Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Drug------continued - resistant bacterial agent in bacterial infection – see Resistance (to), antibiotic by bacterial agent - use NEC Z72.2 - wrong substance given or taken in error — see Table of drugs and chemicals Drunkenness F10.0 - acute in alcoholism F10.0 - chronic F10.2 - pathological F10.0 Drusen - macula (degenerative) (retina) H35.3 - optic disk H47.3 Dry, dryness — see also condition - socket (teeth) K10.3 Duane's syndrome H50.8 Dubin-Johnson disease or syndrome E80.6 Dubois' disease (thymus gland) A50.5†E35.8* Dubowitz' syndrome Q87.1 Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy G12.2 Duchenne-Griesinger disease G71.0 Duchenne's - disease or syndrome - - motor neuron disease G12.2 - - muscular dystrophy G71.0 - locomotor ataxia (syphilitic) A52.1 - paralysis - - birth injury P14.0 - - due to or associated with - - - motor neuron disease G12.2 - - - muscular dystrophy G71.0 Ducrey's chancre A57 Duct, ductus — see condition Duhring's disease L13.0 Dullness, cardiac (decreased) (increased) R01.2 Dumbness (see also Aphasia) R47.0 Dumdum fever B55.0 Dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy) K91.1 Duodenitis (nonspecific) (peptic) K29.8 Duodenocholangitis (see also Cholangitis) K83.0 Duodenum, duodenal — see condition Duplay's bursitis or periarthritis M75.0 Duplex, duplication — see also Accessory - alimentary tract NEC Q45.8 - anus Q43.4 - appendix (and cecum) Q43.4 - biliary duct (any) Q44.5 - bladder Q64.7 - cecum (and appendix) Q43.4 - chromosome NEC - - with complex rearrangements NEC Q92.5 - - seen only at prometaphase Q92.4 Duplex, duplication------continued - cystic duct Q44.5 - digestive organs NEC Q45.8 - esophagus Q39.8 - frontonasal process Q75.8 - intestine (large) (small) Q43.4 - kidney Q63.0 - liver Q44.7 - pancreas Q45.3 - penis Q55.6 - placenta O43.1 - respiratory organs NEC Q34.8 - salivary duct Q38.4 - spinal cord (incomplete) Q06.8 - stomach Q40.2 Dupuytren's contraction or disease M72.0 Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease A55 Duroziez' disease Q23.2 Dust exposure (inorganic) Z58.1 - occupational Z57.2 - reticulation (see also Pneumoconiosis) J64 - - organic dusts J66.8 Dutton's relapsing fever (West African) A68.1 Dwarfism E34.3 - achondroplastic Q77.4 - congenital E34.3 - constitutional E34.3 - hypochondroplastic Q77.4 - hypophyseal E23.0 - infantile E34.3 - Laron-type E34.3 - Lorain(-Levi) type E23.0 - metatropic Q77.8 - nephrotic-glycosuric (with hypophosphatemic rickets) E72.0† N16.3* - nutritional E45 - pancreatic K86.8 - pituitary E23.0 - psychosocial E34.3 - renal N25.0 - thanatophoric Q77.1 Dyke-Young anemia (secondary) (symptomatic) D59.1 Dysacusis H93.2 Dysadrenocortism E27.9 Dysarthria R47.1 Dysautonomia (familial) G90.1 Dysbarism T70.3 Dysbasia R26.2 - angiosclerotica intermittens I73.9 - hysterical F44.4 - lordotica (progressiva) G24.1 - nonorganic origin F44.4 - psychogenic F44.4 Dyscalculia R48.8 - developmental F81.2 Dyschezia R19.8 210

