Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Distortion------continued - oviduct Q50.6 - pancreas Q45.3 - patella Q68.2 - radius NEC Q68.8 - sacroiliac joint Q74.2 - sacrum Q76.4 - scapula Q74.0 - shoulder girdle Q74.0 - skull bone(s) NEC Q75.8 - - with - - - encephalocele (see also Encephalocele) Q01.9 - - - hydrocephalus Q03.9 - - - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 - - - microcephaly Q02 - spinal cord Q06.8 - spine Q76.4 - spleen Q89.0 - sternum NEC Q76.7 - thorax (wall) Q67.8 - - bony Q76.8 - tibia NEC Q68.8 - toe(s) Q66.9 - tongue Q38.3 - trachea (cartilage) Q32.1 - ulna NEC Q68.8 - ureter Q62.8 - urethra Q64.7 - - causing obstruction Q64.3 - uterus Q51.9 - vagina Q52.4 - vertebra Q76.4 - vulva Q52.7 - wrist (bones) (joint) Q68.8 Distress - abdominal R10.4 - epigastric R10.1 - fetal (syndrome) P20.- - - affecting - - - labor and delivery O68.- - - - management of pregnancy (unrelated to labor or delivery) O36.3 - - complicating labor and delivery O68.- - - first noted - - - before onset of labor P20.0 - - - during labor and delivery P20.1 - gastrointestinal (functional) K30 - - psychogenic F45.3 - intestinal (functional) NEC K59.9 - - psychogenic F45.3 - intrauterine — see Distress, fetal - maternal, during labor and delivery O75.0 - respiratory R06.0 - - adult J80 - - newborn P22.9 - - - specified NEC P22.8 - - psychogenic F45.3 Distress------continued - - syndrome (idiopathic) (newborn) P22.0 - - - adult J80 Distribution vessel, atypical Q27.9 - precerebral Q28.1 Districhiasis L68.8 Disturbance — see also Disease - absorption K90.9 - - calcium E58 - - carbohydrate K90.4 - - fat K90.4 - - - pancreatic K90.3 - - protein K90.4 - - starch K90.4 - - vitamin (see also Deficiency, vitamin) E56.9 - acid-base equilibrium (mixed) E87.4 - activity and attention (with hyperkinesis) F90.0 - assimilation, food K90.9 - auditory nerve, except deafness H93.3 - behavior — see Disorder, conduct - blood clotting (mechanism) (see also Defect, coagulation) D68.9 - cerebral - - nerve — see Disorder, nerve, cranial - - status, newborn P91.9 - - - specified NEC P91.8 - circulatory I99 - conduct (see also Disorder, conduct) F91.9 - - with emotional disorder F92.9 - - adjustment reaction F43.2 - - compulsive F63.9 - - disruptive F91.9 - - hyperkinetic F90.1 - - socialized F91.2 - - specified NEC F91.8 - - unsocialized F91.1 - coordination R27.8 - cranial nerve — see Disorder, nerve, cranial - deep sensibility — see Disturbance, sensation - digestive K30 - - psychogenic F45.3 - electrolyte (see also Imbalance, electrolyte) E87.8 - - newborn, transitory P74.4 - - - potassium balance P74.3 - - - sodium balance P74.2 - - - specified type NEC P74.4 - emotions specific to childhood and adolescence F93.9 - - with - - - anxiety and fearfulness NEC F93.8 - - - sensitivity (withdrawal) F93.2 - - - shyness F93.2 - - - social withdrawal F93.2 - - involving relationship problems F93.8 - - mixed F93.8 - - specified NEC F93.8 206

