Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Dystocia O66.9 - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - cervical (hypotonic) O62.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - - primary O62.0 - - secondary O62.1 - contraction ring O62.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - fetal, fetus O66.9 - - abnormality NEC O66.3 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - oversized O66.2 - maternal O66.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - positional O64.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - shoulder (girdle) O66.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - causing obstructed labor O66.0 - uterine NEC O62.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 Dystonia G24.9 - deformans progressive G24.1 - drug-induced G24.0 - idiopathic G24.1 - - familial G24.1 - - nonfamilial G24.2 - - orofacial G24.4 - lenticularis G24.8 - musculorum deformans G24.1 - orofacial (idiopathic) G24.4 - specified NEC G24.8 - torsion (idiopathic) G24.1 - - symptomatic (nonfamilial) G24.2 Dystonic movements R25.8 Dystrophy, dystrophia - adiposogenital E23.6 - Becker's type G71.0 - choroid (central areolar) (generalized) (gyrate) (hereditary) (peripapillary) H31.2 - cornea (endothelial) (epithelial) (granular) (hereditary) (lattice) (macular) H18.5 - Duchenne's type G71.0 - due to malnutrition E45 - Erb's G71.0 - Fuchs' H18.5 - Gower's muscular G71.0 - hair L67.8 - Landouzy-Déjerine G71.0 Dystrophy, dystrophia------continued - Leyden-Moebius G71.0 - muscular G71.0 - - benign (Becker type) G71.0 - - congenital (hereditary) (progressive) G71.2 - - - myotonic G71.1 - - distal G71.0 - - Duchenne type G71.0 - - Emery-Dreifuss G71.0 - - Erb type G71.0 - - facioscapulohumeral G71.0 - - Gower's G71.0 - - hereditary (progressive) G71.0 - - Landouzy-Déjerine type G71.0 - - limb-girdle G71.0 - - myotonic G71.1 - - progressive (hereditary) G71.0 - - - Charcot-Marie(-Tooth) type G60.0 - - pseudohypertrophic (infantile) G71.0 - - severe (Duchenne type) G71.0 - myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5 - myotonic, myotonica G71.1 - nail L60.3 - - congenital Q84.6 - nutritional E45 - ocular G71.0 - oculocerebrorenal E72.0 - oculopharyngeal G71.0 - ovarian N83.8 - polyglandular E31.8 - reflex (sympathetic) M89.0 - retinal (albipunctate) (pigmentary) (vitelliform) (hereditary) H35.5 - - in - - - lipid storage disorders E75.-† H36.8* - - - systemic lipidoses E75.6† H36.8* - Salzmann's nodular H18.4 - scapuloperoneal G71.0 - skin NEC L98.8 - sympathetic (reflex) M89.0 - tapetoretinal H35.5 - thoracic, asphyxiating Q77.2 - unguium L60.3 - - congenital Q84.6 - vitreoretinal H35.5 - vulva N90.4 - yellow (liver) — see Failure, hepatic Dysuria R30.0 - psychogenic F45.3 214

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 E Eales' disease H35.0 Ear — see also condition - piercing Z41.3 - wax (impacted) H61.2 Earache H92.0 Eaton-Lambert syndrome C80† G73.1* - unassociated with neoplasm G70.8 Eberth's disease (typhoid fever) A01.0 Ebola virus disease A98.4 Ebstein's - anomaly or syndrome (heart) Q22.5 - disease (renal tubular degeneration in diabetes) E14.2† N16.3* Eccentro-osteochondrodysplasia E76.2 Ecchondroma (M9210/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign Ecchondrosis (M9210/1) D48.0 Ecchymosis R58 - conjunctiva H11.3 - eye (traumatic) S05.1 - eyelid (traumatic) S00.1 - fetus or newborn P54.5 - spontaneous R23.3 - traumatic — see Contusion Echinococciasis — see Echinococcus Echinococcosis — see Echinococcus Echinococcus (infection) B67.9 - granulosus B67.4 - - bone B67.2† M90.2* - - liver B67.0† K77.0* - - lung B67.1† J99.8* - - multiple sites B67.3 - - specified site NEC B67.3 - - thyroid B67.3† E35.0* - liver NEC B67.8† K77.0* - - granulosus B67.0† K77.0* - - multilocularis B67.5† K77.0* - multilocularis B67.7 - - liver B67.5† K77.0* - - multiple sites B67.6 - - specified site NEC B67.6 - orbit B67.-† H06.1* - specified site NEC B67.9 - - granulosus B67.3 - - multilocularis B67.6 Echinorhynchiasis B83.8 Echinostomiasis B66.8 Echolalia R48.8 Echovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.1 Eclampsia, eclamptic (coma) (convulsions) (delirium) (with pre-existing or pregnancyrelated hypertension) NEC O15.9 - during labor and delivery O15.1 - male R56.8 - not associated with pregnancy or childbirth R56.8 - postpartum O15.2 - pregnancy O15.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.0 - puerperal O15.2 Economic circumstances affecting care Z59.9 Economo's disease A85.8 Ectasia, ectasis - aorta (see also Aneurysm, aorta) I71.9 - - ruptured I71.8 - breast N60.4 - capillary I78.8 - cornea H18.7 - mammary duct N60.4 - sclera H15.8 Ecthyma L08.0 - contagiosum B08.0 - gangrenosum L88 - infectiosum B08.0 Ectocardia Q24.8 Ectodermal dysplasia (anhidrotic) Q82.4 Ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis L51.1 Ectopic, ectopia (congenital) - abdominal viscera Q45.8 - - due to defect in anterior abdominal wall Q79.5 - ACTH syndrome E24.3 - anus Q43.5 - atrial beats I49.1 - beats I49.4 - - atrial I49.1 - - ventricular I49.3 - bladder Q64.1 - bone and cartilage in lung Q33.5 - brain Q04.8 - breast tissue Q83.8 - cardiac Q24.8 - cerebral Q04.8 - cordis Q24.8 - endometrium (see also Endometriosis) N80.9 - gastric mucosa Q40.2 - gestation (see also Pregnancy, by site) O00.9 - heart Q24.8 - hormone secretion NEC E34.2 - kidney (crossed) (pelvis) Q63.2 - lens, lentis Q12.1 215

