Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Discitis, diskitis M46.4 - pyogenic M46.3 Discoid - meniscus (congenital) M23.1 - semilunar cartilage (congenital) M23.1 Discoloration, nails L60.8 Discontinuity, ossicles, ear H74.2 Discord (with) - boss Z56.4 - classmates Z55.4 - counselor Z64.4 - employer Z56.4 - family Z63.8 - fellow employees Z56.4 - landlord Z59.2 - lodgers Z59.2 - neighbors Z59.2 - parents and in-laws Z63.1 - probation officer Z64.4 - social worker Z64.4 - spouse or partner Z63.0 - teachers Z55.4 - workmates Z56.4 Discordant connection - atrioventricular (congenital) Q20.5 - ventriculoarterial Q20.3 Discrepancy, leg length (acquired) M21.7 - congenital Q72.9 Discrimination - ethnic Z60.5 - political Z60.5 - racial Z60.5 - religious Z60.5 - sex Z60.5 Disease, diseased — see also Syndrome - adenoids (and tonsils) J35.9 - adrenal (capsule) (cortex) (gland) (medullary) E27.9 - - specified NEC E27.8 - ainhum L94.6 - airway, obstructive, chronic J44.9 - - due to - - - cotton dust J66.0 - - - specific organic dusts NEC J66.8 - alimentary canal K63.9 - alligator-skin Q80.9 - - acquired L85.0 - alpha heavy chain (M9762/3) C88.1 - alveolar ridge - - edentulous K06.9 - - - specified NEC K06.8 - alveoli, teeth K08.9 - amyloid (see also Amyloidosis) E85.9 - Andes T70.2 - angiospastic I73.9 - - cerebral G45.9 - - vein I87.8 - anterior Disease, diseased------continued - - chamber H21.9 - - horn cell G12.2 - antiglomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibody M31.0† N08.5* - - tubulo-interstitial nephritis N12 - anus K62.9 - - specified NEC K62.8 - aorta (nonsyphilitic) I77.9 - - syphilitic NEC A52.0† I79.1* - aortic (heart) (valve) I35.9 - Apollo B30.3† H13.1* - aponeuroses M77.9 - appendix K38.9 - - specified NEC K38.8 - aqueous (chamber) H21.9 - arterial – see also Disease, artery - - occlusive I77.1 - arteriocardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - arteriolar (generalized) (obliterative) I77.9 - arteriorenal — see Hypertension, kidney - arteriosclerotic (see also Arteriosclerosis) I70.9 - - cardiovascular I25.0 - - coronary (artery) I25.1 - - heart I25.1 - artery I77.9 - - cerebral I67.9 - - coronary I25.1 - arthropod-borne NEC (viral) A94 - - specified type NEC A93.8 - atticoantral, chronic H66.2 - auditory canal H61.9 - auricle, ear NEC H61.1 - Australian X A83.4 - autoimmune (systemic) NEC M35.9 - - hemolytic (cold type) (warm type) D59.1 - - - drug-induced D59.0 - aviator's (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) T70.2 - bacterial A49.9 - - specified NEC A48.8 - - zoonotic A28.9 - - - specified type NEC A28.8 - balloon (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) T70.2 - Bartholin's gland N75.9 - basal ganglia G25.9 - - degenerative G23.9 - - - specified NEC G23.8 - - specified NEC G25.8 - behavioral, organic F07.9 - bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.9 - - with calculus, stones K80.5 - - specified NEC K83.8 - biliary (tract) K83.9 - - specified NEC K83.8 - bird fancier's J67.2 182