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Disturbance------continued - endocrine (gland) E34.9 - - neonatal, transitory P72.9 - - - specified NEC P72.8 - equilibrium R42 - feeding R63.3 - - newborn P92.9 - - nonorganic origin (infant or child) F98.2 - - psychogenic NEC F50.8 - fructose metabolism E74.1 - gait R26.8 - - hysterical F44.4 - - psychogenic F44.4 - gastrointestinal (functional) K30 - - psychogenic F45.3 - habit, child F98.9 - hearing, except deafness and tinnitus H93.2 - heart, functional (conditions in I44–I50) - - due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis I97.1 - - postoperative I97.8 - - - cardiac surgery I97.1 - hormones E34.9 - innervation uterus (parasympathetic) (sympathetic) N85.8 - keratinization NEC - - lip K13.0 - - oral (mucosa) (soft tissue) K13.2 - - tongue K13.2 - learning (specific) F81.9 - memory (see also Amnesia) R41.3 - - mild, following organic brain damage F06.7 - mental F99 - - associated with diseases classified elsewhere F54 - metabolism E88.9 - - amino-acid E72.9 - - - aromatic E70.9 - - - branched-chain E71.2 - - - straight-chain E72.8 - - - sulfur-bearing E72.1 - - ammonia E72.2 - - arginine E72.2 - - arginosuccinic acid E72.2 - - carbohydrate E74.9 - - cholesterol E78.9 - - citrulline E72.2 - - cystathionine E72.1 - - general E88.9 - - glutamine E72.8 - - histidine E70.8 - - homocystine E72.1 - - hydroxylysine E72.3 - - in labor or delivery O75.8 - - iron E83.1 - - lipoid E78.9 - - lysine E72.3 - - methionine E72.1 - - neonatal, transitory P74.9 - - - calcium and magnesium P71.9 Disturbance------continued - - - - specified type NEC P71.8 - - - carbohydrate metabolism P70.9 - - - - specified type NEC P70.8 - - - specified NEC P74.8 - - ornithine E72.4 - - phosphate E83.3 - - sodium NEC E87.8 - - threonine E72.8 - - tryptophan E70.8 - - tyrosine E70.2 - - urea cycle E72.2 - motor R29.2 - nervous, functional R45.0 - neuromuscular mechanism, eye, due to syphilis A52.1† H58.8* - nutritional E63.9 - - nail L60.3 - ocular motion H51.9 - - psychogenic F45.8 - oculogyric H51.8 - - psychogenic F45.8 - oculomotor H51.9 - - psychogenic F45.8 - olfactory nerve R43.1 - optic nerve NEC H47.0 - oral epithelium, including tongue K13.2 - perceptual due to - - alcohol withdrawal F10.3 - - amfetamine (or related substance) intoxication (acute) F15.0 - - cannabis intoxication (acute) F12.0 - - cocaine intoxication (acute) F14.0 - - hallucinogen intoxication (acute) F16.0 - - opioid intoxication (acute) F11.0 - - phencyclidine (or related substance) intoxication (acute) F19.0 - - sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic intoxication F13.0 - personality (pattern) (trait) (see also Disorder, personality) F60.9 - - following organic brain damage F07.0 - polyglandular E31.9 - - specified NEC E31.8 - potassium balance, newborn P74.3 - psychogenic F45.9 - psychomotor F44.4 - pupillary H57.0 - reflex R29.2 - rhythm, heart I49.9 - salivary secretion K11.7 - sensation (cold) (heat) (localization) (tactile discrimination) (texture) (vibratory) NEC R20.8 - - hysterical F44.6 - - skin R20.8 - - smell R43.1 - - - and taste (mixed) R43.8 - - taste R43.2 - sensory — see Disturbance, sensation 207

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Distortion------continued<br />

