Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Fever------continued - quadrilateral A78 - quartan (malaria) B52.9 - Queensland (coastal) (tick) A77.3 - quintan A79.0 - rabbit (see also Tularemia) A21.9 - rat-bite A25.9 - - due to - - - Spirillum A25.0 - - - Streptobacillus moniliformis A25.1 - recurrent — see Fever, relapsing - relapsing (Borrelia) A68.9 - - Carter's (Asiatic) A68.1 - - Dutton's (West African) A68.1 - - louse-borne A68.0 - - Novy's - - - louse-borne A68.0 - - - tick-borne A68.1 - - Obermeyer's (European) A68.0 - - tick-borne A68.1 - remittent (congestive) (see also Malaria) B54 - rheumatic (active) (acute) (chronic) (subacute) I00 - - with central nervous system involvement I02.9 - - active with heart involvement I01.- - - inactive or quiescent with - - - cardiac hypertrophy I09.8 - - - carditis I09.9 - - - endocarditis I09.1 - - - - aortic (valve) I06.9 - - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.0 - - - - mitral (valve) I05.9 - - - - - with aortic (valve) disease I08.0 - - - - pulmonary (valve) I09.8 - - - - tricuspid (valve) I07.8 - - - heart disease NEC I09.8 - - - heart failure (congestive) (conditions in I50.0, I50.9) I09.8 - - - left ventricular failure (conditions in I50.1) I09.8 - - - myocarditis, myocardial degeneration (conditions in I51.4) I09.0 - - - pancarditis I09.9 - - - pericarditis I09.2 - Rift Valley (viral) A92.4 - Rocky Mountain spotted A77.0 - Ross River B33.1 - Russian hemorrhagic A98.5† N08.0* - San Joaquin (Valley) B38.0† J99.8* - sandfly A93.1 - Sao Paulo A77.0 - scarlet A38 - septic — see Septicemia - seven-day (autumnal) (Japanese) (leptospirosis) A27.8 - - dengue A90 - shin bone A79.0 - Singapore hemorrhagic A91 Fever------continued - solar A90 - Songo A98.5† N08.0* - sore B00.1 - South African tick-bite A68.1 - Southeast Asia hemorrhagic A91 - spinal — see Meningitis - spirillary A25.0 - spotted A77.9 - - American A77.0 - - cerebrospinal meningitis A39.0† G01* - - Colombian A77.0 - - due to Rickettsia - - - australis A77.3 - - - conorii A77.1 - - - rickettsii A77.0 - - - sibirica A77.2 - - - specified type NEC A77.8 - - Rocky Mountain A77.0 - steroid - - correct substance properly administered R50.2 - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T38.0 - streptobacillary A25.1 - subtertian B50.9 - Sumatran mite A75.3 - sun A90 - swamp A27.9 - Tahyna B33.8 - tertian — see Malaria, tertian - Thailand hemorrhagic A91 - thermic T67.0 - three-day A93.1 - tick-bite NEC A93.8 - tick-borne A93.8 - - American mountain A93.2 - - Colorado A93.2 - - Kemerovo A93.8 - - Quaranfil A93.8 - - specified NEC A93.8 - trench A79.0 - tsutsugamushi A75.3 - typhogastric A01.0 - typhoid (abortive) (hemorrhagic) (intermittent) (malignant) A01.0 - typhus — see Typhus (fever) - undulant (see also Brucellosis) A23.9 - unknown origin R50.9 - uremic N19 - uveoparotid D86.8 - valley B38.0† J99.8* - Venezuelan equine A92.2 - vesicular stomatitis A93.8 - viral hemorrhagic — see Fever, hemorrhagic, by type of virus - Wesselsbron (viral) A92.8 - West - - African B50.8 - - Nile (viral) A92.3 242

