Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Glomerulonephritis------continued - mesangiocapillary (diffuse) NEC — code to N00–N07 with fourth character .5 - necrotic, necrotizing NEC — code to N00–N07 with fourth character .8 - nodular — see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative - poststreptococcal NEC N05.9 - - acute N00.- - - chronic N03.- - - rapidly progressive N01.- - proliferative NEC — code to N00–N07 with fourth character .8 - - diffuse (lupus) M32.1† N08.5* - rapidly progressive N01.- - sclerosing, diffuse (see also Failure, renal, chronic) N18.9 - specified pathology NEC — code to N00–N07 with fourth character .8 - subacute —see Nephritis, rapidly progressive Glomerulopathy (see also Glomerulonephritis) N05.- Glomerulosclerosis (see also Sclerosis, renal) N26 - intracapillary E14.2† N08.3* Glossalgia K14.6 Glossitis K14.0 - areata exfoliativa K14.1 - atrophic K14.4 - benign migratory K14.1 - chronic superficial K14.0 - cortical superficial, sclerotic K14.0 - Hunter's D51.0 - interstitial, sclerous K14.0 - median rhomboid K14.2 - Moeller's K14.0 - pellagrous E52† K93.8* - superficial, chronic K14.0 Glossodynia K14.6 - exfoliativa K14.0 Glossopathy K14.9 Glossophytia K14.3 Glossoplegia K14.8 Glossopyrosis K14.6 Glossy skin L90.8 Glottis — see condition Glottitis — see Glossitis Glucagonoma (M8152/0) - malignant (M8152/3) - - pancreas C25.4 - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, malignant - - unspecified site C25.4 - pancreas D13.7 - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, benign - unspecified site D13.7 Glucoglycinuria E72.5 Glucose-galactose malabsorption E74.3 Glue - ear H65.3 - sniffing (airplane) (dependence) F18.2 Glycinemia E72.5 Glycinuria (renal) E72.0 Glycogen - infiltration (see also Disease, glycogen storage) E74.0 - storage disease (see also Disease, glycogen storage) E74.0 Glycogenosis (diffuse) (generalized) (with hepatic cirrhosis) (see also Disease, glycogen storage) E74.0 - cardiac E74.0† I43.1* Glycopenia E16.2 Glycosuria R81 - renal E74.8 Gnathostoma spinigerum (infection) (infestation), gnathostomiasis (wandering swelling) B83.1 Goiter (plunging) (substernal) E04.9 - with - - hyperthyroidism (recurrent) (see also Goiter, toxic) E05.0 - - - adenomatous E05.2 - - - nodular E05.2 - - thyrotoxicosis (see also Goiter, toxic) E05.0 - - - adenomatous E05.2 - - - nodular E05.2 - adenomatous (see also Goiter, nodular) E04.9 - congenital (nontoxic) E03.0 - - diffuse E03.0 - - parenchymatous E03.0 - - transitory, with normal functioning P72.0 - cystic E04.2 - - due to iodine-deficiency E01.1 - due to - - enzyme defect in synthesis of thyroid hormone E07.1 - - iodine-deficiency (endemic) E01.2 - dyshormogenetic (familial) E07.1 - endemic (iodine-deficiency) E01.2 - - diffuse E01.0 - - multinodular E01.1 - exophthalmic E05.0 - iodine-deficiency (endemic) E01.2 - - diffuse E01.0 - - multinodular E01.1 - - nodular E01.1 - lymphadenoid E06.3 - multinodular (cystic) (nontoxic) E04.2 - - toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.2 - neonatal NEC P72.0 - nodular (nontoxic) (due to) E04.9 - - with - - - hyperthyroidism E05.2 - - - thyrotoxicosis E05.2 264

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Goiter------continued - - endemic E01.1 - - iodine-deficiency E01.1 - - sporadic E04.9 - - toxic E05.2 - nontoxic E04.9 - - diffuse (colloid) E04.0 - - multinodular E04.2 - - simple E04.0 - - specified NEC E04.8 - - uninodular E04.1 - simple E04.0 - toxic E05.0 - - adenomatous E05.2 - - multinodular E05.2 - - nodular E05.2 - - tumor, malignant (M8000/3) C73 - - uninodular E05.1 - uninodular (nontoxic) E04.1 - - toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.1 Goiter-deafness syndrome E07.1 Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome E34.5 Goldblatt's hypertension or kidney I70.1 Goldenhar(-Gorlin) syndrome Q87.0 Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome G70.0 Goldscheider's disease Q81.8 Goldstein's disease I78.0 Golfer's elbow M77.0 Gonadoblastoma (M9073/1) - specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - unspecified site - - female D39.1 - - male D40.1 Gonarthrosis M17.9 - post-traumatic (unilateral) M17.3 - - bilateral M17.2 - primary (unilateral) M17.1 - - bilateral M17.0 - secondary NEC (unilateral) M17.5 - - bilateral M17.4 Gonecystitis (see also Vesiculitis) N49.0 Gongylonemiasis B83.8 Goniosynechiae H21.5 Gonococcemia A54.8 Gonococcus, gonococcal (disease) (infection) (see also condition) A54.9 - anus A54.6 - bursa, bursitis A54.4† M73.0* - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O98.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.2 - conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1* - endocardium A54.8† I39.8* - eye, newborn A54.3† H13.1* - fallopian tubes (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3* Gonococcus, gonococcal------continued - genitourinary (organ) (system) (tract) (acute) - - lower A54.0 - - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - - upper (see also condition) A54.2 - heart A54.8† I52.0* - iridocyclitis A54.3† H22.0* - joint A54.4† M01.3* - lymphatic (gland) (node) A54.8 - meninges, meningitis A54.8† G01* - pelviperitonitis A54.2† N74.3* - pelvis (acute) (chronic) A54.2 - pharynx A54.5 - pyosalpinx (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3* - rectum A54.6 - skin A54.8† L99.8* - specified site NEC A54.8 - tendon sheath A54.4† M68.0* - urethra (acute) (chronic) A54.0 - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - vulva (acute) (chronic) A54.0 Gonocytoma (M9073/1) - specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - unspecified site - - female D39.1 - - male D40.1 Gonorrhea (acute) (chronic) A54.9 - Bartholin's gland (acute) (chronic) (purulent) A54.0 - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - bladder A54.0 - cervix A54.0 - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O98.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.2 - conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1* - Cowper's gland (with abscess) A54.1 - fallopian tube (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3* - kidney (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N29.1* - lower genitourinary tract A54.0 - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - ovary (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3* - pelvis (acute) (chronic) A54.2 - - female pelvic inflammatory disease A54.2† N74.3* - penis A54.0 - prostate (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.0* - seminal vesicle (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8* - specified site not listed (see also Gonococcus) A54.8 - spermatic cord (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8* - urethra A54.0 265

