Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Effect, adverse------continued - external cause NEC T75.8 - fallout (radioactive) NEC T66 - fluoroscopy NEC T66 - foodstuffs - - allergic reaction (see also Allergy, food) T78.1 - - noxious T62.9 - - - specified type NEC (see also Poisoning, by name of noxious foodstuff) T62.8 - gases, fumes or vapors T59.9 - - specified NEC — see Table of drugs and chemicals - glue (airplane) sniffing F18.1 - heat (see also Heat) T67.9 - high altitude NEC T70.2 - - anoxia T70.2 - - on - - - ears T70.0 - - - sinuses T70.1 - - polycythemia D75.1 - high-pressure fluids T70.4 - hot weather (see also Heat) T67.9 - hunger T73.0 - immunization — see Complications, vaccination - immunological agents — see Complications, vaccination - implantation (removable) of isotope or radium NEC T66 - infrared (radiation) (rays) NEC T66 - - dermatitis or eczema L59.8 - infusion — see Complications, infusion - ingestion or injection of isotope (therapeutic) NEC T66 - irradiation NEC T66 - isotope (radioactive) NEC T66 - lack of care of infants T74.0 - lightning T75.0 - - burn — see Burn - medical care T88.9 - - specified NEC T88.8 - medicinal substance, correct, properly administered (see also Effect, adverse, drug) T88.7 - mesothorium NEC T66 - motion T75.3 - noise, on inner ear H83.3 - overheated places (see also Heat) T67.9 - polonium NEC T66 - psychosocial, of work environment Z56.5 - radiation (diagnostic) (fallout) (infrared) (natural source) (therapeutic) (tracer) (ultraviolet) (X-ray) NEC T66 - - dermatitis or eczema — see Dermatitis, due to, radiation - - fibrosis of lung J70.1 - - pneumonitis J70.0 - - pulmonary manifestations Effect, adverse------continued - - - acute J70.0 - - - chronic J70.1 - - skin L59.9 - - suspected damage to fetus, affecting management of pregnancy O35.6 - radioactive substance NEC T66 - - dermatitis or eczema (see also Radiodermatitis) L58.9 - radioactivity NEC T66 - radiotherapy NEC T66 - - dermatitis or eczema (see also Radiodermatitis) L58.9 - radium NEC T66 - reduced temperature T69.9 - - specified effect NEC T69.8 - roentgen rays, roentgenography, roentgenoscopy NEC T66 - serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) NEC T80.6 - specified NEC T78.8 - - external cause NEC T75.8 - teletherapy NEC T66 - thirst T73.1 - toxic — see Poisoning - transfusion — see Complications, transfusion - ultraviolet (radiation) (rays) NEC T66 - - burn — see Burn - - dermatitis or eczema — see Dermatitis, due to, ultraviolet rays - - - acute L56.8 - uranium NEC T66 - vaccine (any) — see Complications, vaccination - vibration T75.2 - water pressure NEC T70.9 - - specified NEC T70.8 - weightlessness T75.8 - whole blood — see Complications, transfusion - work environment Z56.5 - X-rays NEC T66 - - dermatitis or eczema (see also Radiodermatitis) L58.9 Effect(s) (from) (of) — see Effect, adverse Effects, late — see Sequelae Effluvium - anagen L65.1 - telogen L65.0 Effort syndrome (psychogenic) F45.3 Effusion - amniotic fluid — see Rupture, membranes, premature - brain (serous) G93.6 - cerebral G93.6 - cerebrospinal (see also Meningitis) G03.9 - chest — see Effusion, pleura - chylous, chyliform (pleura) J94.0 - intracranial G93.6 - joint M25.4 - meninges (see also Meningitis) G03.9 218

