Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Epipharyngitis(see also Nasopharyngitis) J00 Epiphora H04.2 Epiphyseolysis, epiphysiolysis (see also Osteochondrosis) M93.9 Epiphysitis (see also Osteochondrosis) M93.9 - juvenile M92.9 - syphilitic (congenital) A50.0† M90.2* Epiplocele (see also Hernia, abdomen) K46.9 Epiploitis (see also Peritonitis) K65.9 Epiplosarcomphalocele Q79.2 Episcleritis H15.1 - in (due to) - - syphilis A52.7† H19.0* - - tuberculosis A18.5† H19.0* - periodica fugax H15.1 - suppurative H15.1 - syphilitic (late) A52.7† H19.0* - tuberculous A18.5† H19.0* Episode - affective, mixed F38.0 - brain (apoplectic) I64 - cerebral (apoplectic) I64 - depressive F32.9 - - major (see also Disorder, depressive, major) F32.9 - - mild F32.0 - - moderate F32.1 - - recurrent — see also Disorder, depressive, recurrent - - - brief F38.1 - - severe (without psychotic symptoms) F32.2 - - - with psychotic symptoms F32.3 - - specified NEC F32.8 - hypomanic F30.0 - manic F30.9 - - recurrent F31.8 - psychotic (see also Psychosis) F23.9 - - organic F06.8 - schizophrenic (acute) NEC, brief F23.2 Epispadias (female) (male) Q64.0 Episplenitis D73.8 Epistaxis (multiple) R04.0 - vicarious menstruation N94.8 Epithelioma (malignant) (M8011/3) — see also Neoplasm, malignant - adenoides cysticum (M8100/0) — see Neoplasm, skin, benign - basal cell (M8090/3) — see Neoplasm, skin, malignant - benign (M8011/0) — see Neoplasm, benign - Bowen's (M8081/2) — see Neoplasm, skin, in situ - calcifying, of Malherbe (M8110/0) — see Neoplasm, skin, benign - external site — see Neoplasm, skin, malignant Epithelioma------continued - intraepidermal, Jadassohn (M8096/0) — see Neoplasm, skin, benign - squamous cell (M8070/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Epitheliomatosis, pigmented Q82.1 Epithelium, epithelial — see condition Epituberculosis (with atelectasis) (allergic) A16.7 - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.7 Eponychia Q84.6 Epstein's - nephrosis or syndrome (see also Nephrosis) N04.- - pearl K09.8 Epulis (fibrous) (giant cell) (gingiva) K06.8 Equinia A24.0 Equinovarus (congenital) (talipes) Q66.0 - acquired M21.5 Equivalent - convulsive (abdominal) G40.8 - epileptic (psychic) G40.2 Erb(-Duchenne) paralysis (birth injury) (newborn) P14.0 Erb-Goldflam disease or syndrome G70.0 Erb's - disease G71.0 - palsy, paralysis (brachial) (birth) (newborn) P14.0 - - spinal (spastic), syphilitic A52.1 - pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy G71.0 Erection, painful (persistent) N48.3 Ergosterol deficiency (vitamin D) E55.9 - with - - adult osteomalacia M83.8 - - rickets (see also Rickets) E55.0 Ergotism T62.2 - from ergot used as drug (migraine therapy) - - correct substance properly administered G92 - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T48.0 Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica B37.2 Erosion - artery I77.2 - bone M85.8 - bronchus J98.0 - cartilage (joint) M94.8 - cervix (uteri) (acquired) (chronic) (congenital) N86 - - with cervicitis N72 - cornea (nontraumatic) H16.0 - - recurrent H18.8 - - traumatic S05.0 - dental (due to diet, drugs or vomiting) (idiopathic) (occupational) K03.2 - duodenum, postpyloric — see Ulcer, duodenum - esophagus K22.1 - gastric — see Ulcer, stomach - gastrojejunal — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal 230

