Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Ectopic, ectopia------continued - mole (see also Pregnancy, by site) O00.9 - organ or site NEC — see Malposition, congenital - pancreas Q45.3 - pregnancy (see also Pregnancy, by site) O00.9 - pupil H21.5 - renal Q63.2 - testis (bilateral) (unilateral) Q53.0 - tissue in lung Q33.5 - ureter Q62.6 - ventricular beats I49.3 - vesicae Q64.1 Ectromelia Q73.8 - lower limb Q72.9 - upper limb Q71.9 Ectropion H02.1 - cervix N86 - - with cervicitis N72 - congenital Q10.1 - eyelid (cicatricial) (paralytic) (senile) (spastic) H02.1 - - congenital Q10.1 - iris H21.8 - lip (acquired) K13.0 - - congenital Q38.0 - urethra N36.3 - uvea H21.8 Eczema (acute) (chronic) (erythematous) (fissum) (rubrum) (squamous) (see also Dermatitis) L30.9 - dyshydrotic L30.1 - external ear H60.5 - herpeticum B00.0 - hypertrophicum L28.0 - hypostatic I83.1 - impetiginous L01.1 - infantile (due to any substance) L20.8 - - intertriginous L21.1 - - seborrheic L21.1 - intertriginous NEC L30.4 - - infantile L21.1 - intrinsic (allergic) L20.8 - lichenified NEC L28.0 - marginatum (hebrae) B35.6 - pustular L30.3 - stasis I83.1 - vaccination, vaccinatum T88.1 - varicose I83.1 Eczematid L30.2 Eddowes (-Spurway) syndrome Q78.0 Edema, edematous R60.9 - with nephritis (see also Nephrosis) N04.- - amputation stump (surgical) T87.6 - angioneurotic (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria) T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 Edema, edematous------continued - angiospastic I73.9 - Berlin's (traumatic) S05.8 - brain G93.6 - - due to birth injury P11.0 - - fetus or newborn (anoxia or hypoxia) P52.4 - - - birth injury P11.0 - - traumatic S06.1 - cardiac (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0 - cardiovascular (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0 - cerebral — see Edema, brain - cerebrospinal — see Edema, brain - cervix (uteri) (acute) N88.8 - - puerperal, postpartum O90.8 - circumscribed, acute T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - complicating pregnancy O12.0 - conjunctiva H11.4 - cornea NEC H18.2 - due to lymphatic obstruction I89.0 - epiglottis — see Edema, glottis - essential, acute T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - extremities, lower — see Edema, legs - eyelid NEC H02.8 - famine (see also Malnutrition, severe) E43 - fetus or newborn NEC P83.3 - generalized R60.1 - gestational O12.0 - - with proteinuria O12.2 - glottis, glottic, glottidis (obstructive) (passive) J38.4 - - allergic T78.3 - - - hereditary D84.1 - heart (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0 - heat T67.7 - inanition (see also Malnutrition, severe) E43 - infectious R60.9 - iris H21.8 - joint M25.4 - larynx (see also Edema, glottis) J38.4 - legs R60.0 - - due to venous obstruction I87.1 - localized R60.0 - - due to venous obstruction I87.1 - lower limbs — see Edema, legs - lung (acute) J81 - - with heart condition or failure (see also Failure, ventricular, left) I50.1 - - due to - - - chemicals, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.1 - - - external agent J70.9 - - - - specified NEC J70.8 - - - radiation J70.0 - - meaning failure, left ventricle I50.1 - - chemical (acute) J68.1 - - - chronic J68.4 216

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Edema, edematous------continued - - chronic J81 - - - due to - - - - chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.4 - - - - external agent J70.9 - - - - - specified NEC J70.8 - - due to - - - external agent J70.9 - - - - specified NEC J70.8 - - - high altitude T70.2 - - - near drowning T75.1 - - terminal J81 - lymphatic I89.0 - - due to mastectomy I97.2 - macula H35.8 - Milroy's Q82.0 - nasopharynx J39.2 - newborn P83.3 - nutritional (see also Malnutrition, severe) E43 - - with dyspigmentation, skin and hair E40 - optic disk or nerve H47.1 - orbit H05.2 - papilla, optic H47.1 - penis N48.8 - periodic T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - pharynx J39.2 - pitting R60.9 - pulmonary — see Edema, lung - Quincke's T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - retina H35.8 - salt E87.0 - scrotum N50.8 - seminal vesicle N50.8 - spermatic cord N50.8 - spinal (cord) (nontraumatic) (vascular) G95.1 - - traumatic T09.3 - starvation (see also Malnutrition, severe) E43 - subglottic (see also Edema, glottis) J38.4 - supraglottic (see also Edema, glottis) J38.4 - testis N50.8 - toxic NEC R60.9 - tunica vaginalis N50.8 - vas deferens N50.8 - vulva (acute) N90.8 Educational handicap Z55.9 - specified NEC Z55.8 Edward's syndrome (see also Trisomy, 18) Q91.3 Effect, adverse NEC T78.9 - abnormal gravitational (G) forces or states T75.8 - abuse of - - adult T74.9 - - child T74.9 Effect, adverse------continued - air pressure T70.9 - - specified NEC T70.8 - altitude (high) — see Effect, adverse, high altitude - anesthesia (see also Anesthesia) T88.5 - - in - - - labor and delivery O74.9 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P04.0 - - - pregnancy O29.9 - - local, toxic - - - in - - - - labor and delivery O74.4 - - - - pregnancy O29.3 - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.3 - - postpartum, puerperal O89.9 - - specified NEC T88.5 - - - in - - - - labor and delivery O74.8 - - - - pregnancy O29.8 - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.8 - - spinal and epidural T88.5 - - - headache T88.5 - - - - in - - - - - labor and delivery O74.5 - - - - - pregnancy O29.4 - - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.4 - - - in - - - - labor and delivery O74.6 - - - - pregnancy O29.5 - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.5 - antitoxin — see Complications, vaccination - atmospheric pressure T70.9 - - due to explosion T70.8 - - high T70.3 - - low — see Effect, adverse, high altitude - - specified effect NEC T70.8 - biological, correct substance properly administered (see also Effect, adverse, drug) T88.7 - blood (derivatives) (serum) (transfusion) — see Complications, transfusion - chemical substance NEC T65.9 - - specified — see Table of drugs and chemicals - cobalt, radioactive T66 - cold (temperature) (weather) T69.9 - - chilblains T69.1 - - frostbite — see Frostbite - - specified effect NEC T69.8 - drugs and medicaments NEC T88.7 - - correct substance properly administered T88.7 - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T50.9 - - - specified drug — see Table of drugs and chemicals - electric current, electricity (shock) T75.4 - - burn — see Burn - exertion (excessive) T73.3 - exposure — see Exposure 217