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Dystocia O66.9<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- cervical (hypotonic) O62.2<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6<br />

- - primary O62.0<br />

- - secondary O62.1<br />

- contraction ring O62.4<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6<br />

- fetal, fetus O66.9<br />

- - abnormality NEC O66.3<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- - oversized O66.2<br />

- maternal O66.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- positional O64.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- shoulder (girdle) O66.0<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- - causing obstructed labor O66.0<br />

- uterine NEC O62.4<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6<br />

Dystonia G24.9<br />

- deformans progressive G24.1<br />

- drug-induced G24.0<br />

- idiopathic G24.1<br />

- - familial G24.1<br />

- - nonfamilial G24.2<br />

- - orofacial G24.4<br />

- lenticularis G24.8<br />

- musculorum deformans G24.1<br />

- orofacial (idiopathic) G24.4<br />

- specified NEC G24.8<br />

- torsion (idiopathic) G24.1<br />

- - symptomatic (nonfamilial) G24.2<br />

Dystonic movements R25.8<br />

Dystrophy, dystrophia<br />

- adiposogenital E23.6<br />

- Becker's type G71.0<br />

- choroid (central areolar) (generalized)<br />

(gyrate) (hereditary) (peripapillary) H31.2<br />

- cornea (endothelial) (epithelial) (granular)<br />

(hereditary) (lattice) (macular) H18.5<br />

- Duchenne's type G71.0<br />

- due to malnutrition E45<br />

- Erb's G71.0<br />

- Fuchs' H18.5<br />

- Gower's muscular G71.0<br />

- hair L67.8<br />

- L<strong>and</strong>ouzy-Déjerine G71.0<br />

Dystrophy, dystrophia------continued<br />

- Leyden-Moebius G71.0<br />

- muscular G71.0<br />

- - benign (Becker type) G71.0<br />

- - congenital (hereditary) (progressive) G71.2<br />

- - - myotonic G71.1<br />

- - distal G71.0<br />

- - Duchenne type G71.0<br />

- - Emery-Dreifuss G71.0<br />

- - Erb type G71.0<br />

- - facioscapulohumeral G71.0<br />

- - Gower's G71.0<br />

- - hereditary (progressive) G71.0<br />

- - L<strong>and</strong>ouzy-Déjerine type G71.0<br />

- - limb-girdle G71.0<br />

- - myotonic G71.1<br />

- - progressive (hereditary) G71.0<br />

- - - Charcot-Marie(-Tooth) type G60.0<br />

- - pseudohypertrophic (infantile) G71.0<br />

- - severe (Duchenne type) G71.0<br />

- myocardium, myocardial (see also<br />

Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5<br />

- myotonic, myotonica G71.1<br />

- nail L60.3<br />

- - congenital Q84.6<br />

- nutritional E45<br />

- ocular G71.0<br />

- oculocerebrorenal E72.0<br />

- oculopharyngeal G71.0<br />

- ovarian N83.8<br />

- polygl<strong>and</strong>ular E31.8<br />

- reflex (sympathetic) M89.0<br />

- retinal (albipunctate) (pigmentary) (vitelliform)<br />

(hereditary) H35.5<br />

- - in<br />

- - - lipid storage disorders E75.-† H36.8*<br />

- - - systemic lipidoses E75.6† H36.8*<br />

- Salzmann's nodular H18.4<br />

- scapuloperoneal G71.0<br />

- skin NEC L98.8<br />

- sympathetic (reflex) M89.0<br />

- tapetoretinal H35.5<br />

- thoracic, asphyxiating Q77.2<br />

- unguium L60.3<br />

- - congenital Q84.6<br />

- vitreoretinal H35.5<br />

- vulva N90.4<br />

- yellow (liver) — see Failure, hepatic<br />

Dysuria R30.0<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />


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