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Erosion------continued - intestine K63.3 - lymphatic vessel I89.8 - pylorus, pyloric (ulcer) — see Ulcer, stomach - spine, aneurysmal A52.0† I68.8* - stomach — see Ulcer, stomach - teeth (due to diet, drugs or vomiting) (idiopathic) (occupational) K03.2 - urethra N36.8 - uterus N85.8 Erotomania F52.7 Error - metabolism, inborn — see Disorder, metabolism - refractive H52.7 Eructation R14 - nervous or psychogenic F45.3 Eruption - creeping B76.9 - drug (generalized) (taken internally) L27.0 - - in contact with skin — see Dermatitis, due to, drugs, in contact with skin - - localized L27.1 - Hutchinson, summer L56.4 - Kaposi's varicelliform B00.0 - napkin L22 - polymorphous light (sun) L56.4 - ringed R23.8 - skin (nonspecific) R21 - - creeping (meaning hookworm) B76.9 - - due to prophylactic inoculation or vaccination (generalized) (see also Dermatitis, due to, vaccine) L27.0 - - - localized L27.1 - - erysipeloid A26.0 - - feigned L98.1 - - Kaposi's varicelliform B00.0 - - lichenoid L28.0 - - meaning dermatitis — see Dermatitis - - toxic NEC L53.0 - tooth, teeth, abnormal (incomplete) (late) (premature) (sequence) K00.6 - vesicular R23.8 Erysipelas (gangrenous) (infantile) (newborn) (phlegmonous) (suppurative) A46 - external ear A46† H62.0* - puerperal, postpartum O86.8 Erysipeloid A26.9 - cutaneous (Rosenbach's) A26.0 - disseminated A26.8 - septicemia A26.7 - specified NEC A26.8 Erythema, erythematous L53.9 - abigne L59.0 - annulare (centrifugum) (rheumaticum) L53.1 - chronic figurate NEC L53.3 - chronicum migrans (Borrelia burgdorferi) A69.2 Erythema, erythematous------continued - diaper L22 - due to - - chemical NEC L53.0 - - - in contact with skin L25.3 - - drug (internal use) — see Dermatitis, due to, drugs - elevatum diutinum L95.1 - endemic E52 - epidemic, arthritic A25.1 - figuratum perstans L53.3 - gluteal L22 - heat — code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .1 - ichthyosiforme congenitum bullous Q80.3 - induratum (nontuberculous) L52 - - tuberculous A18.4 - infectiosum B08.3 - inflammation NEC L53.9 - intertrigo L30.4 - iris L51.1† H22.8* - marginatum L53.2 - - in (due to) acute rheumatic fever I00† L54.0* - medicamentosum — see Dermatitis, due to, drugs - migrans A26.0 - - tongue K14.1 - multiforme L51.9 - - bullous, bullosum L51.1 - - conjunctiva L51.1† H13.8* - - nonbullous L51.0 - - pemphigoides L12.0 - - specified NEC L51.8 - napkin L22 - neonatorum P83.8 - - toxic P83.1 - nodosum L52 - - tuberculous A18.4 - palmar L53.8 - pernio T69.1 - rash, newborn P83.8 - scarlatiniform (exfoliative) (recurrent) L53.8 - solare L55.0 - specified NEC L53.8 - toxic, toxicum NEC L53.0 - - newborn P83.1 - tuberculous (primary) A18.4 Erythematous, erythematosus — see condition Erythermalgia (primary) I73.8 Erythralgia I73.8 Erythrasma L08.1 Erythredema (polyneuropathy) T56.1 Erythremia (acute) (M9841/3) C94.0 - chronic (M9842/3) C94.1 - secondary D75.1 Erythroblastopenia (see also Aplasia, red cell) D60.9 231

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Epipharyngitis(see also Nasopharyngitis) J00<br />