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Edema, edematous------continued<br />

- - chronic J81<br />

- - - due to<br />

- - - - chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors<br />

(inhalation) J68.4<br />

- - - - external agent J70.9<br />

- - - - - specified NEC J70.8<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - external agent J70.9<br />

- - - - specified NEC J70.8<br />

- - - high altitude T70.2<br />

- - - near drowning T75.1<br />

- - terminal J81<br />

- lymphatic I89.0<br />

- - due to mastectomy I97.2<br />

- macula H35.8<br />

- Milroy's Q82.0<br />

- nasopharynx J39.2<br />

- newborn P83.3<br />

- nutritional (see also Malnutrition, severe)<br />

E43<br />

- - with dyspigmentation, skin <strong>and</strong> hair E40<br />

- optic disk or nerve H47.1<br />

- orbit H05.2<br />

- papilla, optic H47.1<br />

- penis N48.8<br />

- periodic T78.3<br />

- - hereditary D84.1<br />

- pharynx J39.2<br />

- pitting R60.9<br />

- pulmonary — see Edema, lung<br />

- Quincke's T78.3<br />

- - hereditary D84.1<br />

- retina H35.8<br />

- salt E87.0<br />

- scrotum N50.8<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.8<br />

- spermatic cord N50.8<br />

- spinal (cord) (nontraumatic) (vascular) G95.1<br />

- - traumatic T09.3<br />

- starvation (see also Malnutrition, severe)<br />

E43<br />

- subglottic (see also Edema, glottis) J38.4<br />

- supraglottic (see also Edema, glottis) J38.4<br />

- testis N50.8<br />

- toxic NEC R60.9<br />

- tunica vaginalis N50.8<br />

- vas deferens N50.8<br />

- vulva (acute) N90.8<br />

Educational h<strong>and</strong>icap Z55.9<br />

- specified NEC Z55.8<br />

Edward's syndrome (see also Trisomy, 18)<br />

Q91.3<br />

Effect, adverse NEC T78.9<br />

- abnormal gravitational (G) forces or<br />

states T75.8<br />

- abuse of<br />

- - adult T74.9<br />

- - child T74.9<br />

Effect, adverse------continued<br />

- air pressure T70.9<br />

- - specified NEC T70.8<br />

- altitude (high) — see Effect, adverse,<br />

high altitude<br />

- anesthesia (see also Anesthesia) T88.5<br />

- - in<br />

- - - labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.9<br />

- - - - affecting fetus or newborn P04.0<br />

- - - pregnancy O29.9<br />

- - local, toxic<br />

- - - in<br />

- - - - labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.4<br />

- - - - pregnancy O29.3<br />

- - - postpartum, puerperal O89.3<br />

- - postpartum, puerperal O89.9<br />

- - specified NEC T88.5<br />

- - - in<br />

- - - - labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.8<br />

- - - - pregnancy O29.8<br />

- - - postpartum, puerperal O89.8<br />

- - spinal <strong>and</strong> epidural T88.5<br />

- - - headache T88.5<br />

- - - - in<br />

- - - - - labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.5<br />

- - - - - pregnancy O29.4<br />

- - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.4<br />

- - - in<br />

- - - - labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.6<br />

- - - - pregnancy O29.5<br />

- - - postpartum, puerperal O89.5<br />

- antitoxin — see Complications, vaccination<br />

- atmospheric pressure T70.9<br />

- - due to explosion T70.8<br />

- - high T70.3<br />

- - low — see Effect, adverse, high altitude<br />

- - specified effect NEC T70.8<br />

- biological, correct substance properly<br />

administered (see also Effect, adverse,<br />

drug) T88.7<br />

- blood (derivatives) (serum) (transfusion)<br />

— see Complications, transfusion<br />

- chemical substance NEC T65.9<br />

- - specified — see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

- cobalt, radioactive T66<br />

- cold (temperature) (weather) T69.9<br />

- - chilblains T69.1<br />

- - frostbite — see Frostbite<br />

- - specified effect NEC T69.8<br />

- drugs <strong>and</strong> medicaments NEC T88.7<br />

- - correct substance properly administered T88.7<br />

- - overdose or wrong substance given or taken<br />

T50.9<br />

- - - specified drug — see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong><br />

chemicals<br />

- electric current, electricity (shock) T75.4<br />

- - burn — see Burn<br />

- exertion (excessive) T73.3<br />

- exposure — see Exposure<br />


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