Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Furuncle (see also Abscess, by site) L02.9 - auricle (ear) H60.0 - ear, external H60.0 - external auditory canal H60.0 - eyelid H00.0 - labium (majus) (minus) N76.4 - lacrimal - - gland H04.0 - - passages (duct) (sac) H04.3 - nose J34.0 - orbit, orbital H05.0 - vulva N76.4 Furunculosis (see also Abscess, cutaneous) L02.9 Fusion, fused (congenital) - astragaloscaphoid Q74.2 - auditory canal Q16.1 - binocular with defective stereopsis H53.3 - cervical spine — see Fusion, spine - choanal Q30.0 - cusps, heart valve NEC Q24.8 - - mitral Q23.2 - - pulmonary Q22.1 - - tricuspid Q22.4 - ear ossicles Q16.3 - fingers Q70.0 - hymen Q52.3 - joint (acquired) — see also Ankylosis - - congenital Q74.8 - kidneys (incomplete) Q63.1 - labium (majus) (minus) Q52.5 - larynx and trachea Q34.8 Fusion, fused------continued - limb, congenital Q74.8 - - lower Q74.2 - - upper Q74.0 - lobes, lung Q33.8 - lumbosacral (acquired) M43.2 - - arthrodesis status Z98.1 - - congenital Q76.4 - - postprocedural status Z98.1 - nares, nose, nasal, nostril(s) Q30.0 - organ or site not listed — see Anomaly, by site - ossicles Q79.9 - - auditory Q16.3 - ribs Q76.6 - sacroiliac (joint) (acquired) M43.2 - - arthrodesis status Z98.1 - - congenital Q74.2 - - postprocedural status Z98.1 - spine (acquired) NEC M43.2 - - arthrodesis status Z98.1 - - congenital Q76.4 - - postoperative status Z98.1 - sublingual duct with submaxillary duct Q38.4 - testis Q55.1 - toes Q70.2 - tooth, teeth K00.2 - trachea and esophagus Q39.8 - twins Q89.4 - vagina Q52.4 - vertebra (arch) — see Fusion, spine - vulva Q52.5 Fusospirillosis A69.1 258

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 G Gain in weight (abnormal) (excessive) (see also Weight, gain) R63.5 - pregnancy O26.0 Gaisböck's disease D75.1 Gait - abnormality R26.8 - ataxic R26.0 - disturbance R26.8 - paralytic R26.1 - spastic R26.1 - staggering R26.0 Galactocele (breast) N64.8 - puerperal, postpartum O92.7 Galactophoritis N61 - gestational, puerperal, postpartum O91.2 Galactorrhea O92.6 - not associated with childbirth N64.3 Galactosemia E74.2 Galactosuria E74.2 Galacturia R82.0 - schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) B65.0 Galen's vein — see condition Gall duct — see condition Gallbladder — see condition Gallop rhythm R00.8 Gallstone (colic) (cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) K80.2 - with cholecystitis (chronic) K80.1 - - acute K80.0 - bile duct (common) (hepatic) K80.5 - causing intestinal obstruction K56.3 - specified NEC K80.8 Gambling Z72.6 - pathological (compulsive) F63.0 Gammopathy - associated with lymphoplasmacytic dyscrasia (M9765/1) D47.2 - monoclonal (M9765/1) D47.2 - - of undetermined significance D89.2 - polyclonal D89.0 Gamna's disease D73.1 Gandy-Nanta disease D73.1 Gang - activity, without manifest psychiatric disorder Z03.2 - membership with dissocial behavior F91.2 Gangliocytoma (M9490/0) D36.1 Ganglioglioma (M9505/1) — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior Ganglion (compound) (diffuse) (joint) (tendon (sheath)) M67.4 - of yaws (early) (late) A66.6 - tuberculous A18.0† M68.0* Ganglioneuroblastoma (M9490/3) — see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant Ganglioneuroma (M9490/0) D36.1 - malignant (M9490/3) — see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant Ganglioneuromatosis (M9491/0) D36.1 Ganglionitis - fifth nerve (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) G50.0 - gasserian (postherpetic) (postzoster) B02.3† H58.8* - geniculate G51.1 - - newborn (birth injury) P11.3 - - postherpetic, postzoster B02.2† G53.0* - herpes zoster B02.2† G53.0* - postherpetic geniculate B02.2† G53.0* Gangliosidosis E75.1 - GM1 E75.1 - GM2 (adult) (infantile) (juvenile) E75.0 - GM3 E75.1 Gangosa A66.5† J99.8* Gangrene, gangrenous (dry) (moist) (skin) (ulcer) (see also Necrosis) R02 - with diabetes (mellitus) — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .5 - abdomen (wall) R02 - alveolar K10.3 - appendix K35.9 - - with - - - perforation or rupture K35.0 - - - peritoneal abscess K35.1 - - - peritonitis, localized K35.9 - - - - with mention of perforation or rupture K35.0 - - - - generalized K35.0 - arteriosclerotic (general) (senile) I70.2 - auricle R02 - Bacillus welchii A48.0 - bladder (infectious) N30.8 - bowel, cecum or colon — see Gangrene, intestine - Clostridium perfringens or welchii A48.0 - connective tissue R02 - cornea H18.8 - corpora cavernosa N48.2 - - noninfective N48.8 - cutaneous, spreading R02 - decubital — see Ulcer, decubitus 259