Epiphora H04.2<br />

Epiphyseolysis, epiphysiolysis (see<br />

also Osteochondrosis) M93.9<br />

Epiphysitis (see also Osteochondrosis) M93.9<br />

- juvenile M92.9<br />

- syphilitic (congenital) A50.0† M90.2*<br />

Epiplocele (see also Hernia, abdomen) K46.9<br />

Epiploitis (see also Peritonitis) K65.9<br />

Epiplosarcomphalocele Q79.2<br />

Episcleritis H15.1<br />

- in (due to)<br />

- - syphilis A52.7† H19.0*<br />

- - tuberculosis A18.5† H19.0*<br />

- periodica fugax H15.1<br />

- suppurative H15.1<br />

- syphilitic (late) A52.7† H19.0*<br />

- tuberculous A18.5† H19.0*<br />

Episode<br />

- affective, mixed F38.0<br />

- brain (apoplectic) I64<br />

- cerebral (apoplectic) I64<br />

- depressive F32.9<br />

- - major (see also Disorder, depressive, major)<br />

F32.9<br />

- - mild F32.0<br />

- - moderate F32.1<br />

- - recurrent — see also Disorder,<br />

depressive, recurrent<br />

- - - brief F38.1<br />

- - severe (without psychotic symptoms) F32.2<br />

- - - with psychotic symptoms F32.3<br />

- - specified NEC F32.8<br />

- hypomanic F30.0<br />

- manic F30.9<br />

- - recurrent F31.8<br />

- psychotic (see also Psychosis) F23.9<br />

- - organic F06.8<br />

- schizophrenic (acute) NEC, brief F23.2<br />

Epispadias (female) (male) Q64.0<br />

Episplenitis D73.8<br />

Epistaxis (multiple) R04.0<br />

- vicarious menstruation N94.8<br />

Epithelioma (malignant) (M8011/3)<br />

— see also Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- adenoides cysticum (M8100/0) — see<br />

Neoplasm, skin, benign<br />

- basal cell (M8090/3) — see Neoplasm, skin,<br />

malignant<br />

- benign (M8011/0) — see Neoplasm, benign<br />

- Bowen's (M8081/2) — see Neoplasm, skin,<br />

in situ<br />

- calcifying, of Malherbe (M8110/0) — see<br />

Neoplasm, skin, benign<br />

- external site — see Neoplasm, skin,<br />

malignant<br />

Epithelioma------continued<br />

- intraepidermal, Jadassohn (M8096/0) — see<br />

Neoplasm, skin, benign<br />

- squamous cell (M8070/3) — see Neoplasm,<br />

malignant<br />

Epitheliomatosis, pigmented Q82.1<br />

Epithelium, epithelial — see condition<br />

Epituberculosis (with atelectasis) (allergic) A16.7<br />

- with bacteriological <strong>and</strong> histological<br />

confirmation A15.7<br />

Eponychia Q84.6<br />

Epstein's<br />

- nephrosis or syndrome (see also Nephrosis) N04.-<br />

- pearl K09.8<br />

Epulis (fibrous) (giant cell) (gingiva) K06.8<br />

Equinia A24.0<br />

Equinovarus (congenital) (talipes) Q66.0<br />

- acquired M21.5<br />

Equivalent<br />

- convulsive (abdominal) G40.8<br />

- epileptic (psychic) G40.2<br />

Erb(-Duchenne) paralysis (birth injury) (newborn)<br />

P14.0<br />

Erb-Goldflam disease or syndrome G70.0<br />

Erb's<br />

- disease G71.0<br />

- palsy, paralysis (brachial) (birth) (newborn) P14.0<br />

- - spinal (spastic), syphilitic A52.1<br />

- pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy G71.0<br />

Erection, painful (persistent) N48.3<br />

Ergosterol deficiency (vitamin D) E55.9<br />

- with<br />

- - adult osteomalacia M83.8<br />

- - rickets (see also Rickets) E55.0<br />

Ergotism T62.2<br />

- from ergot used as drug (migraine therapy)<br />

- - correct substance properly<br />

administered G92<br />

- - overdose or wrong substance given or taken<br />

T48.0<br />

Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica B37.2<br />

Erosion<br />

- artery I77.2<br />

- bone M85.8<br />

- bronchus J98.0<br />

- cartilage (joint) M94.8<br />

- cervix (uteri) (acquired) (chronic) (congenital) N86<br />

- - with cervicitis N72<br />

- cornea (nontraumatic) H16.0<br />

- - recurrent H18.8<br />

- - traumatic S05.0<br />

- dental (due to diet, drugs or vomiting)<br />

(idiopathic) (occupational) K03.2<br />

- duodenum, postpyloric — see Ulcer, duodenum<br />

- esophagus K22.1<br />

- gastric — see Ulcer, stomach<br />

- gastrojejunal — see Ulcer, gastrojejunal<br />


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