Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Displacement, displaced------continued - - genital NEC T83.4 - - - intrauterine contraceptive device T83.3 - - heart NEC T82.5 - - - valve (prosthesis) T82.0 - - - - graft T82.2 - - joint prosthesis T84.0 - - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.3 - - - intraocular lens T85.2 - - orthopedic NEC T84.4 - - - bone graft T84.3 - - specified NEC T85.6 - - urinary NEC T83.1 - - - graft T83.2 - - vascular NEC T82.5 - - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.0 - epithelium - - columnar, of cervix N87.9 - - cuboidal, beyond limits of external os Q51.8 - esophageal mucosa into cardia of stomach, congenital Q39.8 - esophagus (acquired) K22.8 - - congenital Q39.8 - eyeball (acquired) (lateral) (old) H05.2 - - congenital Q15.8 - fallopian tube (acquired) N83.4 - - congenital Q50.6 - - opening (congenital) Q50.6 - gallbladder (congenital) Q44.1 - gastric mucosa (congenital) Q40.2 - globe (acquired) (lateral) (old) H05.2 - heart (congenital) Q24.8 - - acquired I51.8 - hymen (upward) (congenital) Q52.4 - intervertebral disk NEC M51.2 - - with myelopathy M51.0† G99.2* - - cervical, cervicothoracic (with) M50.2 - - - neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy M50.1† G55.1* - - due to major trauma — see Dislocation, vertebra - - lumbar, lumbosacral (with) M51.2 - - - myelopathy M51.0† G99.2* - - - neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.1† G55.1* - - - specified NEC M51.2 - - thoracic, thoracolumbar (with) M51.2 - - - due to major trauma S23.1 - - - myelopathy M51.0† G99.2* - - - neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy M51.1† G55.1* - - - specified NEC M51.2 - kidney (acquired) N28.8 - - congenital Q63.2 - lacrymal, lacrimal apparatus or duct (congenital) Q10.6 - lens, congenital Q12.1 - macula (congenital) Q14.1 Displacement, displaced------continued - nail (congenital) Q84.6 - - acquired L60.8 - oesophagus (acquired) — see Displacement, esophagus - opening of Wharton's duct in mouth Q38.4 - organ or site, congenital NEC — see Malposition, congenital - ovary (acquired) N83.4 - - congenital Q50.3 - - free in peritoneal cavity (congenital) Q50.3 - - into hernial sac N83.4 - oviduct (acquired) N83.4 - - congenital Q50.6 - punctum lacrimale (congenital) Q10.6 - sacroiliac (joint) (congenital) Q74.2 - - current injury S33.2 - - old M53.2 - salivary gland (any) (congenital) Q38.4 - spleen (congenital) Q89.0 - stomach, congenital Q40.2 - tongue (downward) (congenital) Q38.3 - tooth, teeth K07.3 - trachea (congenital) Q32.1 - ureter or ureteric opening or orifice (congenital) Q62.6 - uterine opening of oviducts or fallopian tubes Q50.6 - uterus, uterine (see also Malposition, uterus) N85.4 - ventricular septum Q21.0 - - with rudimentary ventricle Q20.4 Disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.9 - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - caused by - - conjoined twins O33.7 - - contraction pelvis (general) O33.1 - - - causing obstruction O65.1 - - - inlet O33.2 - - - outlet O33.3 - - fetal - - - ascites O33.7 - - - deformity NEC O33.7 - - - hydrocephalus O33.6 - - - hydrops O33.7 - - - meningomyelocele O33.7 - - - sacral teratoma O33.7 - - - tumor O33.7 - - hydrocephalic fetus O33.6 - - pelvis, pelvic, abnormality (bony) NEC O33.0 - - - causing obstructed labor O65.0 - - unusually large fetus O33.5 - causing obstructed labor O65.4 - cephalopelvic O33.9 - - causing obstructed labor O65.4 - fetal (with normally formed fetus) O33.5 - fiber-type G71.2 - mixed maternal and fetal origin O33.4 - specified NEC O33.8 204

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Disruptio uteri — see Rupture, uterus Disruption - ciliary body NEC H21.5 - family Z63.8 - - involving divorce or separation Z63.5 - iris NEC H21.5 - ligament(s) — see also Sprain - - knee - - - current injury — see Dislocation, knee - - - old (chronic) M23.5 - - - spontaneous NEC M23.6 - marital Z63.0 - - involving divorce Z63.5 - wound - - episiotomy O90.1 - - operation T81.3 - - - cesarean O90.0 - - perineal (obstetric) O90.1 Dissatisfaction with - employment Z56.7 - school environment Z55.4 Dissecting — see condition Dissection - aorta (any part) (ruptured) I71.0 - artery - - cerebral (nonruptured) I67.0 - - - ruptured (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) I60.7 - vascular I99 - wound — see Wound, open Disseminated — see condition Dissocial behavior, without manifest psychiatric disorder Z03.2 Dissociation - auriculoventricular or atrioventricular (AV) (any degree) I45.8 - interference I45.8 Dissociative reaction, state F44.9 Dissolution, vertebra M81.9 Distension - abdomen R14 - bladder N32.8 - cecum K63.8 - colon K63.8 - gallbladder K82.8 - intestine K63.8 - kidney N28.8 - liver K76.8 - seminal vesicle N50.8 - stomach K31.8 - - acute K31.0 - - psychogenic F45.3 - ureter N28.8 - uterus N85.8 Distoma hepaticum infestation B66.3 Distomiasis B66.9 - hemic B65.9 - hepatic B66.3† K77.0* - - due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1† K77.0* - intestinal B66.5 - liver B66.3† K77.0* - - due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1† K77.0* - lung B66.4† J99.8* - pulmonary B66.4† J99.8* Distomolar (fourth molar) K00.1 - causing crowding K07.3 Disto-occlusion K07.2 Distortion (congenital) - arm NEC Q68.8 - bile duct or passage Q44.5 - bladder Q64.7 - brain Q04.9 - cervix (uteri) Q51.9 - chest (wall) Q67.8 - - bones Q76.8 - clavicle Q74.0 - clitoris Q52.6 - coccyx Q76.4 - common duct Q44.5 - cystic duct Q44.5 - ear (auricle) (external) Q17.3 - - inner Q16.5 - - ossicles Q16.3 - eustachian tube Q17.8 - eye (adnexa) Q15.8 - face bone(s) NEC Q75.8 - fallopian tube Q50.6 - femur NEC Q68.8 - fibula NEC Q68.8 - finger(s) Q68.1 - foot Q66.9 - gyri Q04.8 - hand bone(s) Q68.1 - heart (auricle) (ventricle) Q24.8 - - valve (cusp) Q24.8 - hepatic duct Q44.5 - humerus NEC Q68.8 - hymen Q52.4 - intrafamilial communications Z63.8 - knee (joint) Q68.2 - labium (majus) (minus) Q52.7 - leg NEC Q68.8 - lens Q12.8 - liver Q44.7 - lumbar spine Q76.4 - - with disproportion O33.8 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - - - causing obstructed labor O65.0 - lumbosacral (joint) (region) Q76.4 - nerve Q07.8 - nose Q30.8 - organ - - of Corti Q16.5 - - or site not listed — see Anomaly, by site 205