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Disease, diseased------continued - bladder N32.9 - - in (due to) - - - schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) B65.0† N33.8* - - specified NEC N32.8 - blood D75.9 - - forming organs D75.9 - - vessel I99 - bone M89.9 - - aluminium M83.4 - bone-marrow D75.9 - Bornholm B33.0 - bowel K63.9 - - functional (see also Disorder, colon, functional) K59.9 - brain G93.9 - - arterial, artery I67.9 - - arteriosclerotic I67.2 - - congenital Q04.9 - - degenerative — see Degeneration, brain - - inflammatory — see Encephalitis - - organic G93.9 - - - arteriosclerotic I67.2 - - parasitic NEC B71.9† G94.8* - - Pick's G31.0 - - - dementia in G31.0† F02.0* - - senile NEC G31.1 - - specified NEC G93.8 - brazier's T56.8 - breast N64.9 - - cystic (chronic) N60.1 - - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3 - - fibrocystic N60.1 - - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3 - - Paget's (M8540/3) C50.0 - - puerperal, postpartum NEC O92.2 - - specified NEC N64.8 - broad ligament (noninflammatory) N83.9 - - inflammatory — see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory - - specified NEC N83.8 - bronchopulmonary J98.4 - bronchus NEC J98.0 - bronze Addison's E27.1 - - tuberculous A18.7† E35.1* - budgerigar fancier's J67.2 - bullous L13.9 - - chronic, of childhood L12.2 - - specified NEC L13.8 - bursa M71.9 - - specified NEC M71.8 - caisson T70.3 - California (see also Coccidioidomycosis) B38.9 - capillaries I78.9 - - specified NEC I78.8 - Carapata A68.0 - cardiac — see Disease, heart Disease, diseased------continued - cardiopulmonary, chronic I27.9 - cardiorenal (hepatic) (hypertensive) (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - cardiovascular I51.6 - - congenital Q28.9 - - fetus or newborn P29.9 - - - specified NEC P29.8 - - hypertensive — see Hypertension, heart - - renal (hypertensive) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - - syphilitic (asymptomatic) A52.0† I98.0* - cartilage M94.9 - - specified NEC M94.8 - cat-scratch A28.1 - cecum K63.9 - celiac (adult) (infantile) K90.0 - cellular tissue L98.9 - central core G71.2 - cerebellar, cerebellum — see Disease, brain - cerebral (see also Disease, brain) G93.9 - - degenerative — see Degeneration, brain - cerebrospinal G96.9 - cerebrovascular I67.9 - - acute I67.8 - - - embolic I63.4 - - - thrombotic I63.3 - - arteriosclerotic I67.2 - - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O99.4 - - embolic I66.9 - - occlusive I66.9 - - specified NEC I67.8 - - thrombotic I66.9 - cervix (uteri) (noninflammatory) N88.9 - - inflammatory (see also Cervicitis) N72 - - specified NEC N88.8 - chest J98.9 - Chicago B40.9 - Chignon B36.8 - chigo, chigoe B88.1 - chlamydial A74.9 - - specified NEC A74.8 - cholecystic (see also Disease, gallbladder) K82.9 - choroid H31.9 - - specified NEC H31.8 - Christmas D67 - chronic bullous of childhood L12.2 - ciliary body H21.9 - - specified NEC H21.8 - circulatory (system) NEC I99 - - fetus or newborn P29.9 - - maternal, affecting fetus or newborn P00.3 - - syphilitic A52.0† I98.0* - - - congenital A50.5† I98.0* - climacteric (female) N95.1 - - male N50.8 183

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Disease, diseased------continued<br />

- bladder N32.9<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - schistosomiasis (bilharziasis)<br />