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Furuncle (see also Abscess, by site) L02.9<br />

- auricle (ear) H60.0<br />

- ear, external H60.0<br />

- external auditory canal H60.0<br />

- eyelid H00.0<br />

- labium (majus) (minus) N76.4<br />

- lacrimal<br />

- - gl<strong>and</strong> H04.0<br />

- - passages (duct) (sac) H04.3<br />

- nose J34.0<br />

- orbit, orbital H05.0<br />

- vulva N76.4<br />

Furunculosis (see also Abscess, cutaneous)<br />

L02.9<br />

Fusion, fused (congenital)<br />

- astragaloscaphoid Q74.2<br />

- auditory canal Q16.1<br />

- binocular with defective stereopsis H53.3<br />

- cervical spine — see Fusion, spine<br />

- choanal Q30.0<br />

- cusps, heart valve NEC Q24.8<br />

- - mitral Q23.2<br />

- - pulmonary Q22.1<br />

- - tricuspid Q22.4<br />

- ear ossicles Q16.3<br />

- fingers Q70.0<br />

- hymen Q52.3<br />

- joint (acquired) — see also Ankylosis<br />

- - congenital Q74.8<br />

- kidneys (incomplete) Q63.1<br />

- labium (majus) (minus) Q52.5<br />

- larynx <strong>and</strong> trachea Q34.8<br />

Fusion, fused------continued<br />

- limb, congenital Q74.8<br />

- - lower Q74.2<br />

- - upper Q74.0<br />

- lobes, lung Q33.8<br />

- lumbosacral (acquired) M43.2<br />

- - arthrodesis status Z98.1<br />

- - congenital Q76.4<br />

- - postprocedural status Z98.1<br />

- nares, nose, nasal, nostril(s) Q30.0<br />

- organ or site not listed — see Anomaly,<br />

by site<br />

- ossicles Q79.9<br />

- - auditory Q16.3<br />

- ribs Q76.6<br />

- sacroiliac (joint) (acquired) M43.2<br />

- - arthrodesis status Z98.1<br />

- - congenital Q74.2<br />

- - postprocedural status Z98.1<br />

- spine (acquired) NEC M43.2<br />

- - arthrodesis status Z98.1<br />

- - congenital Q76.4<br />

- - postoperative status Z98.1<br />

- sublingual duct with submaxillary duct Q38.4<br />

- testis Q55.1<br />

- toes Q70.2<br />

- tooth, teeth K00.2<br />

- trachea <strong>and</strong> esophagus Q39.8<br />

- twins Q89.4<br />

- vagina Q52.4<br />

- vertebra (arch) — see Fusion, spine<br />

- vulva Q52.5<br />

Fusospirillosis A69.1<br />


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