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Dyschondroplasia (with hemangiomata) Q78.4 Dyschromia (skin) L81.9 Dyscranio-pygo-phalangy Q87.0 Dyscrasia - blood (with) D75.9 - - antepartum hemorrhage O46.0 - - fetus or newborn P61.9 - - - specified type NEC P61.8 - - intrapartum hemorrhage O67.0 - - puerperal, postpartum O72.3 - polyglandular, pluriglandular E31.9 Dysendocrinism E34.9 Dysentery, dysenteric (catarrhal) (diarrhea) (epidemic) (hemorrhagic) (infectious) (sporadic) (tropical) A09 - amebic (see also Amebiasis) A06.0 - - with abscess — see Abscess, amebic - - acute A06.0 - - chronic A06.1 - arthritis A09† M01.8* - - bacillary A03.9† M01.3* - bacillary A03.9 - - arthritis A03.9† M01.3* - - Boyd A03.2 - - Flexner A03.1 - - Schmitz(-Stutzer) A03.0 - - Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0 - - Shigella A03.9 - - - boydii A03.2 - - - dysenteriae A03.0 - - - flexneri A03.1 - - - group A A03.0 - - - group B A03.1 - - - group C A03.2 - - - group D A03.3 - - - sonnei A03.3 - - - specified type NEC A03.8 - - Sonne A03.3 - - specified type NEC A03.8 - balantidial A07.0 - Balantidium coli A07.0 - Boyd's A03.2 - candidal B37.8 - Chilomastix A07.8 - coccidial A07.3 - Dientamoeba (fragilis) A07.8 - Embadomonas A07.8 - Entamoeba, entamebic — see Dysentery, amebic - Flexner's A03.1 - Giardia lamblia A07.1 - Hiss-Russell A03.1 - Lamblia A07.1 - leishmanial B55.0 - metazoal B82.0 - monilial B37.8 - protozoal A07.9 - Salmonella A02.0 Dysentery, dysenteric------continued - schistosomal B65.1 - Schmitz(-Stutzer) A03.0 - Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0 - Shigella NEC (see also Dysentery, bacillary) A03.9 - Sonne A03.3 - strongyloidiasis B78.0 - trichomonal A07.8 - viral (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4 Dysesthesia R20.8 - hysterical F44.6 Dysfibrinogenemia (congenital) D68.2 Dysfunction - adrenal E27.9 - ambulatory (transient) following surgery Z48.8 - autonomic - - due to alcohol G31.2 - - somatoform F45.3 - bladder N31.9 - - neurogenic NEC (see also Dysfunction, bladder, neuromuscular) N31.9 - - neuromuscular NEC N31.9 - - - atonic (motor) (sensory) N31.2 - - - autonomous N31.2 - - - flaccid N31.2 - - - nonreflex N31.2 - - - reflex N31.1 - - - specified NEC N31.8 - - - uninhibited N31.0 - bleeding, uterus N93.8 - cerebral G93.8 - colon K59.9 - - psychogenic F45.3 - colostomy or enterostomy K91.4 - cystic duct K82.8 - cystostomy (stoma) N99.5 - endocrine NEC E34.9 - endometrium N85.8 - enteric stoma K91.4 - gallbladder K82.8 - gastrostomy (stoma) K91.8 - gland, glandular NEC E34.9 - heart I51.8 - hemoglobin D75.8 - hepatic K76.8 - hypophysis E23.3 - hypothalamic NEC E23.3 - ileostomy (stoma) K91.4 - jejunostomy (stoma) K91.4 - kidney (see also Disease, renal) N28.9 - labyrinthine H83.2 - liver K76.8 - orgasmic F52.3 - ovary E28.9 - - specified NEC E28.8 - papillary muscle I51.8 - physiological NEC R68.8 - - psychogenic F59 - pineal gland E34.8 211