- oviduct Q50.6<br />

- pancreas Q45.3<br />

- patella Q68.2<br />

- radius NEC Q68.8<br />

- sacroiliac joint Q74.2<br />

- sacrum Q76.4<br />

- scapula Q74.0<br />

- shoulder girdle Q74.0<br />

- skull bone(s) NEC Q75.8<br />

- - with<br />

- - - encephalocele (see also Encephalocele)<br />

Q01.9<br />

- - - hydrocephalus Q03.9<br />

- - - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida,<br />

with hydrocephalus) Q05.4<br />

- - - microcephaly Q02<br />

- spinal cord Q06.8<br />

- spine Q76.4<br />

- spleen Q89.0<br />

- sternum NEC Q76.7<br />

- thorax (wall) Q67.8<br />

- - bony Q76.8<br />

- tibia NEC Q68.8<br />

- toe(s) Q66.9<br />

- tongue Q38.3<br />

- trachea (cartilage) Q32.1<br />

- ulna NEC Q68.8<br />

- ureter Q62.8<br />

- urethra Q64.7<br />

- - causing obstruction Q64.3<br />

- uterus Q51.9<br />

- vagina Q52.4<br />

- vertebra Q76.4<br />

- vulva Q52.7<br />

- wrist (bones) (joint) Q68.8<br />

Distress<br />

- abdominal R10.4<br />

- epigastric R10.1<br />

- fetal (syndrome) P20.-<br />

- - affecting<br />

- - - labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O68.-<br />

- - - management of pregnancy (unrelated<br />

to labor or delivery) O36.3<br />

- - complicating labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O68.-<br />

- - first noted<br />

- - - before onset of labor P20.0<br />

- - - during labor <strong>and</strong> delivery P20.1<br />

- gastrointestinal (functional) K30<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- intestinal (functional) NEC K59.9<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- intrauterine — see Distress, fetal<br />

- maternal, during labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O75.0<br />

- respiratory R06.0<br />

- - adult J80<br />

- - newborn P22.9<br />

- - - specified NEC P22.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

Distress------continued<br />

- - syndrome (idiopathic) (newborn) P22.0<br />

- - - adult J80<br />

Distribution vessel, atypical Q27.9<br />

- precerebral Q28.1<br />

Districhiasis L68.8<br />

Disturbance — see also Disease<br />

- absorption K90.9<br />

- - calcium E58<br />

- - carbohydrate K90.4<br />

- - fat K90.4<br />

- - - pancreatic K90.3<br />

- - protein K90.4<br />

- - starch K90.4<br />

- - vitamin (see also Deficiency, vitamin) E56.9<br />

- acid-base equilibrium (mixed) E87.4<br />

- activity <strong>and</strong> attention (with hyperkinesis)<br />

F90.0<br />

- assimilation, food K90.9<br />

- auditory nerve, except deafness H93.3<br />

- behavior — see Disorder, conduct<br />

- blood clotting (mechanism) (see also Defect,<br />

coagulation) D68.9<br />

- cerebral<br />

- - nerve — see Disorder, nerve, cranial<br />

- - status, newborn P91.9<br />

- - - specified NEC P91.8<br />

- circulatory I99<br />

- conduct (see also Disorder, conduct) F91.9<br />

- - with emotional disorder F92.9<br />

- - adjustment reaction F43.2<br />

- - compulsive F63.9<br />

- - disruptive F91.9<br />

- - hyperkinetic F90.1<br />

- - socialized F91.2<br />

- - specified NEC F91.8<br />

- - unsocialized F91.1<br />

- coordination R27.8<br />

- cranial nerve — see Disorder, nerve, cranial<br />

- deep sensibility — see Disturbance,<br />

sensation<br />

- digestive K30<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- electrolyte (see also Imbalance,<br />

electrolyte) E87.8<br />

- - newborn, transitory P74.4<br />

- - - potassium balance P74.3<br />

- - - sodium balance P74.2<br />

- - - specified type NEC P74.4<br />

- emotions specific to childhood <strong>and</strong><br />

adolescence F93.9<br />

- - with<br />

- - - anxiety <strong>and</strong> fearfulness NEC F93.8<br />

- - - sensitivity (withdrawal) F93.2<br />

- - - shyness F93.2<br />

- - - social withdrawal F93.2<br />

- - involving relationship problems F93.8<br />

- - mixed F93.8<br />

- - specified NEC F93.8<br />


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