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Goiter------continued<br />

- - endemic E01.1<br />

- - iodine-deficiency E01.1<br />

- - sporadic E04.9<br />

- - toxic E05.2<br />

- nontoxic E04.9<br />

- - diffuse (colloid) E04.0<br />

- - multinodular E04.2<br />

- - simple E04.0<br />

- - specified NEC E04.8<br />

- - uninodular E04.1<br />

- simple E04.0<br />

- toxic E05.0<br />

- - adenomatous E05.2<br />

- - multinodular E05.2<br />

- - nodular E05.2<br />

- - tumor, malignant (M8000/3) C73<br />

- - uninodular E05.1<br />

- uninodular (nontoxic) E04.1<br />

- - toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.1<br />

Goiter-deafness syndrome E07.1<br />

Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome E34.5<br />

Goldblatt's hypertension or kidney I70.1<br />

Goldenhar(-Gorlin) syndrome Q87.0<br />

Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome G70.0<br />

Goldscheider's disease Q81.8<br />

Goldstein's disease I78.0<br />

Golfer's elbow M77.0<br />

Gonadoblastoma (M9073/1)<br />

- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain<br />

behavior<br />

- unspecified site<br />

- - female D39.1<br />

- - male D40.1<br />

Gonarthrosis M17.9<br />

- post-traumatic (unilateral) M17.3<br />

- - bilateral M17.2<br />

- primary (unilateral) M17.1<br />

- - bilateral M17.0<br />

- secondary NEC (unilateral) M17.5<br />

- - bilateral M17.4<br />

Gonecystitis (see also Vesiculitis) N49.0<br />

Gongylonemiasis B83.8<br />

Goniosynechiae H21.5<br />

Gonococcemia A54.8<br />

Gonococcus, gonococcal (disease)<br />

(infection) (see also condition) A54.9<br />

- anus A54.6<br />

- bursa, bursitis A54.4† M73.0*<br />

- complicating pregnancy, childbirth or<br />

puerperium O98.2<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P00.2<br />

- conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum)<br />

A54.3† H13.1*<br />

- endocardium A54.8† I39.8*<br />

- eye, newborn A54.3† H13.1*<br />

- fallopian tubes (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*<br />

Gonococcus, gonococcal------continued<br />

- genitourinary (organ) (system) (tract) (acute)<br />

- - lower A54.0<br />

- - - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

(periurethral) A54.1<br />

- - upper (see also condition) A54.2<br />

- heart A54.8† I52.0*<br />

- iridocyclitis A54.3† H22.0*<br />

- joint A54.4† M01.3*<br />

- lymphatic (gl<strong>and</strong>) (node) A54.8<br />

- meninges, meningitis A54.8† G01*<br />

- pelviperitonitis A54.2† N74.3*<br />

- pelvis (acute) (chronic) A54.2<br />

- pharynx A54.5<br />

- pyosalpinx (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*<br />

- rectum A54.6<br />

- skin A54.8† L99.8*<br />

- specified site NEC A54.8<br />

- tendon sheath A54.4† M68.0*<br />

- urethra (acute) (chronic) A54.0<br />

- - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>) (periurethral)<br />

A54.1<br />

- vulva (acute) (chronic) A54.0<br />

Gonocytoma (M9073/1)<br />

- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain<br />

behavior<br />

- unspecified site<br />

- - female D39.1<br />

- - male D40.1<br />

Gonorrhea (acute) (chronic) A54.9<br />

- Bartholin's gl<strong>and</strong> (acute) (chronic) (purulent)<br />

A54.0<br />

- - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>) (periurethral)<br />

A54.1<br />

- bladder A54.0<br />

- cervix A54.0<br />

- complicating pregnancy, childbirth or<br />

puerperium O98.2<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P00.2<br />

- conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum)<br />

A54.3† H13.1*<br />

- Cowper's gl<strong>and</strong> (with abscess) A54.1<br />

- fallopian tube (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*<br />

- kidney (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N29.1*<br />

- lower genitourinary tract A54.0<br />

- - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

(periurethral) A54.1<br />

- ovary (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*<br />

- pelvis (acute) (chronic) A54.2<br />

- - female pelvic inflammatory disease<br />

A54.2† N74.3*<br />

- penis A54.0<br />

- prostate (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.0*<br />

- seminal vesicle (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8*<br />

- specified site not listed (see also Gonococcus)<br />

A54.8<br />

- spermatic cord (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8*<br />

- urethra A54.0<br />


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