Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Gonorrhea------continued - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - vagina A54.0 - vas deferens (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8* - vulva A54.0 Goodall's disease A08.1 Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0 Gopalan's syndrome E53.9 Gorlin-Chaudry-Moss syndrome Q87.0 Gottron's papules L94.4 Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome L83 Goundou A66.6 Gout, gouty M10.9 - drug-induced M10.2 - idiopathic M10.0 - in (due to) renal impairment M10.3 - lead-induced M10.1 - primary M10.0 - saturnine M10.1 - secondary NEC M10.4 - syphilitic A52.7† M14.8* - tophi NEC M10.9 - - ear M10.9† H62.8* - - heart M10.0† I43.8* Gower's muscular dystrophy G71.0 Gradenigo's syndrome H66.0 Graefe's disease H49.4 Graft-versus-host (GVH) disease (bone marrow) T86.0 Grainhandler's disease or lung J67.8 Grand mal - epilepsy (idiopathic) G40.6 - - on awakening G40.3 - seizure (with or without petit mal) G40.6 - - on awakening G40.3 - status (epilepticus) G41.0 Granite worker's lung J62.8 Granular — see condition Granulation tissue (abnormal) (excessive) L92.9 - postmastoidectomy cavity H95.1 Granulocytopenia (malignant) (primary) D70 Granuloma L92.9 - abdomen K66.8 - actinic L57.5 - annulare (perforating) L92.0 - apical K04.5 - aural H60.4 - beryllium (skin) L92.3 - bone M86.8 - - eosinophilic D76.0 - - from residual foreign body M86.8 - brain (any site) G06.0 - - in schistosomiasis B65.-† G07* Granuloma------continued - canaliculus lacrimalis H04.6 - candidal (cutaneous) B37.2 - cerebral (any site) G06.0 - coccidioidal (primary) (progressive) B38.7 - - lung B38.1† J99.8* - - meninges B38.4† G02.1* - colon K63.8 - conjunctiva H10.4 - dental K04.5 - ear, middle H71 - eosinophilic D76.0 - - bone D76.0 - - lung D76.0 - - oral mucosa K13.4 - - skin L92.2 - eyelid H01.8 - facial(e) L92.2 - foreign body (in soft tissue) NEC M60.2 - - in operation wound T81.5 - - skin L92.3 - gangraenescens M31.2 - genito-inguinale A58 - giant cell (central) (jaw) (reparative) K10.1 - - gingiva (peripheral) K06.8 - gland (lymph) I88.8 - hepatic NEC K75.3 - - in (due to) - - - berylliosis J63.2† K77.8* - - - sarcoidosis D86.8† K77.8* - Hodgkin's (M9661/3) C81.7 - ileum K63.8 - infectious NEC B99 - inguinale (Donovan) (venereal) A58 - intestine NEC K63.8 - intracranial (any site) G06.0 - intraspinal (any part) G06.1 - iridocyclitis H20.1 - jaw (bone) (central) K10.1 - - reparative giant cell K10.1 - kidney (see also Infection, kidney) N15.8 - lacrimal sac (nonspecific) H04.6 - larynx J38.7 - lethal midline (facial) M31.2 - liver NEC (see also Granuloma, hepatic) K75.3 - lung (infectious) (see also Fibrosis, lung) J84.1 - - coccidioidal B38.1† J99.8* - - eosinophilic D76.0 - Majocchi's B35.8 - malignant (facial(e)) M31.2 - mandible (central) K10.1 - midline (lethal) M31.2 - monilial (cutaneous) B37.2 - operation wound T81.8 - - foreign body T81.5 - - stitch T81.8 - - talc T81.6 - oral mucosa K13.4 - orbit, orbital H05.1 266