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Effusion------continued - pericardium, pericardial (noninflammatory) I31.3 - - acute (see also Pericarditis, acute) I30.9 - peritoneal (chronic) R18 - pleura, pleurisy, pleuritic, pleuropericardial J90 - - chylous, chyliform J94.0 - - fetus or newborn P28.8 - - influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - - malignant NEC C78.2 - - tuberculous NEC A16.5 - - - primary (progressive) A16.7 - - - - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.7 - spinal (see also Meningitis) G03.9 - thorax, thoracic — see Effusion, pleura Egg shell nails L60.3 - congenital Q84.6 Egyptian splenomegaly B65.1 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Q79.6 Eichstedt's disease B36.0 Eisenmenger's - complex or syndrome I27.8 - defect Q21.8 Ejaculation - premature F52.4 - semen, painful N48.8 - - psychogenic F52.6 Ekbom's syndrome (restless legs) G25.8 Elastic skin Q82.8 - acquired L57.4 Elastofibroma (M8820/0) — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Elastoma (juvenile) Q82.8 - Miescher's L87.2 Elastomyofibrosis I42.4 Elastosis - actinic, solar L57.8 - atrophicans (senile) L57.4 - perforans serpiginosa L87.2 - senilis L57.4 Elbow — see condition Electric current, electricity, effects (concussion) (fatal) (nonfatal) (shock) T75.4 - burn — see Burn Electrocution T75.4 Electrolyte imbalance E87.8 Elephantiasis (nonfilarial) I89.0 - bancroftian B74.0 - congenital (any site) (hereditary) Q82.0 - due to - - Brugia (malayi) B74.1 - - - timori B74.2 - - mastectomy I97.2 Elephantiasis------continued - - Wuchereria (bancrofti) B74.0 - eyelid H02.8 - filarial, filariensis (see also Filaria, filarial, filariasis) B74.9 - glandular I89.0 - graecorum A30.5 - lymphangiectatic I89.0 - lymphatic vessel I89.0 - - due to mastectomy I97.2 - scrotum (nonfilarial) I89.0 - surgical I97.8 - - post mastectomy I97.2 - telangiectodes I89.0 - vulva (nonfilarial) N90.8 Elevated, elevation - antibody titer R76.0 - basal metabolic rate R94.8 - blood pressure (see also Hypertension) I10 - - reading (incidental) (isolated) (nonspecific), no diagnosis of hypertension R03.0 - body temperature (of unknown origin) R50.9 - diaphragm, congenital Q79.1 - erythrocyte sedimentation rate R70.0 - immunoglobulin level R76.8 - lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) level R74.0 - leukocyte count R72 - scapula, congenital Q74.0 - sedimentation rate R70.0 - transaminase level R74.0 - urine level of - - catecholamines R82.5 - - indoleacetic acid R82.5 - - 17-ketosteroids R82.5 - - steroids R82.5 - venous pressure I87.8 Elliptocytosis (congenital) (hereditary) D58.1 - Hb C (disease) D58.1 - hemoglobin disease D58.1 - sickle-cell (disease) D57.8 Ellison-Zollinger syndrome E16.4 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome Q77.6 Elongated, elongation (congenital) — see also Distortion - cervix (uteri) Q51.8 - - hypertrophic N88.4 - colon Q43.8 - common bile duct Q44.5 - cystic duct Q44.5 - frenulum, penis Q55.6 - labia minora (acquired) N90.6 - ligamentum patellae Q74.1 - petiolus (epiglottidis) Q31.8 - tooth, teeth K00.2 Eltor cholera A00.1 Emaciation (due to malnutrition) E41 Embadomoniasis A07.8 219

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Effect, adverse------continued<br />

- external cause NEC T75.8<br />

- fallout (radioactive) NEC T66<br />

- fluoroscopy NEC T66<br />

- foodstuffs<br />

- - allergic reaction (see also Allergy, food)<br />

T78.1<br />

- - noxious T62.9<br />

- - - specified type NEC (see also Poisoning,<br />

by name of noxious foodstuff) T62.8<br />

- gases, fumes or vapors T59.9<br />

- - specified NEC — see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong><br />

