Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Disorder------continued - membranes or fluid, amniotic O41.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.9 - meniscus NEC M23.9 - menopausal N95.9 - - specified NEC N95.8 - menstrual N92.6 - - psychogenic F45.8 - - specified NEC N92.5 - mental (or behavioral) (nonpsychotic) F99 - - affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O99.3 - - due to (secondary to) - - - amfetamine (or related substance) withdrawal F15.9 - - - brain disease, damage or dysfunction F06.9 - - - caffeine use F15.9 - - - cannabis use F12.9 - - - general medical condition F06.9 - - - sedative or hypnotic use F13.9 - - - tobacco (nicotine) use F17.9 - - following organic brain damage F07.9 - - - frontal lobe syndrome F07.0 - - - personality change F07.0 - - - postconcussional syndrome F07.2 - - - specified NEC F07.8 - - infancy, childhood or adolescence F98.9 - - neurotic (see also Neurosis) F48.9 - - organic or symptomatic F06.9 - - presenile, psychotic F03 - - previous, affecting management of pregnancy Z35.8 - - psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) F48.9 - - psychotic — see Psychosis - - puerperal F53.9 - - - mild F53.0 - - - psychotic F53.1 - - - severe F53.1 - - - specified NEC F53.8 - - senile, psychotic NEC F03 - metabolism NEC E88.9 - - amino-acid straight-chain E72.8 - - bilirubin E80.7 - - - specified NEC E80.6 - - calcium E83.5 - - carbohydrate E74.9 - - - specified NEC E74.8 - - cholesterol E78.9 - - congenital E88.9 - - copper E83.0 - - following abortion O08.5 - - fructose E74.1 - - galactose E74.2 - - glutamine E72.8 - - glycine E72.5 - - glycoprotein E77.9 - - - specified NEC E77.8 - - glycosaminoglycan E76.9 Disorder------continued - - - specified NEC E76.8 - - in labor and delivery O75.8 - - iron E83.1 - - isoleucine E71.1 - - leucine E71.1 - - lipoid E78.9 - - lipoprotein E78.9 - - - specified NEC E78.8 - - magnesium E83.4 - - mineral E83.9 - - - specified NEC E83.8 - - ornithine E72.4 - - phosphorus E83.3 - - plasma protein NEC E88.0 - - porphyrin E80.2 - - postprocedural E89.9 - - - specified NEC E89.8 - - purine E79.9 - - - specified NEC E79.8 - - pyrimidine E79.9 - - - specified NEC E79.8 - - pyruvate E74.4 - - serine E72.8 - - specified NEC E88.8 - - threonine E72.8 - - valine E71.1 - - zinc E83.2 - methylmalonic acidemia E71.1 - micturition NEC R39.1 - - psychogenic F45.3 - mild cognitive F06.7 - mixed - - anxiety and depressive F41.2 - - of scholastic skills (developmental) F81.3 - - receptive expressive language F80.2 - mood (see also Disorder, affective) F39 - - due to (secondary to) - - - alcohol F10.8 - - - amfetamine (or related substance) F15.8 - - - cannabis F12.8 - - - cocaine F14.8 - - - general medical condition F06.3 - - - hallucinogen F16.8 - - - inhalant F18.8 - - - opioid F11.8 - - - phencyclidine (or related substance) F19.8 - - - psychoactive substance NEC F19.8 - - - sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic F13.8 - - - volatile solvents F18.8 - - organic F06.3 - movement G25.9 - - hysterical F44.4 - - specified NEC G25.8 - - stereotyped F98.4 - - treatment-induced G25.9 - multiple personality F44.8 - muscle M62.9 - - psychogenic F45.8 198

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Disorder------continued - - specified NEC M62.8 - - tone, newborn P94.9 - - - specified NEC P94.8 - muscular attachments (see also Enthesopathy) M77.9 - - spine M46.0 - musculoskeletal system, soft tissue M79.9 - - postprocedural M96.9 - - psychogenic F45.8 - myoneural G70.9 - - due to lead G70.1 - - specified NEC G70.8 - - toxic G70.1 - myotonic G71.1 - neck region NEC M53.8 - nerve G58.9 - - abducent NEC H49.2 - - accessory G52.8 - - acoustic H93.3 - - auditory H93.3 - - cerebral — see Disorder, nerve, cranial - - cranial G52.9 - - - eighth H93.3 - - - eleventh G52.8 - - - fifth G50.9 - - - first G52.0 - - - fourth NEC H49.1 - - - multiple G52.7 - - - ninth G52.1 - - - second NEC H47.0 - - - seventh NEC G51.9 - - - sixth NEC H49.2 - - - specified NEC G52.8 - - - tenth G52.2 - - - third NEC H49.0 - - - twelfth G52.3 - - facial G51.9 - - - specified NEC G51.8 - - femoral G57.2 - - glossopharyngeal NEC G52.1 - - hypoglossal G52.3 - - intercostal G58.0 - - lateral - - - cutaneous of thigh G57.1 - - - popliteal G57.3 - - lower limb G57.9 - - - specified NEC G57.8 - - medial popliteal G57.4 - - median NEC G56.1 - - multiple G58.7 - - oculomotor NEC H49.0 - - olfactory G52.0 - - optic NEC H47.0 - - peroneal G57.3 - - phrenic G58.8 - - plantar G57.6 - - pneumogastric G52.2 - - radial G56.3 Disorder------continued - - recurrent laryngeal G52.2 - - root G54.9 - - - specified NEC G54.8 - - sciatic NEC G57.0 - - specified NEC G58.8 - - - lower limb G57.8 - - - upper limb G56.8 - - sympathetic G90.9 - - tibial G57.4 - - trigeminal G50.9 - - - specified NEC G50.8 - - trochlear NEC H49.1 - - ulnar G56.2 - - upper limb G56.9 - - vagus G52.2 - nervous system G98 - - autonomic (peripheral) G90.9 - - - specified NEC G90.8 - - central G96.9 - - - specified NEC G96.8 - - parasympathetic G90.9 - - specified NEC G98 - - sympathetic G90.9 - - vegetative G90.9 - neurohypophysis NEC E23.3 - neurological NEC R29.8 - neuromuscular G70.9 - - hereditary NEC G71.9 - - specified NEC G70.8 - - toxic G70.1 - neurotic F48.9 - - specified NEC F48.8 - nicotine use F17.9 - nightmare F51.5 - nose NEC J34.8 - obsessive-compulsive F42.9 - - mixed obsessions and compulsions F42.2 - - predominantly with - - - compulsions F42.1 - - - obsessions F42.0 - - specified NEC F42.8 - odontogenesis NEC K00.9 - oesophagus — See Disorder, esophagus - opioid use F11.9 - oppositional defiant F91.3 - optic - - chiasm H47.4 - - disk H47.3 - - radiations H47.5 - - tracts H47.5 - organic - - anxiety F06.4 - - catatonic F06.1 - - delusional F06.2 - - dissociative F06.5 - - emotionally labile (asthenic) F06.6 - - mood (affective) F06.3 - - schizophrenia-like F06.2 199

