Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Diarrhea, diarrheal------continued - - Staphylococcus A04.8 - - virus (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4 - - Yersinia enterocolitica A04.6 - dysenteric A09 - epidemic A09 - flagellate A07.9 - functional K59.1 - - following gastrointestinal surgery K91.8 - - psychogenic F45.3 - Giardia lamblia A07.1 - giardial A07.1 - infectious A09 - inflammatory A09 - mycotic NEC B49† K93.8* - neonatal (noninfective) P78.3 - nervous F45.3 - noninfective K52.9 - presumed noninfectious K52.9 - protozoal A07.9 - - specified NEC A07.8 - psychogenic F45.3 - specified - - bacterium NEC A04.8 - - virus NEC A08.3 - strongyloidiasis B78.0 - toxic K52.1 - trichomonal A07.8 - tropical K90.1 - tuberculous A18.3† K93.0* - viral (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4 Diastasis - cranial bones M84.8 - - congenital NEC Q75.8 - joint (traumatic) — see Dislocation - muscle M62.0 - - congenital Q79.8 - recti (abdomen) - - complicating delivery O71.8 - - congenital Q79.5 Diastema, tooth, teeth K07.3 Diastematomyelia Q06.2 Diataxia, cerebral, infantile G80.4 Diathesis - gouty M10.9 - hemorrhagic (familial) D69.9 Diaz's disease or osteochondrosis (juvenile) (talus) M92.6 Dibothriocephalus, dibothriocephaliasis (latus) (infection) (infestation) B70.0 - larval B70.1 Dicephalus, dicephaly Q89.4 Dichotomy, teeth K00.2 Dichromat, dichromatopsia (congenital) H53.5 Dichuchwa A65 Dicroceliasis B66.2 Didelphia, didelphys (see also Double uterus) Q51.2 Didymytis (see also Orchitis) N45.9 Died — see also Death - without - - medical attention (cause unknown) R98 - - sign of disease R96.1 Dietary - counseling and surveillance Z71.3 - inadequacy or deficiency E63.9 Dieulafoy's disease or ulcer K25.0 Difficult, difficulty (in) - acculturation Z60.3 - birth, affecting fetus or newborn P03.9 - feeding R63.3 - - newborn P92.9 - - - breast P92.5 - - - specified NEC P92.8 - - nonorganic, infant or child F98.2 - intubation, in anesthesia T88.4 - mechanical, gastroduodenal stoma K91.8 - reading (developmental) F81.0 - - secondary to emotional disorders F93.- - spelling (specific) F81.1 - - with reading disorder F81.3 - - due to inadequate teaching Z55.8 - swallowing (see also Dysphagia) R13 - walking R26.2 - work - - conditions NEC Z56.5 - - schedule Z56.3 Diffuse — see condition Digestive — see condition Diktyoma (M9501/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Dilaceration, tooth K00.4 Dilatation - anus K59.8 - - venule — see Hemorrhoids - aorta (focal) (general) (see also Aneurysm, aorta) I71.9 - - congenital Q25.4 - - ruptured I71.8 - - syphilitic A52.0† I79.0* - artery (see also Aneurysm) I72.9 - bladder (sphincter) N32.8 - - congenital Q64.7 - blood vessel I99 - bronchial J47 - calyx (due to obstruction) N13.3 - capillaries I78.8 - cardiac (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) I51.7 - - congenital (valve) Q24.8 - - valve — see Endocarditis - cavum septi pellucidi Q06.8 - cecum K59.3 - cervix (uteri) — see also Incompetency, cervix - - incomplete, poor, slow 180

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Difficult, difficulty------continued - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - - - complicating delivery O62.0 - colon K59.3 - - congenital Q43.2 - common duct (acquired) K83.8 - - congenital Q44.5 - cystic duct (acquired) K82.8 - - congenital Q44.5 - duodenum K59.8 - esophagus K22.8 - - congenital Q39.5 - eustachian tube, congenital Q17.8 - gallbladder K82.8 - gastric — see Dilatation, stomach - heart (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) I51.7 - - congenital Q24.8 - - valve — see Endocarditis - ileum K59.8 - jejunum K59.8 - kidney (calyx) (collecting structures) (cystic) (parenchyma) (pelvis) (idiopathic) N28.8 - lacrimal passages or duct H04.6 - lymphatic vessel I89.0 - mammary duct N60.4 - Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) Q43.0 - myocardium (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) I51.7 - organ or site, congenital NEC — see Distortion - pancreatic duct K86.8 - pericardium — see Pericarditis - pharynx J39.2 - prostate N42.8 - pulmonary artery (idiopathic) I28.8 - pupil H57.0 - rectum K59.3 - saccule, congenital Q16.5 - sphincter ani K62.8 - stomach K31.8 - - acute K31.0 - - psychogenic F45.3 - trachea, congenital Q32.1 - ureter (idiopathic) N28.8 - - congenital Q62.2 - urethra (acquired) N36.8 - vasomotor I73.9 - vein I86.8 - ventricular, ventricle (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) I51.7 - - cerebral, congenital Q04.8 - venule NEC I86.8 - vesical orifice N32.8 Dilated, dilation — see Dilatation Diminished, diminution - hearing (acuity) (see also Deafness) H91.9 - sense or sensation (cold) (heat) (tactile) (vibratory) R20.8 Dimitri-Sturge-Weber disease Q85.8 Dimple - parasacral, pilonidal or postanal L05.9 - - with abscess L05.0 Dioctophyme renalis (infection) (infestation) B83.8 Dipetalonemiasis B74.4 Diphallus Q55.6 Diphtheria, diphtheritic (gangrenous) (hemorrhagic) A36.9 - cutaneous A36.3 - faucial A36.0 - infection of wound A36.3 - laryngeal A36.2 - myocarditis A36.8† I41.0* - nasal, anterior A36.8 - nasopharyngeal A36.1 - neurological complication A36.8 - pharyngeal A36.0 - specified site NEC A36.8 - tonsillar A36.0 Diphyllobothriasis (intestine) B70.0 - larval B70.1 Diplacusis H93.2 Diplegia (upper limbs) G83.0 - congenital (cerebral) G80.1 - - spastic G80.1 - lower limbs G82.2 Diplococcus, diplococcal — see condition Diplopia H53.2 Dipsomania F10.2 - with psychosis (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) F10.5 Dipylidiasis B71.1 Dirofilariasis B74.8 Dirt-eating child F98.3 Disability - heart — see Disease, heart - knowledge acquisition F81.9 - learning F81.9 - limiting activities Z73.6 - spelling, specific F81.1 Disappearance of family member Z63.4 Disarticulation — see Amputation - meaning traumatic amputation — see Amputation, traumatic Discharge (from) - abnormal finding in — see Abnormal, specimen - breast (female) (male) N64.5 - diencephalic autonomic idiopathic G40.5 - ear H92.1 - excessive urine R35 - nipple N64.5 - penile R36 - postnasal — see Sinusitis - prison, anxiety concerning Z65.2 - urethral R36 - vaginal N89.8 181