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Fever------continued - Whitmore's (see also Melioidosis) A24.4 - Wolhynian A79.0 - yellow A95.9 - - jungle A95.0 - - sylvatic A95.0 - - urban A95.1 - Zika (viral) A92.8 Fibrillation - atrial or auricular (established) I48 - cardiac I49.8 - heart I49.8 - muscular M62.8 - ventricular I49.0 Fibrin - ball or bodies, pleural (sac) J94.1 - chamber, anterior (eye) (gelatinous exudate) H20.0 Fibrinogenolysis — see Fibrinolysis Fibrinogenopenia D68.8 - acquired D65 - congenital D68.2 Fibrinolysis (acquired) (hemorrhagic) D65 - antepartum O46.0 - following - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.1 - - - current episode — see Abortion - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1 - intrapartum O67.0 - postpartum O72.3 Fibrinopenia (hereditary) (see also Afibrinogenemia) D68.2 - acquired D68.4 Fibrinopurulent — see condition Fibrinous — see condition Fibroadenoma (M9010/0) - cellular intracanalicular (M9020/0) D24 - giant (M9016/0) D24 - intracanalicular (M9011/0) - - cellular (M9020/0) D24 - - giant (M9020/0) D24 - - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign - - unspecified site D24 - juvenile (M9030/0) D24 - pericanalicular (M9012/0) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign - - unspecified site D24 - phyllodes (M9020/0) D24 - prostate N40 - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, benign - unspecified site D24 Fibroadenosis, breast (chronic) (cystic) (diffuse) (periodic) (segmental) N60.2 Fibroangioma (M9160/0) — see also Neoplasm, benign - juvenile (M9160/0) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign - - unspecified site D10.6 Fibrochondrosarcoma (M9220/3) — see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant Fibrocystic - disease (see also Fibrosis, cystic) E84.9 - - breast N60.1 - - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3 - - liver Q44.6 - - lung (congenital) E84.0 - - pancreas E84.9 - kidney (congenital) Q61.8 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva M61.1 Fibroelastosis (cordis) (endocardial) (endomyocardial) I42.4 Fibroid (tumor) (M8890/0) — see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - disease, lung (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) J84.1 - heart (disease) (see also Myocarditis) I51.4 - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.1 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 - induration, lung (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) J84.1 - lung (see also Fibrosis, lung) J84.1 - pneumonia (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) J84.1 - uterus D25.9 Fibrolipoma (M8851/0) — see Lipoma Fibroliposarcoma (M8850/3) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Fibroma (M8810/0) — see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - ameloblastic (M9330/0) D16.5 - - upper jaw (bone) D16.4 - bone (nonossifying) M89.8 - - ossifying (M9262/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign - cementifying (M9274/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign - chondromyxoid (M9241/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign - desmoplastic (M8823/1) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior - durum (M8810/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - fascial (M8813/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - invasive (M8821/1) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior - molle (M8851/0) — see Lipoma - myxoid (M8811/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign - nasopharynx, nasopharyngeal (juvenile) (M9160/0) D10.6 - nonosteogenic (nonossifying) — see Dysplasia, fibrous - odontogenic (central) (M9321/0) D16.5 - - peripheral (M9322/0) D16.5 243

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Fever------continued<br />

- quadrilateral A78<br />

- quartan (malaria) B52.9<br />

- Queensl<strong>and</strong> (coastal) (tick) A77.3<br />

- quintan A79.0<br />

- rabbit (see also Tularemia) A21.9<br />

- rat-bite A25.9<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - Spirillum A25.0<br />

