Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Fecal — see condition<br />

Fecalith (impaction) K56.4<br />

- appendix K38.1<br />

- congenital P76.8<br />

Feeble rapid pulse due to shock following<br />

injury T79.4<br />

Feeble-minded F70.-<br />

Feeding<br />

- difficulties <strong>and</strong> mismanagement R63.3<br />

- faulty R63.3<br />

- formula check (infant) Z00.1<br />

- improper R63.3<br />

- problem R63.3<br />

- - newborn P92.9<br />

- - - specified NEC P92.8<br />

- - nonorganic F50.8<br />

Feer's disease T56.1<br />

Feet — see condition<br />

Feigned illness Z76.5<br />

Feil-Klippel syndrome Q76.1<br />

Felon (with lymphangitis) L03.0<br />

Felty's syndrome M05.0<br />

Femur, femoral — see condition<br />

Fenestration, fenestrated — see also<br />

Imperfect, closure<br />

- aortopulmonary Q21.4<br />

- cusps, heart valve NEC Q24.8<br />

- - pulmonary Q22.2<br />

- pulmonic cusps Q22.2<br />

Fertile eunuch syndrome E23.0<br />

Fertilization (assisted) NEC Z31.3<br />

- in vitro Z31.2<br />

Fetal — see Fetus<br />

Fetalis uterus Q51.8<br />

Fetid<br />

- breath R19.6<br />

- sweat L75.0<br />

Fetishism F65.0<br />

- transvestic F65.1<br />

Fetus, fetal — see also condition<br />

- alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic) Q86.0<br />

- compressus (mother) O31.0<br />

- hydantoin syndrome Q86.1<br />

- papyraceous (mother) O31.0<br />

Fever R50.9<br />

- with<br />

- - chills R50.8<br />

- - rigors R50.8<br />

- - in malarial regions B54<br />

- abortus A23.1<br />

- Aden (dengue) A90<br />

- African tick-borne A68.1<br />

- American<br />

- - mountain (tick) A93.2<br />

- - spotted A77.0<br />

- aphthous B08.8<br />

Fever------continued<br />

- arbovirus, arboviral A94<br />

- - hemorrhagic A94<br />

- - specified NEC A93.8<br />

- Argentinian hemorrhagic A96.0<br />

- Assam B55.0<br />

- Australian Q A78<br />

- Bangkok hemorrhagic A91<br />

- Barmah forest A92.8<br />

- Bartonella A44.0<br />

- bilious, hemoglobinuric B50.8<br />

- blackwater B50.8<br />

- blister B00.1<br />

- Bolivian hemorrhagic A96.1<br />

- Bonvale dam T73.3<br />

- boutonneuse A77.1<br />

- brain (see also Encephalitis) G04.9<br />

- Brazilian purpuric A48.4<br />

- breakbone A90<br />

- Bullis A77.0<br />

- Bunyamwera A92.8<br />

- Burdwan B55.0<br />

- Bwamba A92.8<br />

- Cameroon (see also Malaria) B54<br />

- cat-scratch A28.1<br />

- Central Asian hemorrhagic A98.0<br />

- cerebral (see also Encephalitis) G04.9<br />

- cerebrospinal meningococcal A39.0† G01*<br />

- Chagres B50.9<br />

- Ch<strong>and</strong>ipura A92.8<br />

- Changuinola A93.8<br />

- Charcot's (biliary) (hepatic) (intermittent) K80.5<br />

- Chikungunya (virus) (hemorrhagic) A92.0<br />

- Chitral A93.1<br />

- Colorado tick (virus) A93.2<br />

- congestive (remittent) (see also Malaria) B54<br />

- Congo virus A98.0<br />

- continued malarial B50.9<br />

- Corsican (see also Malaria) B54<br />

- Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic A98.0<br />

- Cyprus A23.0<br />

- d<strong>and</strong>y A90<br />

- deer fly (see also Tularemia) A21.9<br />

- dengue (virus) A90<br />

- - hemorrhagic A91<br />

- - s<strong>and</strong>fly A93.1<br />

- desert B38.0† J99.8*<br />

- due to heat T67.0<br />

- dumdum B55.0<br />

- enteroviral exanthematous (Boston<br />

exanthem) A88.0<br />

- ephemeral (of unknown origin) R50.9<br />

- epidemic hemorrhagic A98.5† N08.0*<br />

- erysipelatous (see also Erysipelas) A46<br />

- estivo-autumnal (malarial) B50.9<br />

- famine A75.0<br />

- following delivery O86.4<br />

- Fort Bragg A27.8<br />

- gastromalarial (see also Malaria) B54<br />


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