chemicals<br />

- glue (airplane) sniffing F18.1<br />

- heat (see also Heat) T67.9<br />

- high altitude NEC T70.2<br />

- - anoxia T70.2<br />

- - on<br />

- - - ears T70.0<br />

- - - sinuses T70.1<br />

- - polycythemia D75.1<br />

- high-pressure fluids T70.4<br />

- hot weather (see also Heat) T67.9<br />

- hunger T73.0<br />

- immunization — see Complications,<br />

vaccination<br />

- immunological agents — see Complications,<br />

vaccination<br />

- implantation (removable) of isotope or<br />

radium NEC T66<br />

- infrared (radiation) (rays) NEC T66<br />

- - dermatitis or eczema L59.8<br />

- infusion — see Complications, infusion<br />

- ingestion or injection of isotope (therapeutic)<br />

NEC T66<br />

- irradiation NEC T66<br />

- isotope (radioactive) NEC T66<br />

- lack of care of infants T74.0<br />

- lightning T75.0<br />

- - burn — see Burn<br />

- medical care T88.9<br />

- - specified NEC T88.8<br />

- medicinal substance, correct, properly<br />

administered (see also Effect, adverse,<br />

drug) T88.7<br />

- mesothorium NEC T66<br />

- motion T75.3<br />

- noise, on inner ear H83.3<br />

- overheated places (see also Heat) T67.9<br />

- polonium NEC T66<br />

- psychosocial, of work environment Z56.5<br />

- radiation (diagnostic) (fallout) (infrared)<br />

(natural source) (therapeutic) (tracer)<br />

(ultraviolet) (X-ray) NEC T66<br />

- - dermatitis or eczema — see Dermatitis,<br />

due to, radiation<br />

- - fibrosis of lung J70.1<br />

- - pneumonitis J70.0<br />

- - pulmonary manifestations<br />

Effect, adverse------continued<br />

- - - acute J70.0<br />

- - - chronic J70.1<br />

- - skin L59.9<br />

- - suspected damage to fetus, affecting<br />

management of pregnancy O35.6<br />

- radioactive substance NEC T66<br />

- - dermatitis or eczema (see also<br />

Radiodermatitis) L58.9<br />

- radioactivity NEC T66<br />

- radiotherapy NEC T66<br />

- - dermatitis or eczema (see also<br />

Radiodermatitis) L58.9<br />

- radium NEC T66<br />

- reduced temperature T69.9<br />

- - specified effect NEC T69.8<br />

- roentgen rays, roentgenography,<br />

roentgenoscopy NEC T66<br />

- serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) NEC T80.6<br />

- specified NEC T78.8<br />

- - external cause NEC T75.8<br />

- teletherapy NEC T66<br />

- thirst T73.1<br />

- toxic — see Poisoning<br />

- transfusion — see Complications, transfusion<br />

- ultraviolet (radiation) (rays) NEC T66<br />

- - burn — see Burn<br />

- - dermatitis or eczema — see Dermatitis, due<br />

to, ultraviolet rays<br />

- - - acute L56.8<br />

- uranium NEC T66<br />

- vaccine (any) — see Complications,<br />

vaccination<br />

- vibration T75.2<br />

- water pressure NEC T70.9<br />

- - specified NEC T70.8<br />

- weightlessness T75.8<br />

- whole blood — see Complications, transfusion<br />

- work environment Z56.5<br />

- X-rays NEC T66<br />

- - dermatitis or eczema (see also<br />

Radiodermatitis) L58.9<br />

Effect(s) (from) (of) — see Effect, adverse<br />

Effects, late — see Sequelae<br />

Effluvium<br />

- anagen L65.1<br />

- telogen L65.0<br />

Effort syndrome (psychogenic) F45.3<br />

Effusion<br />

- amniotic fluid — see Rupture,<br />

membranes, premature<br />

- brain (serous) G93.6<br />

- cerebral G93.6<br />

- cerebrospinal (see also Meningitis) G03.9<br />

- chest — see Effusion, pleura<br />

- chylous, chyliform (pleura) J94.0<br />

- intracranial G93.6<br />

- joint M25.4<br />

- meninges (see also Meningitis) G03.9<br />


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