- - - Streptobacillus moniliformis A25.1<br />

- recurrent — see Fever, relapsing<br />

- relapsing (Borrelia) A68.9<br />

- - Carter's (Asiatic) A68.1<br />

- - Dutton's (West African) A68.1<br />

- - louse-borne A68.0<br />

- - Novy's<br />

- - - louse-borne A68.0<br />

- - - tick-borne A68.1<br />

- - Obermeyer's (European) A68.0<br />

- - tick-borne A68.1<br />

- remittent (congestive) (see also Malaria) B54<br />

- rheumatic (active) (acute) (chronic)<br />

(subacute) I00<br />

- - with central nervous system involvement<br />

I02.9<br />

- - active with heart involvement I01.-<br />

- - inactive or quiescent with<br />

- - - cardiac hypertrophy I09.8<br />

- - - carditis I09.9<br />

- - - endocarditis I09.1<br />

- - - - aortic (valve) I06.9<br />

- - - - - with mitral (valve) disease I08.0<br />

- - - - mitral (valve) I05.9<br />

- - - - - with aortic (valve) disease I08.0<br />

- - - - pulmonary (valve) I09.8<br />

- - - - tricuspid (valve) I07.8<br />

- - - heart disease NEC I09.8<br />

- - - heart failure (congestive) (conditions in<br />

I50.0, I50.9) I09.8<br />

- - - left ventricular failure (conditions in<br />

I50.1) I09.8<br />

- - - myocarditis, myocardial degeneration<br />

(conditions in I51.4) I09.0<br />

- - - pancarditis I09.9<br />

- - - pericarditis I09.2<br />

- Rift Valley (viral) A92.4<br />

- Rocky Mountain spotted A77.0<br />

- Ross River B33.1<br />

- Russian hemorrhagic A98.5† N08.0*<br />

- San Joaquin (Valley) B38.0† J99.8*<br />

- s<strong>and</strong>fly A93.1<br />

- Sao Paulo A77.0<br />

- scarlet A38<br />

- septic — see Septicemia<br />

- seven-day (autumnal) (Japanese)<br />

(leptospirosis) A27.8<br />

- - dengue A90<br />

- shin bone A79.0<br />

- Singapore hemorrhagic A91<br />

Fever------continued<br />

- solar A90<br />

- Songo A98.5† N08.0*<br />

- sore B00.1<br />

- South African tick-bite A68.1<br />

- Southeast Asia hemorrhagic A91<br />

- spinal — see Meningitis<br />

- spirillary A25.0<br />

- spotted A77.9<br />

- - American A77.0<br />

- - cerebrospinal meningitis A39.0† G01*<br />

- - Colombian A77.0<br />

- - due to Rickettsia<br />

- - - australis A77.3<br />

- - - conorii A77.1<br />

- - - rickettsii A77.0<br />

- - - sibirica A77.2<br />

- - - specified type NEC A77.8<br />

- - Rocky Mountain A77.0<br />

- steroid<br />

- - correct substance properly administered R50.2<br />

- - overdose or wrong substance given or<br />

taken T38.0<br />

- streptobacillary A25.1<br />

- subtertian B50.9<br />

- Sumatran mite A75.3<br />

- sun A90<br />

- swamp A27.9<br />

- Tahyna B33.8<br />

- tertian — see Malaria, tertian<br />

- Thail<strong>and</strong> hemorrhagic A91<br />

- thermic T67.0<br />

- three-day A93.1<br />

- tick-bite NEC A93.8<br />

- tick-borne A93.8<br />

- - American mountain A93.2<br />

- - Colorado A93.2<br />

- - Kemerovo A93.8<br />

- - Quaranfil A93.8<br />

- - specified NEC A93.8<br />

- trench A79.0<br />

- tsutsugamushi A75.3<br />

- typhogastric A01.0<br />

- typhoid (abortive) (hemorrhagic) (intermittent)<br />

(malignant) A01.0<br />

- typhus — see Typhus (fever)<br />

- undulant (see also Brucellosis) A23.9<br />

- unknown origin R50.9<br />

- uremic N19<br />

- uveoparotid D86.8<br />

- valley B38.0† J99.8*<br />

- Venezuelan equine A92.2<br />

- vesicular stomatitis A93.8<br />

- viral hemorrhagic — see Fever,<br />

hemorrhagic, by type of virus<br />

- Wesselsbron (viral) A92.8<br />

- West<br />

- - African B50.8<br />

- - Nile (viral) A92.3<br />


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