5 - - - neoplasm, malignant B21.9 - - - - hematopoietic tissue NEC B21.3 - - - - lymphoid tissue NEC B21.3 - - - - multiple B21.7 - - - - specified NEC B21.8 - - - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NEC B21.2 - - - papovavirus infection B20.3 - - - parasitic disease NEC B20.9 - - - - specified NEC B20.8 - - - Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia B20.6 - - - pneumonitis, interstitial, lymphoid B22.1 - - - sarcoma NEC B21.9 - - - - Kaposi's B21.0 - - - specified condition NEC B23.8 - - - toxoplasmosis B20.8 - - - tuberculosis B20.0 - - - viral infection NEC B20.3 - - - wasting syndrome B22.2 - T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) infection B33.3 - - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.3 - - carrier Z22.6 Humidifier lung or pneumonitis J67.7 Humiliation (experience) in childhood Z61.3 Humpback (acquired) M40.2 - congenital Q76.4 Hunchback (acquired) M40.2 - congenital Q76.4 Hunger T73.0 - air, psychogenic F45.3 Hunner's ulcer N30.1 Hunter's - glossitis D51.0 - syndrome E76.1 Huntington's disease or chorea G10 - with dementia G10† F02.2* Hunt's - disease or syndrome (herpetic geniculate ganglionitis) B02.2† G53.0* - - dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica G11.1 - neuralgia B02.2† G53.0* Hurler(-Scheie) disease or syndrome E76.0 Hurst's disease G36.1 Hurthle cell - adenocarcinoma (M8290/3) C73 - adenoma (M8290/0) D34 - carcinoma (M8290/3) C73 - tumor (M8290/0) D34 Hutchinson-Boeck disease or syndrome (see also Sarcoidosis) D86.9 Hutchinson-Gilford disease or syndrome E34.8 Hutchinson's - disease meaning - - angioma serpiginosum L81.7 286

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Hutchinson's------continued - - pompholyx L30.1 - - prurigo estivalis L56.4 - - summer eruption or summer prurigo L56.4 - melanotic freckle (M8742/2) — see Melanoma, in situ - - malignant melanoma in (M8742/3) — see Melanoma - teeth or incisors (congenital syphilis) A50.5 - triad (congenital syphilis) A50.5 Hyalin plaque, sclera, senile H15.8 Hyaline membrane (disease) (lung) (pulmonary) (newborn) P22.0 Hyalinosis - cutis (et mucosae) E78.8 - focal and segmental (glomerular) — code to N00–N07 with fourth character .1 Hyalitis, hyalosis, asteroid H43.2 - syphilitic (late) A52.7† H45.8* Hydatid - cyst or tumor — see Echinococcus - mole — see Hydatidiform mole - Morgagni's - - female Q50.5 - - male (epididymal) Q55.4 - - - testicular Q55.2 Hydatidiform mole (benign) (complicating pregnancy) (delivered) (undelivered) (M9100/0) (see also Mole, hydatidiform) O01.9 - classical (M9100/0) O01.0 - complete (M9100/0) O01.0 - invasive (M9100/1) D39.2 - malignant (M9100/1) D39.2 - partial (M9103/0) O01.1 - previous, affecting management of pregnancy Z35.1 Hydatidosis — see Echinococcus Hydradenitis (axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2 Hydradenoma (M8400/0) — see Hidradenoma Hydramnios O40 - affecting fetus or newborn P01.3 Hydrancephaly, hydranencephaly Q04.3 - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 Hydrargyrism NEC T56.1 Hydrarthrosis M25.4 - gonococcal A54.4† M14.8* - intermittent M12.4 - of yaws (early) (late) A66.6† M14.8* - syphilitic (late) A52.7† M14.8* - - congenital A50.5† M03.1* Hydremia D64.8 Hydrencephalocele (congenital) (see also Encephalocele) Q01.9 Hydrencephalomeningocele (congenital) (see also Encephalocele) Q01.9 Hydroa R23.8 - estivale L56.4 - vacciniforme L56.4 Hydroadenitis (axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2 Hydrocalycosis (see also Hydronephrosis) N13.3 Hydrocele (spermatic cord) (testis) (tunica vaginalis) N43.3 - canal of Nuck N94.8 - congenital P83.5 - encysted N43.0 - female NEC N94.8 - fetus or newborn P83.5 - infected N43.1 - round ligament N94.8 - specified NEC N43.2 - spinalis (see also Spina bifida) Q05.9 - - with hydrocephalus (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 - vulva N90.8 Hydrocephalus (acquired) (external) (internal) (malignant) (recurrent) G91.9 - aqueduct Sylvius stricture (see also Hydrocephalus, congenital) Q03.0 - causing disproportion O33.6 - - with obstructed labor O66.3 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - communicating G91.0 - congenital (external) (internal) Q03.9 - - with spina bifida — see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus - - - cervical Q05.0 - - - dorsal Q05.1 - - - lumbar Q05.2 - - - lumbosacral Q05.2 - - - sacral Q05.3 - - - thoracic Q05.1 - - - thoracolumbar Q05.1 - - specified NEC Q03.8 - due to toxoplasmosis (congenital) P37.1 - fetus (suspected), affecting management of pregnancy O35.0 - foramen Magendie block (acquired) G91.1 - - congenital (see also Hydrocephalus, congenital) Q03.1 - in (due to) - - infectious disease NEC B99† G94.0* - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) (see also Neoplasm) D48.9† G94.1* - - parasitic disease B89† G94.0* - newborn Q03.9 - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida,with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 - noncommunicating G91.1 - normal-pressure G91.2 - obstructive G91.1 - post-traumatic NEC G91.3 - specified NEC G91.8 - syphilitic, congenital A50.4† G94.0* Hydrocolpos (congenital) N89.8 287