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Disorder------continued<br />

- membranes or fluid, amniotic O41.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P02.9<br />

- meniscus NEC M23.9<br />

- menopausal N95.9<br />

- - specified NEC N95.8<br />

- menstrual N92.6<br />

- - psychogenic F45.8<br />

- - specified NEC N92.5<br />

- mental (or behavioral) (nonpsychotic) F99<br />

- - affecting management of pregnancy,<br />

childbirth or puerperium O99.3<br />

- - due to (secondary to)<br />

- - - amfetamine (or related substance)<br />

withdrawal F15.9<br />

- - - brain disease, damage or dysfunction<br />

F06.9<br />

- - - caffeine use F15.9<br />

- - - cannabis use F12.9<br />

- - - general medical condition F06.9<br />

- - - sedative or hypnotic use F13.9<br />

- - - tobacco (nicotine) use F17.9<br />

- - following organic brain damage F07.9<br />

- - - frontal lobe syndrome F07.0<br />

- - - personality change F07.0<br />

- - - postconcussional syndrome F07.2<br />

- - - specified NEC F07.8<br />

- - infancy, childhood or adolescence F98.9<br />

- - neurotic (see also Neurosis) F48.9<br />

- - organic or symptomatic F06.9<br />

- - presenile, psychotic F03<br />

- - previous, affecting management of<br />

pregnancy Z35.8<br />

- - psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) F48.9<br />

- - psychotic — see Psychosis<br />

- - puerperal F53.9<br />

- - - mild F53.0<br />

- - - psychotic F53.1<br />

- - - severe F53.1<br />

- - - specified NEC F53.8<br />

- - senile, psychotic NEC F03<br />

- metabolism NEC E88.9<br />

- - amino-acid straight-chain E72.8<br />

- - bilirubin E80.7<br />

- - - specified NEC E80.6<br />

- - calcium E83.5<br />

- - carbohydrate E74.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E74.8<br />

- - cholesterol E78.9<br />

- - congenital E88.9<br />

- - copper E83.0<br />

- - following abortion O08.5<br />

- - fructose E74.1<br />

- - galactose E74.2<br />

- - glutamine E72.8<br />

- - glycine E72.5<br />

- - glycoprotein E77.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E77.8<br />

- - glycosaminoglycan E76.9<br />

Disorder------continued<br />

- - - specified NEC E76.8<br />

- - in labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O75.8<br />

- - iron E83.1<br />

- - isoleucine E71.1<br />

- - leucine E71.1<br />

- - lipoid E78.9<br />

- - lipoprotein E78.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E78.8<br />

- - magnesium E83.4<br />

- - mineral E83.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E83.8<br />

- - ornithine E72.4<br />

- - phosphorus E83.3<br />

- - plasma protein NEC E88.0<br />

- - porphyrin E80.2<br />

- - postprocedural E89.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E89.8<br />

- - purine E79.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E79.8<br />

- - pyrimidine E79.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E79.8<br />

- - pyruvate E74.4<br />

- - serine E72.8<br />

- - specified NEC E88.8<br />

- - threonine E72.8<br />

- - valine E71.1<br />

- - zinc E83.2<br />

- methylmalonic acidemia E71.1<br />

- micturition NEC R39.1<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- mild cognitive F06.7<br />

- mixed<br />

- - anxiety <strong>and</strong> depressive F41.2<br />

- - of scholastic skills (developmental) F81.3<br />

- - receptive expressive language F80.2<br />

- mood (see also Disorder, affective) F39<br />

- - due to (secondary to)<br />

- - - alcohol F10.8<br />

- - - amfetamine (or related substance) F15.8<br />

- - - cannabis F12.8<br />

- - - cocaine F14.8<br />

- - - general medical condition F06.3<br />

- - - hallucinogen F16.8<br />

- - - inhalant F18.8<br />

- - - opioid F11.8<br />

- - - phencyclidine (or related substance) F19.8<br />

- - - psychoactive substance NEC F19.8<br />

- - - sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic F13.8<br />

- - - volatile solvents F18.8<br />

- - organic F06.3<br />

- movement G25.9<br />

- - hysterical F44.4<br />

- - specified NEC G25.8<br />

- - stereotyped F98.4<br />

- - treatment-induced G25.9<br />

- multiple personality F44.8<br />

- muscle M62.9<br />

- - psychogenic F45.8<br />


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