Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury History------continued - - urinary system Z87.4 - drug abuse Z86.4 - family, of - - alcohol abuse Z81.1 - - allergy NEC Z84.8 - - anemia Z83.2 - - arthritis Z82.6 - - asthma Z82.5 - - blindness Z82.1 - - chromosomal anomaly Z82.7 - - chronic - - - disabling disease NEC Z82.8 - - - lower respiratory disease Z82.5 - - congenital malformations and deformations Z82.7 - - consanguinity Z84.3 - - deafness Z82.2 - - diabetes mellitus Z83.3 - - disability NEC Z82.8 - - disease or disorder (of) - - - allergic NEC Z84.8 - - - behavioral NEC Z81.8 - - - blood and blood-forming organs Z83.2 - - - cardiovascular NEC Z82.4 - - - chronic disabling NEC Z82.8 - - - digestive Z83.7 - - - ear NEC Z83.5 - - - endocrine Z83.4 - - - eye NEC Z83.5 - - - genitourinary NEC Z84.2 - - - hematological Z83.2 - - - immune mechanism Z83.2 - - - infectious NEC Z83.1 - - - ischemic heart Z82.4 - - - kidney Z84.1 - - - mental NEC Z81.8 - - - metabolic Z83.4 - - - musculoskeletal Z82.6 - - - neurological NEC Z82.0 - - - nutritional NEC Z83.4 - - - parasitic NEC Z83.1 - - - psychiatric NEC Z81.8 - - - respiratory NEC Z83.6 - - - skin and subcutaneous tissue NEC Z84.0 - - - specified NEC Z84.8 - - drug abuse NEC Z81.3 - - epilepsy Z82.0 - - hearing loss Z82.2 - - human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection Z83.0 - - Huntington's chorea Z82.0 - - leukemia Z80.6 - - malignant neoplasm (of) NEC Z80.9 - - - breast Z80.3 - - - bronchus Z80.1 - - - digestive organ Z80.0 - - - gastrointestinal tract Z80.0 - - - genital organ Z80.4 History------continued - - - hematopoietic NEC Z80.7 - - - intrathoracic organ NEC Z80.2 - - - lung Z80.1 - - - lymphatic NEC Z80.7 - - - respiratory organ NEC Z80.2 - - - specified site NEC Z80.8 - - - trachea Z80.1 - - - urinary organ or tract Z80.5 - - mental - - - disorder NEC Z81.8 - - - retardation Z81.0 - - psychiatric disorder Z81.8 - - psychoactive substance abuse NEC Z81.3 - - respiratory condition, chronic NEC Z82.5 - - self-harmful behavior Z81.8 - - skin condition Z84.0 - - specified condition NEC Z84.8 - - stroke (cerebrovascular) Z82.3 - - substance abuse NEC Z81.4 - - - alcohol Z81.1 - - - drug NEC Z81.3 - - - psychoactive NEC Z81.3 - - - tobacco Z81.2 - - tobacco abuse Z81.2 - - violence, violent behavior Z81.8 - - visual loss Z82.1 - hyperthermia, malignant Z88.4 - in situ neoplasm Z86.0 - injury NEC Z91.6 - irradiation Z92.3 - leukemia Z85.6 - malignant neoplasm (of) Z85.9 - - breast Z85.3 - - bronchus Z85.1 - - digestive organ Z85.0 - - gastrointestinal tract Z85.0 - - genital organ Z85.4 - - hematopoietic NEC Z85.7 - - intrathoracic organ NEC Z85.2 - - lung Z85.1 - - lymphatic NEC Z85.7 - - respiratory organ NEC Z85.2 - - skin Z85.8 - - specified site NEC Z85.8 - - trachea Z85.1 - - urinary organ or tract Z85.5 - maltreatment Z91.8 - medical treatment Z92.9 - - specified type NEC Z92.8 - noncompliance with medical treatment or regimen Z91.1 - nutritional deficiency Z86.3 - parasuicide (attempt) Z91.5 - perinatal problems Z87.6 - physical trauma NEC Z91.6 - - self-harm or suicide attempt Z91.5 - poisoning NEC Z91.8 - - self-harm or suicide attempt Z91.5 284