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Diarrhea, diarrheal------continued<br />

- - Staphylococcus A04.8<br />

- - virus (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4<br />

- - Yersinia enterocolitica A04.6<br />

- dysenteric A09<br />

- epidemic A09<br />

- flagellate A07.9<br />

- functional K59.1<br />

- - following gastrointestinal surgery K91.8<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- Giardia lamblia A07.1<br />

- giardial A07.1<br />

- <strong>infectious</strong> A09<br />

- inflammatory A09<br />

- mycotic NEC B49† K93.8*<br />

- neonatal (noninfective) P78.3<br />

- nervous F45.3<br />

- noninfective K52.9<br />

- presumed non<strong>infectious</strong> K52.9<br />

- protozoal A07.9<br />

- - specified NEC A07.8<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />

- specified<br />

- - bacterium NEC A04.8<br />

- - virus NEC A08.3<br />

- strongyloidiasis B78.0<br />

- toxic K52.1<br />

- trichomonal A07.8<br />

- tropical K90.1<br />

- tuberculous A18.3† K93.0*<br />

- viral (see also Enteritis, viral) A08.4<br />

Diastasis<br />

- cranial bones M84.8<br />

- - congenital NEC Q75.8<br />

- joint (traumatic) — see Dislocation<br />

- muscle M62.0<br />

- - congenital Q79.8<br />

- recti (abdomen)<br />

- - complicating delivery O71.8<br />

- - congenital Q79.5<br />

Diastema, tooth, teeth K07.3<br />

Diastematomyelia Q06.2<br />

Diataxia, cerebral, infantile G80.4<br />

Diathesis<br />

- gouty M10.9<br />

- hemorrhagic (familial) D69.9<br />

Diaz's disease or osteochondrosis<br />

(juvenile) (talus) M92.6<br />

Dibothriocephalus, dibothriocephaliasis<br />

(latus) (infection) (infestation) B70.0<br />

- larval B70.1<br />

Dicephalus, dicephaly Q89.4<br />

Dichotomy, teeth K00.2<br />

Dichromat, dichromatopsia (congenital)<br />

H53.5<br />

Dichuchwa A65<br />

Dicroceliasis B66.2<br />

Didelphia, didelphys (see also Double<br />

uterus) Q51.2<br />

Didymytis (see also Orchitis) N45.9<br />

Died — see also Death<br />

- without<br />

- - medical attention (cause unknown) R98<br />

- - sign of disease R96.1<br />

Dietary<br />

- counseling <strong>and</strong> surveillance Z71.3<br />

- inadequacy or deficiency E63.9<br />

Dieulafoy's disease or ulcer K25.0<br />

Difficult, difficulty (in)<br />

- acculturation Z60.3<br />

- birth, affecting fetus or newborn P03.9<br />

- feeding R63.3<br />

- - newborn P92.9<br />

- - - breast P92.5<br />

- - - specified NEC P92.8<br />

- - nonorganic, infant or child F98.2<br />

- intubation, in anesthesia T88.4<br />

- mechanical, gastroduodenal stoma K91.8<br />

- reading (developmental) F81.0<br />

- - secondary to emotional disorders F93.-<br />

- spelling (specific) F81.1<br />

- - with reading disorder F81.3<br />

- - due to inadequate teaching Z55.8<br />

- swallowing (see also Dysphagia) R13<br />

- walking R26.2<br />

- work<br />

- - conditions NEC Z56.5<br />

- - schedule Z56.3<br />

Diffuse — see condition<br />

Digestive — see condition<br />

Diktyoma (M9501/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

Dilaceration, tooth K00.4<br />

Dilatation<br />

- anus K59.8<br />

- - venule — see Hemorrhoids<br />

- aorta (focal) (general) (see also Aneurysm,<br />

aorta) I71.9<br />

- - congenital Q25.4<br />

- - ruptured I71.8<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I79.0*<br />

- artery (see also Aneurysm) I72.9<br />

- bladder (sphincter) N32.8<br />

- - congenital Q64.7<br />

- blood vessel I99<br />

- bronchial J47<br />

- calyx (due to obstruction) N13.3<br />

- capillaries I78.8<br />

- cardiac (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy,<br />

cardiac) I51.7<br />

- - congenital (valve) Q24.8<br />

- - valve — see Endocarditis<br />

- cavum septi pellucidi Q06.8<br />

- cecum K59.3<br />

- cervix (uteri) — see also Incompetency, cervix<br />

- - incomplete, poor, slow<br />


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