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Hutchinson's------continued<br />

- - pompholyx L30.1<br />

- - prurigo estivalis L56.4<br />

- - summer eruption or summer prurigo L56.4<br />

- melanotic freckle (M8742/2) — see<br />

Melanoma, in situ<br />

- - malignant melanoma in (M8742/3) — see<br />

Melanoma<br />

- teeth or incisors (congenital syphilis) A50.5<br />

- triad (congenital syphilis) A50.5<br />

Hyalin plaque, sclera, senile H15.8<br />

Hyaline membrane (disease) (lung)<br />

(pulmonary) (newborn) P22.0<br />

Hyalinosis<br />

- cutis (et mucosae) E78.8<br />

- focal <strong>and</strong> segmental (glomerular) — code to<br />

N00–N07 with fourth character .1<br />

Hyalitis, hyalosis, asteroid H43.2<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.7† H45.8*<br />

Hydatid<br />

- cyst or tumor — see Echinococcus<br />

- mole — see Hydatidiform mole<br />

- Morgagni's<br />

- - female Q50.5<br />

- - male (epididymal) Q55.4<br />

- - - testicular Q55.2<br />

Hydatidiform mole (benign) (complicating<br />

pregnancy) (delivered) (undelivered)<br />

(M9100/0) (see also Mole, hydatidiform)<br />

O01.9<br />

- classical (M9100/0) O01.0<br />

- complete (M9100/0) O01.0<br />

- invasive (M9100/1) D39.2<br />

- malignant (M9100/1) D39.2<br />

- partial (M9103/0) O01.1<br />

- previous, affecting management of<br />

pregnancy Z35.1<br />

Hydatidosis — see Echinococcus<br />

Hydradenitis (axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2<br />

Hydradenoma (M8400/0) — see Hidradenoma<br />

Hydramnios O40<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P01.3<br />

Hydrancephaly, hydranencephaly Q04.3<br />

- with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida,<br />

with hydrocephalus) Q05.4<br />

Hydrargyrism NEC T56.1<br />

Hydrarthrosis M25.4<br />

- gonococcal A54.4† M14.8*<br />

- intermittent M12.4<br />

- of yaws (early) (late) A66.6† M14.8*<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.7† M14.8*<br />

- - congenital A50.5† M03.1*<br />

Hydremia D64.8<br />

Hydrencephalocele (congenital) (see also<br />

Encephalocele) Q01.9<br />

Hydrencephalomeningocele (congenital)<br />

(see also Encephalocele) Q01.9<br />

Hydroa R23.8<br />

- estivale L56.4<br />

- vacciniforme L56.4<br />

Hydroadenitis (axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2<br />

Hydrocalycosis (see also Hydronephrosis) N13.3<br />

Hydrocele (spermatic cord) (testis) (tunica<br />

vaginalis) N43.3<br />

- canal of Nuck N94.8<br />

- congenital P83.5<br />

- encysted N43.0<br />

- female NEC N94.8<br />

- fetus or newborn P83.5<br />

- infected N43.1<br />

- round ligament N94.8<br />

- specified NEC N43.2<br />

- spinalis (see also Spina bifida) Q05.9<br />

- - with hydrocephalus (see also Spina bifida,<br />

with hydrocephalus) Q05.4<br />

- vulva N90.8<br />

Hydrocephalus (acquired) (external) (internal)<br />

(malignant) (recurrent) G91.9<br />

- aqueduct Sylvius stricture (see also<br />

Hydrocephalus, congenital) Q03.0<br />

- causing disproportion O33.6<br />

- - with obstructed labor O66.3<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- communicating G91.0<br />

- congenital (external) (internal) Q03.9<br />

- - with spina bifida — see also Spina bifida,<br />

with hydrocephalus<br />

- - - cervical Q05.0<br />

- - - dorsal Q05.1<br />

- - - lumbar Q05.2<br />

- - - lumbosacral Q05.2<br />

- - - sacral Q05.3<br />

- - - thoracic Q05.1<br />

- - - thoracolumbar Q05.1<br />

- - specified NEC Q03.8<br />

- due to toxoplasmosis (congenital) P37.1<br />

- fetus (suspected), affecting management<br />

of pregnancy O35.0<br />

- foramen Magendie block (acquired) G91.1<br />

- - congenital (see also Hydrocephalus,<br />

congenital) Q03.1<br />

- in (due to)<br />

- - <strong>infectious</strong> disease NEC B99† G94.0*<br />

- - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1)<br />

(see also Neoplasm) D48.9† G94.1*<br />

- - <strong>parasitic</strong> disease B89† G94.0*<br />

- newborn Q03.9<br />

- - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida,with<br />

hydrocephalus) Q05.4<br />

- noncommunicating G91.1<br />

- normal-pressure G91.2<br />

- obstructive G91.1<br />

- post-traumatic NEC G91.3<br />

- specified NEC G91.8<br />

- syphilitic, congenital A50.4† G94.0*<br />

Hydrocolpos (congenital) N89.8<br />


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