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Granuloma------continued - paracoccidioidal B41.8 - periapical K04.5 - peritoneum K66.8 - - due to ova of helminths NEC (see also Helminthiasis) B83.9† K67.8* - postmastoidectomy cavity H95.0 - prostate N42.8 - pudendi (ulcerating) A58 - pulp, internal (tooth) K03.3 - pyogenic, pyogenicum (of) (skin) L98.0 - - gingiva K06.8 - - maxillary alveolar ridge K04.5 - - oral mucosa K13.4 - rectum K62.8 - reticulohistiocytic D76.3 - rubrum nasi L74.8 - septic (skin) L98.0 - silica (skin) L92.3 - sinus (accessory) (infective) (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) J32.9 - spine - - syphilitic (epidural) A52.1† G07* - - tuberculous A18.0† M49.0* - stitch (postoperative) T81.8 - suppurative (skin) L98.0 - swimming pool A31.1 - talc M60.2 - - in operation wound T81.6 - telangiectaticum (skin) L98.0 - trichophyticum B35.8 - umbilicus L92.8 - - newborn P38 - urethra N36.8 - venereum A58 - vocal cord J38.3 Granulomatosis L92.9 - lymphoid (M9766/1) D47.7 - miliary (listerial) A32.8 - necrotizing, respiratory M31.3 - progressive septic D71 - specified NEC L92.8 - Wegener's M31.3 Granulomatous tissue (abnormal) (excessive) L92.9 Granulosis rubra nasi L74.8 Graphite fibrosis (of lung) J63.3 Graphospasm F48.8 - organic G25.8 Grating scapula M89.8 Gravel (urinary) (see also Calculus) N20.9 Graves' disease E05.0 Gravis — see condition Grawitz tumor (M8312/3) C64 Gray syndrome (newborn) P93 Grayness, hair (premature) L67.1 - congenital Q84.2 Green sickness D50.8 Greenfield's disease - meaning - - concentric sclerosis (encephalitis periaxialis concentrica) G37.5 - - metachromatic leukodystrophy E75.2 Greenstick fracture — code as Fracture, by site Grey syndrome (newborn) P93 Griesinger's disease B76.9 Grinder's lung or pneumoconiosis J62.8 Grinding, teeth F45.8 Grip - Dabney's B33.0 - devil's B33.0 Grippe, grippal — see also Influenza - Balkan A78 - summer, of Italy A93.1 Groin — see condition Grover's disease or syndrome L11.1 Growing pains, children R29.8 Growth (fungoid) (neoplastic) (new) (M8000/1) — see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - adenoid (vegetative) J35.8 - benign (M8000/0) — see Neoplasm, benign - malignant (M8000/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - rapid, childhood Z00.2 - secondary (M8000/6) — see Neoplasm, secondary Gruby's disease B35.0 Gubler-Millard paralysis or syndrome I67.9† G46.3* Guerin-Stern syndrome Q74.3 Guillain-Barré disease or syndrome G61.0 Guinea worm (infection) (infestation) B72 Gull's disease E03.4 Gum — see condition Gumboil K04.6 Gumma (syphilitic) A52.7 - artery A52.0† I79.8* - - cerebral A52.0† I68.8* - bone A52.7† M90.2* - - of yaws (late) A66.6† M90.2* - brain A52.1† G07* - cauda equina A52.1† G07* - central nervous system A52.3 - ciliary body A52.7† H22.8* - congenital A50.5 - eyelid A52.7† H03.1* - heart A52.0† I52.0* - intracranial A52.1† G07* - iris A52.7† H22.8* - kidney A52.7† N29.0* - larynx A52.7† J99.8* - leptomeninges A52.1† G07* 267

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Gonorrhea------continued<br />

- - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

(periurethral) A54.1<br />

- vagina A54.0<br />

- vas deferens (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8*<br />

- vulva A54.0<br />

Goodall's disease A08.1<br />

Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0<br />

Gopalan's syndrome E53.9<br />

Gorlin-Chaudry-Moss syndrome Q87.0<br />

Gottron's papules L94.4<br />

Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome<br />

L83<br />

Goundou A66.6<br />

Gout, gouty M10.9<br />

- drug-induced M10.2<br />

- idiopathic M10.0<br />

- in (due to) renal impairment M10.3<br />

- lead-induced M10.1<br />

- primary M10.0<br />

- saturnine M10.1<br />

- secondary NEC M10.4<br />

- syphilitic A52.7† M14.8*<br />

- tophi NEC M10.9<br />

- - ear M10.9† H62.8*<br />

- - heart M10.0† I43.8*<br />

Gower's muscular dystrophy G71.0<br />

Gradenigo's syndrome H66.0<br />

Graefe's disease H49.4<br />

Graft-versus-host (GVH) disease (bone<br />

marrow) T86.0<br />

Grainh<strong>and</strong>ler's disease or lung J67.8<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong> mal<br />

