Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Dyschondroplasia (with hemangiomata)<br />

Q78.4<br />

Dyschromia (skin) L81.9<br />

Dyscranio-pygo-phalangy Q87.0<br />

Dyscrasia<br />

- blood (with) D75.9<br />

- - antepartum hemorrhage O46.0<br />

- - fetus or newborn P61.9<br />

- - - specified type NEC P61.8<br />

- - intrapartum hemorrhage O67.0<br />

- - puerperal, postpartum O72.3<br />

- polygl<strong>and</strong>ular, plurigl<strong>and</strong>ular E31.9<br />

Dysendocrinism E34.9<br />

Dysentery, dysenteric (catarrhal)<br />

(diarrhea) (epidemic) (hemorrhagic)<br />

(<strong>infectious</strong>) (sporadic) (tropical) A09<br />

- amebic (see also Amebiasis) A06.0<br />

- - with abscess — see Abscess, amebic<br />

- - acute A06.0<br />

- - chronic A06.1<br />

- arthritis A09† M01.8*<br />

- - bacillary A03.9† M01.3*<br />

- bacillary A03.9<br />

- - arthritis A03.9† M01.3*<br />

- - Boyd A03.2<br />

- - Flexner A03.1<br />

- - Schmitz(-Stutzer) A03.0<br />

- - Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0<br />

- - Shigella A03.9<br />

- - - boydii A03.2<br />

- - - dysenteriae A03.0<br />

- - - flexneri A03.1<br />

- - - group A A03.0<br />

- - - group B A03.1<br />

- - - group C A03.2<br />

- - - group D A03.3<br />

- - - sonnei A03.3<br />

- - - specified type NEC A03.8<br />

- - Sonne A03.3<br />

- - specified type NEC A03.8<br />

- balantidial A07.0<br />

- Balantidium coli A07.0<br />

- Boyd's A03.2<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>idal B37.8<br />

- Chilomastix A07.8<br />

- coccidial A07.3<br />

- Dientamoeba (fragilis) A07.8<br />

- Embadomonas A07.8<br />

- Entamoeba, entamebic — see Dysentery,<br />

amebic<br />

- Flexner's A03.1<br />

- Giardia lamblia A07.1<br />

- Hiss-Russell A03.1<br />

- Lamblia A07.1<br />

- leishmanial B55.0<br />

- metazoal B82.0<br />

- monilial B37.8<br />

- protozoal A07.9<br />

- Salmonella A02.0<br />

Dysentery, dysenteric------continued<br />

- schistosomal B65.1<br />

- Schmitz(-Stutzer) A03.0<br />

- Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0<br />

- Shigella NEC (see also Dysentery, bacillary) A03.9<br />

- Sonne A03.3<br />

- strongyloidiasis B78.0<br />

- trichomonal A07.8<br />

- viral (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4<br />

Dysesthesia R20.8<br />

- hysterical F44.6<br />

Dysfibrinogenemia (congenital) D68.2<br />

Dysfunction<br />

- adrenal E27.9<br />

- ambulatory (transient) following surgery Z48.8<br />

- autonomic<br />

- - due to alcohol G31.2<br />

- - somatoform F45.3<br />

- bladder N31.9<br />

- - neurogenic NEC (see also Dysfunction,<br />

bladder, neuromuscular) N31.9<br />

- - neuromuscular NEC N31.9<br />

- - - atonic (motor) (sensory) N31.2<br />

- - - autonomous N31.2<br />

- - - flaccid N31.2<br />

- - - nonreflex N31.2<br />

- - - reflex N31.1<br />

- - - specified NEC N31.8<br />

- - - uninhibited N31.0<br />

- bleeding, uterus N93.8<br />

- cerebral G93.8<br />

- colon K59.9<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- colostomy or enterostomy K91.4<br />

- cystic duct K82.8<br />

- cystostomy (stoma) N99.5<br />

- endocrine NEC E34.9<br />

- endometrium N85.8<br />

- enteric stoma K91.4<br />

- gallbladder K82.8<br />

- gastrostomy (stoma) K91.8<br />

- gl<strong>and</strong>, gl<strong>and</strong>ular NEC E34.9<br />

- heart I51.8<br />

- hemoglobin D75.8<br />

- hepatic K76.8<br />

- hypophysis E23.3<br />

- hypothalamic NEC E23.3<br />

- ileostomy (stoma) K91.4<br />

- jejunostomy (stoma) K91.4<br />

- kidney (see also Disease, renal) N28.9<br />

- labyrinthine H83.2<br />

- liver K76.8<br />

- orgasmic F52.3<br />

- ovary E28.9<br />

- - specified NEC E28.8<br />

- papillary muscle I51.8<br />

- physiological NEC R68.8<br />

- - psychogenic F59<br />

- pineal gl<strong>and</strong> E34.8<br />


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