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Disruptio uteri — see Rupture, uterus<br />

Disruption<br />

- ciliary body NEC H21.5<br />

- family Z63.8<br />

- - involving divorce or separation Z63.5<br />

- iris NEC H21.5<br />

- ligament(s) — see also Sprain<br />

- - knee<br />

- - - current injury — see Dislocation, knee<br />

- - - old (chronic) M23.5<br />

- - - spontaneous NEC M23.6<br />

- marital Z63.0<br />

- - involving divorce Z63.5<br />

- wound<br />

- - episiotomy O90.1<br />

- - operation T81.3<br />

- - - cesarean O90.0<br />

- - perineal (obstetric) O90.1<br />

Dissatisfaction with<br />

- employment Z56.7<br />

- school environment Z55.4<br />

Dissecting — see condition<br />

Dissection<br />

- aorta (any part) (ruptured) I71.0<br />

- artery<br />

- - cerebral (nonruptured) I67.0<br />

- - - ruptured (see also Hemorrhage,<br />

subarachnoid) I60.7<br />

- vascular I99<br />

- wound — see Wound, open<br />

Disseminated — see condition<br />

Dissocial behavior, without manifest<br />

psychiatric disorder Z03.2<br />

Dissociation<br />

- auriculoventricular or atrioventricular<br />

(AV) (any degree) I45.8<br />

- interference I45.8<br />

Dissociative reaction, state F44.9<br />

Dissolution, vertebra M81.9<br />

Distension<br />

- abdomen R14<br />

- bladder N32.8<br />

- cecum K63.8<br />

- colon K63.8<br />

- gallbladder K82.8<br />

- intestine K63.8<br />

- kidney N28.8<br />

- liver K76.8<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.8<br />

- stomach K31.8<br />

- - acute K31.0<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- ureter N28.8<br />

- uterus N85.8<br />

Distoma hepaticum infestation B66.3<br />

Distomiasis B66.9<br />

- hemic B65.9<br />

- hepatic B66.3† K77.0*<br />

- - due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1† K77.0*<br />

- intestinal B66.5<br />

- liver B66.3† K77.0*<br />

- - due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1† K77.0*<br />

- lung B66.4† J99.8*<br />

- pulmonary B66.4† J99.8*<br />

Distomolar (fourth molar) K00.1<br />

- causing crowding K07.3<br />

Disto-occlusion K07.2<br />

Distortion (congenital)<br />

- arm NEC Q68.8<br />

- bile duct or passage Q44.5<br />

- bladder Q64.7<br />

- brain Q04.9<br />

- cervix (uteri) Q51.9<br />

- chest (wall) Q67.8<br />

- - bones Q76.8<br />

- clavicle Q74.0<br />

- clitoris Q52.6<br />

- coccyx Q76.4<br />

- common duct Q44.5<br />

- cystic duct Q44.5<br />

- ear (auricle) (external) Q17.3<br />

- - inner Q16.5<br />

- - ossicles Q16.3<br />

- eustachian tube Q17.8<br />

- eye (adnexa) Q15.8<br />

- face bone(s) NEC Q75.8<br />

- fallopian tube Q50.6<br />

- femur NEC Q68.8<br />

- fibula NEC Q68.8<br />

- finger(s) Q68.1<br />

- foot Q66.9<br />

- gyri Q04.8<br />

- h<strong>and</strong> bone(s) Q68.1<br />

- heart (auricle) (ventricle) Q24.8<br />

- - valve (cusp) Q24.8<br />

- hepatic duct Q44.5<br />

- humerus NEC Q68.8<br />

- hymen Q52.4<br />

- intrafamilial communications Z63.8<br />

- knee (joint) Q68.2<br />

- labium (majus) (minus) Q52.7<br />

- leg NEC Q68.8<br />

- lens Q12.8<br />

- liver Q44.7<br />

- lumbar spine Q76.4<br />

- - with disproportion O33.8<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- - - causing obstructed labor O65.0<br />

- lumbosacral (joint) (region) Q76.4<br />

- nerve Q07.8<br />

- nose Q30.8<br />

- organ<br />

- - of Corti Q16.5<br />

- - or site not listed — see Anomaly, by site<br />


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