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Drug------continued<br />

- resistant bacterial agent in bacterial infection<br />

– see Resistance (to), antibiotic by bacterial<br />

agent<br />

- use NEC Z72.2<br />

- wrong substance given or taken in error<br />

— see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

Drunkenness F10.0<br />

- acute in alcoholism F10.0<br />

- chronic F10.2<br />

- pathological F10.0<br />

Drusen<br />

- macula (degenerative) (retina) H35.3<br />

- optic disk H47.3<br />

Dry, dryness — see also condition<br />

- socket (teeth) K10.3<br />

Duane's syndrome H50.8<br />

Dubin-Johnson disease or syndrome E80.6<br />

Dubois' disease (thymus gl<strong>and</strong>) A50.5†E35.8*<br />

Dubowitz' syndrome Q87.1<br />

Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy G12.2<br />

Duchenne-Griesinger disease G71.0<br />

Duchenne's<br />

- disease or syndrome<br />

- - motor neuron disease G12.2<br />

- - muscular dystrophy G71.0<br />

- locomotor ataxia (syphilitic) A52.1<br />

- paralysis<br />

- - birth injury P14.0<br />

- - due to or associated with<br />

- - - motor neuron disease G12.2<br />

- - - muscular dystrophy G71.0<br />

Ducrey's chancre A57<br />

Duct, ductus — see condition<br />

Duhring's disease L13.0<br />

Dullness, cardiac (decreased) (increased)<br />

R01.2<br />

Dumbness (see also Aphasia) R47.0<br />

Dumdum fever B55.0<br />

Dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy) K91.1<br />

Duodenitis (nonspecific) (peptic) K29.8<br />

Duodenocholangitis (see also Cholangitis)<br />

K83.0<br />

Duodenum, duodenal — see condition<br />

Duplay's bursitis or periarthritis M75.0<br />

Duplex, duplication — see also Accessory<br />

- alimentary tract NEC Q45.8<br />

- anus Q43.4<br />

- appendix (<strong>and</strong> cecum) Q43.4<br />

- biliary duct (any) Q44.5<br />

- bladder Q64.7<br />

- cecum (<strong>and</strong> appendix) Q43.4<br />

- chromosome NEC<br />

- - with complex rearrangements NEC Q92.5<br />

- - seen only at prometaphase Q92.4<br />

Duplex, duplication------continued<br />

- cystic duct Q44.5<br />

- digestive organs NEC Q45.8<br />

- esophagus Q39.8<br />

- frontonasal process Q75.8<br />

- intestine (large) (small) Q43.4<br />

- kidney Q63.0<br />

- liver Q44.7<br />

- pancreas Q45.3<br />

- penis Q55.6<br />

- placenta O43.1<br />

- respiratory organs NEC Q34.8<br />

- salivary duct Q38.4<br />

- spinal cord (incomplete) Q06.8<br />

- stomach Q40.2<br />

Dupuytren's contraction or disease M72.0<br />

Dur<strong>and</strong>-Nicolas-Favre disease A55<br />

Duroziez' disease Q23.2<br />

Dust exposure (inorganic) Z58.1<br />

- occupational Z57.2<br />

- reticulation (see also Pneumoconiosis) J64<br />

- - organic dusts J66.8<br />

Dutton's relapsing fever (West African) A68.1<br />

Dwarfism E34.3<br />

- achondroplastic Q77.4<br />

- congenital E34.3<br />

- constitutional E34.3<br />

- hypochondroplastic Q77.4<br />

- hypophyseal E23.0<br />

- infantile E34.3<br />

- Laron-type E34.3<br />

- Lorain(-Levi) type E23.0<br />

- metatropic Q77.8<br />

- nephrotic-glycosuric (with<br />

hypophosphatemic rickets) E72.0† N16.3*<br />

- nutritional E45<br />

- pancreatic K86.8<br />

- pituitary E23.0<br />

- psychosocial E34.3<br />

- renal N25.0<br />

- thanatophoric Q77.1<br />

Dyke-Young anemia (secondary) (symptomatic)<br />

D59.1<br />

Dysacusis H93.2<br />

Dysadrenocortism E27.9<br />

Dysarthria R47.1<br />

Dysautonomia (familial) G90.1<br />

Dysbarism T70.3<br />

Dysbasia R26.2<br />

- angiosclerotica intermittens I73.9<br />

- hysterical F44.4<br />

- lordotica (progressiva) G24.1<br />

- nonorganic origin F44.4<br />

- psychogenic F44.4<br />

Dyscalculia R48.8<br />

- developmental F81.2<br />

Dyschezia R19.8<br />


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