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 History------continued - poor personal hygiene Z91.2 - psychiatric disorder NEC Z86.5 - psychological trauma NEC Z91.4 - - in childhood Z61.7 - radiation therapy Z92.3 - rehabilitation (measures) Z92.5 - respiratory condition Z87.0 - risk factors NEC Z91.8 - self-harm Z91.5 - self-poisoning attempt Z91.5 - sleep-wake cycle problem Z91.3 - substance abuse NEC Z86.4 - suicide attempt Z91.5 - surgery (major) NEC Z92.4 - - transplant — see Transplant - tobacco abuse Z86.4 - trauma NEC Z91.6 - - psychological NEC Z91.4 - - self-harm Z91.5 - unhealthy sleep-wake cycle Z91.3 - use of medicaments (current) (long-term) NEC Z92.2 - - anticoagulants Z92.1 - - aspirin Z92.2 His-Werner disease A79.0 HIV —see also Human, immunodeficiency virus(HIV) disease - laboratory evidence (nonconclusive) R75 - nonconclusive test in infants R75 - positive, seropositive Z21 Hives (bold) (see also Urticaria) L50.9 Hoarseness R49.0 Hobo Z59.0 Hodgkin's - disease (M9650/3) C81.9 - - lymphocytic - - - depletion (M9653/3) C81.3 - - - - diffuse fibrosis (M9654/3) C81.3 - - - - reticular (M9655/3) C81.3 - - - predominance (M9657/3) C81.0 - - - - diffuse (M9658/3) C81.0 - - - - nodular (M9659/3) C81.0 - - lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance (M9657/3) C81.0 - - mixed cellularity (M9652/3) C81.2 - - - nodular sclerosis (M9666/3) C81.1 - - nodular sclerosis (M9663/3) C81.1 - - - cellular phase (M9664/3) C81.1 - - - lymphocytic - - - - depletion (M9667/3) C81.1 - - - - predominance (M9665/3) C81.1 - - - mixed cellularity (M9666/3) C81.1 - - - syncytial variant (M9667/3) C81.1 - granuloma (M9661/3) C81.7 - lymphoma, malignant (M9650/3) C81.9 - paragranuloma (nodular) (M9660/3) C81.7 - sarcoma (M9662/3) C81.7 Hodgson's disease I71.2 - ruptured I71.1 Hoffa-Kastert disease E88.8 Hoffa's disease E88.8 Hoffmann-Bouveret syndrome I47.9 Hoffmann's syndrome E03.9† G73.5* Hole (round) - macula H35.3 - retina (without detachment) H33.3 - - with detachment H33.0 Holiday relief care Z75.5 Hollenhorst's plaque H34.2 Hollow foot (congenital) Q66.7 - acquired M21.6 Holoprosencephaly Q04.2 Holt-Oram syndrome Q87.2 Homelessness Z59.0 Homesickness F43.2 Homocystinemia, homocystinuria E72.1 Homogentisate l,2-dioxygenase deficiency E70.2 Homologous serum hepatitis (prophylactic) (therapeutic) (see also Hepatitis, viral, type B) B16.9 Honeycomb lung J98.4 - congenital Q33.0 Hooded - clitoris Q52.6 - penis Q55.6 Hookworm (anemia) (disease) (infection) (infestation) B76.9 - specified NEC B76.8 Hordeolum (eyelid) (external) (internal) (recurrent) H00.0 Horn - cutaneous L85.8 - nail L60.2 - - congenital Q84.6 Horner(-Claude Bernard) syndrome G90.2 - traumatic S14.5 Horseshoe kidney (congenital) Q63.1 Horton's headache or neuralgia G44.0 Hospital hopper syndrome F68.1 Hospitalism in children F43.2 Hostility R45.5 - towards child Z62.3 Hourglass (contracture) — see also Contraction, hourglass - stomach K31.8 - - congenital Q40.2 - - stricture K31.2 Household, housing circumstance affecting care Z59.9 - specified NEC Z59.8 Housemaid's knee M70.4 285