B65.0† N33.8*<br />

- - specified NEC N32.8<br />

- blood D75.9<br />

- - forming organs D75.9<br />

- - vessel I99<br />

- bone M89.9<br />

- - aluminium M83.4<br />

- bone-marrow D75.9<br />

- Bornholm B33.0<br />

- bowel K63.9<br />

- - functional (see also Disorder, colon,<br />

functional) K59.9<br />

- brain G93.9<br />

- - arterial, artery I67.9<br />

- - arteriosclerotic I67.2<br />

- - congenital Q04.9<br />

- - degenerative — see Degeneration, brain<br />

- - inflammatory — see Encephalitis<br />

- - organic G93.9<br />

- - - arteriosclerotic I67.2<br />

- - <strong>parasitic</strong> NEC B71.9† G94.8*<br />

- - Pick's G31.0<br />

- - - dementia in G31.0† F02.0*<br />

- - senile NEC G31.1<br />

- - specified NEC G93.8<br />

- brazier's T56.8<br />

- breast N64.9<br />

- - cystic (chronic) N60.1<br />

- - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3<br />

- - fibrocystic N60.1<br />

- - - with epithelial proliferation N60.3<br />

- - Paget's (M8540/3) C50.0<br />

- - puerperal, postpartum NEC O92.2<br />

- - specified NEC N64.8<br />

- broad ligament (noninflammatory) N83.9<br />

- - inflammatory — see Disease, pelvis,<br />

inflammatory<br />

- - specified NEC N83.8<br />

- bronchopulmonary J98.4<br />

- bronchus NEC J98.0<br />

- bronze Addison's E27.1<br />

- - tuberculous A18.7† E35.1*<br />

- budgerigar fancier's J67.2<br />

- bullous L13.9<br />

- - chronic, of childhood L12.2<br />

- - specified NEC L13.8<br />

- bursa M71.9<br />

- - specified NEC M71.8<br />

- caisson T70.3<br />

- California (see also Coccidioidomycosis)<br />

B38.9<br />

- capillaries I78.9<br />

- - specified NEC I78.8<br />

- Carapata A68.0<br />

- cardiac — see Disease, heart<br />

Disease, diseased------continued<br />

- cardiopulmonary, chronic I27.9<br />

- cardiorenal (hepatic) (hypertensive) (vascular)<br />

(see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9<br />

- cardiovascular I51.6<br />

- - congenital Q28.9<br />

- - fetus or newborn P29.9<br />

- - - specified NEC P29.8<br />

- - hypertensive — see Hypertension, heart<br />

- - renal (hypertensive) (see also Hypertension,<br />

cardiorenal) I13.9<br />

- - syphilitic (asymptomatic) A52.0† I98.0*<br />

- cartilage M94.9<br />

- - specified NEC M94.8<br />

- cat-scratch A28.1<br />

- cecum K63.9<br />

- celiac (adult) (infantile) K90.0<br />

- cellular tissue L98.9<br />

- central core G71.2<br />

- cerebellar, cerebellum — see Disease, brain<br />

- cerebral (see also Disease, brain) G93.9<br />

- - degenerative — see Degeneration, brain<br />

- cerebrospinal G96.9<br />

- cerebrovascular I67.9<br />

- - acute I67.8<br />

- - - embolic I63.4<br />

- - - thrombotic I63.3<br />

- - arteriosclerotic I67.2<br />

- - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or<br />

puerperium O99.4<br />

- - embolic I66.9<br />

- - occlusive I66.9<br />

- - specified NEC I67.8<br />

- - thrombotic I66.9<br />

- cervix (uteri) (noninflammatory) N88.9<br />

- - inflammatory (see also Cervicitis) N72<br />

- - specified NEC N88.8<br />

- chest J98.9<br />

- Chicago B40.9<br />

- Chignon B36.8<br />

- chigo, chigoe B88.1<br />

- chlamydial A74.9<br />

- - specified NEC A74.8<br />

- cholecystic (see also Disease, gallbladder)<br />

K82.9<br />

- choroid H31.9<br />

- - specified NEC H31.8<br />

- Christmas D67<br />

- chronic bullous of childhood L12.2<br />

- ciliary body H21.9<br />

- - specified NEC H21.8<br />

- circulatory (system) NEC I99<br />

- - fetus or newborn P29.9<br />

- - maternal, affecting fetus or newborn P00.3<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I98.0*<br />

- - - congenital A50.5† I98.0*<br />

- climacteric (female) N95.1<br />

- - male N50.8<br />


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