- epilepsy (idiopathic) G40.6<br />

- - on awakening G40.3<br />

- seizure (with or without petit mal) G40.6<br />

- - on awakening G40.3<br />

- status (epilepticus) G41.0<br />

Granite worker's lung J62.8<br />

Granular — see condition<br />

Granulation tissue (abnormal) (excessive)<br />

L92.9<br />

- postmastoidectomy cavity H95.1<br />

Granulocytopenia (malignant) (primary) D70<br />

Granuloma L92.9<br />

- abdomen K66.8<br />

- actinic L57.5<br />

- annulare (perforating) L92.0<br />

- apical K04.5<br />

- aural H60.4<br />

- beryllium (skin) L92.3<br />

- bone M86.8<br />

- - eosinophilic D76.0<br />

- - from residual foreign body M86.8<br />

- brain (any site) G06.0<br />

- - in schistosomiasis B65.-† G07*<br />

Granuloma------continued<br />

- canaliculus lacrimalis H04.6<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>idal (cutaneous) B37.2<br />

- cerebral (any site) G06.0<br />

- coccidioidal (primary) (progressive) B38.7<br />

- - lung B38.1† J99.8*<br />

- - meninges B38.4† G02.1*<br />

- colon K63.8<br />

- conjunctiva H10.4<br />

- dental K04.5<br />

- ear, middle H71<br />

- eosinophilic D76.0<br />

- - bone D76.0<br />

- - lung D76.0<br />

- - oral mucosa K13.4<br />

- - skin L92.2<br />

- eyelid H01.8<br />

- facial(e) L92.2<br />

- foreign body (in soft tissue) NEC M60.2<br />

- - in operation wound T81.5<br />

- - skin L92.3<br />

- gangraenescens M31.2<br />

- genito-inguinale A58<br />

- giant cell (central) (jaw) (reparative) K10.1<br />

- - gingiva (peripheral) K06.8<br />

- gl<strong>and</strong> (lymph) I88.8<br />

- hepatic NEC K75.3<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - berylliosis J63.2† K77.8*<br />

- - - sarcoidosis D86.8† K77.8*<br />

- Hodgkin's (M9661/3) C81.7<br />

- ileum K63.8<br />

- <strong>infectious</strong> NEC B99<br />

- inguinale (Donovan) (venereal) A58<br />

- intestine NEC K63.8<br />

- intracranial (any site) G06.0<br />

- intraspinal (any part) G06.1<br />

- iridocyclitis H20.1<br />

- jaw (bone) (central) K10.1<br />

- - reparative giant cell K10.1<br />

- kidney (see also Infection, kidney) N15.8<br />

- lacrimal sac (nonspecific) H04.6<br />

- larynx J38.7<br />

- lethal midline (facial) M31.2<br />

- liver NEC (see also Granuloma, hepatic) K75.3<br />

- lung (<strong>infectious</strong>) (see also Fibrosis, lung) J84.1<br />

- - coccidioidal B38.1† J99.8*<br />

- - eosinophilic D76.0<br />

- Majocchi's B35.8<br />

- malignant (facial(e)) M31.2<br />

- m<strong>and</strong>ible (central) K10.1<br />

- midline (lethal) M31.2<br />

- monilial (cutaneous) B37.2<br />

- operation wound T81.8<br />

- - foreign body T81.5<br />

- - stitch T81.8<br />

- - talc T81.6<br />

- oral mucosa K13.4<br />

- orbit, orbital H05.1<br />


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