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

History------continued<br />

- poor personal hygiene Z91.2<br />

- psychiatric disorder NEC Z86.5<br />

- psychological trauma NEC Z91.4<br />

- - in childhood Z61.7<br />

- radiation therapy Z92.3<br />

- rehabilitation (measures) Z92.5<br />

- respiratory condition Z87.0<br />

- risk factors NEC Z91.8<br />

- self-harm Z91.5<br />

- self-poisoning attempt Z91.5<br />

- sleep-wake cycle problem Z91.3<br />

- substance abuse NEC Z86.4<br />

- suicide attempt Z91.5<br />

- surgery (major) NEC Z92.4<br />

- - transplant — see Transplant<br />

- tobacco abuse Z86.4<br />

- trauma NEC Z91.6<br />

- - psychological NEC Z91.4<br />

- - self-harm Z91.5<br />

- unhealthy sleep-wake cycle Z91.3<br />

- use of medicaments (current) (long-term)<br />

NEC Z92.2<br />

- - anticoagulants Z92.1<br />

- - aspirin Z92.2<br />

His-Werner disease A79.0<br />

HIV —see also Human, immunodeficiency<br />

virus(HIV) disease<br />

- laboratory evidence (nonconclusive) R75<br />

- nonconclusive test in infants R75<br />

- positive, seropositive Z21<br />

Hives (bold) (see also Urticaria) L50.9<br />

Hoarseness R49.0<br />

Hobo Z59.0<br />

Hodgkin's<br />

- disease (M9650/3) C81.9<br />

- - lymphocytic<br />

- - - depletion (M9653/3) C81.3<br />

- - - - diffuse fibrosis (M9654/3) C81.3<br />

- - - - reticular (M9655/3) C81.3<br />

- - - predominance (M9657/3) C81.0<br />

- - - - diffuse (M9658/3) C81.0<br />

- - - - nodular (M9659/3) C81.0<br />

- - lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance<br />

(M9657/3) C81.0<br />

- - mixed cellularity (M9652/3) C81.2<br />

- - - nodular sclerosis (M9666/3) C81.1<br />

- - nodular sclerosis (M9663/3) C81.1<br />

- - - cellular phase (M9664/3) C81.1<br />

- - - lymphocytic<br />

- - - - depletion (M9667/3) C81.1<br />

- - - - predominance (M9665/3) C81.1<br />

- - - mixed cellularity (M9666/3) C81.1<br />

- - - syncytial variant (M9667/3) C81.1<br />

- granuloma (M9661/3) C81.7<br />

- lymphoma, malignant (M9650/3) C81.9<br />

- paragranuloma (nodular) (M9660/3) C81.7<br />

- sarcoma (M9662/3) C81.7<br />

Hodgson's disease I71.2<br />

- ruptured I71.1<br />

Hoffa-Kastert disease E88.8<br />

Hoffa's disease E88.8<br />

Hoffmann-Bouveret syndrome I47.9<br />

Hoffmann's syndrome E03.9† G73.5*<br />

Hole (round)<br />

- macula H35.3<br />

- retina (without detachment) H33.3<br />

- - with detachment H33.0<br />

Holiday relief care Z75.5<br />

Hollenhorst's plaque H34.2<br />

Hollow foot (congenital) Q66.7<br />

- acquired M21.6<br />

Holoprosencephaly Q04.2<br />

Holt-Oram syndrome Q87.2<br />

Homelessness Z59.0<br />

Homesickness F43.2<br />

Homocystinemia, homocystinuria E72.1<br />

Homogentisate l,2-dioxygenase deficiency<br />

E70.2<br />

Homologous serum hepatitis (prophylactic)<br />

(therapeutic) (see also Hepatitis, viral, type B)<br />

B16.9<br />

Honeycomb lung J98.4<br />

- congenital Q33.0<br />

Hooded<br />

- clitoris Q52.6<br />

- penis Q55.6<br />

Hookworm (anemia) (disease) (infection)<br />

(infestation) B76.9<br />

- specified NEC B76.8<br />

Hordeolum (eyelid) (external) (internal)<br />

(recurrent) H00.0<br />

Horn<br />

- cutaneous L85.8<br />

- nail L60.2<br />

- - congenital Q84.6<br />

Horner(-Claude Bernard) syndrome G90.2<br />

- traumatic S14.5<br />

Horseshoe kidney (congenital) Q63.1<br />

Horton's headache or neuralgia G44.0<br />

Hospital hopper syndrome F68.1<br />

Hospitalism in children F43.2<br />

Hostility R45.5<br />

- towards child Z62.3<br />

Hourglass (contracture) — see also Contraction,<br />

hourglass<br />

- stomach K31.8<br />

- - congenital Q40.2<br />

- - stricture K31.2<br />

Household, housing circumstance affecting<br />

care Z59.9<br />

- specified NEC Z59.8<br />

Housemaid's knee M70.4<br />


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